Next user finds out there is a invisible wire connecting his heart and brain to a Golden Dragon. However, when the dragon spots you, he decides to have you for lunch, and eats you alive. If you try to kill him, he will die, but as you are connected to him, you die too. Also, you are on Hardcore Mode, if you close minecraft or leave the world, your PC Explodes. Have fun.
I point my ass at the next users face while I'm shiting them out and the explosion rockets me to the moon while having a major effect to the next user.
I use my creeper-away to shoot so many bullets at the explosion it rips a hole in time and space and the explosion is sent to next user. The next user is about 10 ft away from the creeper-away turret and the creeper-away mistakens the next user for a creeper and starts shooting at the next user.
This explosion is being passed around like a joint!
I attack the next user.
I throw my lava lamp that just burnt my hand out of hotness at the next users face.
I kick the next user.
The next user gets kicked in the face for some reason.
I poke the next user in the eyes.
i pull out a supcious looking eye(props if you know where that comes from) and sommun the eye of Cthulu throw the eye to you and watch it kill you
Next gets killed by creepers.
I tie the next poster up, lock them in a locker, throw it into the pacific ocean and drop a couple thousand nukes
Next user finds out there is a invisible wire connecting his heart and brain to a Golden Dragon. However, when the dragon spots you, he decides to have you for lunch, and eats you alive. If you try to kill him, he will die, but as you are connected to him, you die too. Also, you are on Hardcore Mode, if you close minecraft or leave the world, your PC Explodes. Have fun.
Next user gets 3000 creepers planted in their stomach.
I point my ass at the next users face while I'm shiting them out and the explosion rockets me to the moon while having a major effect to the next user.
How do you like them creepers, huh?
This explosion is being passed around like a joint!
I use Nibelung Valesti on the next user
Next User Is lost inside The Nether, and haves a "nice" meeting with me and the other Ghasts.
I AM a ghast, i also have homing fireballs and aimbot.
The next person is a spy. HUDDA HUDDA HUH HUUDUUUH!
The next poster has just been eaten by Gl'bgolyb.
That tiny thing on the left side is its mouth, which is big enough to swallow a whale whole.