I look at my ability options. Psychosis seems cruel, but it's incredibly useful, to be honest. I already have Snapfreeze for simply stopping an enemy, anyways. I begrudgingly take it and use it on the most powerful enemy I see, damage-wise. My suit glows pinkish-purple for a second, and suddenly the afflicted enemy starts to freak out...I feel a bit queazy.
Raising my arms, I call upon my arcane knowledge and craft them into magical spikes and runs through the lvl 19 sniper and his other fellow. (Piercing Shot)
While I deal with the damage dealers I call out to my teammates.
"I-I'll handle their Snipers and A-Assassins! Try and get r-rid of their healers!"
"WINK! Leave the one I Psycho'd alive for now! They may prove somewhat useful."
He is right though, those healers have gotta GO. I toss an entire set of pool balls into the air and, using the butt of my spear, precisely strike the cue ball in a way that it knocks into every other midair ball, in such a ridiculous way that they all go flying towards the weakest Medic.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
These cost around 2k-2,5k and are those of higher quality. Some have invincibility against a certain type of damage, some have super ultimate abilities, and some are straight up nuts.
Mirror Knight
A dude who decided to time travel from about 2295's, trying to explore the ancient world, eat ancient food and date ancient girls. Except that he ended up in a war between us and Talon. Mirrors completely reflect any laser or electromagnetic based attacks, and he wields a lightsaber and a scary yet extremely accurate Pulsator.
Has 140 HP and 22 damage.
Passive - Mirror Armor. Has 6969696969696969resistance, which cannot be reduced below 75% it's value through any means. Electrical attacks have 25% chance to be reflected into the attacker.
Teleslash - deals 2x attack damage to a single enemy. CD: 3 turns.
Electro Bolt - deals 3x attack damage to a single enemy and dispels a positive buff. CD: 5 turns.
Pulsator Blast - deals 2x highly accurate attack damage asdamage and immobilizes enemy for 1 turn. CD: 5 turns.
Ultimate - Blade Discharge 20% charge/turn. Discharges 2x attack damage to 5 enemies. Then weakens himself by 50% for 1 turn.
Elemental Juggernaught
Imagine a Specialist that applies status effects on autos. Then imagine a beefy Juggernaught with a high impact shotgun. Now, due to sheer capability of experimentation with equipment, this guy has the benefit of both. Deals 18 damage.
Passive: Status Application - attacks apply random negative status effects, and Elemental Juggernaught becomes immune only to them afterwards.
Wrath: A "basic attack" that is shot to 5 different enemies(for 0,8x ATK each) and applies basic attack effects and can crit. CD: 4 turns.
Taunt: Gain 30% damage reduction and force enemy to target the unit. CD: 3 turns
Berserk: increase critical chance by 30%, damage by 40% and attacks have 30% armor penetration for 2 turns. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Elemental(20% charge/turn). Gains 140 damage shield, doubles the potency of effects(burning double damage freezing double duration weakening double potency etc...) and regenerates 0,5x ATK/turn.
Flamethrower Trooper
His job is to ignite as many as possible. And deal A LOT of damage. Unlike his cold brother, he doesn't pack many effects, but "death is the best CC". No matter how much armor you have, or how much evasion you have, or whatever, you will just turn into ash that feeds the local plants.
Passive - Flamethrower: basic attacks ignite enemies for 360% ATK over 3 turns.
Passive - Hazardous Fire: getting attacked deals damage to an attacker(100% ATK) and has a chance to set them on fire.
Oil Grenade: reduces Fire resistance by 30, slows enemy down and causes any fire damage to ignite enemy. 3 turn CD.
Flare Bomb: deals 250% ATK to 2 different enemies, or 300% if burning. 4 turn CD.
Fire Blast: deals 200% ATK to 4 different enemies. Has 30% chance to cause shell shock, stunning the enemies. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Deflagaration(15% charge/turn). Unleashes a giant fire, dealing 300% ATK to 2 enemies for 3 turns and igniting enemies. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire.
Freezethrower Trooper
Unlike his hot brother, doesn't have that monstrous damage, but instead his freezethrower will freeze enemies within seconds. And after shattering the enemies, there's usually no way back to life. In 1v1 scenarios this guy is pretty good at locking enemy down, and in huge battles he'd go for highest ATK enemies.
Passive - Freezethrower: basic attacks freeze enemies for 1 turn.
Passive - Stun Resist: 90% chance to resist a stun, freeze, immobilize or other disabling effect.
Nitrogen Bomb: deals 180% ATK to 2 different enemies and freezes them for 2 turns. 4 turn CD.
Ice Spike: deals 30% ATK to all enemies, with very high chance to crit. Ignores 50% armor. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Avalanche(15% charge/turn): deals 200% ATK to 3 enemies, with bonus crit chance and armor penetration if frozen.
Outpost Sniper
Real outpost defender grade training here, although pretty basic. When not even touched, the Outpost defender's Sniper can quickly become VERY dangerous to the Talon forces. 25 damage.
Passive - Vantage Point: Not being attacked doubles ATK(and all ATK scaling abilities subsequently)
Passive - Conduit: increases received healing by 200%, crit by 20% and accuracy by 200%.
Passive - Adrenaline: an attack that would be lethal will leave the unit at 1 hp. Any damage over time effects, or subsequent attacks can kill, though. [1 use]
Immobilize: an attack that reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. Deals 180% ATK. CD: 4 turns.
Piercing Shot: an attack that hits an additional enemy. CD: 3 turns.
Searing Shot: an attack that sets enemy on fire and removes 1 use of an ability/drains secondary resource by 30%(energy, focus, mana, etc...)
We need to apply lots of DPS to clear these waves. I launch three Electric Bursts at random targets (ignoring the Psych'd one), hoping to see some chain attacks proc. This Egg better be useful for something!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
I check my fancy new toy stats and rip forward with it, causing a rip in space time between the three strongest enemies courtesy of Trishot.They are sent to this video to be tortured for a few minutes, causing crazy mental damage, afterwards, sending them back.
(don't say the video didn't warn you)
It has the ATK stat of the Deathslayer's Blade, a halfway point between the accuracy of both weapons, and the perks of both weapons.
You fire a Trishot at the sunbreaker, the elite specialist, and the firestorm gunner. The sunbreaker avoids the attack, but the gunner takes 27 damage, and the specialist gets critted for 38 damage! +41 XP!
On the note of a spare 660 EXP available to me, I train:
Ability upgrade - Micro Turret (level 2)
Level 3 Conditioning and Enhanced Battery.
Also, what else is possible to level up besides the Training Center?
Note: I love these mercenary descriptions.
You deploy a shield generator! You also purchase Conditioning III, Enhanced Battery III, and Micro Turret II!
Micro Turret II: Turret gains +15 accuracy.
XP can be spent to level yourself up or to buy abilities in the training center. If you want, you can also choose to pass out any XP you don't plan to use to other players.
I look at my ability options. Psychosis seems cruel, but it's incredibly useful, to be honest. I already have Snapfreeze for simply stopping an enemy, anyways. I begrudgingly take it and use it on the most powerful enemy I see, damage-wise. My suit glows pinkish-purple for a second, and suddenly the afflicted enemy starts to freak out...I feel a bit queazy.
Raising my arms, I call upon my arcane knowledge and craft them into magical spikes and runs through the lvl 19 sniper and his other fellow. (Piercing Shot)
While I deal with the damage dealers I call out to my teammates.
"I-I'll handle their Snipers and A-Assassins! Try and get r-rid of their healers!"
You hit both snipers with a piercing shot, killing one and dealing 28 damage to the other! +89 XP! The sniper drops 41 materials!
"WINK! Leave the one I Psycho'd alive for now! They may prove somewhat useful."
He is right though, those healers have gotta GO. I toss an entire set of pool balls into the air and, using the butt of my spear, precisely strike the cue ball in a way that it knocks into every other midair ball, in such a ridiculous way that they all go flying towards the weakest Medic.
These cost around 2k-2,5k and are those of higher quality. Some have invincibility against a certain type of damage, some have super ultimate abilities, and some are straight up nuts.
Mirror Knight
A dude who decided to time travel from about 2295's, trying to explore the ancient world, eat ancient food and date ancient girls. Except that he ended up in a war between us and Talon. Mirrors completely reflect any laser or electromagnetic based attacks, and he wields a lightsaber and a scary yet extremely accurate Pulsator.
Has 140 HP and 22 damage.
Passive - Mirror Armor. Has 6969696969696969resistance, which cannot be reduced below 75% it's value through any means. Electrical attacks have 25% chance to be reflected into the attacker.
Teleslash - deals 2x attack damage to a single enemy. CD: 3 turns.
Electro Bolt - deals 3x attack damage to a single enemy and dispels a positive buff. CD: 5 turns.
Pulsator Blast - deals 2x highly accurate attack damage asdamage and immobilizes enemy for 1 turn. CD: 5 turns.
Ultimate - Blade Discharge 20% charge/turn. Discharges 2x attack damage to 5 enemies. Then weakens himself by 50% for 1 turn.
Elemental Juggernaught
Imagine a Specialist that applies status effects on autos. Then imagine a beefy Juggernaught with a high impact shotgun. Now, due to sheer capability of experimentation with equipment, this guy has the benefit of both. Deals 18 damage.
Passive: Status Application - attacks apply random negative status effects, and Elemental Juggernaught becomes immune only to them afterwards.
Wrath: A "basic attack" that is shot to 5 different enemies(for 0,8x ATK each) and applies basic attack effects and can crit. CD: 4 turns.
Taunt: Gain 30% damage reduction and force enemy to target the unit. CD: 3 turns
Berserk: increase critical chance by 30%, damage by 40% and attacks have 30% armor penetration for 2 turns. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Elemental(20% charge/turn). Gains 140 damage shield, doubles the potency of effects(burning double damage freezing double duration weakening double potency etc...) and regenerates 0,5x ATK/turn.
Flamethrower Trooper
His job is to ignite as many as possible. And deal A LOT of damage. Unlike his cold brother, he doesn't pack many effects, but "death is the best CC". No matter how much armor you have, or how much evasion you have, or whatever, you will just turn into ash that feeds the local plants.
Passive - Flamethrower: basic attacks ignite enemies for 360% ATK over 3 turns.
Passive - Hazardous Fire: getting attacked deals damage to an attacker(100% ATK) and has a chance to set them on fire.
Oil Grenade: reduces Fire resistance by 30, slows enemy down and causes any fire damage to ignite enemy. 3 turn CD.
Flare Bomb: deals 250% ATK to 2 different enemies, or 300% if burning. 4 turn CD.
Fire Blast: deals 200% ATK to 4 different enemies. Has 30% chance to cause shell shock, stunning the enemies. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Deflagaration(15% charge/turn). Unleashes a giant fire, dealing 300% ATK to 2 enemies for 3 turns and igniting enemies. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire.
Freezethrower Trooper
Unlike his hot brother, doesn't have that monstrous damage, but instead his freezethrower will freeze enemies within seconds. And after shattering the enemies, there's usually no way back to life. In 1v1 scenarios this guy is pretty good at locking enemy down, and in huge battles he'd go for highest ATK enemies.
Passive - Freezethrower: basic attacks freeze enemies for 1 turn.
Passive - Stun Resist: 90% chance to resist a stun, freeze, immobilize or other disabling effect.
Nitrogen Bomb: deals 180% ATK to 2 different enemies and freezes them for 2 turns. 4 turn CD.
Ice Spike: deals 30% ATK to all enemies, with very high chance to crit. Ignores 50% armor. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Avalanche(15% charge/turn): deals 200% ATK to 3 enemies, with bonus crit chance and armor penetration if frozen.
Outpost Sniper
Real outpost defender grade training here, although pretty basic. When not even touched, the Outpost defender's Sniper can quickly become VERY dangerous to the Talon forces. 25 damage.
Passive - Vantage Point: Not being attacked doubles ATK(and all ATK scaling abilities subsequently)
Passive - Conduit: increases received healing by 200%, crit by 20% and accuracy by 200%.
Passive - Adrenaline: an attack that would be lethal will leave the unit at 1 hp. Any damage over time effects, or subsequent attacks can kill, though. [1 use]
Immobilize: an attack that reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. Deals 180% ATK. CD: 4 turns.
Piercing Shot: an attack that hits an additional enemy. CD: 3 turns.
