Mages quicly make use of exorcism against the evil creature. It made the creature very weak, and archimages make the creature split into the soldiers again, and the soldiers look like before the meteorite.
name: The Nth
race: Nthlings (humans that have been transformd by Evil)
Leader: Zentau
age: 2000
civ type: relgous dictatorship
alighnment: Evil (though at the moment nutural)
followers of Zentau (there god/leader)
(so i starter before but lost internet so m trying again lol)
Portals open across the world to the Nth dimension. there ate two types of portals the bound which stay open no mater what and the gates which can be closed. 2 Bound portals by the Main Cities. 12 Gates scattered everywere else
Magic Weapon trading OPENS NOW.
Wepons being sold
Knife Of Zentar: Uses the Evil emotions of the soul to render the welder unseen. Warning do not use two much or will be overwhelmed by your own soul
Staff of Adoanna: Control the pure of heart with a single hit. only works on the pure of heart.
Sword of the Nth: Allows the welder to Open a Gate to the tant. Then controls the tant up to 1 mile range. Tant can be used for all magic types.
A Trade party is sent out to The Traveling party. The Trade Party Has 2 MS 2 MA 1 Hm and the merchant Ag_Thour. To speak With Sarassh. Meats them on there journy.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Lassen Sie die Dunkelheit der Seele essen, bis du einer von uns geworden-Let the darkness of your soul eat you until you become one of us
hum you think your evil please, a water trap is worse then you. Now ME im EVIL
Toralam invades Tetrai in a desesperate attempt to survive.
it jabs the general warping warping him into this
This is the song that plays:
this emerges and slowly mutates most of the soldiers
im not trying to kill you yet
the monsters are trying to let tetrai's civilians escape
if you leave tetrai
they leave from the starting present planet
Can you add Shadowfall info?
race: Nthlings (humans that have been transformd by Evil)
Leader: Zentau
age: 2000
civ type: relgous dictatorship
alighnment: Evil (though at the moment nutural)
followers of Zentau (there god/leader)
(so i starter before but lost internet so m trying again lol)
Portals open across the world to the Nth dimension. there ate two types of portals the bound which stay open no mater what and the gates which can be closed. 2 Bound portals by the Main Cities. 12 Gates scattered everywere else
Magic Weapon trading OPENS NOW.
Wepons being sold
Knife Of Zentar: Uses the Evil emotions of the soul to render the welder unseen. Warning do not use two much or will be overwhelmed by your own soul
Staff of Adoanna: Control the pure of heart with a single hit. only works on the pure of heart.
Sword of the Nth: Allows the welder to Open a Gate to the tant. Then controls the tant up to 1 mile range. Tant can be used for all magic types.
More to come. Can make special orders.
+20000 Pop
The High Army Is Arming Up. 5000 Magic Swordsman 2000 Mistc Archers 7000 High Mages 1000 Priest
To speak With Toralam. Approches.
for more design info for shadowfall's horde look at this website
Can I add the info of them?
Also, the colonists are on Earth, actual India.