First, take the first one you thought of. It is an invasion of that (with animals that know how to operate it if it isn't a living being). Then, you get the second thing you thought of to defend yourself. The first number is how long the invasion lasts. The second one is how many other people there are. Comment if you survived, and how many died (on your side).
Hackers were invading and I had a banhammer. The threat was only 1 year. There were 314 people. No one died. :smile.gif:
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Why does everyone think I don't have an avatar? Is there anyone who can see the one black pixel.
Please click the dragons, they need to grow. Also, my fully grown dragons can be found in my bio.
haha, i had giraffes invading with houses. i had a sword, cuz i am awesome, to defend myself. the threat lasted 7,108 years and there were 12 people. Everyone died
Paperweights were invading. I had a flashlight to defend myself. The conflict lasted a grueling 2 hours, with the casualties rising into the multiples of twos... The four brave souls who lost their lives will be dearly missed.
There were donuts invading! All I had to defend myself was a sink! Oh my god, the invasion lasted for 5 years and 8 other people fought by my side to keep donuts from taking over the world! Two men died due to deliciousness overload.
I picked a stereo and some kind of book, and my numbers were 42 and 1337, so...
A bunch of animals playing horrible tunes on a stereo attacked for 42 days. Me and 1337 other people bravely fought them off with a book titled "Lehigh Valley 2012" and we all survived. Except one person who died from a cold.
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I'm always happy just 'cause there isn't a reason to be sad.
Don't take this as there is nothing that could cause sadness. I just mean it's pointless to dwell on it. I mean, depression is so boring.
An army of panda stuffed animals were invading, so i used my headphones as a ball and chain to defend myself. The battle raged on for four long years, and only nine other people were defending the planet with me. It took us decades to recover from the war, but the world was saved thanks to me and nine random people.
Everyone died except for me because my panda stuffed animal was defending me.
So the invading banana-yellow ipod headphones in bad condition have just taken over the entire continent. As the two survivors and I try to prepare for a ten year war as we arm ourselves with small 10 cent dimes. I don't think things ended well...
for the headphones! :cool.gif: :cool.gif: :cool.gif:
Hackers were invading and I had a banhammer. The threat was only 1 year. There were 314 people. No one died. :smile.gif:
Why does everyone think I don't have an avatar? Is there anyone who can see the one black pixel.
The invasion lasted 1 year, only 2 survivors, we all died.
Wut da hell?
A bunch of animals playing horrible tunes on a stereo attacked for 42 days. Me and 1337 other people bravely fought them off with a book titled "Lehigh Valley 2012" and we all survived. Except one person who died from a cold.
Don't take this as there is nothing that could cause sadness. I just mean it's pointless to dwell on it. I mean, depression is so boring.
Everyone died except for me because my panda stuffed animal was defending me.
for the headphones! :cool.gif: :cool.gif: :cool.gif:
The attack lasted 9001 years, and there were 1337 ponies. They all died.