Searing Shot: an attack that sets enemy on fire and removes 1 use of an ability/drains secondary resource by 30%(energy, focus, mana, etc...)
We need to apply lots of DPS to clear these waves. I launch three Electric Bursts at random targets (ignoring the Psych'd one), hoping to see some chain attacks proc. This Egg better be useful for something!
You unleash three electric bursts at the Silent, the blastmaster gunner, and a medic, dealing 24 damage to them and galvanizing the blastmaster, dealing an additional 12 damage to the firestorm gunner! +66 XP!
I take aim with my SVD Stealth Sniper, and blow the head off an enemy Medic.
I also submit this research:
Feint Shot
$[You decide]
5 uses
+When equipped: holder has a 10% chance of preventing an enemy from taking his/her turn while dealing a flat 10HP worth of Physical damage.
-Damage cannot be boosted in any way (always deal 10HP of Physical damage regardless of boosts)
-Damage can still be reduced by target's Physical Damage Resistance (however target's turn is still interrupted).
You snipe a medic to death! +54 XP! He drops 26 materials!
Research accepted.
My action: I headbutt the remaining medic, killing him. He drops 5 materials.
==[Enemy turn]==
The blastmaster gunner takes 10 galvanizing damage. He then throws a grenade at the gunner mercenary, dealing 25 damage to him and 20 damage to the cryotech and shocktech mercenaries.
The firestorm gunner throws his oil grenade at Winkins, slowing him.
The sniper, accepting his fate, takes a lethal shot on the cryotech mercenary. The antimatter in his gun then results in the sniper's demise. He drops 84 materials.
The Silent assassin casts Crippling Cloud, weakening and poisoning all players. She then hits the shocktech mercenary with a glass knife, dealing a total of 16 damage and permanently weakening the knife. She then draws new cards.
The elite specialist imprecates Winkins, landing a critical hit that deals 20 damage and silences him.
The grenadier launches a grenade at the shocktech mercenary, killing him and dealing 19 damage to the gunner and pyrotech mercenaries.
The sunbreaker, in his confusing blasts the grenadier with a melting point, dealing 14 damage to him and making him vulnerable to damage.
==[Ally turn]==
Algot's turrets fire at each of the gunners, dealing 12 damage to them.
The gunner mercenary suppresses the grenadier.
The pyrotech mercenary throws out a mass ignite, burning all enemies (except the specialist, who is immune).
The executioner cleaves the elite specialist, dealing 15 damage to him.
Algot's enhanced turret fires at the Silent, dealing 15 damage to her.
The medical personnel heals Winkins, restoring 15 HP to him and granting HP regen.
The cardinals attack all enemies except the sunbreaker, dealing 7 damage to each.
The battle airship fires its minigun at the specialist for 14 damage.
The thermoshadow throws some nitrogen shards at the grenadier for 10 damage.
All players take 10 poison damage. Winkins regenerates 10 HP.
Camp [HP: 450/450] {Provides space for 2 large constructions}
Barracks [HP: 650/650] {Allows training of soldiers}
Giant rock [HP: 386/400] {Good cover} [Winkins]
Modifiers: Overwhelming Force {+10% XP earned}
Bag of holding [Fiend Fire (1), After Image (1), Trip (1), Quick Slash (1), Neutralize (1), Heavy Rifle, MS34 Shieldbreaker, M11 AIR, Railgun, Custom Zap Rifle, Broadsword, Eden's Soul, Conduit Armor, Flak Jacket, Capacitor armor (x2), Absurdly Heavy Armor, Munitions Vest, Instructional Booklet, Aim Assist, Medkit, Salt Shaker]
[ ] Reach the outpost
No Entry: 0/3
Vandalized: 0/3
Home Remodeling: 0%
Using Their Head: Incomplete
Money: $6,525
Materials: 307
AA Missiles [$300 | 2 uses]: Basic AA missiles that deal 12 damage to a single target. Can optionally spend an action locking onto a target, which grants perfect accuracy. Deals 50% more damage to airborne targets.
Stun Lance [$600 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage and has a 25% chance to stun or disorient the target.
Flamethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as fire damage, and has a 30% chance to ignite the target. Random Bomb Generator [$150 | 1 use]: Randomly generate a number between 1 and 6. That many bombs will be thrown at random targets. SVD Stealth Sniper [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 15 damage and has a 10% chance to land a headshot that instantly kills normal enemies. Headshots deal double damage to bosses and master level enemies. Yellow Ray [$400 | 1 use]: Instantly destroys an enemy. Any armor they were carrying will be dropped and equipped by the user. Only stuns bosses, and against master enemies, halves their current HP. Chemikaliewerfer [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 10 damage and damages the target for a third of your ATK stat every turn for 3 turns. Never misses. Endermite Shotgun [$600 | 2 uses]: Fires Ender pearls, causing the user to teleport rapidly, giving every enemy a 40% chance of being distracted and damaged for the user's ATK stat. Afterwards, deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to a random enemy. The Debilitating Dagger [$900 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage and permanently disables a selected ability. Deals 5 extra damage when disabling an ability. Disabling lasts for 2 turns on master enemies, and 1 turn for bosses. Only has a 50% chance to disable abilities on master enemies and bosses. Mobile Minigun Turret [$1,250 | 4 uses]: When purchased, spends a turn deploying itself. Afterwards, can be used by all players to deal (ATK x 1.2) damage to up to three targets in a line. Must be redeployed every wave, unless the team's location doesn't change between waves. Atom Bomb [$6,000 | 1 use]: Deals (ATK x 7) damage to all enemies, with damage reducing as targets get further away from the original target. Minimum damage is (ATK x 4). Survivors have a 20% chance to be afflicted by fallout, which deals 5 damage to them every turn for 3 turns. Shredder Saw [$400 | 3 uses]: When used with an attack, the attack will deal half damage to health, but deal double damage to armor and shields.
Combat Armor [$150 | 50 HP]: Provides 50 armor that absorbs 50% of incoming damage until broken. Shield [$125 | Variable HP]: Assume a defensive stance at the start of the next turn. While defending, all incoming damage is absorbed by the shield. HP is 75% of the team's average HP. Portable Cover [$90 | 1 use]: Creates a piece of average cover that can be used by either side. Venomdrive Armor [$850 | Variable HP]: Starts off providing no armor. When taking toxic damage, 40% of the damage dealt becomes HP for the armor, which provides 50% damage protection. Max armor is 300. While the user is poisoned, the status effect is converted into the Poisonous ability, allowing them to inflict poison with their attacks. Grants the option to generate your own poison, at the cost of (poison level2 x 2) HP. Zap Field [$500 | 1 use]: For 2 turns, players and allies gain a defensive field that deals electric damage to attackers. Damage depends on the user's ATK stat. Portable Rampart [$500 | 1 use]: Deploys a piece of decent cover that can only be used by the side that deploys it.
Redlight Redirector [$750 | 2 uses]: Set up a portal in front of an enemy, causing their attacks to be redirect to a random enemy for 1.25x damage.
Feint Shot [$400 | 5 uses]: When held, gain a 10% chance to interrupt any enemy action and deal a flat 10 physical damage to them.
Flashbang [$200 | 1 use]: Blinds an enemy, drastically reducing their accuracy.
Medkit [$200 | 1 use]: Restore (heal x 2) HP to an ally.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90 | 1 use]: Throw to perform a minimum effectiveness heal to a primary target and both nearby targets. Smoke Grenade [$75 | 1 use]: Reduces an enemy's accuracy by 30. Essence of Life [$750 | 1 use]: Restores 10 HP and grants the target health regen for 3 turns. If the target is killed/KO'd during the regen, they will be revived with 10% of their max HP, and the effect ends. Potion of Invisibility [$600 | 1 use]: Turn a target invisible. While invisible, you can't be attacked or detected in stealth missions, and your next attack's damage is doubled. Cannot attack and use the potion at the same time. Poutine Gun [$500 | 3 uses]: Sticks a target in place, reducing their evasion by (evasion x 0.75) and giving them a 35% chance of not being able to attack on their turn. Smarter Nanobots [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to heal a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 3 turns, while giving immunity to negative status effects for the duration. Cannot repair armor. Alternatively, can be used to damage a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 4 turns. Worldedit Permissions [$650 | 1 use]: Edit a piece of cover or a hazard into existence. Lasts until the team moves to a new location. Mass Dispel [$1,500 | 1 use]: Disables the abilities of ALL non-boss enemies.
Time Warp [$800 | 1 use]: Grant an ally the ability to perform two actions in one post this turn.
Ender Mines [$4,000 | 1 use]: Set up a minefield that adds a 20% chance for any enemy attacks to fail for the rest of the mission. Does not affect bosses.
Lifepowder [$2,500 | 3 uses]: Heals all allies for your minimum heal. Can be used multiple times in one turn. Cannot gain extra uses.
Data Card [$100 | 1 use]: Potentially secures an enemy's data bank entry.
Care Package [$300 | 1 use]: Airdrops a random item. EFLN [$75 | 1 use]: Throw to completely destroy ALL cover in the area, which will prevent players and enemies from using it. Card Pack [$125 | 1 use]: Gain 5 cards, each with their own effects. Portable Pitfall [$120 | 1 use]: Use to put an enemy into stasis for 2 turns. Enemies in stasis can't perform actions but can't be targeted. The effect will automatically end if the targeted enemy is the last one alive. Creeper Spawn Egg [$125 | 1 use]: Throw to spawn a creeper. After the enemy's turn, it will explode and damage the targeted enemy and both nearby enemies. Ammo Pack [$350 | 4 uses]: Can be used to restore uses to an item. Can be used multiple times at once. Laser Drone [$650 | 40 HP]: Deploys a drone equipped with a laser beam that deals 10 damage and has a 25% chance to pierce the target, hitting the next listed one. Spanish Inquisition Radio V2 [$750 | 50 HP]: Summon five cardinals of the ever-unexpected Spanish Inquisition. Every turn, they will either attack the same enemy for 7 damage each + a 20% stun chance, or each attack a different enemy for 7 damage each + a 20% chance to deal double damage. Lisharon Inc. Medical Personnel [$1,000 | Variable HP]: Summons a Lisharon Inc. medical personnel with HP equal to the user's. Every turn, will either attack, dealing 10 damage and inflicting a random status effect, or heal for 15 HP + 3 turns of regen. Every 3 turns, will brew tea instead of doing anything. Crit-a-Cola [$750 | 1 use]: When used, your next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit. However, you can't attack or heal on the same turn you use it, and if you get KO'd before you get to attack, the boost is wasted. Can only be used on yourself.
Proxy Slimesling [$500 | 1 use]: Launches an enemy into next Sunday, which manifests itself as launching them to the next wave. Cannot be used on the final wave of a mission.
Mob Pirates [$1,250 | 1 use]: Summon third party entities for the next 3 waves that are hostile to all units.
Capture Ball [$750 | 1 use]: If an enemy has below 20% HP, they can be captured and made a permanent addition to the team. However, they will not be healed. This also has a chance to secure the enemy's data bank entry.
First Wave Thief [HP: 70 | ATK: 9]: $650
"I'm sure they won't notice if they're missing a few things here and there..."
[Passive] Pickpocket: Attacks steal $25 from enemies.
[Passive] Loot: Enemies damaged by the thief have their item drop rate increased by 10%, and they are more likely to drop high tier items.
First Wave Shredder [HP: 110 | ATK: 8]: $1,100
"Attack, attack, attack!"
[Passive] Shred: Attacks reduce enemy physical resistance by 15%. This can stack.
[Passive] Focus: Successive attacks against the same target deal 50% extra damage.
[Active] Implosion: Deal 8 + (20% of target's max HP) damage. 4 turn cooldown.
First Wave Executioner [HP: 89] [ATK: 13]: $1,200
"Rip and tear."
[Passive] Blood Rage: Attacks deal a percentage of missing enemy HP as bonus damage.
[Passive] Glory: When the executioner directly kills an enemy, he regenerates 30 HP over 3 turns.
[Active] Deny Healing: Deal 4 + 4 damage to an enemy and reduce any healing they receive by 50% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Execute: If a target has less than 30% of their HP, attempt to kill them. No cooldown if successful. 5 turn cooldown.
Gunner Mercenary [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $1,200
"Nothing in the world a few rounds can't solve."
[Passive] Numbed Senses: Taking damage reduces damage taken by 20% and increases damage dealt by 30%. Does not stack.
