This game is based off of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Persona 5.
Sunrise on a World is an RPG where your team is one destined to save the world from destruction. However, you failed your task, and you were presumed dead from the impending cataclysm. But 100 years later, here you stand, revived in an ancient, divine shrine, devoid of memories and power. Will you rekindle the light that was snuffed out by the destructive darkness a century ago?
No powerplaying. This includes, but is not limited to dealing massive damage to an enemy that you shouldn't do, or doing something your character isn't really capable of, or gaining ludicrously high stats when leveling up.
You can make your character a certain level when making them. However, they must not be lower/higher than the threshold. (As of right now, the level threshold is LV 1 to 3.)
Don't teleport to areas that you haven't been yet.
Only one character at a time.
No exploiting loopholes to bypass rules.
No using info with a character that couldn't possibly know. Having someone tell them beforehand is allowed, though.
If your character is unbalanced, I will buff and nerf it accordingly.
Enemies have weaknesses. If you exploit them, you'll get a guaranteed Critical Hit and inflict them with Down! But be careful, as enemies can do the same to you!
Downed combatants have their turns skipped and will take more damage than usual.
If you don't have an element that you can use against an enemy's weakness, you can still inflict them with Down by getting a Critical Hit.
If you knock down all the enemies, you can go in for an All-Out Attack! All-Out Attacks deal HUGE physical damage based on the party's level. Enemies can also do All-Out Attacks, so be careful!
If you finish a battle with an All-Out Attack, you'll get a Finisher Bonus, which gives you x1.2 Gold and EXP.
The environment's atmosphere and conditions can affect the battle.
Being clever with your moves can have benefits!
When in a battle, if you do not make a move within 24 hours, your character will act on their own.
If #7 repeats five times, your character will be taken over by autopilot until you come back and make a post.
If your character stays on autopilot for one month, your character will be kicked out of the party. But if you come back, your character will rejoin the party with the same stats from where you left off.
Your character has their own inventory, which has a storage space of 20 slots. But don't forget that you have an inventory that you share with the entire team, which has unlimited space!
Name: (What you want your character to be referred to.)
Class: (Valid classes are Knight, Mage, Cleric, Thief, or Dancer. Knights focus on physical damage, Mages deal magical damage, Clerics focus on healing, Thieves offer support by hindering the foe, and Dancers support the team by assisting their teammates. You can select up to two classes, but if you choose two, your stats will be lower than normal.)
Personality: (How your character acts. This can also affect how your character fights.)
Skills: (Enter whatever you like, however, if you have too many skills for your chosen level, I will remove some, but you will learn them at a later time instead.)
Limit Break: (You can state what your Limit Break will be, or you can tell it later. In any case, it will be unlocked at LV 20.)
Level: (You can make this whatever you want as long as you fulfill the threshold. See the "Rules" section for the threshold.)
Affinities: (You can describe what elements you're weak to, resist, nullify, repel, or absorb. Valid elements are Physical, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind, Nuclear, Psychic, Dark, and Light. You can leave out some elements-- this will be registered as elements which you take normal damage from.)
Name: David
Class: Knight/Mage
Personality: Brave. Loves battling.
Agi (4 SP): Small Fire damage to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Bufu (4 SP): Small Ice damage to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Zio (4 SP): Small Thunder damage to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Cleave (6% HP): Small Physical damage to one target. (Base Power: 4)
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 3
HP: 40
SP: 23
ATK: 7
DEF: 3
MAG: 5
SPD: 5
LCK: 4%
Affinities: Fire (Resist), Ice (Weak)
Name: Dave (Strider)
Class: Knight (of Time)
Personality: He's edgy with a flair for looking cool. He has a heart of gold and cares for his friends.
Slash (5% HP): Minuscule Physical damage to one target, but inflicts Bleeding on the target for three turns, causing them to take damage. (Base Power: 1; Bleed Damage: 3)
Cool Blow (9% HP): Large Physical damage to one target. Minuscule chance of inflicting Off-Guard. 33% chance of missing. (Base Power: 11)
Gear Throw (4 SP): Creates gears of solid time and throws them at the enemy, dealing small Psychic damage. (Base Power: 3)
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 3
HP: 36
SP: 19
ATK: 8
DEF: 4
MAG: 5
SPD: 8
LCK: 3.51%
Affinities: Psychic (Resist); Dark, Light (Weak)
Name: Connor (Not the Mii this time)
Class: Knight/Mage
Personality: Cautious/Brave. Makes an effort to not get hit.
Agi (4 SP): Small Fire damage to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Garu (4 SP) Small Wind damage to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Dia (3 SP): Small Healing to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Impulse Strike Lite (6 SP, 13% HP): Small-Medium Physical damage to one target. Deals bonus damage to the user if the attack misses. (Base Power: 7)
Personality: Sly. Tends not to take things seriously.
