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Copy and paste the textmoji from the above post and remove, change, or add up to three characters of it. Try to make it look like an animal.
Then say what your species is supposed to be, and is called.
Let's try to make the life live on until at least 2100!
(Note: spaces count as characters)
The dawn of this life seems simple, looking like a bacteria:
The spindled tail enables slapping the bad
Copy and paste the textmoji from the above post and remove, change, or add up to three characters of it. Try to make it look like an animal.
Then say what your species is supposed to be, and is called.
Let's try to make the life live on until at least 2100!
(Note: spaces count as characters)
The dawn of this life seems simple, looking like a bacteria:
The spindled tail enables slapping the bad