[Active] Frag Grenade: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to two different enemies. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Immobilize: Deals (ATK x 1.6) damage and restricts melee attacks and abilities, while also reducing the target's evasion to 0. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Suppress: Reduce enemy accuracy by 30 and fire upon them if they take an action. 3 turn cooldown.
Pyrotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200
"Things are heating up. Quite literally."
[Passive] Incendiary Rounds: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to ignite the target, and deal 30% more damage to burning enemies.
[Active] Mass Ignite: Set all enemies on fire for 3 turns. 6 turn cooldown.
[Active] Flare Bomb: Deal (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies. Deals (ATK x 3) damage to burning enemies. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Expose Oneself: Double all damage dealt, but reduce evasion to 0 and increase damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
Cryotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200
"I'm a blizzard personified."
[Passive] Fragile Glass: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to reduce enemy resistances by 30% and freeze the enemy.
[Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and ignores armor. 2 turn cooldown.
[Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies, and freezes them for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Thermal Transfer: Sap heat from two different enemies, dealing (ATK x 1.8) damage and shielding two allies for the damage dealt for a turn. 6 turn cooldown.
Shocktech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 12]: $1,200
"All the strength of a lightning storm."
[Passive] Reflexes: Dodging an attack triggers a counterattack that deals (ATK x 0.8) damage.
[Active] Shockwave: Deals damage to all enemies, with a 30% chance to silence each one. Can land critical hits. 6 turn cooldown.
[Active] Light Speed: Quadruples evasion and multiplies crit chance by 1.5 for 2 turns. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Taser Shot: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage and paralyze the enemy for 2 turns. Can land critical hits. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Exploding Sawblade: Fire an exploding sawblade that ignores 50% of the target's explosive resistance and deals (ATK x 2.5) damage. Deals damage twice: once to health and once to armor. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Burrowing Shredder: Launch a special projectile that deals massive damage to cover and deals double damage to targets in cover if said cover is destroyed. Deals (ATK x 3) damage. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Cluster Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage to three enemies. Next turn, deals (ATK x 0.4) damage to all enemies. 5 turn cooldown.
Chemtech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK: 10]: $1,200
"I could tell you what's in the canister, but then I'd have to kill you."
[Passive] Toxic Shot: Highly accurate. Basic attacks have a 25% chance to poison the enemy.
[Active] Anesthetic: Poison a target for (target's evasion) damage every turn for 4 turns. Also reduces the target's damage and healing output by 50%. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Global Biohazard Virus: Deploys a zombie virus that deals (ATK x 0.2 + enemy evasion x 0.5) damage every turn for 3 turns, spreading among all enemies over time. Killing an enemy while they are infected will turn them into a zombie. 7 turn cooldown.
[Active] Adjusted Chemical: Deploy a cloud over two allies or enemies. For allies, it restores (target's ATK x 0.75 + target's evasion x 0.75) every turn for 2 turns. For enemies, it damages them for the same amount, and the same duration. 3 turn cooldown.
Mercenary Arcanist [HP: 40] [ATK: 6]: $1,200
"I have done more than stare into the abyss. We... aid each other now."
[Passive] Adaptive Cycle: Gains 25 resistance to the last damage type taken.
[Active] Decay: Deal (ATK + 10% of target's HP) damage to a target over the course of three turns, and reduce the target's healing received by 70%. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Freedom: Provide (ATK x 4) shields to self or an ally for 3 turns, and grant health regen for the duration of the shield. Also dispels a negative status effect. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Terrify: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and stun them for 1-2 turns, and makes them twice as vulnerable to damage over time abilities. 4 turn cooldown.
Mirror Knight [HP: 140] [ATK: 22]: $2,500
"I come from the year 2295. And I can easily say, 2030 sucks."
[Passive] Mirror Armor: Immune to electric damage. Has a 25% chance to reflect electric attacks back at the attacker.
[Active] Teleslash: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage to a single enemy. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Electro Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to a single enemy and dispel a positive status effect. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Pulsator Blast: A highly accurate attack that deals (ATK x 2) arcane damage and immobilizes the target. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Blade Discharge: Deal (ATK x 1.8) damage to up to five enemies, then become weakened for a turn. 5 turn charge time.
Elemental Juggernaut [HP: 140] [ATK: 18]: $2,500
"I'd say this trial by fire is going well."
[Passive] Status Application: Attacks apply a random status effect, and the elemental juggernaut gains immunity to that status effect for the duration of the effect.
[Active] Wrath: A "basic attack" that deals (ATK x 0.7) damage to up to five enemies. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Taunt: Gain 30% resistance to all damage and become a target for the enemies. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Berserk: Gain +30% crit chance, +30% damage, and +30% armor piercing for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Elemental: Gain 140 shields, double the potency of inflicted status effects, and regenerate (ATK x 0.5) HP every turn. 5 turn charge time.
Flamethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250
"Death is the best CC."
[Passive] Flamethrower: Basic attacks ignite enemies for (ATK x 3) damage over the course of 3 turns.
[Passive] Hazardous Fire: Getting attacks deals (ATK) damage to the attacker and has a chance to ignite them.
[Active] Oil Grenade: Reduces fire resistance by 30, slows the enemy, and causes any fire damage to ignite the enemy. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Flare bomb: Deals (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies, or (ATK x 3) damage to burning targets. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Fire Blast: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 4 different enemies. Has a 30% chance to stun each enemy. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Deflagaration: Unleash a massive flame, dealing (ATK x 3) damage to two enemies over the course of 3 turns and ignite them. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire. 7 turn charge time.
Freezethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK: 15]: $2,250
"Just close your eyes. You'll be dead before you know it."
[Passive] Freezethrower: Basic attacks freeze enemies for a turn.
[Passive] Stun Resist: Has a 90% chance to resist stuns, freezes, immobilization, or other disabling effects.
[Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and pierces armor. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies and freezes them. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Ice Spike: Deals (ATK x 0.3) damage to all enemies, with increased crit chance and 50% extra armor piercing. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Avalanche: Deal (ATK x 2) to three enemies, with increased crit chance and armor piercing on frozen targets. 7 turn charge time.
Outpost Sniper [HP: 45] [ATK: 20]: $2,250
"I'm the real outpost defender here!"
[Passive] Vantage Point: Not being attacked grants +50% ATK for the next turn.
[Passive] Conduit: Receives double benefit from healing and accuracy boosts. Gains 20% increased effectiveness from crit chance boosts.
[Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.
[Active] Immobilize: An attack that deals (ATK x 1.8) damage and reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Piercing Shot: An attack that penetrates and hits the next listed enemy. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Searing Shot: An attack that sets the target on fire and removes one use of a random ability or drains a secondary resource by 30%. 5 turn cooldown.
Common weapon: Costs 500 materials.
Burst Rifle
Burst-fire assault rifle. Simple, but effective.
+1 ATK
90 accuracy
Has a 30% chance to hit twice, with the second hit having -10 accuracy
Marksman Rifle
Semi-automatic rifle. Accurate and deadly.
+2 ATK
100 accuracy
Revolvers are always cooler.
+5 ATK
80 accuracy
Rapid fire assault weapon. Good for close range engagements.
+0 ATK
85 accuracy
Can target four enemies instead of three
Heavy Rifle
High impact rifle. Well suited for stronger targets.
+0 ATK
90 accuracy
Increases damage cap (7x ATK instead of 5x)
Heavy Pistol
High impact sidearm. Packs a decent punch for its size.
+2 ATK
85 accuracy
Critical hits deal 10% more damage
Grenade Launcher
Standard issue explosive weapon. Effective at crowd control.
+4 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 20% damage to nearby targets.
Precision Rifle
Highly accurate rifle. Deals high damage to a single target.
+4 ATK
100 accuracy
Can only hit one enemy at a time
Zap Rifle
Standard factory made zap rifle.
+1 ATK
85 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy
Uncommon weapon: Costs 1,000 materials.
MS34 Shieldbreaker
A powerful assault rifle designed to punch through enemy armor.
+2 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 15% more damage through armor
A high output SMG that favors fire rate over all else.
+0 ATK
80 accuracy
Can target six enemies instead of three
Incendiary Shotgun
A standard issue shotgun, modified to shoot flaming buckshot.
+3 ATK
85 accuracy
Deals fire damage
Attacks have a 20% chance to ignite target
A heavy rifle designed to fire metal rods, heated to a white hot temperature.
+5 ATK
95 accuracy
High impact anti-infantry rifle. Good for keeping standard enemies in check.
+3 ATK
90 accuracy
Can suppress a single enemy, reducing their accuracy
Seeker Rifle
Prototype scouting device that outlines targets.
+1 ATK
85 accuracy
Hitting an enemy scans them, increasing their damage taken by 10%
Shrapnel Launcher
A basic grenade launcher, modified to shoot shards of jagged metal.
+2 ATK
85 accuracy
Attacks have a 25% chance to cause bleeding
Jammer Gun (1 in storage)
A semi-automatic rifle that fires electromagnetic ammunition.
+1 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 25% more damage to robotic enemies
Rare weapon: Costs 1,500 materials.
Actually a giant bee stinger.
+4 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 5% more damage through armor
Has a 25% chance to poison target
Double Barrel Shotgun
This is my boomstick!
+6 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 10% more damage to enemy armor
Has a 15% chance to hit a random nearby enemy
Panic Knife
Everybody stay calm.
+5 ATK
85 accuracy
Critical hits deal 20% more damage
Automatically attack enemies that hit you with reduced damage
I fight for honor, not with honor!
+5 ATK
90 accuracy
Has a 20% chance to cause bleeding
While held, you deal more damage with environmental hazards
Giant Syringe
I just need a blood sample...
+5 ATK
85 accuracy
Reduces target's damage output
Has a 15% chance to cause target to panic
Dragonslayer's Spear
Once belonged to a warrior who was one half of a terrifying duo.
+5 ATK
95 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to galvanize target
Can perform a powerful impaling attack that costs 30 energy
M6 Carnifex
Given to you by an alien doctor as a token of good faith.
+7 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 10% more damage through armor
Deals 10% more damage to armor
To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects: hollow of spirit and meaning.
+5 ATK
85 accuracy
Deals toxic damage
Inflicts minor poisoning
Custom Zap Rifle
More added shock than your regular rifle.
+2 ATK
85 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy
Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy
Legendary weapon: Costs 2,000 materials.
Matador 64
A sickeningly powerful weapon that once terrorized many a battlefield.
+9 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 10% more damage through armor
Big Stick
Speak softly...
+4 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 15% more damage to armor
Has a 20% chance to stun or confuse enemies
Book of Insults
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names leave psychological wounds that never heal.
+3 ATK
105 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to ignore armor
Has a 10% chance to demoralize the target
Steel Dragon
Laser beams. Laser beams everywhere.
+0 ATK
90 accuracy
Always hits at least two enemies at once
Can target six enemies instead of just three
The enemies lose their lives, and you get to keep yours. Win-win.
+3 ATK
85 accuracy
40% of damage dealt is returned to you as health
Critical hits heal you for 65% of the damage dealt
Sorcerer's Staff
What problem can't be solved with magic?
+3 ATK
80 accuracy
Inflicts a random status condition
Eden's Soul
Becomes a random weapon every mission
The Young Wolf's Howl
"To the first of the new Iron Lords." - Lord Saladin
+4 ATK
85 accuracy
Causes target to take more damage from all sources
Zap Rifle Cannon
When you want more of a shocking splash...
+4 ATK
80 accuracy
Has a 40% chance to zap up to four enemies
Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy
Mythical weapon: Costs 2,500 materials.
Deathslayer's Blade
A sword forged in human blood. You can barely make out the "359" etched into the blade.
+10 ATK
85 accuracy
Critical hits deal 2.5x damage instead of 2x
Kills with this weapon temporarily grant +5 ATK
Kills with this weapon heal you for 5% of your max HP
Biotic Rifle
Kill enemies or heal allies? Why not both?
+4 ATK
95 accuracy
This weapon heals allies when used on them
Ignores enemy armor
Let's just skip judge and jury.
+9 ATK
110 accuracy
+10% critical hit chance
+25% damage dealt to enemies with less than half health (less than 25% HP for bosses)
Kills with this weapon grant +15 accuracy for your next attack
Unpaid Debt
You owe me.
+7 ATK
85 accuracy
The lower your HP is, the more damage this weapon deals
Has a 25% chance to stun the target if they just attacked you
The Reanimator
Their loss is your gain.
