Banned because I'm just waiting for when Doom comes out tomorrow.
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"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce; We will send unto them... only you."
Colored text indicates in-character statements/actions. Because Forum Games has basically just been a big open RP for a long time now and it's the only place I ever post anymore, when I post at all.
Banned because only Daleks are exterminators.
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
Banned because I don't know what your avatar is.
Banned for not bothering to check the facts before banning. #banception
New Halo is out already.
Banned because I'm just waiting for when Doom comes out tomorrow.
Banned because I'm from the future and it's already out here.
Banned because anime.
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
Banned. Pick your reasons.
Banned for procrastinating while banning.
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
Banned for making people PICK a reason. And I've decided it's for being a ninja.
Banned for wheel axle.
Banned for not turning left at the fountain.
Banned because since when was there a fountain? But then unbanned. Because Buttons.
#TeamLitten I finally decided!
My avatar is currently a Whisper, Jibanyan and words. Oh, and Buttons's glasses.
Even though I do like Litten, Popplio deserves love too. #PopplioDefenseSquad
Say hello to my latest obsession I will spend hours talking to myself about, AKA Yo-Kai Watch.
Banned for unbanning.
Banned for screaming.
You can just call me Canary.
How not to look like a total fool in the forum games
Banned because I can't think of a reason.
My avatar is not made by ThePiDay, but I'm too lazy to remove this link so it can stay he
Banned because I don't have anything to say.
I am still here, as always.
The rest of them:
Banned for spreading Pokemon hype.
Banned for scaring the creepers.
My avatar is a Nuclear Ender-Creeper in SPAAAAAACE!
My RP: An Island
Why 'Fire at Will'? Why not Bob, Joe, or anybody else?
Veni, Vidi, Vici Caelus!
What didya expect, the Spanish Inquisition?
¿Ðïd ♥ ¥ΩÜ ♪ knòw ™ yóu ☺ çæñ ♂ τypε ▲ Ãll † øf ↔ thi§ ± wîτЋ « ÿöüΓ ♫ k€ЏßØα®d?
Banned for default avatar.
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.