Hey everyone! If you are wondering what this game is about, it is a game where a person asks a question, doesn't matter what it is, and the person below answers it in a weird way.
1. Follow all Forum Rules!
2. You may not post 2 times in a row. (Must be: A,B,A,B NOT: A,A,B,A)
3. You don't have to answer/ask a question in a weird way.
4. You must answer and ask a question in your post.
[Answer to question above]
[Question for person below]
Person A: What is 1+1?
Person B: It is window!
What does pi mean?
Person C: It is something that has many flavors!
What is my name?
Person A: It's Caaaaaarrrrl!
Person A: Who is the person below me?
Person B: Idk, never met "the person below me"
Do you know who "the person below me" is?
Person A: I am "the person below me"!
Did you know it was me?
Person C: I just posted so I don't know who you are!
Let's Start!
*Damn you Zach, stealing my question, and not even getting it right.*
Depends on reference points. In your perspective you are forever going left.
Does a set of all sets contain itself?
1. Follow all Forum Rules!
2. You may not post 2 times in a row. (Must be: A,B,A,B NOT: A,A,B,A)
3. You don't have to answer/ask a question in a weird way.
4. You must answer and ask a question in your post.
[Answer to question above]
[Question for person below]
Person A: What is 1+1?
Person B: It is window!
What does pi mean?
Person C: It is something that has many flavors!
What is my name?
Person A: It's Caaaaaarrrrl!
Person A: Who is the person below me?
Person B: Idk, never met "the person below me"
Do you know who "the person below me" is?
Person A: I am "the person below me"!
Did you know it was me?
Person C: I just posted so I don't know who you are!
Let's Start!
Did you read this entire post?
am i lying?
How far left must you go to go right?
Depends on reference points. In your perspective you are forever going left.
Does a set of all sets contain itself?
You are space.
Kill me?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Are you doing something stupid?
Are you space?
How much Chuck could a Chuck Norris Chuck if a Chuck Norris could Chuck Norris?
am i the creator of this posT?
Bear grylls.
Do you like ponies?
:ohmy.gif: I'm so confused.
Why not?
Seven Eight Nine?
Because your already asleep
Did i just do Sleepception?
If a is equal to b, and b is equal to c, then what is love?
Nah, from jizz and eggs.
Would you smoke a car?
It's ok, i have my posting views to 50 posts per page. And you did ask a question!
Did that guy break my rules?
No I smoke bikers.
Would you eat an sd card for money?
How do you think I got this suit?
If I lost my legs, would you stand up for me?