Garu (4 SP) Small Wind damage to one target. (Base Power: 3)
Dirty Strike (6% HP): Small Physical damage to one target. Chance to inflict Stagger. (Base Power: 4)
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 2
HP: 30
SP: 24
ATK: 6
DEF: 2
MAG: 5
SPD: 5
LCK: 3%
Affinities: Wind (Resist); Thunder (Weak)
Color-coded for both main areas and sub areas for convenience. Main areas are in Bold, sub areas are in Bold Italics. Shrines are not listed.
Kaishi Region
Shrine of Resurrection: The first area the party finds themselves in. Perhaps the way out is a little further in. Trial of Combat: The area in which the party's "rehabilitation" begins, where they have their first battle.
Great Plateau: The area where the party's journey begins. It seems that jumping off will be fatal.
Kaishi Mountain: A mountain within the Great Plateau. It's impossible to enter without taking damage unless you have a spicy dish handy.
Piku Region
Dueling Peaks Stable: The stable in the Piku region.
Kakariko Village: A village whose inhabitants are purely Shiekah.
HP: Health Points. You lose HP whenever you get attacked. If your HP hits 0, you die and will be unable to continue fighting unless someone revives you. You also use a set percentage of HP for physical skills (Except for your basic attacks).
SP: Spirit Points. You use SP to use magical skills. If your SP hits 0, you'll have to resort to physical attacks or using an SP-restoring item.
BP: Boost Points. You use BP to boost the power of your skills. You can use up to three to boost to the max, and you can store up to five. You cannot change the BP cap.
LP: Limit Points. As you take damage (Not when using HP for physical skills), you will gain LP. If you fill it all the way to 999, your Limit Break will be available for you to use (Unless you haven't unlocked it yet, in which case you will not gain LP at all). Limit Breaks cannot be boosted with BP. The LP cap also cannot be changed.
ATK: Attack. The higher the number, the more damage you deal with physical attacks.
DEF: Defense. The higher the number, the less damage you take from both physical and magical attacks.
MAG: Magic. The higher the number, the more damage you deal with magical attacks.
SPD: Speed. The higher the number, the sooner you get to act.
LCK: Luck. The higher the number, the more are the chances to get Critical Hits and dodge attacks. Unlike the other stats, this stat has a limit of 30%.
Note that none of these stats can be lower than 1.
Burn: The victim will take Fire damage every turn equal to 2.5% of their Max HP and will also take slightly more damage from attacks. Caused by Fire skills.
Freeze: The victim cannot act, but will take less damage. Caused by Ice skills.
Shock: The victim cannot act. If an attacker tries a melee attack, they might be Shocked too. Caused by Electricity skills.
Stagger: The next hit the victim takes will be a Critical Hit. Caused by Wind skills.
Poison: The victim will take Nuclear damage every turn equal to 3.5% of their Max HP and will act later. Caused by Nuclear skills.
Confuse: The victim may use unusual actions and will go against orders. Caused by Psychic skills.
Blind: The victim's hit rate will severely go down. Caused by Light skills.
Silence: The victim cannot use any magical skills. Caused by Dark skills.
Down: The victim's turn will be skipped and take more damage.
Anger: The victim gets two turns, can only use attack skills and can only target the offender.
Sleep: The victim cannot act, but their HP and SP will slowly regenerate. If attacked, the victim will wake up and take a Critical Hit.
Fear: The victim has a 50% chance not to act, and cannot attack the offender.
Despair: The victim will slowly lose SP.
Dizzy: The victim will have a higher chance of missing attacks.
Brainwash: The victim will either heal a foe, attack an ally, or use a support skill on a foe.
Hungry: The victim will deal 75% less damage, but can be cured by eating dishes.
Regenerate: The affected will slowly regain HP.
Invigorate: The affected will slowly regain SP.
Energetic: The affected will gain 2 BP per turn.
Intense: The affected will gain more LP than normal.
Weaken: The victim will have their ATK and MAG debuffed every turn.
Curse: The victim will have their DEF debuffed every turn.
Tired: The victim will have their SPD and LCK debuffed every turn.
Power Surge: Always deal Critical Hits.
Distracted: Always take Critical Hits.
Brave: The affected can deal more Critical Hits, and cannot be hit with Critical Hits.
Morale: Allows the affected to survive a fatal blow at 1 HP.
Doom: When the timer expires, the victim will instantly die.
Stasis: The victim cannot act, and will take damage according to how many times the victim was hit when the effect ends.
Off-Balance: The victim takes x1.5 extra damage from all sources.
