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Quote from yamgrenade »96 I...I still can't talk about it...
ad88888ba 888888888888 d8" "88 ,8P' 8P 88 d8" Y8, ,d88 ,8P' "PPPPPP"88 d8" 8P ,8P' 8b, a8P d8" `"Y8888P' 8P'
1 00000 7777777 111 00 00 777 11 00 00 777 11 00 00 777 111 00000 777
Quote from GunKiller »\
___ ___ _____ |_ | |_ | / ___| | | | | | |___ | | | | | _ \ | | | | | |_| | |_| |_| \_____/
I...I still can't talk about it...
Yay! Triple digits are coming!
oh and btw please someone give me a or a or a or even a for my loot for knowing that this post containes exactly 55 5's
EDIT: make that 49 + 7
edit: its actually 99 :biggrin.gif:
Awesome! :biggrin.gif:
i still need a lil bit of loot :sad.gif:
Too bad we have a repeat :sad.gif:
here ya go drake- :biggrin.gif:
i will exsplode this thread with if someone dosnt give me a bit of loot
damn u repeats
Ok! Please, think of the children!
r those for ma? :biggrin.gif:
112 exsploding creepers at this exact moment
Does anyone think I'm talking about Saint Benards?
And yes, those are for you, drake.