... when punch a tree and feel disappointed when there is not a tiny block floating on the ground by your feet
... when you jump into a pool from 64 metres and expect not to take any damage
You know you play too much Minecraft when you check the direction clouds are moving to figure out how to get back home.
You know you play too much Minecraft when your girlfriend yells at you for playing too much Minecraft and you want to find a hillside, dig a 2x2x2 hole and hide in there until the danger is gone.
You know you play too much Minecraft when you're driving somewhere you've never been and feel its strange that new scenery isn't popping into existence ahead.
You know you play too much minecraft when... you go in a dark room in another game or in real life, and you go, "Wait, I need torches, the monsters will spawn" LOL This actually sometimes happens to me.
... when you jump into a pool from 64 metres and expect not to take any damage
...you mean he didn't? :unsure.gif:
R.I.P Pixelcraft T-T
LOL that is true minecraft addiction right there
you know you have played too much minecraft when... you think you will lag cause you have a crap reality
You know you play too much Minecraft when your girlfriend yells at you for playing too much Minecraft and you want to find a hillside, dig a 2x2x2 hole and hide in there until the danger is gone.
You know you play too much Minecraft when you're driving somewhere you've never been and feel its strange that new scenery isn't popping into existence ahead.
ROFLMAO! OMG - I love this one!
True story.
You know you play too much minecraft when you see something cool in real life and say "Screenshot time!"
This is my +20 signature of Stupidity.