I was going to play as dave strider the knight of time but to be honest I would have to criple the entire team by absurdly overcomplicating the inventory system to be able to play him properly. (because sylladex.) except actualy, do characters have separete inventories as well as a common one (like in outpost defenders retribution) only separate personal ones or only a shared one, if it is one of the first two I may actualy be able to play as him, overcomplicating my own inventory and limiting its size but purrhaps I mean perhaps geting higher stats,
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
I was going to play as dave strider the knight of time but to be honest I would have to cripple the entire team by absurdly overcomplicating the inventory system to be able to play him properly. (because sylladex.) except actually, do characters have separate inventories as well as a common one (like in outpost defenders retribution) only separate personal ones or only a shared one, if it is one of the first two I may actually be able to play as him, overcomplicating my own inventory and limiting its size but perhaps I mean perhaps getting higher stats,
Yeah, characters have separate inventories, as well as a shared inventory. The shared inventory has unlimited space, but the character inventories have 20 storage space.
I don't know how you plan to play this guy, though, and how the Sylladex works. (Feel free to explain it in your character sheet, though.)
the reason for the inventory complication is because homestuck (the work of fiction from witch I am adapting the character) works such that each character has a sylladex in wich they can store items, and the way they retrive and store items is determined by their fetch modus (I know these terms make no sense, they are the actual terms), and such is an important part of the story
Name: Dave Strider
Class(pect): Knight(of time),
Personality: he is an edgy coolkid with a heart of gold, acts all brash and edgy but cares for his friends
Skills: slash (5% hp) deals very low physical damge to one target, but inflicts bleeding (assuming that is a status effect you can inflict) for three turns causing the afllicted enemy to take physical damage each turn base power: 1 Bleeding damage: 3 per turn
Gear throw (4 SP) creates gears of solid time and throws them at an enemy dealing low phsycic damage (because experiencing one minuet in one second is bad for your mental health) base power 3
Limit Break: (will be added later)
Level: 1
HP: 30
SP: 15
ATK: 10
DEF: 4
MAG: 3
SPD: 15
LCK: 3%
Affinities:, resist Psychic weak, Dark, and Light.
special limitation that there is no space for in the character sheet blueprint but that I was given permision to ad anyways. sylladex, fetch modus hashmap
each of his inventory slots has a number from zero to nineteen, when he grabs an item, its name, not the actual name of the item but the name it is refferd to as when being picked up, is taken, each letter is then assigned a number (two if it is a consonant and one if it is a vowel and three if it is the letter y(in the source matterial he could choose wheter y was a vowel or consonant but that would be dumb)) the numbers are then added together and modulo twenty, (aka divided by twenty in the way low grade classes teach you and the remainder is the output) and the result is the inventory slot it is put into, to use an item the phrase used to describe the action taken has to map to the same inventory slot as the item is stored in. if an item is stored in a slot that is already ocupied by another item said other item is launched out of his inventory, typicaly breaking if it is fragile
Dave: wake up.
you wake up, wich is concerning because you do not remember falling asleep.
or being in a weird shrine for that matter
Dave: look around.
you notice another person, they seem to be out could, right as you make that realization they wake up, he asks you what happend to him you say dude, i have no idea because you are just as confused as he is,
Dave: check sylladex,
all your items apear to be missing, incluuding your timetables*, this is incredibly trubling, now you are probably at least twice as confused and three times as woried as before
*turn tables that alow you to travel through time
(is david your profile picture, otherwise what does he look like)
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
the reason for the inventory complication is because homestuck (the work of fiction from witch I am adapting the character) works such that each character has a sylladex in which they can store items, and the way they retrieve and store items is determined by their fetch modus (I know these terms make no sense, they are the actual terms), and such is an important part of the story
Name: Dave Strider
Class: Knight (of time)
Personality: He is an edgy cool kid with a heart of gold, acts all brash and edgy but cares for his friends
Slash (5% HP) Deals very low Physical damage to one target, but inflicts bleeding (assuming that is a status effect you can inflict) for three turns causing the afflicted enemy to take physical damage each turn. Base Power: 1; Bleeding Damage: 3 per turn
Gear throw (4 SP) Creates gears of solid time and throws them at an enemy dealing low Psychic damage. (Because experiencing one minute in one second is bad for your mental health) Base Power: 3
Limit Break: (Will be added later)
Level: 1
HP: 30
SP: 15
ATK: 10
DEF: 4
MAG: 3
SPD: 15
LCK: 3%
Affinities: Resist Psychic; Weak to Dark and Light.
Special limitation that there is no space for in the character sheet blueprint but that I was given permission to add anyways. Sylladex, fetch modus hashmap
Each of his inventory slots has a number from zero to nineteen, when he grabs an item, its name, not the actual name of the item but the name it is referred to as when being picked up, is taken, each letter is then assigned a number (two if it is a consonant and one if it is a vowel and three if it is the letter y(in the source material he could choose whether y was a vowel or consonant but that would be dumb)) the numbers are then added together and modulo twenty, (aka divided by twenty in the way low grade classes teach you and the remainder is the output) and the result is the inventory slot it is put into, to use an item the phrase used to describe the action taken has to map to the same inventory slot as the item is stored in. if an item is stored in a slot that is already occupied by another item said other item is launched out of his inventory, typically breaking if it is fragile
Dave: Wake up.
