You're in a massive chamber. Directly across from you stands the prismatic being. To the sides, you see two psionic gateways leading to unknown destinations. The unusual architecture of the area can be used as effective cover.
Homing Missile [$175]: Deals 200 damage and is guaranteed to hit.
Yellow Ray [$125]: Instantly destroys a single enemy, but has a recharge time of two waves. Cannot be used on bosses.
Blue Shell [$120]: Targets the enemy with the highest HP and explodes, dealing your minimum damage to them. Never misses.
Plasma Bolter [$150]: Grants two uses of the Coalition soldier's Plasma Bolt ability.
Concussion Grenade [$120]: Launches all enemies away from a tile with minimal damage, either launching them into the air for high fall damage, or sending them flying.
Ballistics Gel Armor [$130]: Has 200 HP. When active, wearer takes half damage, and the armor takes half of the reduced damage. Halves movement speed.
Invincibility Candy [$200]: Grants you invincibility for 2 turns and increases your damage dealt to nearby enemies by 50% (stacks with Close and Personal).
Steroids [$100]: Increases your max HP by 200 for the rest of the mission. Sets current HP to 20.
Instant Tree Seeds [$100]: Instantly grows a tree that can be used as high cover. Comes with 2 uses.
Medkit [$50]: Use this item when healing to significantly increase the heal's effectiveness.
Smoke grenade [$40]: Create a cloud of smoke, providing 20 evasion to anyone in the smoke.
Glue Gun [$40]: Reduces target's evasion to 0 for 3 turns.
Flashbang [$40]: Stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Distraction Disco Ball [$180]: Distracts multiple enemies and gives them -15 evasion.
Determination Bomb [$50]: Use on an ally to fill them with determination, increasing the damage of their next 2 attacks.
Antigrave [$100]: Revives a KO'd player. Can only be used once per wave.
Reinhardt's Shield [$150]: Deploys a shield that protects you and two allies next to you. Can take 1,000 damage before breaking.
Neuralyzer [$75 x enemies affected]: Puts the team in stealth mode.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90]: Heals all units in a radius. WARNING: Will also heal enemies.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$90]: Throw to spawn a creeper that will explode near the nearest unit. WARNING: Has no sense of friend or foe.
Marker [$150]: Grants two uses of the Enforcer lieutenant's Mark Target ability. Can only have one marked target at a time.
Bribe [$125]: Cause an enemy to join your side for 4 turns.
Wheelbarrow [$60]: Allows you to move things like turrets and cover around. Moving things halves your speed. 3 uses.
Shovel [$50]: A folding shovel that can dig trenches to create low cover. Can also be used to dig an enemy's grave, since it's also an effective weapon. 4 uses.
Restroom [$250]: Has 350 HP. Acts as mid cover. One person at a time can enter the restroom, transferring all damage they take to the restroom and regenerating 15% of their max HP every turn. You automatically exit after a turn. Does not follow between areas.
Handful of MRSA [$50]: Reduces an enemy's damage output by 15%, while increasing the damage they take by 15%. Effect spreads to nearby enemies in a large radius. Lasts 2 turns, and can be reapplied. Enemies will move away from infected, but infected can be pushed toward enemies a short distance.
Robobot Armor [$340]: Has 1.5x the wearer's HP. Allows the wearer to copy an enemy instead of performing a normal action, granting the wearer a unique ability. The ability is lost when the wearer is attacked. Regenerates 7.5% HP per turn (for Robobot armor).
PAMA [$125]: Allows you to take control of an enemy for 3 turns. Can only be used once per mission. Control is lost if submerged in water.
Pogo Hammer [$60]: When held, attacking an enemy will bounce them to another enemy. Doesn't apply when there's only one enemy alive. Has 3 uses.
Arcane Wii Remote [$90]: Teleport a unit to another tile. Cannot be used on yourself.
Portal Pistol [$90]: Create two interconnected portals on the map, allowing you to move through them as if they were adjacent. Allows deployment of two pairs of portals.
Teleport [$75]: Swap locations with another unit. Comes with two uses.
Card Pack [$110]: Draw five cards, each with their own effects.
EFLN [$40]: Can be used to destroy cover or other structures. WARNING: Do not detonate next to friendly structures.
Portable Radar [$75]: Can be used to reveal the next enemy squad, or mark all enemies, reducing their evasion. Comes with 2 uses.
Super Mushroom [$100]: Restores 25% of your HP and increases your damage output by 25% until you take damage.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
"I COULD HAVE DIED!" A giant airship comes over me, dropping me a Switch Axe. "neat. let's do this." I jump on the prismatic being, performing Zero Sum Discharge. "DIE" I explode right off him as the prototype switch axe breaks. "Awwww..."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
"I COULD HAVE DIED! HOLY SH-!" A giant airship comes over me, dropping me a Switch Axe. "neat. let's do this." I jump on the prismatic being, performing Zero Sum Discharge. "DIE YOU SON OF A-" I explode right off him as the prototype switch axe breaks. "Awwww..."
He's immune, so you do it to the cryptarch instead, killing it! +39 XP!
It's immune and you're too far back to melee anything, so you fire at the cyber soldier, dealing 295 damage and creating a 100 damage explosion. +19 XP.
I shoot myselfe using the gun that can kill the past so I go back in time. In the past I kill the prismatic being befor it gets the power that it has by shooting the cannonbalrog out of a cannon at it.
