1.I started the country of kanada (yes with a K)
2.Im in an aux of the airforce
3.I think socialisim is 'good'.
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"You messed up. Now I gotta mess you up. It's the law." —BA baracus (Mr.T)
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
#3. Two reasons: you probably think socialism is well, and you put a period at the end of #3 only, meaning you were subconsciously trying to make it seem more legitimate than the others.
1) I love Mtn Dew.
2) I love Big Red.
3) I want a pet fish.
(Also, #1 was the lie. And I CAN bend my arms backwards... naturally.)
1. I am co-owner of Noob Co.
2.My great something-or-other discovered plutonium.
3.i like ham.
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"You messed up. Now I gotta mess you up. It's the law." —BA baracus (Mr.T)
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
1. Silly man. There's no such thing as Noob Co. :tongue.gif:
1. I tried to destroy an island but only blew up a peninsula due to one TNT crate blowing up on me when I didn't want to.
2. I have a weak phobia of thick rope.
3. I do not have Skype.
1. Silly man. There's no such thing as Noob Co. :tongue.gif:
1. I tried to destroy an island but only blew up a peninsula due to one TNT crate blowing up on me when I didn't want to.
2. I have a weak phobia of thick rope.
3. I do not have Skype.
I used psychology and Tehpillowstar logic to figure it out. Also, I'm psychic (:tongue.gif: kidding)
1. My 2 best friends almost died when the bus they where riding on, at around 10:13 pm, at Friday the 13th. The bus slipped down backwards down a icy hill (it was snowing) and almost slipped down into a ditch.
2. I like pillows.
3. I am a Korean citizen.
Seabre, I'm actually not a Korean citizen. I was born in America!! XD
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[12:41] Coffeeeeeee!
[16:29] "And lo, the tacos were delicious"
also the answer to mine was actualy 3.
Noobcompany exists!
1.Ive been to Blue Thunder
2. Ive been to Red Horse
3.Ive been to denmark
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"You messed up. Now I gotta mess you up. It's the law." —BA baracus (Mr.T)
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
1. do not let the name fool you, for i am not a nerd.
2. i'm gnereally one of the better players in multiplayer
3. i'm not the kind of person to pick favorites of anything, mostly
also my last one was actualy 3.
ive never been to denmark.
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"You messed up. Now I gotta mess you up. It's the law." —BA baracus (Mr.T)
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
also, my correct one last time was 3
1. i enjoy very hard games
2. i enjoy shooter games, rpg games, and other games
3. i dislike really unrealistic games.
3! :biggrin.gif:
Btw i just realized, all of those i had earlier were truths xD
1. I tragically failed 6 times on MC so far..
2. I have learned the secret technique of beating the hell out of creepers
3. I accidently TnT'd my entire house before (Not sure how it was an accident though, Screwing around with TNT=not accident)
noone can realy suck at minecraft.
1.Im going to learn about blood pathagens this mounth.
2.Im going to the OTS barraks at maxwell.
3.I have my stuff ready.
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"You messed up. Now I gotta mess you up. It's the law." —BA baracus (Mr.T)
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
^ Then that would also make 2 a lie if he doesn't suck at minecraft. So the real lie is he can't get a girlfriend. So his lie is 3. Your lie is... I don't know. I can't really understand the way you write type.
I'm going to google barraks and mounth. Kthxbai
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Quote from TheCommieDuck »
Quote from Kanza »
Successful troll is successful, then?
Yes, he was pretty successful. Mostly since this community is made of 12 year old kids who can't control themselves.
it was 2
the person above me didn't make any lies so i can't give any guesses.
1. i kinda hope to one day get some more ff3 figures, whioch nowadays are rare and expensive
3. the loch n' load is my favorite weapon for the demoman in tf2.
barraks was me being lazy i ment barracks.
as for mounth it was a typo. I ment month.
also to above I guess 2. you like vidgames more dont yew?
1.I have a bad cold.
2.my favorite gun is the m14
3.The captin rank is my favorite
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"You messed up. Now I gotta mess you up. It's the law." —BA baracus (Mr.T)
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
also, my correct one was 1, bleh to my kdr, but i do enjoy videogames.