You wake up, which is concerning because you do not remember falling asleep, or being in a weird shrine for that matter.
Dave: look around.
You notice another person, they seem to be out cold, right as you make that realization they wake up, he asks you what happened.
David: Dude, I have no idea.
Dave: Check sylladex.
All your items appear to be missing, including your timetables*, this is incredibly troubling, now you are probably at least twice as confused and three times as worried as before
*turn tables that allow you to travel through time
(Is David your profile picture, otherwise what does he look like)
OOC: Yes, David is my profile pic.
ATK: 10 -> 5
SPD: 15 -> 4
David: ...Have we met somewhere?
Dave: No. Never seen you before, yet you're so familiar to me.
After confirming the fact that the duo has never seen each other before, despite being familiar to one another, the duo exchanges names.
???: ...Ah, you're awake...
David: Huh? Who are you?
???: I am merely a voice within your consciousnesses...
Dave: What do you want from us?
???: I shall tell you at a later time... For now, your spirit must be restored. I request that you take this trial... please, enter into the next room.
The duo moves on into the next room. It looks like an arena, and there are some old weapons lying around a nearby rack.
???: Take these weapons. They will assist you in this trial.
The five classes are able to use two specific weapons. If you have two classes, you get to use all of the weapons both classes provide. The weapons that the classes provide are:
Knight - Swords and Spears
Mage - Bows and Tomes
Cleric - Staves and Shields
Thief - Daggers and Axes
Dancer - Fans and Whips
However, note that you'll only get the stat bonuses from the weapon that you're currently using. You can switch weapons at will. Some weapon types will be more effective on certain types of enemies.
The party got some weapons!
Boko Club (Sword): A crude Bokoblin club made to clobber prey. It's essentially a stick, so don't expect it to do much. (+2 ATK) (x2)
Boko Spear (Spear): A spear recklessly carved from a tree branch. It seems to have more uses than just piercing prey. (+1 ATK) (x2)
Boko Bow (Bow): A basic Bokoblin bow which is made by basically tying string to a branch, so it's not all that strong. (+1 ATK) (x1)
Ancient Parchments (Tome): These parchments seem to have some ancient text scrawled over them. It might help when casting magic. (+1 MAG) (x1)
David equips the weapons he's able to use.
David: LV 1
Sword: Boko Club: A crude Bokoblin club made to clobber prey. It's essentially a stick, so don't expect it to do much. (+2 ATK) (Equipped)
Spear: Boko Spear: A spear recklessly carved from a tree branch. It seems to have more uses than just piercing prey. (+1 ATK)
Bow: Boko Bow: A basic Bokoblin bow which is made by basically tying string to a branch, so it's not all that strong. (+1 ATK)
Tome: Ancient Parchments: These parchments seem to have some ancient text scrawled over them. It might help when casting magic. (+1 MAG)
David: Maybe you'll be able to use these weapons too.
David hands Dave the other Boko Club and Boko Spear.
how is a club a sword, and do the weapons that are not in use at any one time go in the characters inventory, because if they do I will have to do the hex value thing to determine what slot the item goes in.
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GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation.
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
how is a club a sword, and do the weapons that are not in use at any one time go in the characters inventory, because if they do I will have to do the hex value thing to determine what slot the item goes in.
You make a good point that the club isn't really a sword, it just falls in the category somehow. (Don't ask. That'd be kinda complicated to explain.) Also, weapons go in the shared inventory when they're not equipped.
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
If you hit an enemy with a weapon that works especially on them, you will get a Weaponary Hit. Weaponary Hits deal x1.2 damage to the target, but do not knock them down. So keep this in mind as you battle.
Your character (And your teammates) cannot be hit with Weaponary Hits, so you do not need to worry.
David, noticing Connor's Weaponary Hit, decides to switch to the bow and shoot the Guardian Scout.
you notice that conor and davids ranged attacks was better than your mele one and opt for your only ranged option.
Dave: scince I don't have the ability to use bows i will just do this instead, it is also a ranged attack so maybee it is also efective in fact it almost definitely is i'm just that awsome.
(dave is just testing, *I* don't belive that gear throw will be super effective due to being ranged but *Dave* does)
you conjure up a gear made of time and throw it at the guardian scout from a distance.
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GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation.
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
???: Well done. I should have expected as much from you... It seems your battling spirit has not been extinguished.
Dave: Whoever you are, where are we?
???: You are in a shrine of ancient technology... the Shrine of Resurrection. You shall learn about this at a later time... For now, enter into the next room.
A door to the next room opens.
The first thing you notice is a device on some sort of pedestal.
???: That is an Aegis Tablet. David, please take it. It will guide all of you after your long slumber.
David takes the Aegis Tablet from the pedestal. As he does, its "screen" lights up.
You got the Aegis Tablet!
