Granted, but the binary cake was al lie, so you ripped all of your skin off, so you have to go to the hospital and you have to watch the same episode of Dora the Explorer all day, every day for all of eternity.
Granted, but all of the lava suddenly disappears and is replaced with nails, angry cats, and a pool of salt and lemon juice at the bottom for you to fall in.
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Taking trolling to a whole new level, one post at a time.
No wish detected. Punishing above user.
Punishment created.
Yell into above posters ear repeatedly "MAKE A WISH OR I WILL SEND ENDERMEN AFTER YOU!"
I wish Tsunamis and Tornadoes and Sinkholes were in MineCraft! :biggrin.gif:
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I think I overworked the signature a teeny bit there, but whatever.
I wish for 011000010010000001100011011000010110101101100101
I Wish that i was falling into an active volcano
Punishment created.
Yell into above posters ear repeatedly "MAKE A WISH OR I WILL SEND ENDERMEN AFTER YOU!"
I wish Tsunamis and Tornadoes and Sinkholes were in MineCraft! :biggrin.gif:
I think I overworked the signature a teeny bit there, but whatever.
I wish that 1.8 came out today.
I wish tnt would be easier to craft.
I wish minecraft would add tons of kinds of fishes to the game.
I wish I had friends...
I wish I was steamed, and served with a side of melted butter.
I wish i was steve for halloween
i wish minecraft had more expansions (like the aether)
I wish the next minecraft update would cause less raging on the forums...
I wish I could eat an Endermen.
I wish that the You are the Creeper mod was released for 1.8.1, and that every Hostile mob was now Neutral and killed Humans.
I wish that minecraft will never stop updating
I wish for anti-creeper guns that 1-hit KO creepers.
Why does everyone think I don't have an avatar? Is there anyone who can see the one black pixel.
I wish for fish
Granted, but they smell like ass.
I wish for my best friend to get online.
granted but he called ur mom a **** and is no longer ur friend after kicking u in the ballz
i wish for pony
I wish--Connection Broken
Why does everyone think I don't have an avatar? Is there anyone who can see the one black pixel.