Dude, I had taken Koro city alerady! (the ceasefire is still going on)
Quote from Kinkaz »
Toralam, after many days of hell fighting as calld by the soldiers, they occupy Koro's capital.
Sorry, I was away for a day or so and missed some stuff. Anyway how bout a little more than a Cease fire, how about a full on alliance and kick the living daylights out of someone else? Or you know, don't.
Name: Koro, or The Korish
Race: Jardowls, Large, intelligent owls, and yes I made this up, I can provide more info if needed.
Leader:King Soren
Traits: Nomadic Traders
Civ type: Monarachy
Religion: Glauxism
Backstory: Large intelligent owls standing about 6-7 feet tall, the Jardowls are Nomadic traders for the most part, with several well established cities, being Owls, they are difficult to defeat, and are great on the offensive against non-flying foes, (Though this was useless in the battle with Toralam) The Jardowls are a force to not to be reckoned with.(unless your a soldier in the army of Toralam)
Kel'Ten: Kayla come back with 1 drake and sees insane dragons, dead dragons, a plans for a battle arena. *sigh*
Kel'Ten: One of the spies dropped an insignia. Kayla uses this to find out who was here. (DAMNIT KORO)
Kel'Ten: Following the spies tracks(or what ever was left of them) Kayla find Koro and would like to speak to their leader. you know. going all diplomat style here.
The Koro rebels accuse Koro for all they are charged for
We fill in the dugout preventing risk of explosion to Toroalam
We offer an alliance with Kel'Ten
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"Guns make you stupid, better to fight your wars with duct tape; duct tape makes you smart" -Michael Westen.
1. pay attention to the posts
2. make a good post
Koro and Toralam are one, after Koro lost the battle Toralam moved in. there is no one to accuse of anything.
The explosives are still there, you just buried them, making the problem worse, as now they are hidden and could detonate if something sets them off.
The explosives were a last resort, and are under Koro, not Toralam.
Also Kel'Ten is just going to kill your diplomats, give up.
Wait, your in an alliance with toralam, and toralam is occupying the city of Koro. Therefore, you are a traitor!
Koro requests an alliance with Toralam to destroy the Koro rebels.
Also, why are they rebels, what are the rebelling against?
Koro hangs 10 Korish rebels to make an example out of them for traitorous acts against the High King Kinkaz, and violent acts against King Soren of the Korish Jardowls.
Dude, I had taken Koro city alerady! (the ceasefire is still going on)
Sorry, I was away for a day or so and missed some stuff. Anyway how bout a little more than a Cease fire, how about a full on alliance and kick the living daylights out of someone else? Or you know, don't.
Korish fighting tactics/strategy +50
Kel'Ten: One of the spies dropped an insignia. Kayla uses this to find out who was here. (DAMNIT KORO)
Kel'Ten: Following the spies tracks(or what ever was left of them) Kayla find Koro and would like to speak to their leader. you know. going all diplomat style here.
We fill in the dugout preventing risk of explosion to Toroalam
We offer an alliance with Kel'Ten
2. make a good post
Koro and Toralam are one, after Koro lost the battle Toralam moved in. there is no one to accuse of anything.
The explosives are still there, you just buried them, making the problem worse, as now they are hidden and could detonate if something sets them off.
The explosives were a last resort, and are under Koro, not Toralam.
Also Kel'Ten is just going to kill your diplomats, give up.
Yeah, I guess I did kinda send professional trained assassins....
This never happened, you tell anyone I might just have to send a few more "Diplomats" with more aggressive diplomacy tactics.
Fordell Adds new districts: Residential, Manufacturing, and farming, in addition to the Capital district and the lumbering district.
Fordell constructs 2 more districts: Weapons advancement and Technologies, and Academics.
Note: Fordell is tree town, made from Milkberry trees, that grow to a massive size.
(Milkberry trees are made up)
Koro requests an alliance with Toralam to destroy the Koro rebels.
Also, why are they rebels, what are the rebelling against?
Why are you rebelling?
Also, Toralam is occupying the city of Koro, by attacking Koro you attack Toralam, which are your allies.
POP QUIZ: what race are the Korish rebels?
Pop answer: Forerunners because they're the same race as the Korish also I'm killing Korish officials not the ones from Torarlm
No, they are not attacking Koro's city.They are attacking the Nation of Koro (not the republic)