Aegis Tablet (Key Item): A mysterious device said to assist your journey. Despite never seeing it before, it stirs something within you...
Afterwards, the last door opens. A bright light shines from the other side...
???: Heroes... you are the light-- our light-- that must shine upon our world once again. Now, go...
The party leaves the Shrine of Resurrection and looks out to the world as they stand upon a cliff.
The party has reached the Great Plateau! Things'll get really interesting now!
(As of right now, you can do what you want.)
OOC: This game takes place in the world of BOTW, so you may (or may not, if you've never played the game before) see a LOT of familiar places in this game. I'm sorry if I disappointed you.
you look around to try to find out where you are, you notice an apple hanging on a tree and jump up there so you can capchlouge it,, (1+2+2+2+1=8 8mod(20)=8) it is placed in card 8,
(do we keep track of our inventories or do you?)
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GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation.
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
You look around to try to find out where you are, you notice an apple hanging on a tree and jump up there so you can capchlouge it,, (1+2+2+2+1=8 8mod(20)=8) it is placed in card 8,
(do we keep track of our inventories or do you?)
I guess both of us can. There's the possibility that I might miss something, so you could possibly correct me there.
You got an Apple.
that was dave capchlouging (grabing) the apple, so it should be in his sylladex (my personal inventory) untill he (I) allows (allow) someone else to use it right.
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GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation.
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
This game is based off of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Persona 5.
Sunrise on a World is an RPG where your team is one destined to save the world from destruction. However, you failed your task, and you were presumed dead from the impending cataclysm. But 100 years later, here you stand, revived in an ancient, divine shrine, devoid of memories and power. Will you rekindle the light that was snuffed out by the destructive darkness a century ago?
Class: (Valid classes are Knight, Mage, Cleric, Thief, or Dancer. Knights focus on physical damage, Mages deal magical damage, Clerics focus on healing, Thieves offer support by hindering the foe, and Dancers support the team by assisting their teammates. You can select up to two classes, but if you choose two, your stats will be lower than normal.)
Personality: (How your character acts. This can also affect how your character fights.)
Skills: (Enter whatever you like, however, if you have too many skills for your chosen level, I will remove some, but you will learn them at a later time instead.)
Limit Break: (You can state what your Limit Break will be, or you can tell it later. In any case, it will be unlocked at LV 20.)
Level: (You can make this whatever you want as long as you fulfill the threshold. See the "Rules" section for the threshold.)
Affinities: (You can describe what elements you're weak to, resist, nullify, repel, or absorb. Valid elements are Physical, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind, Nuclear, Psychic, Dark, and Light. You can leave out some elements-- this will be registered as elements which you take normal damage from.)
Class: Knight/Mage
Personality: Brave. Loves battling.
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 3
HP: 40
SP: 23
ATK: 7
DEF: 3
MAG: 5
SPD: 5
LCK: 4%
Affinities: Fire (Resist), Ice (Weak)
Class: Knight (of Time)
Personality: He's edgy with a flair for looking cool. He has a heart of gold and cares for his friends.
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 3
HP: 36
SP: 19
ATK: 8
DEF: 4
MAG: 5
SPD: 8
LCK: 3.51%
Affinities: Psychic (Resist); Dark, Light (Weak)
Class: Knight/Mage
Personality: Cautious/Brave. Makes an effort to not get hit.
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 2
HP: 28
SP: 23
ATK: 5
DEF: 2
MAG: 7
SPD: 4
LCK: 3%
Affinities: Ice (Resist); Fire, Psychic, Pierce (Weak)
Name: Samuel
Class: Thief
Personality: Sly. Tends not to take things seriously.
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 2
HP: 30
SP: 24
ATK: 6
DEF: 2
MAG: 5
SPD: 5
LCK: 3%
Affinities: Wind (Resist); Thunder (Weak)
Color-coded for both main areas and sub areas for convenience. Main areas are in Bold, sub areas are in Bold Italics. Shrines are not listed.
Kaishi Region
Shrine of Resurrection: The first area the party finds themselves in. Perhaps the way out is a little further in.
Trial of Combat: The area in which the party's "rehabilitation" begins, where they have their first battle.
Great Plateau: The area where the party's journey begins. It seems that jumping off will be fatal.
Kaishi Mountain: A mountain within the Great Plateau. It's impossible to enter without taking damage unless you have a spicy dish handy.
Piku Region
Dueling Peaks Stable: The stable in the Piku region.
Kakariko Village: A village whose inhabitants are purely Shiekah.
SP: Spirit Points. You use SP to use magical skills. If your SP hits 0, you'll have to resort to physical attacks or using an SP-restoring item.
BP: Boost Points. You use BP to boost the power of your skills. You can use up to three to boost to the max, and you can store up to five. You cannot change the BP cap.
