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Quote from dragontyron quite possibly. i speak their language.
Quote from Ramona LOLCAT is not a language.
Quote from Jaden1291 Wait, it's the language spoken by pets.
Quote from Ramona So dogs speak LOLCAT? Seems legit...
Quote from Ramona You two have dementia.
Quote from Jaden1291 Ramona, I saw a topic called "Count to 1 until someone with a Minecraft Forums account posts". It is also pointless.
Quote from Ramona How is that related to what I said?
Quote from Jaden1291 Because, it's too impossible to win this game.
Quote from Sgt. Traveler At least make some posts that make sense :L
Quote from Jaden1291 I brought out a laptop, started searching for Discord, and finally, I spin myself around like a cyclone.
Quote from Jaden1291 Rainbow hair? Wow, *Ramona's hair changes* it now looks different, right? Very cool.
and being ninja'd is a good thing here. sweet.
LOLCAT is not a language.
Also, I accidentally searched on Google Images for "Vinyl Scratch X Octavia" by accident. WTF? Very gross D:
Wait, it's the language spoken by pets.
So dogs speak LOLCAT? Seems legit...
Can we take a look at the following websites:
Ramona, I saw a topic called "Count to 1 until someone with a Minecraft Forums account posts". It is also pointless.
How is that related to what I said?
Because, it's too impossible to win this game.
At least make some posts that make sense :L
I brought out a laptop, started searching for Discord, and finally, I spin myself around like a cyclone.
Sense Meter: NullAnyway, watch this while I'm busy at Deviant Art:
Relation to the quote level: Potato
Sense Meter: Null
Stop being an idiot, Jaden.
Done. I'm banned now. If you need me, just pardon me.
I.Q level after reading that: Tomato