My avatar is Chaplain Grimaldus. He is the Reclusarch of the Black Templars, and guides his brothers in worship of the God-Emperor, and roots out heresy with extreme prejudice. A.K.A: Righteous warrior priest, IN SPACE!
My avatar is Chaplain Grimaldus. He is the Reclusarch of the Black Templars, and guides his brothers in worship of the God-Emperor, and roots out heresy with extreme prejudice. A.K.A: Righteous warrior priest, IN SPACE!
also you should check out Link Removed
also you should check out Link Removed
Oh, Pinkie...
also you should check out Link Removed
Every thread needs one of these.
I can't disagree.
An alternate timeline emerges.
However, we must first start from the beginning...
I just completely ruined the point
See I'm not obsessed with CoD Zombies
also you should check out Link Removed
also you should check out Link Removed
also you should check out Link Removed
or would it be グレイブ
Also, 100th post on this thread. Woo.
also you should check out Link Removed
also you should check out Link Removed
I facepalmed on Google's part.
An alternate timeline emerges.
However, we must first start from the beginning...
also you should check out Link Removed
also you should check out Link Removed
don't click this link...