+3 ATK
90 accuracy
Killing an enemy reanimates them into a temporary ally
Reanimated enemies deal more damage
The Gathering Storm
Unleash its wrath.
+5 ATK
90 accuracy
Taking damage changes this weapon's damage type to match that of the attack that hit you
Has a 20% chance to inflict a status condition that matches your current damage type
Outbreak Prime
"I've done the math. When you pull the trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time." - Shiro-4
+4 ATK
85 accuracy
Dealing damage has a 25% chance to spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
Kills with this weapon spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
Time's Strife
The assault rifle of a Timekeeper. A very dangerous weapons in good hands.
+7 ATK
110 accuracy
If the wielder is KO'd, they may use a Time Charge to resurrect.
The wielder may also use a Time Charge to revive an ally or fully heal their wounds.
If the whole party is wiped, the wielder can use 3 Time Charges to revive the whole party.
Time charges are built with creative time attacks.
Thunder Clap
A clap of actual thunder was molded into this rifle.
+11 ATK
90 accuracy
Always hits two enemies
Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy
Common armor: Costs 500 materials.
Ballistic Vest
Basic vest designed to resist incoming bullets.
+10 HP
+10 physical resistance
Fireproof Plating
Plated armor designed to resist high temperatures.
+10 HP
+10 fire resistance
Insulated Armor
Insulated to protect against extreme cold.
+10 HP
+10 ice resistance
Conduit Armor
Armor resistant to high voltage.
+10 HP
+10 electric resistance
Flak Jacket
Basic armor that resists explosions.
+10 HP
+10 explosive resistance
Gas Mask
Standard issue gas mask that protects against toxic gases.
+10 HP
+10 toxic resistance
Wizard Robes
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
+10 HP
+10 arcane resistance
Uncommon armor: Costs 1,000 materials.
Armor of Thorns
Armor coated in a thick patch of thorns. Said to be worn by a member of the Darkwraiths.
+10 HP
Enemies that attack you take 10 physical damage
Ridiculously Heavy Armor
Provides great protection, but is absurdly heavy. How do you even wear it?
+25 HP
+5 to all resistances
Any attack directed at you is guaranteed to hit
Capacitor Armor
Comes with two rechargable battery packs.
+20 max energy
+10 energy regen per turn
Medical Armor
Armor equipped with a regeneration module that rapidly heals your wounds.
Regenerate 5% of your max HP every turn
Marksman Visor
A modified visor that highlights enemies and tracks their movements.
+10 accuracy
Munitions Vest
Has plenty of extra pockets to store ammunition.
+5 HP
Gives all items an extra use
Lightweight Armor
Lighter armor that provides greater mobility.
+5 HP
+10 evasion
Rare armor: Costs 1,500 materials.
Irradiated Armor
It's probably safe...
+5 HP
Enemies that attack you receive radiation poisoning
Serpent Suit
Somehow linked to ice.
+5 ice resistance
Gives you one use of the Frostbite ability, allowing you to freeze an enemy
Wings of Sacred Dawn
There will come a day when the light will never fade.
+10 HP
Gives you the Angel of Light ability, allowing you to become airborne for a turn
Armor of Bone
The most metal of attire.
+10 HP
Has a 40% chance to unnerve a random enemy every wave
Armor of Shadow
You merely adopted the darkness.
+10 evasion
Enemies will not target you until you attack or are the last player standing
Hideous Armor
It looks absolutely disgusting.
+5 HP
-1 max rage (allows you to enrage quicker)
No Armor
What are you thinking?
-10 HP
Has a 25% chance to confuse a random enemy every wave
Legendary armor: Costs 2,000 materials.
WAR Suit
Used to liberate earth from an oppressive alien rule.
+10 HP
+10 armor
Gives you the Blaster Launcher ability, allowing you to fire a powerful explosive
Fortified Armor
Designed to protect all the weak points.
+15 HP
Enemies that attack you have a lower critical hit chance
Enemy critical hits against you deal less damage
Templar Armor
Feel the power of the Templars.
+10 HP
+5 evasion
Gives you the Rend ability, allowing you to perform a powerful melee attack
Armored Armor
Armor armored with more armor!
+10 HP
+50 armor
Eden's Blessing
Your future shines brighter.
Turns into a random piece of armor every mission
Best rig.
+10 evasion
Gives you the Phase Shift ability, allowing you to avoid damage by shifting into another
Overly Protective Armor
It worries about you.
+15 HP
Makes you immune to all status effects, positive or negative
Mythical armor: Costs 2,500 materials.
Armor of the Blood Knight
The crimson sigil on the front may or may not be painted in blood.
+15 HP
Dealing damage returns 10% of the damage dealt to you as health
Killing an enemy with excessive damage has a 15% chance to deal the extra damage to a random
When equipped as Assault Gunner: +10% ATK, and every kill has a 10% chance to instantly max your
Robes of the Healer
These robes radiate with a powerful medicating energy.
+10 HP
+10 healing
Healing an ally grants them health regeneration (stacks with Medic's Invigorate ability)
When equipped as Medic: +10% healing, and converts your super into a powerful healing move that
affects all allies
Mask of the Marksman
This mask was worn by a legendary marksman who never missed his mark.
+10 HP
+15 accuracy
+5% critical hit chance
When equipped as Sniper: +10 accuracy, and critical hits deal 50% more damage
Crest of the Defender
A powerful knight once bore this crest. Legends say his alles never knew harm.
+25 HP
+25 armor
+5 to all resistances
When equipped as Tank: +10 to all resistances, and taking damage while guarding an ally charges
your super
Armor of Turrets
You are your own defense network.
+10 HP
Fires at a random enemy every turn, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
Fires at enemies that attack you, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
When equipped as Engineer: Your turrets can fire two shots, each dealing 75% of their normal
Armor of Boundless Light
There are some flames that even the darkness cannot contain.
+10 HP
+25 max energy
+15 energy regeneration
Using an ability has a 20% chance to cost half energy
When equipped as Specialist: +15 max energy, and allows you to use your super early for a large
energy cost
Titan Mark
At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun.
+15 HP
+25 armor
Replaces your super with Fist of Havoc, a powerful attack that damages multiple enemies
Hunter Cloak
Tell the warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
+10 HP
+10 evasion
Replaces your super with the Golden Gun, a deadly attack that can target up to three enemies
Warlock Bond
Those who have stared into the void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
+5 HP
Restores 5 HP to you every turn
Replaces your super with Stormtrance, which temporarily allows you to perform multiple electric
attacks in a single turn
Common trinket: Costs 500 materials.
Prescription glasses. You may or may not actually need them.
+5 accuracy
Distortion Field
Experimental device that distorts the area around you.
+5 evasion
Instructional Booklet
"Bullets go into the enemies, not you." - Excerpt from Incredibly Obvious Advice Monthly
+10% XP gain
Exploded Rocket
Casing from a used rocket. The RPG kind, not the spacefaring kind.
+15% damage dealt to airborne enemies
Laser Sight
Really just a laser pointer taped to your gun.
+3% critical hit chance
Uncommon trinket: Costs 1,000 materials.
Blind Rage
Blind to damage
Taking damage makes you less likely to be targeted again for the rest of that turn
Portable Generator
Perfect for emergency situations when you need power.
Activating your super restores 50% of your max energy
Handful of Shrapnel
Why are you collecting shrapnel?
Attacks have a 5% chance to cause bleeding
Made with repurposed snake venom.
+5 healing
Aim Assist
Now you can use a controller.
Missing an attack gives you +10 accuracy for your next attack. Does not stack multiple times.
Rare trinket: Costs 1,500 materials.
Occult Charm
Glows with an unnatural power.
Your attacks deal 50% normal damage and 50% arcane damage
Three of Coins
Sold by a creepy hooded guy with tentacles coming from his face.
Killing a boss has a 5% chance to drop a mythical item
Libra Charm
You feel balanced.
Balances your stats by raising low ones and lowering high ones
Salt Shaker
You feel enraged.
Taking damage has a 25% chance to give +2 rage instead of +1
Strange Coin
This unusual coin is warm to the touch and vibrates gently in your hand.
+3% mythical drop rate
Legendary trinket: Costs 2,000 materials.
Curved Horn
DMG up
+5 ATK
Hallownest Seal
Another one?
Enemies you kill have a 25% chance to drop additional materials
RNG is slightly weighted in your favor
Bowl of Nails
No milk.
Attacking has a 5% chance to cause enemies to panic
Inversion Device
Distorts the area around itself.
All status effects applied to you are inverted
Mythical trinket: costs 2,500 materials.
Scorched Assault Rifle
This burned rifle still radiates with an incredible power.
+4 ATK
When equipped as Assault Gunner: Activating your super temporarily grants you +6 ATK
Orb of Harmony
Pass into the Iris.
+6 healing
When equipped as Medic: Allows you to target an ally with the orb, healing them for 2% of their
max HP every turn
15x Scope
Found in a crate that fell from the sky.
+10 accuracy
When equipped as Sniper: +6% critical hit chance
Cracked Shield
It kinda works...
+5 to all defenses
When equipped as Tank: +25% critical hit resistance
Rusted Wrench
Scavenged from Talos I.
Your critical hits deal less damage but stun enemies
When equipped as Engineer: Your constructions have higher stats
Sharp Plug
Charge with blood.
+15 max energy
When equipped as Specialist: When out of energy, using abilities will drain your health
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
Taking out a bunch of kunai, I sharpen them into kunai dices and roll them. The end result was 3 sixes... which had briefly summoned the Beast and flicked the assassin.
I put the Broadsword in my inventory, and send a text to McKnight asking how many mats I'd need to "fuse" my spear with it. (I'll probably write it off as dual wielding, lore-wise, but I dunno yet)
I drink a glass of milk, curing my Weakened status. That should help my next two posts, but I can't do anything about the poison right now...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
I deploy a shield generator!
On the note of a spare 660 EXP available to me, I train:
Ability upgrade - Micro Turret (level 2)
Level 3 Conditioning and Enhanced Battery.
Also, what else is possible to level up besides the Training Center?
Note: I love these mercenary descriptions.
I use magic to use the Sniper’s Incapacitate ability against him/her.
I look at my ability options. Psychosis seems cruel, but it's incredibly useful, to be honest. I already have Snapfreeze for simply stopping an enemy, anyways. I begrudgingly take it and use it on the most powerful enemy I see, damage-wise. My suit glows pinkish-purple for a second, and suddenly the afflicted enemy starts to freak out...I feel a bit queazy.
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
Raising my arms, I call upon my arcane knowledge and craft them into magical spikes and runs through the lvl 19 sniper and his other fellow. (Piercing Shot)
While I deal with the damage dealers I call out to my teammates.
"I-I'll handle their Snipers and A-Assassins! Try and get r-rid of their healers!"
"WINK! Leave the one I Psycho'd alive for now! They may prove somewhat useful."
He is right though, those healers have gotta GO. I toss an entire set of pool balls into the air and, using the butt of my spear, precisely strike the cue ball in a way that it knocks into every other midair ball, in such a ridiculous way that they all go flying towards the weakest Medic.
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
4/8 Bank
Fourth wave of mercenaries arrive!
These cost around 2k-2,5k and are those of higher quality. Some have invincibility against a certain type of damage, some have super ultimate abilities, and some are straight up nuts.
Mirror Knight
A dude who decided to time travel from about 2295's, trying to explore the ancient world, eat ancient food and date ancient girls. Except that he ended up in a war between us and Talon. Mirrors completely reflect any laser or electromagnetic based attacks, and he wields a lightsaber and a scary yet extremely accurate Pulsator.
Has 140 HP and 22
Passive - Mirror Armor. Has 6969696969696969
resistance, which cannot be reduced below 75% it's value through any means. Electrical attacks have 25% chance to be reflected into the attacker.
Teleslash - deals 2x attack damage to a single enemy. CD: 3 turns.
Electro Bolt - deals 3x attack damage to a single enemy and dispels a positive buff. CD: 5 turns.
Pulsator Blast - deals 2x highly accurate attack damage as
damage and immobilizes enemy for 1 turn. CD: 5 turns.
Ultimate - Blade Discharge 20% charge/turn. Discharges 2x attack damage to 5 enemies. Then weakens himself by 50% for 1 turn.
