To download the other ones you need to make a folder in the versions folder for minecraft and put the client and JSON file for the versions in there. They all need to be named the same aside from file extensions. Once you do that, you will be able to choose that version when making a new profile with the minecraft launcher.
Do... do... I have to remove this?? Okay then... deleted because it's 2derp4me.
Diamond Block
I'm a Whovian squid who likes drawing.
I'm also quite nerdy with an interest in game developing and the concept of a fourth spatial dimension.
All hail chickens.
Deleted for not having enough. (Off Topic: This is kind of Ban the above user, right?)
[Avatar] My unshaded MC avatar (Shaded version later)
[Status] "...Thank you."
"A magic attack right at their face!" ~David
Deleted for not being powerful enough.
Banned for melting under light, so unable to build impressive structures without monster invasions.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
Deleted for being too underpowered.
Structure Block
deleted because it is for lazy people
Click the dragon/egg that is on top to help me raise my dragons
Deleted because it can fall on the heads of people and pets, and suffocate them.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
Deleted because it doesn't actually hatch.
Deleted for being stupid
dead bush
Current avatar: Bill C
I play pokefarm. Check out my pokemon.
Deleted For Being Loved Too Much (By N00bs).
Error 404 Block/ The Purple And Black Block.
What again?
Deleted for crashing my game.
Crafting table.
To this day, my signature remains unsigned.
These eggs don't need anything - they're just farming views. Thanks for your time!
Deleted in favor of personal 3x3 crafting.
Deleted for being way too common.
Sticky Piston
Deleted for needing slime, which is quite rare.
My avatar: Faiya the dragon
404: eggs not found
Deleted due to there being no block named "Purpur".
Coal Ore.
Removed for giving too little exp.
Pink Glazed Terracotta
Removed because it was way to pink and ugly.
Shulker Box
Deleted Because CHESTS ARE Always Better.
What again?
No block left behind...
I guess I'll continue
Terra Cotta
Remember those versions that minecraft pranked us with? Specifically:
Those are still downloadable! Watch this video for 2.0:
To download the other ones you need to make a folder in the versions folder for minecraft and put the client and JSON file for the versions in there. They all need to be named the same aside from file extensions. Once you do that, you will be able to choose that version when making a new profile with the minecraft launcher.
15w14a is on this link:
1.RV-Pre1 is here:
Minecraft 3D is here:
Deleted for being decorative
Current avatar: Bill C
I play pokefarm. Check out my pokemon.