thrall: fine but we tell you you cannot enter our lands!
arthas: besides its too late i have found my apprentice and she is perfect
*zelda now dressed in black robes with silver armor slashes through some of the soldiers*
zelda is now a member of lich king arthas' court
link is back in the throne and starts a war with scourge
mars influences tetrai to join fails for now
mars has revolts at red hills backup making it independant
titan worship is the most popular religion
the stone dragon hatches
zelda is undead
the shire is 50% under control by the scourge
jaina allys with hyrule in order to defeat arthas
lordaeron spreads christianity
the orcs start killing tresspassers into their land
orcs invade the shire
(zeldas a woman)
zelda: we will have to go to war with you unless you join the scourge and serve my new master arthas join us or die
(im working on the map might be a while tho)
A New Penguin called "Penguin Gaga" Comes In Amataria But Gets Kicked Out then a group of penguins called the "Vocapenguins" Comes in the civilization and is perfectly fine with Amataria
arthas: besides its too late i have found my apprentice and she is perfect
*zelda now dressed in black robes with silver armor slashes through some of the soldiers*
mars is no the lagest nation nice, i will send scots out to conker more land and grow bigger
the orcs will kill you if you enter ther lands they are the larget army also hytetrai is under revolt you can try supporting htem joining you
(yes there is seasons)
i will try try supporting them joining me
couldedt could it
zelda is now a member of lich king arthas' court
link is back in the throne and starts a war with scourge
mars influences tetrai to join fails for now
mars has revolts at red hills backup making it independant
titan worship is the most popular religion
the stone dragon hatches
zelda is undead
the shire is 50% under control by the scourge
jaina allys with hyrule in order to defeat arthas
lordaeron spreads christianity
the orcs start killing tresspassers into their land
orcs invade the shire
jaina meets with john at meth-topia
zelda: let me in or else
(your saying them therefore they are happening
and if you want to be back on the charts ok youve just been inactive for a while)
heres a map of scourge
and yert
my main city is named loter
zelda: we will have to go to war with you unless you join the scourge and serve my new master arthas join us or die
(im working on the map might be a while tho)
Just here for the forum games
zelda hell no thay serve me only get the $!#@ out we go to war with you now
okay here you go yoyomatt the teal is the plauge of undeath spreading
wtf is the green that scares me
a forest