Elemental Juggernaught
Imagine a Specialist that applies status effects on autos. Then imagine a beefy Juggernaught with a high impact shotgun. Now, due to sheer capability of experimentation with equipment, this guy has the benefit of both. Deals 18
Passive: Status Application - attacks apply random negative status effects, and Elemental Juggernaught becomes immune only to them afterwards.
Wrath: A "basic attack" that is shot to 5 different enemies(for 0,8x ATK each) and applies basic attack effects and can crit. CD: 4 turns.
Taunt: Gain 30% damage reduction and force enemy to target the unit. CD: 3 turns
Berserk: increase critical chance by 30%, damage by 40% and attacks have 30% armor penetration for 2 turns. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Elemental(20% charge/turn). Gains 140 damage shield, doubles the potency of effects(burning double damage freezing double duration weakening double potency etc...) and regenerates 0,5x ATK/turn.
Flamethrower Trooper
His job is to ignite as many as possible. And deal A LOT of damage. Unlike his cold brother, he doesn't pack many effects, but "death is the best CC". No matter how much armor you have, or how much evasion you have, or whatever, you will just turn into ash that feeds the local plants.
Passive - Flamethrower: basic attacks ignite enemies for 360% ATK over 3 turns.
Passive - Hazardous Fire: getting attacked deals damage to an attacker(100% ATK) and has a chance to set them on fire.
Oil Grenade: reduces Fire resistance by 30, slows enemy down and causes any fire damage to ignite enemy. 3 turn CD.
Flare Bomb: deals 250% ATK to 2 different enemies, or 300% if burning. 4 turn CD.
Fire Blast: deals 200% ATK to 4 different enemies. Has 30% chance to cause shell shock, stunning the enemies. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Deflagaration(15% charge/turn). Unleashes a giant fire, dealing 300% ATK to 2 enemies for 3 turns and igniting enemies. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire.
Freezethrower Trooper
Unlike his hot brother, doesn't have that monstrous damage, but instead his freezethrower will freeze enemies within seconds. And after shattering the enemies, there's usually no way back to life. In 1v1 scenarios this guy is pretty good at locking enemy down, and in huge battles he'd go for highest ATK enemies.
Passive - Freezethrower: basic attacks freeze enemies for 1 turn.
Passive - Stun Resist: 90% chance to resist a stun, freeze, immobilize or other disabling effect.
Shatter Bolt: deals 270% ATK damage, pierces armor. 3 turn CD.
Nitrogen Bomb: deals 180% ATK to 2 different enemies and freezes them for 2 turns. 4 turn CD.
Ice Spike: deals 30% ATK to all enemies, with very high chance to crit. Ignores 50% armor. 5 turn CD.
Ultimate - Avalanche(15% charge/turn): deals 200% ATK to 3 enemies, with bonus crit chance and armor penetration if frozen.
Outpost Sniper
Real outpost defender grade training here, although pretty basic. When not even touched, the Outpost defender's Sniper can quickly become VERY dangerous to the Talon forces. 25
Passive - Vantage Point: Not being attacked doubles ATK(and all ATK scaling abilities subsequently)
Passive - Conduit: increases received healing by 200%, crit by 20% and accuracy by 200%.
Passive - Adrenaline: an attack that would be lethal will leave the unit at 1 hp. Any damage over time effects, or subsequent attacks can kill, though. [1 use]
Immobilize: an attack that reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. Deals 180% ATK. CD: 4 turns.
Piercing Shot: an attack that hits an additional enemy. CD: 3 turns.
Searing Shot: an attack that sets enemy on fire and removes 1 use of an ability/drains secondary resource by 30%(energy, focus, mana, etc...)
We need to apply lots of DPS to clear these waves. I launch three Electric Bursts at random targets (ignoring the Psych'd one), hoping to see some chain attacks proc. This Egg better be useful for something!
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
I replace the other sniper’s bullets with anti-matter bullets without them noticing. When they attempt to attack ANY of us, they’ll just go KABOOM!
If the snipers are dealt with, then I turn my gaze towards the healers and simply do a Piercing Shot to hit them.
I take aim with my SVD Stealth Sniper, and blow the head off an enemy Medic.
I also submit this research:
Feint Shot
$[You decide]
5 uses
+When equipped: holder has a 10% chance of preventing an enemy from taking his/her turn while dealing a flat 10HP worth of Physical damage.
-Damage cannot be boosted in any way (always deal 10HP of Physical damage regardless of boosts)
-Damage can still be reduced by target's Physical Damage Resistance (however target's turn is still interrupted).
It has the ATK stat of the Deathslayer's Blade, a halfway point between the accuracy of both weapons, and the perks of both weapons.
You fire a Trishot at the sunbreaker, the elite specialist, and the firestorm gunner. The sunbreaker avoids the attack, but the gunner takes
27 damage, and the specialist gets critted for
38 damage! +41 XP!
What did I just witness...?
You take cover and activate your critboost.
For the record, you can critboost and still attack in the same post.
Alright, I think I get it.
You build a turret.
You deploy a shield generator! You also purchase Conditioning III, Enhanced Battery III, and Micro Turret II!
Micro Turret II: Turret gains +15 accuracy.
XP can be spent to level yourself up or to buy abilities in the training center. If you want, you can also choose to pass out any XP you don't plan to use to other players.
You deal
You build another turret.
Psychosis chosen!
You afflict the sunbreaker!
You hit both snipers with a piercing shot, killing one and dealing
The medic takes
Added to the list!
You unleash three electric bursts at the Silent, the blastmaster gunner, and a medic, dealing
You deal
You sabotage the sniper!
You snipe a medic to death! +54 XP! He drops 26 materials!
Research accepted.
My action: I headbutt the remaining medic, killing him. He drops 5 materials.
==[Enemy turn]==
The blastmaster gunner takes
10 galvanizing damage. He then throws a grenade at the gunner mercenary, dealing
25 damage to him and
20 damage to the cryotech and shocktech mercenaries.
The firestorm gunner throws his oil grenade at Winkins, slowing him.
The sniper, accepting his fate, takes a lethal shot on the cryotech mercenary. The antimatter in his gun then results in the sniper's demise. He drops 84 materials.
The Silent assassin casts Crippling Cloud, weakening and poisoning all players. She then hits the shocktech mercenary with a glass knife, dealing a total of
16 damage and permanently weakening the knife. She then draws new cards.
The elite specialist imprecates Winkins, landing a critical hit that deals
20 damage and silences him.
The grenadier launches a grenade at the shocktech mercenary, killing him and dealing
19 damage to the gunner and pyrotech mercenaries.
The sunbreaker, in his confusing blasts the grenadier with a melting point, dealing
14 damage to him and making him vulnerable to damage.
==[Ally turn]==
Algot's turrets fire at each of the gunners, dealing
12 damage to them.
The gunner mercenary suppresses the grenadier.
The pyrotech mercenary throws out a mass ignite, burning all enemies (except the specialist, who is immune).
The executioner cleaves the elite specialist, dealing
15 damage to him.
Algot's enhanced turret fires at the Silent, dealing
15 damage to her.
The medical personnel heals Winkins, restoring 15 HP to him and granting HP regen.
The cardinals attack all enemies except the sunbreaker, dealing
7 damage to each.
The battle airship fires its minigun at the specialist for
14 damage.
The thermoshadow throws some nitrogen shards at the grenadier for
10 damage.
All players take
10 poison damage. Winkins regenerates 10 HP.
Winkins + Miner [Piercing Shot] Sniper
Stickcrafter + Winkins + Bacon [SVD Stealth Sniper] Medic
Bio + Winkins + Bacon [headbutt] Medic
Sniper [sniper shot] Elite cryotech mercenary
Miner + Winkins + algot [antimatter sabotage] Sniper
Grenadier [train go boom] Shocktech mercenary
I just realized I forgot to give out perks. Gold, algot, and Stickcrafter can choose one of the following perks!
Vitality: +20 max HP. (Stickcrafter already has this)
Aggression: +4 ATK.
Energetic: +20 max energy. (algot already has this)
Skilled: +25% XP earned.
Fully Loaded: All items you use have one additional use. (Gold already has this)
Healing Factor: Regenerate 10 HP after each wave instead of 5.
Rechargable Battery: Regenerate 25 energy every turn instead of 15.
Immune System: You are more resistant to health draining status effects.
Scavenger: Enemies you kill are more likely to drop weapons, armor, and materials.
Vengeful: When below 25% HP, you deal 35% more damage and have +10 accuracy.
[+|==========] 61/71 [Weapon: Book of Insults] [Armor: Armor of Thorns] [Trinket: Distortion Field] [ATK| 13] [Heal| 14] [Rage: 1/10]
[E|==========] 60/60 [Items| None] [SUPER| Ubercharge: 39/120]
[Critical Heal] [Medical Grenade: 25] [Bleed Me Dry: 25] [Cure: 30] [Stun Strike: 30] [Perk: Aggression]
[+|==========] 110/120 [Weapon: Keeper of Time: Ragnarok] [Armor: Overly Protective Munitions Vest] [Trinket: Aim Assist] [ATK| 25] [Heal| 12] [Rage: 1/10]
[E|==========] 95/105 [Items| Flamethrower (6/7), Endermite Shotgun (4/5), Ancient Potion (2/3), Overly Protective Armor] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 38/150]
[Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Trishot: 25] [Suppress: 25] [Perk: Fully Loaded] [Enhanced Battery III] [Conditioning III] [Agility I] [Total Immunity]
[+|==========] 61/71 [Weapon: Dragonslayer's Spear] [Armor: Lightweight armor] [Trinket: Egg] [ATK| 22] [Heal| 11] [Rage: 2/10]
[E|==========] 35/100 [Items| Tranquilizer Gun (3/3), Sunlight Spear (3/3), Charcoal Pine Resin (3/3), Card Pack (1/1), Data Card (1/1), Burst Rifle, Strange Coin] [SUPER| Power Surge: 71/140]
[Electric Burst II: 20] [Snapfreeze: 25] [Rapid Recharge] [Grapple: 25] [Psychosis: 30] [Lightning Charge: 30] [Perk: Energetic] [Perk: Skilled] [Agility II] [Enhanced Battery I] [Cure: 30]
[+|==========] 70/70 [Weapon: Shotgun] [Armor: Basic armor] [Trinket: none] [ATK| 6] [Heal| 3] [Rage: 0/10]
[E|==========] 55/55 [Items| Deployable shield (1/1)] [SUPER| Damage Sponge: 0/120]
[Guardian] [Defensive Field: 25]
[+|==========] 82/92 [Weapon: Heavy Rifle] [Armor: Capacitor Armor] [Trinket: Instructional Booklet] [ATK| 16] [Heal| 9] [Rage: 1/10]
[E|==========] 85/85 [Items| SVD Stealth Sniper (3/5), Precision Rifle, Grenade Launcher] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 53/150]
[Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Armor Breaker] [Suppress: 25] [Perk: Vitality]
[+|==========] 54/64 [Weapon: Stinger] [Armor: Basic armor] [Trinket: Distortion Field] [ATK| 17] [Heal| 6] [Rage: 2/10]
[E|==========] 45/80 [Items| Combat Armor (50/50)] [SUPER| Overdrive: 43/130]
[Micro Turret: 25] [Shield Projector: 25] [Improved Tech] [Built to Last] [Perk: Energetic]
[+|==========] 82/82 [Weapon: Double Barrel Shotgun] [Armor: Marksman visor] [Trinket: Portable Generator] [ATK| 28] [Heal| 10] [Rage: 2/10]
[E|==========] 60/110 [Items| None] [SUPER| Aimbot: 99/135]
[Crackshot] [Headshot II: 20] [Piercing Shot II: 25] [Trickshot II: 25] [Eagle Eyes: 30] [Critboost II: 35] [Energy Drain II: Ready] [Perk: Skilled] [Perk: Rechargeable Battery] [Enhanced Battery III] [Regenerative Battery II] [Conditioning III] [Arc Soul: 30] [Warp: 35] [Idiot Ball II: 35]
[+|==========] 75/85 [Weapon: Thunder Clap] [Armor: Basic armor] [Trinket: none] [ATK| 26] [Heal| 6] [Rage: 0/10]
