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I'm not asking for a franchise with its own Happy Meal toys, but a progress bar or something would be nice.
I become Nice Guy and stab the guy. Due to my powers, the mysterious anti-anti-guy force does not consider me a threat and does not activate.
Unleash Fire Finale on him!
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I proceed to tickle the guy into his sub-consciousness after he gave his consent... Wait, what?
An army of giants pass through the location of the man’s house as he is sleeping, and one of the giants step on his house.
Blast 'em with the infamous warcry of BITCONNECT!
I get Chuck Norris to kill him.
Capture bats and other mobs in a small cage!
Bedrock edition: Using nether quartz to measure light levels
I tell Boomstick you stole his drinks.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
Quote from Merry_Pippin» I tell Deadpool you stole my Chimichangas.
I tell Deadpool you stole my Chimichangas.
Okay, but that goes against me.
Quote from O5Fourteen» I'm not asking for a franchise with its own Happy Meal toys, but a progress bar or something would be nice. I become Nice Guy and stab the guy. Due to my powers, the mysterious anti-anti-guy force does not consider me a threat and does not activate.
Your Knife is made of aluminum, sorry.
Quote from algot120» I telleport the guy into asdf movie and he steps on a Mine turtle
I telleport the guy into asdf movie and he steps on a Mine turtle
The Mine turtle is actually a normal turtle with a button on top.
Quote from Idelac» Unleash Fire Finale on him!
Didn't I already say that he is wearing fireproof clothes?
Quote from Winkins» I proceed to tickle the guy into his sub-consciousness after he gave his consent... Wait, what?
See? Even you don't know!
Quote from algot120» I shoot him with a gun... That can kill the past
I shoot him with a gun... That can kill the past
Well, it kills the guy in an alternate timeline, split in the past.
Quote from Player_Miner» An army of giants pass through the location of the man’s house as he is sleeping, and one of the giants step on his house.
His house is actually underground.
Quote from algot120» I teleport him into a room containing SCP-173 with a picture of SCP-096s face atached to it
I teleport him into a room containing SCP-173 with a picture of SCP-096s face atached to it
Just look at the part without the picture attached.
Quote from Idelac» Blast 'em with the infamous warcry of BITCONNECT!
I already said he's deaf.
Quote from algot120» Toss a bomb at him
Toss a bomb at him
Quote from APlotdevice» I get Chuck Norris to kill him.
Quote from Merry_Pippin» I tell Boomstick you stole his drinks.
Again, this one goes against me. Also who's Boomstick?
I destroy the whole timeline causing us and "this guy" to disappear
I fire a bunker buster at his house.
Quote from MinecraftSiegeEngineer» I destroy the whole timeline causing us and "this guy" to disappear
Quote from APlotdevice» I fire a bunker buster at his house.
His house is way deeper than you think.
Quote from algot120» I aply a texturepak to This guys vision replaceing everything he seas (but only from his perspective) including his eyelids with pictures of SCP-096s face
I aply a texturepak to This guys vision replaceing everything he seas (but only from his perspective) including his eyelids with pictures of SCP-096s face
Again, this is not a videogame. Also can you come up with an attack that doesn't involve SCP?
A magnitude 10 earthquake affects the underground house.
I give him a drink laced with morphine.
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
I remove his fireproof suit and then boil him inside
I locate the air supply to his underground house and pump in nerve gas.
Quote from Player_Miner» A magnitude 10 earthquake affects the underground house.
Quote from algot120» I shoot him with anpoisonus arrow
I shoot him with anpoisonus arrow
The arrow immediately snaps when it hits.
Quote from blugreended» I give him a drink laced with morphine.
Quote from algot120» I punch him in the heart
I punch him in the heart
Quote from MinecraftSiegeEngineer» I remove his fireproof suit and then boil him inside
Quote from APlotdevice» I locate the air supply to his underground house and pump in nerve gas.
Good thing he isn't in his house right now.
Quote from algot120» I do This to him
I do This to him
Seeing that gives me deja vu...
Quote from algot120» But how does that affect him
But how does that affect him
Well, you are way too weak to actually do any damage.
The planet goes boom for no apparent reason.
I'm not asking for a franchise with its own Happy Meal toys, but a progress bar or something would be nice.
I become Nice Guy and stab the guy. Due to my powers, the mysterious anti-anti-guy force does not consider me a threat and does not activate.
Unleash Fire Finale on him!
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I proceed to tickle the guy into his sub-consciousness after he gave his consent... Wait, what?
An army of giants pass through the location of the man’s house as he is sleeping, and one of the giants step on his house.
Blast 'em with the infamous warcry of BITCONNECT!
[Avatar] A render of my skin
[Status] Doing absolutely nothing.
I'm Idelac. I'm a regular on the forum games.
I get Chuck Norris to kill him.
Capture bats and other mobs in a small cage!
Bedrock edition: Using nether quartz to measure light levels
I tell Boomstick you stole his drinks.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
Okay, but that goes against me.
Your Knife is made of aluminum, sorry.
The Mine turtle is actually a normal turtle with a button on top.
Didn't I already say that he is wearing fireproof clothes?
See? Even you don't know!
Well, it kills the guy in an alternate timeline, split in the past.
His house is actually underground.
Just look at the part without the picture attached.
I already said he's deaf.
The guy tosses the bomb right back.
Chuck Norris is too busy to kill him right now.
Again, this one goes against me. Also who's Boomstick?
I destroy the whole timeline causing us and "this guy" to disappear
I fire a bunker buster at his house.
Capture bats and other mobs in a small cage!
Bedrock edition: Using nether quartz to measure light levels
But in an alternate timeline, you didn't destroy it and the guy still exists.
His house is way deeper than you think.
Again, this is not a videogame. Also can you come up with an attack that doesn't involve SCP?
A magnitude 10 earthquake affects the underground house.
I give him a drink laced with morphine.
Current avatar: Ralsei from Deltarune.
I remove his fireproof suit and then boil him inside
I locate the air supply to his underground house and pump in nerve gas.
Capture bats and other mobs in a small cage!
Bedrock edition: Using nether quartz to measure light levels
All the furniture was bolted to the ground, so nothing happens.
The arrow immediately snaps when it hits.
He's not falling for that trick.
Your hand now hurts after hitting him in the chest.
He's wearing more clothes underneath.
Good thing he isn't in his house right now.
Seeing that gives me deja vu...
Well, you are way too weak to actually do any damage.
The planet goes boom for no apparent reason.