there can be dragons,minotuars and even steam technology. once youve got to that place in technoligical advances.
Once you make your nation you cannot say stuff like "finds INSERT NATION NAME HERE" You cannot do 3 or more things at a time! Stay on the same focus!
You cannot simply kill or take over a nation! It takes time use attacks,espionage and conspiracys to take one over!
Once a nation gets conquered make a new one. :smile.gif:
It takes time to do stuff like you cant just tame a pride of dragons in one turn.
Whining about something is not allowed just tell me calmly and i will deal with it. Never EVER act in anger to another player that is unnaceptable! HAVE FUN!
civ sheet
race:(Basicly dnd or warcraft races.)
leader:(name and traits)
civ type:
alighnment:(evil,good or neutral)
religion:(Non-religious civs allowed. You can make a religion or use a allready existing religion. Nothing ridiculous like spaghetti monster.)
please place a link in your sig
here are some nice tools for the rp feel free to use them
race:Night Elf
traits=good at talking his to get his way
civ type:(what do you mean by this?)
alighnment: evil
religion:no religion
(im sorry for all the g-modding on the gods ic no hate?)
race: several dopplegangers but mostly eredar
age:1000 years
civ type:dictatorship
alighnment:pure evil
religion:ancient greek titans
backstory: was origanally in outland but is now in the mainland
name: Meth-Topia
race:(Basicly dnd or warcraft races.) Undead
leader:(name and traits) John, can make certain parts of the body retract (like tetnis)
age: 14
civ type:Undead
alighnment:(evil,good or neutral) Evil
religion:(Non-religious civs allowed. You can make a religion or use a allready existing religion. Nothing ridiculous like spaghetti monster.) Belief in Hell
backstory:(optional) We're all dead, but at the same time not dead
in this rp you make a nation in fantasy world!
there can be dragons,minotuars and even steam technology. once youve got to that place in technoligical advances.
Once you make your nation you cannot say stuff like "finds INSERT NATION NAME HERE"
You cannot do 3 or more things at a time! Stay on the same focus!
You cannot simply kill or take over a nation! It takes time use attacks,espionage and conspiracys to take one over!
Once a nation gets conquered make a new one. :smile.gif:
It takes time to do stuff like you cant just tame a pride of dragons in one turn.
Whining about something is not allowed just tell me calmly and i will deal with it.
Never EVER act in anger to another player that is unnaceptable!
civ sheet
race:(Basicly dnd or warcraft races.)
leader:(name and traits)
civ type:
alighnment:(evil,good or neutral)
religion:(Non-religious civs allowed. You can make a religion or use a allready existing religion. Nothing ridiculous like spaghetti monster.)
please place a link in your sig
here are some nice tools for the rp feel free to use them
race:Night Elf
traits=good at talking his to get his way
age:29 years
civ type: democracy
alighnment: evil
religion:no religion
(im sorry for all the g-modding on the gods ic no hate?)
civ type is democracy,republic,etc
so what civ type?
cheek my post i put in
race: several dopplegangers but mostly eredar
age:1000 years
civ type:dictatorship
alighnment:pure evil
religion:ancient greek titans
backstory: was origanally in outland but is now in the mainland
*economy builds up +1*
a scroll*econmy +1,smart +1"
and tetrai *smart +2*
*a mars worker gets killed by a ghoul*
*mars economy boost! +5*
*a shire worker finds a dragon egg*
*shire diamond surplus! +1*
*a swarm of locust attack a farm in tetrai -1 food*
*a group of free hobbits are captured and forced into slavery*
they werent yours they were free meaning they followed no one
*a slave revolt takes place forming subnation the "blue huts"
*mars learns how to make swords*
*hobbits run into a tetrai scout*
*the dragon hatches it is a fire dragon it calls the master its daddy*
*a group of doppelgangers kill and take the form of shire nobles*
*the slaves are turned into eredar and now are part of the mining team*
*the swords are made of gold and therefore are strong but break fast*
*the slave revolt leaves and forms a new nation 4000 miles away*
*the doppelgangers kill the wife of the master*
*the dragon kills the doppelgangers
*tetrai assimilates a orc tribe and now has a orc army*
*a tetrai scout encounters the blie huts*
race:(Basicly dnd or warcraft races.) Undead
leader:(name and traits) John, can make certain parts of the body retract (like tetnis)
age: 14
civ type:Undead
alighnment:(evil,good or neutral) Evil
religion:(Non-religious civs allowed. You can make a religion or use a allready existing religion. Nothing ridiculous like spaghetti monster.) Belief in Hell
backstory:(optional) We're all dead, but at the same time not dead
*the blue huts offer for peace and wnat to become a vassal state of mars*
*mars developes explosives*
*a tetrai missionary spreads greek titan worship to the shire*
*the dragon is now a adult and loves playing with the master*
*tetrai devoleps spears*
*tetrai forms a new city inside of mordor next to the other city*
(tetrai is in mordor)