LP: Limit Points. As you take damage (Not when using HP for physical skills), you will gain LP. If you fill it all the way to 999, your Limit Break will be available for you to use (Unless you haven't unlocked it yet, in which case you will not gain LP at all). Limit Breaks cannot be boosted with BP. The LP cap also cannot be changed.
ATK: Attack. The higher the number, the more damage you deal with physical attacks.
DEF: Defense. The higher the number, the less damage you take from both physical and magical attacks.
MAG: Magic. The higher the number, the more damage you deal with magical attacks.
SPD: Speed. The higher the number, the sooner you get to act.
LCK: Luck. The higher the number, the more are the chances to get Critical Hits and dodge attacks. Unlike the other stats, this stat has a limit of 30%.
Note that none of these stats can be lower than 1.
Burn: The victim will take Fire damage every turn equal to 2.5% of their Max HP and will also take slightly more damage from attacks. Caused by Fire skills.
Freeze: The victim cannot act, but will take less damage. Caused by Ice skills.
Shock: The victim cannot act. If an attacker tries a melee attack, they might be Shocked too. Caused by Electricity skills.
Stagger: The next hit the victim takes will be a Critical Hit. Caused by Wind skills.
Poison: The victim will take Nuclear damage every turn equal to 3.5% of their Max HP and will act later. Caused by Nuclear skills.
Confuse: The victim may use unusual actions and will go against orders. Caused by Psychic skills.
Blind: The victim's hit rate will severely go down. Caused by Light skills.
Silence: The victim cannot use any magical skills. Caused by Dark skills.
Down: The victim's turn will be skipped and take more damage.
Anger: The victim gets two turns, can only use attack skills and can only target the offender.
Sleep: The victim cannot act, but their HP and SP will slowly regenerate. If attacked, the victim will wake up and take a Critical Hit.
Fear: The victim has a 50% chance not to act, and cannot attack the offender.
Despair: The victim will slowly lose SP.
Dizzy: The victim will have a higher chance of missing attacks.
Brainwash: The victim will either heal a foe, attack an ally, or use a support skill on a foe.
Hungry: The victim will deal 75% less damage, but can be cured by eating dishes.
Regenerate: The affected will slowly regain HP.
Invigorate: The affected will slowly regain SP.
Energetic: The affected will gain 2 BP per turn.
Intense: The affected will gain more LP than normal.
Weaken: The victim will have their ATK and MAG debuffed every turn.
Curse: The victim will have their DEF debuffed every turn.
Tired: The victim will have their SPD and LCK debuffed every turn.
Power Surge: Always deal Critical Hits.
Distracted: Always take Critical Hits.
Brave: The affected can deal more Critical Hits, and cannot be hit with Critical Hits.
Morale: Allows the affected to survive a fatal blow at 1 HP.
Doom: When the timer expires, the victim will instantly die.
Stasis: The victim cannot act, and will take damage according to how many times the victim was hit when the effect ends.
Off-Balance: The victim takes x1.5 extra damage from all sources.
Magical Attacks: (BasePower * MAG) / EnemyDEF = damage
All-Out Attacks: ([TotalPartyLevel / PartyMembers] * [PartyTotalATK * 0.8]) / EnemyDEF = damage
Healing: (BasePower + [{DEF + MAG} / 2]) = healing
LP Gain: ([{damageTaken / maxHP} * 133] / [{level + 1} / 5]) = limit
Boosting increases the output by x1.2, x1.5, and x2 for every BP you use.
Getting hit by an element that the target is weak to doubles damage.
Getting hit by an element that the target resists halves damage.
Getting hit by an element that the target absorbs heals HP equal to half of the damage output.
Alright, that's enough info. Now let's get this game started, starting with my character.
Class: Knight/Mage
Personality: Brave. Loves battling.
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 1
HP: 33
SP: 19
ATK: 4
DEF: 2
MAG: 3
SPD: 3
LCK: 3%
Affinities: Fire (Resist), Ice (Weak)
Now, let's REALLY start the game this time!
David wakes up in the Shrine of Resurrection.
David: Ughh... What... happened to me?
(Cue waiting for other players)
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I'm gonna bump this, since I really want to play this.
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I was going to play as dave strider the knight of time but to be honest I would have to criple the entire team by absurdly overcomplicating the inventory system to be able to play him properly. (because sylladex.) except actualy, do characters have separete inventories as well as a common one (like in outpost defenders retribution) only separate personal ones or only a shared one, if it is one of the first two I may actualy be able to play as him, overcomplicating my own inventory and limiting its size but purrhaps I mean perhaps geting higher stats,
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current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
Yeah, characters have separate inventories, as well as a shared inventory. The shared inventory has unlimited space, but the character inventories have 20 storage space.
I don't know how you plan to play this guy, though, and how the Sylladex works. (Feel free to explain it in your character sheet, though.)