[E|==========] 95/105 [Items| Portable Generator] [SUPER| Overdrive: 28/130]
[Micro Turret II: 25] [Shield Projector: 25] [Improved Tech] [Perk: Aggression] [Conditioning III] [Enhanced Battery III]
[+|==========] 62/72 [Weapon: Assault Rifle] [Armor: Wizard Robes] [Trinket: none] [ATK| 13] [Heal| 8] [Rage: 1/10]
[E|==========] 60/60 [Items| None] [SUPER| Bullet Storm: 51/150]
[Lock and Load] [Critical Shot: 20] [Dual Shot: 25] [Perk: Skilled] [Arcane Resist]
Blastmaster gunner [Level 19 | 89 accuracy | 9 evasion] {Galvanized for 2 turns} {Burning for 3 turns}
[HP: 31/84] [Resistances:
[Frag Grenade II: 1/2] [Suppress]
Firestorm gunner [Level 20 | 89 accuracy | 9 evasion] {Burning for 3 turns}
[HP: 29/87] [Resistances:
[Frag Grenade I: 1/1] [Suppress] [Oil Grenade: 0/1]
Silent assassin [Level 20 | 94 accuracy | 29 evasion] {Energy: 3} {Burning for 3 turns}
[HP: 24/70] [Resistances:
[Wraith Form: 3] [Neutralize: 0] [Backflip: 1] [Catalyst: 1] [Infinite Blades: 1]
Elite specialist [Level 14 | 96 accuracy | 16 evasion]
[HP: 40/76] {Armor: 8/46} [Resistances:
[Specialized Ammo II] [Adaptive Armor] [Immunity]
Grenadier [Level 20 | 84 accuracy | 9 evasion] {Vulnerable for 2 turns} {Suppressed} {Burning for 3 turns}
[HP: 42/73] [Resistances:
[Explosive Payload II] [Armor Shredder] [Shellshock]
Sunbreaker juggernaut [Level 18 | 88 accuracy | 4 evasion] {Confused for 1 turn} {Burning for 3 turns}
[HP: 118/118] {Armor: 37/37} [Resistances:
[Hammer of Sol: 65% charged] [Melting Point: 3 turns] [Incendiary Grenade: Ready]
Siege's shield projector [HP: 100/100] {0/3 spaces occupied}
Algot's micro turret [HP: 30/30]
Algot's micro turret [HP: 30/30]
Gunner mercenary [HP: 35/75] {Numbed senses for 2 turns}
[Numbed Senses] [Frag Grenade: Ready] [Immobilize: Ready] [Suppress: 3 turns]
Pyrotech mercenary [HP: 41/60]
[Incendiary Rounds] [Mass Ignite: 6 turns] [Flare Bomb: Ready] [Expose Oneself: Ready]
First Wave executioner [HP: 89/89]
[Blood Rage] [Glory] [Deny Healing: Ready] [Execute: Ready]
Algot's micro turret [HP: 30/30] {Deals extra damage}
Lisharon Inc Medical Personnel [HP: 87/94] [Turns until tea: 1]
Spanish Inquisition radio [HP: 50/50]
Battle airship [HP: 131/160]
[Flares: 3/3] [Afterburner: 3/3] [Minigun: ∞] [Laser cannon: 5/5] [Rocket launcher: 5/5] [Micro Turret x2]
Thermoshadow [HP: 100/100] [Intensity: 85%] [XP: 113/200]
[Refractive Armor: 15%, ready] [Adiabatic Grenade I: 30%] [Nitrogen Shards I: 15%] [Shatter Bolt I: 45%] [Encase: Ready] [Fire Barrage: Ready] [Oneshot Guard] [Damage Hex] [Phoenix Rebirth I]
Camp [HP: 450/450] {Provides space for 2 large constructions}
Barracks [HP: 650/650] {Allows training of soldiers}
Giant rock [HP: 386/400] {Good cover} [Winkins]
Modifiers: Overwhelming Force {+10% XP earned}
Bag of holding [Fiend Fire (1), After Image (1), Trip (1), Quick Slash (1), Neutralize (1), Heavy Rifle, MS34 Shieldbreaker, M11 AIR, Railgun, Custom Zap Rifle, Broadsword, Eden's Soul, Conduit Armor, Flak Jacket, Capacitor armor (x2), Absurdly Heavy Armor, Munitions Vest, Instructional Booklet, Aim Assist, Medkit, Salt Shaker]
[ ] Reach the outpost
No Entry: 0/3
Vandalized: 0/3
Home Remodeling: 0%
Using Their Head: Incomplete
Money: $6,525
Materials: 307
Stun Lance [$600 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage and has a 25% chance to stun or disorient the target.
Flamethrower [$100 | 4 uses]: Deals (ATK x 1.25) as fire damage, and has a 30% chance to ignite the target.
Random Bomb Generator [$150 | 1 use]: Randomly generate a number between 1 and 6. That many bombs will be thrown at random targets.
SVD Stealth Sniper [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 15 damage and has a 10% chance to land a headshot that instantly kills normal enemies. Headshots deal double damage to bosses and master level enemies.
Yellow Ray [$400 | 1 use]: Instantly destroys an enemy. Any armor they were carrying will be dropped and equipped by the user. Only stuns bosses, and against master enemies, halves their current HP.
Chemikaliewerfer [$250 | 4 uses]: Deals 10 damage and damages the target for a third of your ATK stat every turn for 3 turns. Never misses.
Endermite Shotgun [$600 | 2 uses]: Fires Ender pearls, causing the user to teleport rapidly, giving every enemy a 40% chance of being distracted and damaged for the user's ATK stat. Afterwards, deals (ATK x 1.5) damage to a random enemy.
The Debilitating Dagger [$900 | 3 uses]: Deals (ATK x 0.5) damage and permanently disables a selected ability. Deals 5 extra damage when disabling an ability. Disabling lasts for 2 turns on master enemies, and 1 turn for bosses. Only has a 50% chance to disable abilities on master enemies and bosses.
Mobile Minigun Turret [$1,250 | 4 uses]: When purchased, spends a turn deploying itself. Afterwards, can be used by all players to deal (ATK x 1.2) damage to up to three targets in a line. Must be redeployed every wave, unless the team's location doesn't change between waves.
Atom Bomb [$6,000 | 1 use]: Deals (ATK x 7) damage to all enemies, with damage reducing as targets get further away from the original target. Minimum damage is (ATK x 4). Survivors have a 20% chance to be afflicted by fallout, which deals 5 damage to them every turn for 3 turns.
Shredder Saw [$400 | 3 uses]: When used with an attack, the attack will deal half damage to health, but deal double damage to armor and shields.
Shield [$125 | Variable HP]: Assume a defensive stance at the start of the next turn. While defending, all incoming damage is absorbed by the shield. HP is 75% of the team's average HP.
Portable Cover [$90 | 1 use]: Creates a piece of average cover that can be used by either side.
Venomdrive Armor [$850 | Variable HP]: Starts off providing no armor. When taking toxic damage, 40% of the damage dealt becomes HP for the armor, which provides 50% damage protection. Max armor is 300. While the user is poisoned, the status effect is converted into the Poisonous ability, allowing them to inflict poison with their attacks. Grants the option to generate your own poison, at the cost of (poison level2 x 2) HP.
Zap Field [$500 | 1 use]: For 2 turns, players and allies gain a defensive field that deals electric damage to attackers. Damage depends on the user's ATK stat.
Portable Rampart [$500 | 1 use]: Deploys a piece of decent cover that can only be used by the side that deploys it.
Redlight Redirector [$750 | 2 uses]: Set up a portal in front of an enemy, causing their attacks to be redirect to a random enemy for 1.25x damage.
Feint Shot [$400 | 5 uses]: When held, gain a 10% chance to interrupt any enemy action and deal a flat 10 physical damage to them.
Medkit [$200 | 1 use]: Restore (heal x 2) HP to an ally.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90 | 1 use]: Throw to perform a minimum effectiveness heal to a primary target and both nearby targets.
Smoke Grenade [$75 | 1 use]: Reduces an enemy's accuracy by 30.
Essence of Life [$750 | 1 use]: Restores 10 HP and grants the target health regen for 3 turns. If the target is killed/KO'd during the regen, they will be revived with 10% of their max HP, and the effect ends.
Potion of Invisibility [$600 | 1 use]: Turn a target invisible. While invisible, you can't be attacked or detected in stealth missions, and your next attack's damage is doubled. Cannot attack and use the potion at the same time.
Poutine Gun [$500 | 3 uses]: Sticks a target in place, reducing their evasion by (evasion x 0.75) and giving them a 35% chance of not being able to attack on their turn.
Smarter Nanobots [$850 | 3 uses]: Can be used to heal a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 3 turns, while giving immunity to negative status effects for the duration. Cannot repair armor. Alternatively, can be used to damage a target for 10% of their max HP every turn for 4 turns.
Worldedit Permissions [$650 | 1 use]: Edit a piece of cover or a hazard into existence. Lasts until the team moves to a new location.
Mass Dispel [$1,500 | 1 use]: Disables the abilities of ALL non-boss enemies.
Homing Endspeed Imbue [$600 | 1 use]: Grants perfect accuracy for 2 turns.
Time Warp [$800 | 1 use]: Grant an ally the ability to perform two actions in one post this turn.
Ender Mines [$4,000 | 1 use]: Set up a minefield that adds a 20% chance for any enemy attacks to fail for the rest of the mission. Does not affect bosses.
Lifepowder [$2,500 | 3 uses]: Heals all allies for your minimum heal. Can be used multiple times in one turn. Cannot gain extra uses.
Care Package [$300 | 1 use]: Airdrops a random item.
EFLN [$75 | 1 use]: Throw to completely destroy ALL cover in the area, which will prevent players and enemies from using it.
Card Pack [$125 | 1 use]: Gain 5 cards, each with their own effects.
Portable Pitfall [$120 | 1 use]: Use to put an enemy into stasis for 2 turns. Enemies in stasis can't perform actions but can't be targeted. The effect will automatically end if the targeted enemy is the last one alive.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$125 | 1 use]: Throw to spawn a creeper. After the enemy's turn, it will explode and damage the targeted enemy and both nearby enemies.
Ammo Pack [$350 | 4 uses]: Can be used to restore uses to an item. Can be used multiple times at once.
Laser Drone [$650 | 40 HP]: Deploys a drone equipped with a laser beam that deals 10 damage and has a 25% chance to pierce the target, hitting the next listed one.
Spanish Inquisition Radio V2 [$750 | 50 HP]: Summon five cardinals of the ever-unexpected Spanish Inquisition. Every turn, they will either attack the same enemy for 7 damage each + a 20% stun chance, or each attack a different enemy for 7 damage each + a 20% chance to deal double damage.
Lisharon Inc. Medical Personnel [$1,000 | Variable HP]: Summons a Lisharon Inc. medical personnel with HP equal to the user's. Every turn, will either attack, dealing 10 damage and inflicting a random status effect, or heal for 15 HP + 3 turns of regen. Every 3 turns, will brew tea instead of doing anything.
Crit-a-Cola [$750 | 1 use]: When used, your next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit. However, you can't attack or heal on the same turn you use it, and if you get KO'd before you get to attack, the boost is wasted. Can only be used on yourself.
Proxy Slimesling [$500 | 1 use]: Launches an enemy into next Sunday, which manifests itself as launching them to the next wave. Cannot be used on the final wave of a mission.
Mob Pirates [$1,250 | 1 use]: Summon third party entities for the next 3 waves that are hostile to all units.
Capture Ball [$750 | 1 use]: If an enemy has below 20% HP, they can be captured and made a permanent addition to the team. However, they will not be healed. This also has a chance to secure the enemy's data bank entry.
"I'm sure they won't notice if they're missing a few things here and there..."
[Passive] Pickpocket: Attacks steal $25 from enemies.
[Passive] Loot: Enemies damaged by the thief have their item drop rate increased by 10%, and they are more likely to drop high tier items.
First Wave Shredder [HP: 110 | ATK:
8]: $1,100
"Attack, attack, attack!"
[Passive] Shred: Attacks reduce enemy physical resistance by 15%. This can stack.
[Passive] Focus: Successive attacks against the same target deal 50% extra damage.
[Active] Implosion: Deal 8 + (20% of target's max HP) damage. 4 turn cooldown.
First Wave Executioner [HP: 89] [ATK:
13]: $1,200
"Rip and tear."
[Passive] Blood Rage: Attacks deal a percentage of missing enemy HP as bonus damage.
[Passive] Glory: When the executioner directly kills an enemy, he regenerates 30 HP over 3 turns.
