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Quote from dufhugth20» D O N ' T Y O U D A R E P U T A V A L L Y P O S T I N T H E R E
sometimes, nullposts must be made.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
(Ignore this because I got ninja-ed)
Quote from Faiyamon» why are vallyposts always falling on me?
Quote from JayFarlander» How now?
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
Quote from Merry_Pippin» How now brown cow
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
Quote from blugreended» oink oink neigh bawk bawk
Quote from Faiyamon» All animals are noice!
Quote from Merry_Pippin» Inarguably, because of how clean they are.
Quote from Faiyamon» But birds take baths in fluro-antimonic acid!
Quote from Player_Miner»
Quote from snivylover626»No. Just no.
[Avatar] My unshaded MC avatar (Shaded version later)
[Status] "...Thank you."
"A magic attack right at their face!" ~David
Quote from dufhugth20» ;_;
Quote from Merry_Pippin» hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
Quote from blugreended» A chatting error.
What again?
Quote from LifeAsRoyalRanger» Of course not.
Quote from dufhugth20» Wynaut
Quote from Faiyamon»
Quote from Merry_Pippin» That's not Wrynonaut....
Quote from Player_Miner» What's life?
Quote from LifeAsRoyalRanger» Trying to summon the HaWK
why are vallyposts always written that way?
sometimes, nullposts must be made.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
(Ignore this because I got ninja-ed)
How should I know
How now, what? What are you asking 'how' about?
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
what's with all the animal noises?
sometimes, nullposts must be made.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
That could be argued when you have to clean up after them...
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
But birds take baths in dirt!
sometimes, nullposts must be made.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
I guess they're talking about an alien species of bird. That or they're just making stuff up.
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
[Avatar] My unshaded MC avatar (Shaded version later)
[Status] "...Thank you."
"A magic attack right at their face!" ~David
Wait, is that a crying emoji? ....Why?
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
Of course!
What again?
Why not?
[Avatar] My unshaded MC avatar (Shaded version later)
[Status] "...Thank you."
"A magic attack right at their face!" ~David
sometimes, nullposts must be made.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
That's not Wynaut....
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
What's that?
Trying to kill the WoF.
What again?
Is that a special kind of hawk though?
sometimes, nullposts must be made.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found