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
the reason for the inventory complication is because homestuck (the work of fiction from witch I am adapting the character) works such that each character has a sylladex in wich they can store items, and the way they retrive and store items is determined by their fetch modus (I know these terms make no sense, they are the actual terms), and such is an important part of the story
Name: Dave Strider
Class(pect): Knight(of time),
Personality: he is an edgy coolkid with a heart of gold, acts all brash and edgy but cares for his friends
Limit Break: (will be added later)
Level: 1
HP: 30
SP: 15
ATK: 10
DEF: 4
MAG: 3
SPD: 15
LCK: 3%
Affinities:, resist Psychic weak, Dark, and Light.
special limitation that there is no space for in the character sheet blueprint but that I was given permision to ad anyways. sylladex, fetch modus hashmap
each of his inventory slots has a number from zero to nineteen, when he grabs an item, its name, not the actual name of the item but the name it is refferd to as when being picked up, is taken, each letter is then assigned a number (two if it is a consonant and one if it is a vowel and three if it is the letter y(in the source matterial he could choose wheter y was a vowel or consonant but that would be dumb)) the numbers are then added together and modulo twenty, (aka divided by twenty in the way low grade classes teach you and the remainder is the output) and the result is the inventory slot it is put into, to use an item the phrase used to describe the action taken has to map to the same inventory slot as the item is stored in. if an item is stored in a slot that is already ocupied by another item said other item is launched out of his inventory, typicaly breaking if it is fragile
Dave: wake up.
you wake up, wich is concerning because you do not remember falling asleep.
or being in a weird shrine for that matter
Dave: look around.
you notice another person, they seem to be out could, right as you make that realization they wake up, he asks you what happend to him you say dude, i have no idea because you are just as confused as he is,
Dave: check sylladex,
all your items apear to be missing, incluuding your timetables*, this is incredibly trubling, now you are probably at least twice as confused and three times as woried as before
*turn tables that alow you to travel through time
(is david your profile picture, otherwise what does he look like)
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current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
OOC: Yes, David is my profile pic.
ATK: 10 -> 5
SPD: 15 -> 4
David: ...Have we met somewhere?
Dave: No. Never seen you before, yet you're so familiar to me.
After confirming the fact that the duo has never seen each other before, despite being familiar to one another, the duo exchanges names.
???: ...Ah, you're awake...
David: Huh? Who are you?
???: I am merely a voice within your consciousnesses...
Dave: What do you want from us?
???: I shall tell you at a later time... For now, your spirit must be restored. I request that you take this trial... please, enter into the next room.
The duo moves on into the next room. It looks like an arena, and there are some old weapons lying around a nearby rack.
???: Take these weapons. They will assist you in this trial.
The five classes are able to use two specific weapons. If you have two classes, you get to use all of the weapons both classes provide. The weapons that the classes provide are:
Knight - Swords and Spears
Mage - Bows and Tomes
Cleric - Staves and Shields
Thief - Daggers and Axes
Dancer - Fans and Whips
However, note that you'll only get the stat bonuses from the weapon that you're currently using. You can switch weapons at will. Some weapon types will be more effective on certain types of enemies.
The party got some weapons!
David equips the weapons he's able to use.
David: LV 1
David: Maybe you'll be able to use these weapons too.
David hands Dave the other Boko Club and Boko Spear.
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
how is a club a sword, and do the weapons that are not in use at any one time go in the characters inventory, because if they do I will have to do the hex value thing to determine what slot the item goes in.
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current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
You make a good point that the club isn't really a sword, it just falls in the category somehow. (Don't ask. That'd be kinda complicated to explain.) Also, weapons go in the shared inventory when they're not equipped.
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
Name: Connor (Not the Mii this time)
Class: Knight/Mage
Personality: Cautious/Brave. Makes efforts to not get hit.
Limit Break: (Will be described later.)
Level: 1
HP: 25
SP: 20
ATK: 4
DEF: 1
MAG: 4
SPD: 3
LCK: 3%
Welcome to the game!
OOC: Pierce isn't a valid element, although it could be a "sub-element", so, accepted.
Impulse Strike Lite Base Power: 8 -> 7
Impulse Strike Lite HP Cost: 25% -> 13%
Connor also wakes up from the Shrine of Resurrection.
David: Oh, here comes a new guy.
Dave: He's just like us, huh?
Connor: I... overheard that we're going through some sorta trial?
Dave: Apparently.
David: Let's get ready and go through the gate.
Connor takes the same weapons David did (See my previous post for more info) and joins the team.
As the trio steps through, the gate closes up behind them. In front of them, a lift carries an enemy for the party to fight.
???: That is a Guardian Scout. It will be your opponent in this combat trial. May you be victorious!
David decides to use Cleave on the Guardian Scout.
OOC: The Bold in "Weapon Equipped" shows the weapon you're currently using.