1. i have never fired a gun before.
2. i have a single 28mm figure, and it may have been based off a character of some ww2 movie nobody here has heard of
3. i love listening to rap, in fact i love walking down the halls with it blasting out of my ipod as i go to my locker and then to my first period before class starts.
if you guess a cartain lie in this, then you don't know me at all.
1.I started the country of kanada (yes with a K)
2.Im in an aux of the airforce
3.I think socialisim is 'good'.
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
1) I love Mtn Dew.
2) I love Big Red.
3) I want a pet fish.
(Also, #1 was the lie. And I CAN bend my arms backwards... naturally.)
1. I am co-owner of Noob Co.
2.My great something-or-other discovered plutonium.
3.i like ham.
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
1. I tried to destroy an island but only blew up a peninsula due to one TNT crate blowing up on me when I didn't want to.
2. I have a weak phobia of thick rope.
3. I do not have Skype.
I used psychology and Tehpillowstar logic to figure it out. Also, I'm psychic (:tongue.gif: kidding)
1. My 2 best friends almost died when the bus they where riding on, at around 10:13 pm, at Friday the 13th. The bus slipped down backwards down a icy hill (it was snowing) and almost slipped down into a ditch.
2. I like pillows.
3. I am a Korean citizen.
Seabre, I'm actually not a Korean citizen. I was born in America!! XD
[12:41] Coffeeeeeee!
[16:29] "And lo, the tacos were delicious"
also the answer to mine was actualy 3.
Noobcompany exists!
1.Ive been to Blue Thunder
2. Ive been to Red Horse
3.Ive been to denmark
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
Actually, I do have Skype. So you lose. 83YOU SEE NOTHING.Also, I guess the above would be 1.
1. I have never played a Final Fantasy game in my life.
2. I have played Mario Kart Wii online.
3. I have not lost The Game today.
1. I have 4 cats.
2. I was born without a sense of smell.
3. I play the bagpipes.
1. do not let the name fool you, for i am not a nerd.
2. i'm gnereally one of the better players in multiplayer
3. i'm not the kind of person to pick favorites of anything, mostly
1.I had chickens
2.I had a cow.
3.I had a dog.
also my last one was actualy 3.
ive never been to denmark.
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
also, my correct one last time was 3
1. i enjoy very hard games
2. i enjoy shooter games, rpg games, and other games
3. i dislike really unrealistic games.
1: I am fictional
2: I'm a pokemon
3: I have my own pokeball
Should be obvious
Btw i just realized, all of those i had earlier were truths xD
1. I tragically failed 6 times on MC so far..
2. I have learned the secret technique of beating the hell out of creepers
3. I accidently TnT'd my entire house before (Not sure how it was an accident though, Screwing around with TNT=not accident)
1. My glasses cost more then my PC
1. My PC cost more then my glasses
1. My PC cost 300
Clicky? Chuck Norris clicked!
1. I suck at MC
2. I suck at all games.
3. I suck at getting a girlfriend.
noone can realy suck at minecraft.
1.Im going to learn about blood pathagens this mounth.
2.Im going to the OTS barraks at maxwell.
3.I have my stuff ready.
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
writetype.I'm going to google barraks and mounth. Kthxbai
it was 2
the person above me didn't make any lies so i can't give any guesses.
1. i kinda hope to one day get some more ff3 figures, whioch nowadays are rare and expensive
3. the loch n' load is my favorite weapon for the demoman in tf2.
as for mounth it was a typo. I ment month.
also to above I guess 2. you like vidgames more dont yew?
1.I have a bad cold.
2.my favorite gun is the m14
3.The captin rank is my favorite
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!" --Tzneetch in regards to a chess match against Creed.
also, my correct one was 1, bleh to my kdr, but i do enjoy videogames.
1. i have never fired a gun before.
2. i have a single 28mm figure, and it may have been based off a character of some ww2 movie nobody here has heard of
3. i love listening to rap, in fact i love walking down the halls with it blasting out of my ipod as i go to my locker and then to my first period before class starts.
if you guess a cartain lie in this, then you don't know me at all.