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In this game, you make the next poster clear your floor's challenge, then they make the poster after them clear theirs, etc.
I'll begin:
Floor #1 has a bunch of gigantic, swinging axes.
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I use lemonade and ketchup to corrode the axes.
Floor #2 has a pool of lava.
And... that's it i guess?
I bring water and turn the lava into obsidian.
Floor #3 has a bunch of zombies.
Sword made out of healing potions.
Floor #4 has Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet.
I use the piezoeletric properties (that the stones probably have) to steal the stones
Floor #5 is filled with cats
In this game, you make the next poster clear your floor's challenge, then they make the poster after them clear theirs, etc.
I'll begin:
Floor #1 has a bunch of gigantic, swinging axes.
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I use lemonade and ketchup to corrode the axes.
Floor #2 has a pool of lava.
And... that's it i guess?
I bring water and turn the lava into obsidian.
Floor #3 has a bunch of zombies.
Sword made out of healing potions.
Floor #4 has Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet.
I use the piezoeletric properties (that the stones probably have) to steal the stones
Floor #5 is filled with cats
And... that's it i guess?