Turn 1
Guardian Scout: LV 1, 39/39 HP, 3 ATK, 2 DEF, 2 MAG, 2 SPD, 2% LCK, 3 G, 2 EXP
David: LV 1 (0/20) 33/33 HP, 19/19 SP, 1/5 BP, 6 ATK, 2 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK (Ready)
Dave: LV 1 (0/20) 30/30 HP, 15/15 SP, 1/5 BP, 7 ATK, 4 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK
Connor: LV 1 (0/20) 25/25 HP, 20/20 SP, 1/5 BP, 6 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Turn Queue: Dave, David, Connor, Guardian Scout
Next Turn Queue: Dave, Connor, David, Guardian Scout
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
Dave, attack
You lunge at the guardian scout, hit it over the head with your Boko club and then back up befor it can attack you
(Basic attack)
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current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
I switch to the bow and try to hit the enemy in the eye.
Dave attacks!
Guardian Scout took 8 damage! (31/39 HP)
Connor switches to the Bow.
Connor attacks!
Guardian Scout took 7 damage! (24/39 HP)
Connor: ...!
Connor notices a Weaponary Hit!
David used Cleave! (31/33 HP)
Guardian Scout took 10 damage! (14/39 HP)
Guardian Scout used Laser Shot!
David took 5 damage! (26/33 HP)
Turn 2
Your character (And your teammates) cannot be hit with Weaponary Hits, so you do not need to worry.
David, noticing Connor's Weaponary Hit, decides to switch to the bow and shoot the Guardian Scout.
Guardian Scout: LV 1, 14/39 HP, 3 ATK, 2 DEF, 2 MAG, 2 SPD, 2% LCK, 3 G, 2 EXP
David: LV 1 (0/20) 26/33 HP, 19/19 SP, 2/5 BP, 5 ATK, 2 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK (Ready)
Dave: LV 1 (0/20) 30/30 HP, 15/15 SP, 2/5 BP, 7 ATK, 4 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK
Connor: LV 1 (0/20) 25/25 HP, 20/20 SP, 2/5 BP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Turn Queue: Dave, Connor, David, Guardian Scout
Next Turn Queue: Dave, Connor, David, Guardian Scout
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
“Do it again!”
*shoots another arrow into the Scout’s eye*
dave, try out gear throw,
you notice that conor and davids ranged attacks was better than your mele one and opt for your only ranged option.
Dave: scince I don't have the ability to use bows i will just do this instead, it is also a ranged attack so maybee it is also efective in fact it almost definitely is i'm just that awsome.
(dave is just testing, *I* don't belive that gear throw will be super effective due to being ranged but *Dave* does)
you conjure up a gear made of time and throw it at the guardian scout from a distance.
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current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
Dave used Gear Throw! (11/15 SP)
Guardian Scout took 6 damage! (8/39 HP)
Connor attacks!
Weaponary Hit!
Guardian Scout took 8 damage!
Guardian Scout was defeated.
+3 G, +2 EXP
Party's Gold: 3
David: LV 1 (3/20) 26/33 HP, 19/19 SP, 1/5 BP, 5 ATK, 2 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Dave: LV 1 (3/20) 30/30 HP, 15/15 SP, 1/5 BP, 7 ATK, 4 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK
Connor: LV 1 (3/20) 25/25 HP, 20/20 SP, 1/5 BP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
???: Well done. I should have expected as much from you... It seems your battling spirit has not been extinguished.
Dave: Whoever you are, where are we?
???: You are in a shrine of ancient technology... the Shrine of Resurrection. You shall learn about this at a later time... For now, enter into the next room.
A door to the next room opens.
The first thing you notice is a device on some sort of pedestal.
???: That is an Aegis Tablet. David, please take it. It will guide all of you after your long slumber.
David takes the Aegis Tablet from the pedestal. As he does, its "screen" lights up.
You got the Aegis Tablet!
Afterwards, the last door opens. A bright light shines from the other side...
???: Heroes... you are the light-- our light-- that must shine upon our world once again. Now, go...
The party leaves the Shrine of Resurrection and looks out to the world as they stand upon a cliff.
The party has reached the Great Plateau! Things'll get really interesting now!
(As of right now, you can do what you want.)
OOC: This game takes place in the world of BOTW, so you may (or may not, if you've never played the game before) see a LOT of familiar places in this game. I'm sorry if I disappointed you.
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
dave, look around.
you look around to try to find out where you are, you notice an apple hanging on a tree and jump up there so you can capchlouge it,, (1+2+2+2+1=8 8mod(20)=8) it is placed in card 8,
(do we keep track of our inventories or do you?)
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current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?
> check surroundings
I guess both of us can. There's the possibility that I might miss something, so you could possibly correct me there.
You got an Apple.
You see an old man in the distance. It looks like he's sitting near a campfire...
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
that was dave capchlouging (grabing) the apple, so it should be in his sylladex (my personal inventory) untill he (I) allows (allow) someone else to use it right.
GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation.
current avatar: Hat Kid
pokéfarm [url=][/url]
I scored 64% on the [url="http:/"]Minecraft Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Minecraft?