i put a gate between the infected and the non infected. than we check if they haver the disease or not. if they dont than they get to go into the city.if they do than they get killed. also arnt your people getting infected if your in my infected region.
i put a gate between the infected and the non infected. than we check if they haver the disease or not. if they dont than they get to go into the city.if they do than they get killed. also arnt your people getting infected if your in my infected region.
scourge is undead and those infected become undead
(sorry matt i dont really like the theme so if you could get a new one that'd be nice)
the plauge spreads to amataria
the tribes start raiding mars
zelda is now conspring to turn jaina into a lich
*Deku is the Protecter of King Link and Queen, um, you name her, and also the carer of Prince Mario and Princess Peach :biggrin.gif:* Deku:your Highness, I'm sorry, but i have to end Zelda's madness,one way or another. Link:take the Master Sword, it is the Blade of Evil's Bane, it is sure to stop her.*Deku, with the Master Sword in hand, went around the orc tribes with 20 men to destroy Zelda's Madness, Losing every single one of his men, Deku confronts Zelda*
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iPixeli's mod! doesn't look good if your a boy, but to me it's epic!
*deku thinking hes alone to fight with zelda starts hearing footsteps those of arthas,kel'thuzad and anu'barak*
arthas: us undead know we cant trust a fight alone
anubarak:you fool the undead plauge will spread accross the map
kelthuzad: even your people will succumb to arthas' will
zelda:im not mad with power! arthas just opened my eyes to immortality! i want to share it with the rest of the world
Deku:well i don't like it, be undead if you wish, but being a zombie is a lot slower and you fall to pieces at times, it's also gross and you would need a grave, that's a few of the things i know about it, now if you wish to be immortal, then face this!*pulls out the triforce, it being a light source, blinds all three of them, then when they can see again, the entire throne was gone! along with Deku and the triforce!
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iPixeli's mod! doesn't look good if your a boy, but to me it's epic!
zelda:im allready undead im a death knight its just like being a hylian just a have pale blue skin,glowing blue eyes and silver hair
arthas: dont worry about him you still contain the triforce of wisdom within yourself
(I don't like the idea of undead, it's more horror movie like than fantasy like, that's why deku used the triforce of courage and power)
*Deku heard what they said, then shivers, he would rather be a Vampire than undead* Deku in whispers: They don't seem bad at all, i better go tell the King! *tiptoes back out, then dashes to Hyrule* Deku:Your highness! those undead anren't bad at all! but, we still have those orcs, i say we team up with them to take down those orcs!
Link:splendid! here, take this treaty to scourge, we need their help and tetrai and her allys to help, if those orcs destroy tetrai, then we all are goners! *Deku dashes around the orc tribes once more and tries to get to the leaders of scourge as fast as possible* Deku:O' Leaders of Scourge, King Link sends a treaty to you in hopes of having help to defeat the orc tribes, please sign here to seal this treaty!
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iPixeli's mod! doesn't look good if your a boy, but to me it's epic!
name: Clockwork
race: Ancients
leader: Tidus
traits: Stone golems made with a mixture of magic and mechanisms, made to serve the creators 10 million years ago
age: 10,000,000 years
civ type: monarchy
alignment: Nuetral
religion: The Creators
backstory: when the world began the creators made golems to protect and serve. when the war of the gods erupted the creators held back the rebels with the golems. not many of the golems survived but when the creators fled they left them. the golems built a vault miles beneath the surface and shut themselves down. present day a tinkerer uncovered the golems and awoke them. the tinkerer fiddled with the golems trying to make them follow him but instead gave them self awareness. the golems escaped and retreated to the ruins of the ancient city of Alria and restored it to its former glory.
Just here for the forum games
scourge is undead and those infected become undead
Just here for the forum games
no you cant change the basis of the rp the highest i told everyone was steam based technology you also seem to be ignoring the wars around you
(http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=290514 this is my new rp please try it out and make a char)
Scientists then knew how to make water mills and they also made Furnaces.
is that better?
Just here for the forum games
the plauge spreads consuming oprt
the plauge spreads to amataria
the tribes start raiding mars
zelda is now conspring to turn jaina into a lich
ill probly have another post up soon but im keeping that one i will give the link to the new one when i have it uphttp://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=291759&p=4059421#p4059421
arthas: us undead know we cant trust a fight alone
anubarak:you fool the undead plauge will spread accross the map
kelthuzad: even your people will succumb to arthas' will
zelda:im not mad with power! arthas just opened my eyes to immortality! i want to share it with the rest of the world
arthas: dont worry about him you still contain the triforce of wisdom within yourself
*Deku heard what they said, then shivers, he would rather be a Vampire than undead* Deku in whispers: They don't seem bad at all, i better go tell the King! *tiptoes back out, then dashes to Hyrule* Deku:Your highness! those undead anren't bad at all! but, we still have those orcs, i say we team up with them to take down those orcs!
Link:splendid! here, take this treaty to scourge, we need their help and tetrai and her allys to help, if those orcs destroy tetrai, then we all are goners! *Deku dashes around the orc tribes once more and tries to get to the leaders of scourge as fast as possible* Deku:O' Leaders of Scourge, King Link sends a treaty to you in hopes of having help to defeat the orc tribes, please sign here to seal this treaty!
heres a new map i decided to add terrain this time
race: Ancients
leader: Tidus
traits: Stone golems made with a mixture of magic and mechanisms, made to serve the creators 10 million years ago
age: 10,000,000 years
civ type: monarchy
alignment: Nuetral
religion: The Creators
backstory: when the world began the creators made golems to protect and serve. when the war of the gods erupted the creators held back the rebels with the golems. not many of the golems survived but when the creators fled they left them. the golems built a vault miles beneath the surface and shut themselves down. present day a tinkerer uncovered the golems and awoke them. the tinkerer fiddled with the golems trying to make them follow him but instead gave them self awareness. the golems escaped and retreated to the ruins of the ancient city of Alria and restored it to its former glory.