"Pokémon Kills"
In 1999, as a promotion for Mewtwo Strikes Back, Burger King released a series of promotional toys in handheld Poké Balls with their Kids' Meals. After their son suffocated because he had covered his mouth and nose with half of the Poké Ball, two parents set up a website named "Pokémon Kills".
im remaking my clan its called the tos, the oni spartens i kno some of u may not join considering your alredy in one however ill let u be in 2 clans but when i go agenst your other clan u chose one side
Ok, I'm going to regret telling you people this but, I own a pair of cat ears... *////* I am willing to answer almost any question seeing as this may be the last chance you get to ask them
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Nightmares torment me. I can no longer resist the call of the infinite. Their blows rain heavy. My wraithbone cracks. My sight in this world dims. I return to slumber. My soulstone, please take it. Save...the others
In 1999, as a promotion for Mewtwo Strikes Back, Burger King released a series of promotional toys in handheld Poké Balls with their Kids' Meals. After their son suffocated because he had covered his mouth and nose with half of the Poké Ball, two parents set up a website named "Pokémon Kills".
I can't find my battery! argh
Dim RND As New Random
Button1.Location = New Point(RND.Next(1, 270), RND.Next(1, 270))
Lol... I was coding and stuff.
don't click this link...
What has my life come to?