Name: Koro
Race: Forrunners (sorry halo reference :tongue.gif:)
Traits: Nomadic Traders
Civ type: Democracy
Religion: Tomism
Backstory: Originally a group of soldiers fed up with their psychotic leader, they took off and began roaming the lands sweet-talking deals to become wealthy. Now they use their massive trading empire to fuel their low-tax, high-standard, cities spread across the land, having plenty of peace time they have amassed massive amounts of materials to be capable of arming an army so big they could take over all the eastern kingdoms in which the are located.
name: Toralam
race:(Basicly dnd or warcraft races.) Human
leader:(name and traits) Kinkaz,
age: 1.000 years (if it's for my real age, I am not telling you! This is the nation's age)
civ type: Elective Monarchy
alighnment:(evil,good or neutral) Neutral
religion:(Non-religious civs allowed. You can make a religion or use a allready existing religion. Nothing ridiculous like spaghetti monster.) Hinduism (i'm not hindu!)
The ancients goblins once inhabited all the nation. The human tribes then came, 3.000 years ago and war unleashed. Goblins lost, and the zone was divided later between several tribes of humans, plus 3 of the goblins. These tribes lived on peace until the Toralam's most powerful tribe, Haom, an human tribe, overcame them all. The human tribes died out quickly (conquest time: 2 years), and the religions were overtaken by Hinduism, althrough they had the same rights as hindus. The goblins took a little more to take (1 year). In total, the take-over took only 3 years. Even through they were conquered quickly, they did not accept the ruling from that tribe and they rebelled. Again, the nation was divided, but this time not by tribes, but by nations. And this time, they were 3 only. The Haom nation, the Ho'a nation, another human nation and the Sal'ak'am, the Goblin country. The relations were tense and they usually fought eachother, so they were easy pray for other nations, because the wars were expensive. Then, after the foregin invasions, they united and expelled the foreginers. They act as an united nation, but the Haom province is the dominating and their hindu religion is either all over the country.
Koro: Sends out a hunting squad to hunt thungar and a migrating herd of pronghorn.
Koro: Expands underground caves and mines.
Koro: Researches Explosives.
Koro: Creates new forestry village to the south named Fordell.
Koro: Plants charges along the walls of Toralam at night.
Koro: Destroys walls of Toralam.
Koro: Brings moves artillery to the hills to bombard Toralam.
Koro: moves armies to block all gates.
name: Kel'Ten
race: Nether Drakes (pay no attention to my avatar!)
leader: Kayla traits: bold, headstrong, merciless
age: 150 yrs(hey, dragons live a long time)
civ type: Monarchy
religion: None
(would a dragon be an acceptable race? or would that be too OP?)
name: Kel'Ten
race: Nether Drakes (pay no attention to my avatar!)
leader: Kayla traits: bold, headstrong, merciless
age: 150 yrs(hey, dragons live a long time)
civ type: Monarchy
religion: None
(would a dragon be an acceptable race? or would that be too OP?)
Race: Forrunners (sorry halo reference :tongue.gif:)
Traits: Nomadic Traders
Civ type: Democracy
Religion: Tomism
Backstory: Originally a group of soldiers fed up with their psychotic leader, they took off and began roaming the lands sweet-talking deals to become wealthy. Now they use their massive trading empire to fuel their low-tax, high-standard, cities spread across the land, having plenty of peace time they have amassed massive amounts of materials to be capable of arming an army so big they could take over all the eastern kingdoms in which the are located.
race:(Basicly dnd or warcraft races.) Human
leader:(name and traits) Kinkaz,
age: 1.000 years (if it's for my real age, I am not telling you! This is the nation's age)
civ type: Elective Monarchy
alighnment:(evil,good or neutral) Neutral
religion:(Non-religious civs allowed. You can make a religion or use a allready existing religion. Nothing ridiculous like spaghetti monster.) Hinduism (i'm not hindu!)
The ancients goblins once inhabited all the nation. The human tribes then came, 3.000 years ago and war unleashed. Goblins lost, and the zone was divided later between several tribes of humans, plus 3 of the goblins. These tribes lived on peace until the Toralam's most powerful tribe, Haom, an human tribe, overcame them all. The human tribes died out quickly (conquest time: 2 years), and the religions were overtaken by Hinduism, althrough they had the same rights as hindus. The goblins took a little more to take (1 year). In total, the take-over took only 3 years. Even through they were conquered quickly, they did not accept the ruling from that tribe and they rebelled. Again, the nation was divided, but this time not by tribes, but by nations. And this time, they were 3 only. The Haom nation, the Ho'a nation, another human nation and the Sal'ak'am, the Goblin country. The relations were tense and they usually fought eachother, so they were easy pray for other nations, because the wars were expensive. Then, after the foregin invasions, they united and expelled the foreginers. They act as an united nation, but the Haom province is the dominating and their hindu religion is either all over the country.
the only cold area left is the scourge lands
Koro: Expands underground caves and mines.
Koro: Researches Explosives.
Koro: Creates new forestry village to the south named Fordell.
Koro: Destroys walls of Toralam.
Koro: Brings moves artillery to the hills to bombard Toralam.
Koro: moves armies to block all gates.
leader:Noble, traits (of me?!?!) hunting, marksmen, intelligence.
civ type:Democracy
alighnment:Neutral, leaning towards evil
religion: Main Christian, Freedom of/from religion
race: Nether Drakes (pay no attention to my avatar!)
leader: Kayla traits: bold, headstrong, merciless
age: 150 yrs(hey, dragons live a long time)
civ type: Monarchy
religion: None
(would a dragon be an acceptable race? or would that be too OP?)
its okay as long as they are not op