I open my eyes to discover I have picked up a wallet.
Its austere bouquet suggests many years crammed in a back denim pocket, in varying temperatures from extreme sweaty heat to bone-rattling cold. The corpulent reglisse and torrefaction aromas add to the hint of a long and well lived life. Biting into the wallet releases a dry strain of canvas and nylon cresote taste with slight aftertastes of long spent currency. The once roasted currency is a mixture of sorts, with no single denomination nor origin. Subtle notes of US, Canadian, and Kuwaiti dollars swirl with English pounds, Russian rubles, and Iraqi dinars. A limited number of plastic credit cards and government issued identification cards add a crunch not unlike broken glass or shame and shattered dreams. This is a fine wallet... it's a shame I just ruined it by eating it.
i had to buy new screen.
RPing as "Urbanliner" in Roleplayer Guild.
Its austere bouquet suggests many years crammed in a back denim pocket, in varying temperatures from extreme sweaty heat to bone-rattling cold. The corpulent reglisse and torrefaction aromas add to the hint of a long and well lived life. Biting into the wallet releases a dry strain of canvas and nylon cresote taste with slight aftertastes of long spent currency. The once roasted currency is a mixture of sorts, with no single denomination nor origin. Subtle notes of US, Canadian, and Kuwaiti dollars swirl with English pounds, Russian rubles, and Iraqi dinars. A limited number of plastic credit cards and government issued identification cards add a crunch not unlike broken glass or shame and shattered dreams. This is a fine wallet... it's a shame I just ruined it by eating it.
Why does everyone think I don't have an avatar? Is there anyone who can see the one black pixel.
...it tasted like rice.
My speaker.It doesn't have a taste.
I WAS going to use it to play Friday.
It tasted like my fingers.
It tastes like plastic, rubber, foil, and blood. Wait. OMFG.
I chew 'em all the time, just tasted like.... pencil?