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this is a sinagute
Quote from timedeathe» hmmmmmmmm
No seriously, it's a nice avatar. I like blue and I like owls. Where'd you find it?
How do endermen teleport?
Theory 1: They eat chorus fruit
Theory 2: They throw an ender pearl
Theory 3: They're flash's secret identity (they move very fast)
Theory 4: They have cheats enabled, meaning that they just type "/tp @s <coordinates here>"
I win
Not even my hello world works :'C
(But powerpoint does xd)
Btw what does api stand for?
No you don't
NaN, naan and NAND aren't the same thing.
The first one means "not a number", the second one is a type of bread made in India and the third one is a logic gate.
Yet they're very similar in name.
*Accidentally messes up the entire kernel*
I'm winning!
Quote from JustinBronzeshard» I'm winning!
What's that now?
Down with imperialism!
This game doesn't seem so hard to win anymore.
Just when you thought you had won, I snatch victory from you.
Let's see if i win OT got so little activity
this is a sinagute
No seriously, it's a nice avatar. I like blue and I like owls. Where'd you find it?
How do endermen teleport?
Theory 1: They eat chorus fruit
Theory 2: They throw an ender pearl
Theory 3: They're flash's secret identity (they move very fast)
Theory 4: They have cheats enabled, meaning that they just type "/tp @s <coordinates here>"
I win
Not even my hello world works :'C
(But powerpoint does xd)
Btw what does api stand for?
No you don't
NaN, naan and NAND aren't the same thing.
The first one means "not a number", the second one is a type of bread made in India and the third one is a logic gate.
Yet they're very similar in name.
*Accidentally messes up the entire kernel*
I'm winning!
What's that now?
Down with imperialism!
This game doesn't seem so hard to win anymore.
Just when you thought you had won, I snatch victory from you.
Let's see if i win

OT got so little activity