Tell the above user something nice about them. Whether it's their profile or avatar or even their screen name. But it has to be based on their profile.
So complement away!
Hey, "Whether it's their profile or avatar or even their screenname. So… Yeah." The "So yeah" is suggestive of other options.
And dude, throw my love into the dust, whatever ;-;
Anyway. Let's forget that. Back on topic.
Your avatar is quite nice. No harsh colours or anything. I hate avatars that blind you, so... A+
Just fixed it, there shouldn't be any problems now. Thanks for pointing it out by the way.
So I posted, guess I have to complement you now...
Your avatar is kind of funny.
So complement away!
don't click this link...
That is not technically a complement based on my profile...
But okay.
don't click this link...
Just fixed it, there shouldn't be any problems now. Thanks for pointing it out by the way.
So I posted, guess I have to complement you now...
Your avatar is kind of funny.
don't click this link...
What did you think I meant?
Nice slime in your avatar and another thing I like about it that it's not just regular green colored slime.
What did you think I meant?
don't click this link...
appearances are deceiving. i swear i am really friendly.
.. well, that is until you make me angry. oh, did i also mention that i don't have a soul and i am a sentient doll?
appearances are deceiving. i swear i am really friendly.
.. well, that is until you make me angry. oh, did i also mention that i don't have a soul and i am a sentient doll?
don't click this link...
appearances are deceiving. i swear i am really friendly.
.. well, that is until you make me angry. oh, did i also mention that i don't have a soul and i am a sentient doll?
I think your avatar is original. I haven't seen anyone else using that.
appearances are deceiving. i swear i am really friendly.
.. well, that is until you make me angry. oh, did i also mention that i don't have a soul and i am a sentient doll?
appearances are deceiving. i swear i am really friendly.
.. well, that is until you make me angry. oh, did i also mention that i don't have a soul and i am a sentient doll?
this forum = the most disgusting thing ever
appearances are deceiving. i swear i am really friendly.
.. well, that is until you make me angry. oh, did i also mention that i don't have a soul and i am a sentient doll?