[Active] Deny Healing: Deal
4 +
4 damage to an enemy and reduce any healing they receive by 50% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Execute: If a target has less than 30% of their HP, attempt to kill them. No cooldown if successful. 5 turn cooldown.
Gunner Mercenary [HP: 75] [ATK:
15]: $1,200
"Nothing in the world a few rounds can't solve."
[Passive] Numbed Senses: Taking damage reduces damage taken by 20% and increases damage dealt by 30%. Does not stack.
[Active] Frag Grenade: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to two different enemies. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Immobilize: Deals (ATK x 1.6) damage and restricts melee attacks and abilities, while also reducing the target's evasion to 0. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Suppress: Reduce enemy accuracy by 30 and fire upon them if they take an action. 3 turn cooldown.
Pyrotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK:
12]: $1,200
"Things are heating up. Quite literally."
[Passive] Incendiary Rounds: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to ignite the target, and deal 30% more damage to burning enemies.
[Active] Mass Ignite: Set all enemies on fire for 3 turns. 6 turn cooldown.
[Active] Flare Bomb: Deal (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies. Deals (ATK x 3) damage to burning enemies. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Expose Oneself: Double all damage dealt, but reduce evasion to 0 and increase damage taken by 30% for 3 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
Cryotech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK:
12]: $1,200
"I'm a blizzard personified."
[Passive] Fragile Glass: Basic attacks have a 30% chance to reduce enemy resistances by 30% and freeze the enemy.
[Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and ignores armor. 2 turn cooldown.
[Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies, and freezes them for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Thermal Transfer: Sap heat from two different enemies, dealing (ATK x 1.8) damage and shielding two allies for the damage dealt for a turn. 6 turn cooldown.
Shocktech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK:
12]: $1,200
"All the strength of a lightning storm."
[Passive] Reflexes: Dodging an attack triggers a counterattack that deals (ATK x 0.8) damage.
[Active] Shockwave: Deals damage to all enemies, with a 30% chance to silence each one. Can land critical hits. 6 turn cooldown.
[Active] Light Speed: Quadruples evasion and multiplies crit chance by 1.5 for 2 turns. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Taser Shot: Deal (ATK x 2.7) damage and paralyze the enemy for 2 turns. Can land critical hits. 4 turn cooldown.
Grenadier Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK:
10]: $1,200
"Outcome: train go boom."
[Passive] Explosive Payload II: Attacks deal 50% damage to nearby enemies.
[Active] Exploding Sawblade: Fire an exploding sawblade that ignores 50% of the target's explosive resistance and deals (ATK x 2.5) damage. Deals damage twice: once to health and once to armor. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Burrowing Shredder: Launch a special projectile that deals massive damage to cover and deals double damage to targets in cover if said cover is destroyed. Deals (ATK x 3) damage. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Cluster Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.3) damage to three enemies. Next turn, deals (ATK x 0.4) damage to all enemies. 5 turn cooldown.
Chemtech Mercenary [HP: 60] [ATK:
10]: $1,200
"I could tell you what's in the canister, but then I'd have to kill you."
[Passive] Toxic Shot: Highly accurate. Basic attacks have a 25% chance to poison the enemy.
[Active] Anesthetic: Poison a target for (target's evasion) damage every turn for 4 turns. Also reduces the target's damage and healing output by 50%. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Global Biohazard Virus: Deploys a zombie virus that deals (ATK x 0.2 + enemy evasion x 0.5) damage every turn for 3 turns, spreading among all enemies over time. Killing an enemy while they are infected will turn them into a zombie. 7 turn cooldown.
[Active] Adjusted Chemical: Deploy a cloud over two allies or enemies. For allies, it restores (target's ATK x 0.75 + target's evasion x 0.75) every turn for 2 turns. For enemies, it damages them for the same amount, and the same duration. 3 turn cooldown.
Mercenary Arcanist [HP: 40] [ATK:
6]: $1,200
"I have done more than stare into the abyss. We... aid each other now."
[Passive] Adaptive Cycle: Gains 25 resistance to the last damage type taken.
[Active] Decay: Deal (ATK + 10% of target's HP) damage to a target over the course of three turns, and reduce the target's healing received by 70%. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Freedom: Provide (ATK x 4) shields to self or an ally for 3 turns, and grant health regen for the duration of the shield. Also dispels a negative status effect. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Terrify: Deal (ATK) damage to a target and stun them for 1-2 turns, and makes them twice as vulnerable to damage over time abilities. 4 turn cooldown.
Mirror Knight [HP: 140] [ATK:
22]: $2,500
"I come from the year 2295. And I can easily say, 2030 sucks."
[Passive] Mirror Armor: Immune to electric damage. Has a 25% chance to reflect electric attacks back at the attacker.
[Active] Teleslash: Deal (ATK x 1.5) damage to a single enemy. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Electro Bolt: Deal (ATK x 2) damage to a single enemy and dispel a positive status effect. 5 turn cooldown.
[Active] Pulsator Blast: A highly accurate attack that deals (ATK x 2) arcane damage and immobilizes the target. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Blade Discharge: Deal (ATK x 1.8) damage to up to five enemies, then become weakened for a turn. 5 turn charge time.
Elemental Juggernaut [HP: 140] [ATK:
18]: $2,500
"I'd say this trial by fire is going well."
[Passive] Status Application: Attacks apply a random status effect, and the elemental juggernaut gains immunity to that status effect for the duration of the effect.
[Active] Wrath: A "basic attack" that deals (ATK x 0.7) damage to up to five enemies. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Taunt: Gain 30% resistance to all damage and become a target for the enemies. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Berserk: Gain +30% crit chance, +30% damage, and +30% armor piercing for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Elemental: Gain 140 shields, double the potency of inflicted status effects, and regenerate (ATK x 0.5) HP every turn. 5 turn charge time.
Flamethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK:
15]: $2,250
"Death is the best CC."
[Passive] Flamethrower: Basic attacks ignite enemies for (ATK x 3) damage over the course of 3 turns.
[Passive] Hazardous Fire: Getting attacks deals (ATK) damage to the attacker and has a chance to ignite them.
[Active] Oil Grenade: Reduces fire resistance by 30, slows the enemy, and causes any fire damage to ignite the enemy. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Flare bomb: Deals (ATK x 2.5) damage to two different enemies, or (ATK x 3) damage to burning targets. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Fire Blast: Deals (ATK x 2) damage to 4 different enemies. Has a 30% chance to stun each enemy. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Deflagaration: Unleash a massive flame, dealing (ATK x 3) damage to two enemies over the course of 3 turns and ignite them. Abilities used on burning enemies set nearby enemies on fire. 7 turn charge time.
Freezethrower Trooper [HP: 75] [ATK:
15]: $2,250
"Just close your eyes. You'll be dead before you know it."
[Passive] Freezethrower: Basic attacks freeze enemies for a turn.
[Passive] Stun Resist: Has a 90% chance to resist stuns, freezes, immobilization, or other disabling effects.
[Active] Shatter Bolt: Deals (ATK x 2.7) damage and pierces armor. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Nitrogen Bomb: Deals (ATK x 1.8) damage to two different enemies and freezes them. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Ice Spike: Deals (ATK x 0.3) damage to all enemies, with increased crit chance and 50% extra armor piercing. 5 turn cooldown.
[SUPER] Avalanche: Deal (ATK x 2) to three enemies, with increased crit chance and armor piercing on frozen targets. 7 turn charge time.
Outpost Sniper [HP: 45] [ATK:
20]: $2,250
"I'm the real outpost defender here!"
[Passive] Vantage Point: Not being attacked grants +50% ATK for the next turn.
[Passive] Conduit: Receives double benefit from healing and accuracy boosts. Gains 20% increased effectiveness from crit chance boosts.
[Passive] Adrenaline: Can survive lethal damage with 1 HP, once.
[Active] Immobilize: An attack that deals (ATK x 1.8) damage and reduces evasion to 0 and restricts melee attacks. 4 turn cooldown.
[Active] Piercing Shot: An attack that penetrates and hits the next listed enemy. 3 turn cooldown.
[Active] Searing Shot: An attack that sets the target on fire and removes one use of a random ability or drains a secondary resource by 30%. 5 turn cooldown.
Burst Rifle
Burst-fire assault rifle. Simple, but effective.
+1 ATK
90 accuracy
Has a 30% chance to hit twice, with the second hit having -10 accuracy
Marksman Rifle
Semi-automatic rifle. Accurate and deadly.
+2 ATK
100 accuracy
Revolvers are always cooler.
+5 ATK
80 accuracy
Rapid fire assault weapon. Good for close range engagements.
+0 ATK
85 accuracy
Can target four enemies instead of three
Heavy Rifle
High impact rifle. Well suited for stronger targets.
+0 ATK
90 accuracy
Increases damage cap (7x ATK instead of 5x)
Heavy Pistol
High impact sidearm. Packs a decent punch for its size.
+2 ATK
85 accuracy
Critical hits deal 10% more damage
Grenade Launcher
Standard issue explosive weapon. Effective at crowd control.
+4 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 20% damage to nearby targets.
Precision Rifle
Highly accurate rifle. Deals high damage to a single target.
+4 ATK
100 accuracy
Can only hit one enemy at a time
Zap Rifle
Standard factory made zap rifle.
+1 ATK
85 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy
Uncommon weapon: Costs 1,000 materials.
MS34 Shieldbreaker
A powerful assault rifle designed to punch through enemy armor.
+2 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 15% more damage through armor
A high output SMG that favors fire rate over all else.
+0 ATK
80 accuracy
Can target six enemies instead of three
Incendiary Shotgun
A standard issue shotgun, modified to shoot flaming buckshot.
+3 ATK
85 accuracy
Deals fire damage
Attacks have a 20% chance to ignite target
A heavy rifle designed to fire metal rods, heated to a white hot temperature.
+5 ATK
95 accuracy
High impact anti-infantry rifle. Good for keeping standard enemies in check.
+3 ATK
90 accuracy
Can suppress a single enemy, reducing their accuracy
Seeker Rifle
Prototype scouting device that outlines targets.
+1 ATK
85 accuracy
Hitting an enemy scans them, increasing their damage taken by 10%
Shrapnel Launcher
A basic grenade launcher, modified to shoot shards of jagged metal.
+2 ATK
85 accuracy
Attacks have a 25% chance to cause bleeding
Jammer Gun (1 in storage)
A semi-automatic rifle that fires electromagnetic ammunition.
+1 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 25% more damage to robotic enemies
Rare weapon: Costs 1,500 materials.
Actually a giant bee stinger.
+4 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 5% more damage through armor
Has a 25% chance to poison target
Double Barrel Shotgun
This is my boomstick!
+6 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 10% more damage to enemy armor
Has a 15% chance to hit a random nearby enemy
Panic Knife
Everybody stay calm.
+5 ATK
85 accuracy
Critical hits deal 20% more damage
Automatically attack enemies that hit you with reduced damage
I fight for honor, not with honor!
+5 ATK
90 accuracy
Has a 20% chance to cause bleeding
While held, you deal more damage with environmental hazards
Giant Syringe
I just need a blood sample...
+5 ATK
85 accuracy
Reduces target's damage output
Has a 15% chance to cause target to panic
Dragonslayer's Spear
Once belonged to a warrior who was one half of a terrifying duo.
+5 ATK
95 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to galvanize target
Can perform a powerful impaling attack that costs 30 energy
M6 Carnifex
Given to you by an alien doctor as a token of good faith.
+7 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 10% more damage through armor
Deals 10% more damage to armor
To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects: hollow of spirit and meaning.
+5 ATK
85 accuracy
Deals toxic damage
Inflicts minor poisoning
Custom Zap Rifle
More added shock than your regular rifle.
+2 ATK
85 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to zap another enemy
Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy
Legendary weapon: Costs 2,000 materials.
Matador 64
A sickeningly powerful weapon that once terrorized many a battlefield.
+9 ATK
80 accuracy
Deals 10% more damage through armor
Big Stick
Speak softly...
+4 ATK
90 accuracy
Deals 15% more damage to armor
Has a 20% chance to stun or confuse enemies
Book of Insults
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names leave psychological wounds that never heal.
+3 ATK
105 accuracy
Has a 25% chance to ignore armor
Has a 10% chance to demoralize the target
Steel Dragon
Laser beams. Laser beams everywhere.
+0 ATK
90 accuracy
Always hits at least two enemies at once
Can target six enemies instead of just three
The enemies lose their lives, and you get to keep yours. Win-win.
+3 ATK
85 accuracy
40% of damage dealt is returned to you as health
Critical hits heal you for 65% of the damage dealt
Sorcerer's Staff
What problem can't be solved with magic?
+3 ATK
80 accuracy
Inflicts a random status condition
Eden's Soul
Becomes a random weapon every mission
The Young Wolf's Howl
"To the first of the new Iron Lords." - Lord Saladin
+4 ATK
85 accuracy
Causes target to take more damage from all sources
Zap Rifle Cannon
When you want more of a shocking splash...
+4 ATK
80 accuracy
Has a 40% chance to zap up to four enemies
Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy
Mythical weapon: Costs 2,500 materials.
Deathslayer's Blade
A sword forged in human blood. You can barely make out the "359" etched into the blade.
+10 ATK
85 accuracy
Critical hits deal 2.5x damage instead of 2x
Kills with this weapon temporarily grant +5 ATK
Kills with this weapon heal you for 5% of your max HP
Biotic Rifle
Kill enemies or heal allies? Why not both?
+4 ATK
95 accuracy
This weapon heals allies when used on them
Ignores enemy armor
Let's just skip judge and jury.
+9 ATK
110 accuracy
+10% critical hit chance
+25% damage dealt to enemies with less than half health (less than 25% HP for bosses)
Kills with this weapon grant +15 accuracy for your next attack
Unpaid Debt
You owe me.
+7 ATK
85 accuracy
The lower your HP is, the more damage this weapon deals
Has a 25% chance to stun the target if they just attacked you
The Reanimator
Their loss is your gain.
+3 ATK
90 accuracy
Killing an enemy reanimates them into a temporary ally
Reanimated enemies deal more damage
The Gathering Storm
Unleash its wrath.
+5 ATK
90 accuracy
Taking damage changes this weapon's damage type to match that of the attack that hit you
Has a 20% chance to inflict a status condition that matches your current damage type
Outbreak Prime
"I've done the math. When you pull the trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time." - Shiro-4
+4 ATK
85 accuracy
Dealing damage has a 25% chance to spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
Kills with this weapon spawn a swarm of SIVA mites
Time's Strife
The assault rifle of a Timekeeper. A very dangerous weapons in good hands.
+7 ATK
110 accuracy
If the wielder is KO'd, they may use a Time Charge to resurrect.
The wielder may also use a Time Charge to revive an ally or fully heal their wounds.
If the whole party is wiped, the wielder can use 3 Time Charges to revive the whole party.
Time charges are built with creative time attacks.
Thunder Clap
A clap of actual thunder was molded into this rifle.
+11 ATK
90 accuracy
Always hits two enemies
Has a 10% chance to stun an enemy
Ballistic Vest
Basic vest designed to resist incoming bullets.
+10 HP
+10 physical resistance
Fireproof Plating
Plated armor designed to resist high temperatures.
+10 HP
+10 fire resistance
Insulated Armor
Insulated to protect against extreme cold.
+10 HP
+10 ice resistance
Conduit Armor
Armor resistant to high voltage.
+10 HP
+10 electric resistance
Flak Jacket
Basic armor that resists explosions.
+10 HP
+10 explosive resistance
Gas Mask
Standard issue gas mask that protects against toxic gases.
+10 HP
+10 toxic resistance
Wizard Robes
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
+10 HP
+10 arcane resistance
Uncommon armor: Costs 1,000 materials.
Armor of Thorns
Armor coated in a thick patch of thorns. Said to be worn by a member of the Darkwraiths.
+10 HP
Enemies that attack you take 10 physical damage
Ridiculously Heavy Armor
Provides great protection, but is absurdly heavy. How do you even wear it?
+25 HP
+5 to all resistances
Any attack directed at you is guaranteed to hit
Capacitor Armor
Comes with two rechargable battery packs.
+20 max energy
+10 energy regen per turn
Medical Armor
Armor equipped with a regeneration module that rapidly heals your wounds.
Regenerate 5% of your max HP every turn
Marksman Visor
A modified visor that highlights enemies and tracks their movements.
+10 accuracy
Munitions Vest
Has plenty of extra pockets to store ammunition.
+5 HP
Gives all items an extra use
Lightweight Armor
Lighter armor that provides greater mobility.
+5 HP
+10 evasion
Rare armor: Costs 1,500 materials.
Irradiated Armor
It's probably safe...
+5 HP
Enemies that attack you receive radiation poisoning
Serpent Suit
Somehow linked to ice.
+5 ice resistance
Gives you one use of the Frostbite ability, allowing you to freeze an enemy
Wings of Sacred Dawn
There will come a day when the light will never fade.
+10 HP
Gives you the Angel of Light ability, allowing you to become airborne for a turn
Armor of Bone
The most metal of attire.
+10 HP
Has a 40% chance to unnerve a random enemy every wave
Armor of Shadow
You merely adopted the darkness.
+10 evasion
Enemies will not target you until you attack or are the last player standing
Hideous Armor
It looks absolutely disgusting.
+5 HP
-1 max rage (allows you to enrage quicker)
No Armor
What are you thinking?
-10 HP
Has a 25% chance to confuse a random enemy every wave
Legendary armor: Costs 2,000 materials.
WAR Suit
Used to liberate earth from an oppressive alien rule.
+10 HP
+10 armor
Gives you the Blaster Launcher ability, allowing you to fire a powerful explosive
Fortified Armor
Designed to protect all the weak points.
+15 HP
Enemies that attack you have a lower critical hit chance
Enemy critical hits against you deal less damage
Templar Armor
Feel the power of the Templars.
+10 HP
+5 evasion
Gives you the Rend ability, allowing you to perform a powerful melee attack
Armored Armor
Armor armored with more armor!
+10 HP
+50 armor
Eden's Blessing
Your future shines brighter.
Turns into a random piece of armor every mission
Best rig.
+10 evasion
Gives you the Phase Shift ability, allowing you to avoid damage by shifting into another
Overly Protective Armor
It worries about you.
+15 HP
Makes you immune to all status effects, positive or negative
Mythical armor: Costs 2,500 materials.
Armor of the Blood Knight
The crimson sigil on the front may or may not be painted in blood.
+15 HP
Dealing damage returns 10% of the damage dealt to you as health
Killing an enemy with excessive damage has a 15% chance to deal the extra damage to a random
When equipped as Assault Gunner: +10% ATK, and every kill has a 10% chance to instantly max your
Robes of the Healer
These robes radiate with a powerful medicating energy.
+10 HP
+10 healing
Healing an ally grants them health regeneration (stacks with Medic's Invigorate ability)
When equipped as Medic: +10% healing, and converts your super into a powerful healing move that
affects all allies
Mask of the Marksman
This mask was worn by a legendary marksman who never missed his mark.
+10 HP
+15 accuracy
+5% critical hit chance
When equipped as Sniper: +10 accuracy, and critical hits deal 50% more damage
Crest of the Defender
A powerful knight once bore this crest. Legends say his alles never knew harm.
+25 HP
+25 armor
+5 to all resistances
When equipped as Tank: +10 to all resistances, and taking damage while guarding an ally charges
your super
Armor of Turrets
You are your own defense network.
+10 HP
Fires at a random enemy every turn, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
Fires at enemies that attack you, dealing (ATK x 0.5) damage to them
When equipped as Engineer: Your turrets can fire two shots, each dealing 75% of their normal
Armor of Boundless Light
There are some flames that even the darkness cannot contain.
+10 HP
+25 max energy
+15 energy regeneration
Using an ability has a 20% chance to cost half energy
When equipped as Specialist: +15 max energy, and allows you to use your super early for a large
energy cost
Titan Mark
At close quarters, a fist is better than any gun.
+15 HP
+25 armor
Replaces your super with Fist of Havoc, a powerful attack that damages multiple enemies
Hunter Cloak
Tell the warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
+10 HP
+10 evasion
Replaces your super with the Golden Gun, a deadly attack that can target up to three enemies
Warlock Bond
Those who have stared into the void are not bound by the laws of space and time.
+5 HP
Restores 5 HP to you every turn
Replaces your super with Stormtrance, which temporarily allows you to perform multiple electric
attacks in a single turn
Prescription glasses. You may or may not actually need them.
+5 accuracy
Distortion Field
Experimental device that distorts the area around you.
+5 evasion
Instructional Booklet
"Bullets go into the enemies, not you." - Excerpt from Incredibly Obvious Advice Monthly
+10% XP gain
Exploded Rocket
Casing from a used rocket. The RPG kind, not the spacefaring kind.
+15% damage dealt to airborne enemies
Laser Sight
Really just a laser pointer taped to your gun.
+3% critical hit chance
Uncommon trinket: Costs 1,000 materials.
Blind Rage
Blind to damage
Taking damage makes you less likely to be targeted again for the rest of that turn
Portable Generator
Perfect for emergency situations when you need power.
Activating your super restores 50% of your max energy
Handful of Shrapnel
Why are you collecting shrapnel?
Attacks have a 5% chance to cause bleeding
Made with repurposed snake venom.
+5 healing
Aim Assist
Now you can use a controller.
Missing an attack gives you +10 accuracy for your next attack. Does not stack multiple times.
Rare trinket: Costs 1,500 materials.
Occult Charm
Glows with an unnatural power.
Your attacks deal 50% normal damage and 50% arcane damage
Three of Coins
Sold by a creepy hooded guy with tentacles coming from his face.
Killing a boss has a 5% chance to drop a mythical item
Libra Charm
You feel balanced.
Balances your stats by raising low ones and lowering high ones
Salt Shaker
You feel enraged.
Taking damage has a 25% chance to give +2 rage instead of +1
Strange Coin
This unusual coin is warm to the touch and vibrates gently in your hand.
+3% mythical drop rate
Legendary trinket: Costs 2,000 materials.
Curved Horn
DMG up
+5 ATK
Hallownest Seal
Another one?
Enemies you kill have a 25% chance to drop additional materials
RNG is slightly weighted in your favor
Bowl of Nails
No milk.
Attacking has a 5% chance to cause enemies to panic
Inversion Device
Distorts the area around itself.
All status effects applied to you are inverted
Mythical trinket: costs 2,500 materials.
Scorched Assault Rifle
This burned rifle still radiates with an incredible power.
+4 ATK
When equipped as Assault Gunner: Activating your super temporarily grants you +6 ATK
Orb of Harmony
Pass into the Iris.
+6 healing
When equipped as Medic: Allows you to target an ally with the orb, healing them for 2% of their
max HP every turn
15x Scope
Found in a crate that fell from the sky.
+10 accuracy
When equipped as Sniper: +6% critical hit chance
Cracked Shield
It kinda works...
+5 to all defenses
When equipped as Tank: +25% critical hit resistance
Rusted Wrench
Scavenged from Talos I.
Your critical hits deal less damage but stun enemies
When equipped as Engineer: Your constructions have higher stats
Sharp Plug
Charge with blood.
+15 max energy
When equipped as Specialist: When out of energy, using abilities will drain your health
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
Check out my new game, Legends of Aekran!
NUUUU WHY THE SILENCE!? I internally screamed.
Taking out a bunch of kunai, I sharpen them into kunai dices and roll them. The end result was 3 sixes... which had briefly summoned the Beast and flicked the assassin.
5/8 Bank.
The barracks in the camp is supposed to passively generate soldiers.
I put the Broadsword in my inventory, and send a text to McKnight asking how many mats I'd need to "fuse" my spear with it. (I'll probably write it off as dual wielding, lore-wise, but I dunno yet)
I drink a glass of milk, curing my Weakened status. That should help my next two posts, but I can't do anything about the poison right now...
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
I inject my Antidote-9000, and it cures my poison effect.
I also buy Cryotech!
Glaring at the specialist, I pull out a glass bottle, smash it over his head and proceed to shanking him contiously with the sharpened bottle.
This Specialist is very resistant to Arc damage...not like that'll help him withstand getting gutted by a spear.
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
I choose Aggression.
Then I SVD the Silent Assassin.
I also buy and equip a Feint Shot if possible.
6/8 Bank
I throw the elite specialist through MANY timelines (kinda like the quantum realm), which causes his brain to explode from TOO MUCH INFORMATIONNNNNN!
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow: http://pfq.me/GoldHero101