A mixup in the timelines causes you to mostly hit the cyber soldier for 310 damage and a 100 damage explosion. However, the prismatic being also takes 1 damage! +20 XP!
My action: I reload and take a shot at the RCU, but miss.
[Enemy turn]
The prismatic being uses Refract, sending Gold, algot, and me into psionic gate B.
You're in a massive chamber. Directly across from you stands the prismatic being. To the sides, you see two psionic gateways leading to unknown destinations. The unusual architecture of the area can be used as effective cover.
Homing Missile [$175]: Deals 200 damage and is guaranteed to hit.
Yellow Ray [$125]: Instantly destroys a single enemy, but has a recharge time of two waves. Cannot be used on bosses.
Blue Shell [$120]: Targets the enemy with the highest HP and explodes, dealing your minimum damage to them. Never misses.
Plasma Bolter [$150]: Grants two uses of the Coalition soldier's Plasma Bolt ability.
Concussion Grenade [$120]: Launches all enemies away from a tile with minimal damage, either launching them into the air for high fall damage, or sending them flying.
Ballistics Gel Armor [$130]: Has 200 HP. When active, wearer takes half damage, and the armor takes half of the reduced damage. Halves movement speed.
Invincibility Candy [$200]: Grants you invincibility for 2 turns and increases your damage dealt to nearby enemies by 50% (stacks with Close and Personal).
Steroids [$100]: Increases your max HP by 200 for the rest of the mission. Sets current HP to 20.
Instant Tree Seeds [$100]: Instantly grows a tree that can be used as high cover. Comes with 2 uses.
Medkit [$50]: Use this item when healing to significantly increase the heal's effectiveness.
Smoke grenade [$40]: Create a cloud of smoke, providing 20 evasion to anyone in the smoke.
Glue Gun [$40]: Reduces target's evasion to 0 for 3 turns.
Flashbang [$40]: Stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Distraction Disco Ball [$180]: Distracts multiple enemies and gives them -15 evasion.
Determination Bomb [$50]: Use on an ally to fill them with determination, increasing the damage of their next 2 attacks.
Antigrave [$100]: Revives a KO'd player. Can only be used once per wave.
Reinhardt's Shield [$150]: Deploys a shield that protects you and two allies next to you. Can take 1,000 damage before breaking.
Neuralyzer [$75 x enemies affected]: Puts the team in stealth mode.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90]: Heals all units in a radius. WARNING: Will also heal enemies.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$90]: Throw to spawn a creeper that will explode near the nearest unit. WARNING: Has no sense of friend or foe.
Marker [$150]: Grants two uses of the Enforcer lieutenant's Mark Target ability. Can only have one marked target at a time.
Bribe [$125]: Cause an enemy to join your side for 4 turns.
Wheelbarrow [$60]: Allows you to move things like turrets and cover around. Moving things halves your speed. 3 uses.
Shovel [$50]: A folding shovel that can dig trenches to create low cover. Can also be used to dig an enemy's grave, since it's also an effective weapon. 4 uses.
Restroom [$250]: Has 350 HP. Acts as mid cover. One person at a time can enter the restroom, transferring all damage they take to the restroom and regenerating 15% of their max HP every turn. You automatically exit after a turn. Does not follow between areas.
Handful of MRSA [$50]: Reduces an enemy's damage output by 15%, while increasing the damage they take by 15%. Effect spreads to nearby enemies in a large radius. Lasts 2 turns, and can be reapplied. Enemies will move away from infected, but infected can be pushed toward enemies a short distance.
Robobot Armor [$340]: Has 1.5x the wearer's HP. Allows the wearer to copy an enemy instead of performing a normal action, granting the wearer a unique ability. The ability is lost when the wearer is attacked. Regenerates 7.5% HP per turn (for Robobot armor).
PAMA [$125]: Allows you to take control of an enemy for 3 turns. Can only be used once per mission. Control is lost if submerged in water.
Pogo Hammer [$60]: When held, attacking an enemy will bounce them to another enemy. Doesn't apply when there's only one enemy alive. Has 3 uses.
Arcane Wii Remote [$90]: Teleport a unit to another tile. Cannot be used on yourself.
Portal Pistol [$90]: Create two interconnected portals on the map, allowing you to move through them as if they were adjacent. Allows deployment of two pairs of portals.
Teleport [$75]: Swap locations with another unit. Comes with two uses.
Card Pack [$110]: Draw five cards, each with their own effects.
EFLN [$40]: Can be used to destroy cover or other structures. WARNING: Do not detonate next to friendly structures.
Portable Radar [$75]: Can be used to reveal the next enemy squad, or mark all enemies, reducing their evasion. Comes with 2 uses.
Super Mushroom [$100]: Restores 25% of your HP and increases your damage output by 25% until you take damage.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
I pull out a giant minigun (IT looks like Sasha and may as well be Sasha) and begin firing at the Core. "AHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA! BABYYYYYYS!" Somehow, random babies fall into the core, causing it to implode due to the babies... causing something. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
I pull out a giant minigun (IT looks like Sasha and may as well be Sasha) and begin firing at the Core. "AHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA! BABYYYYYYS!" Somehow, random babies fall into the core, causing it to implode due to the babies... causing something. I'll leave it to your imagination.
"We gotta spread the babies out so they're not all on one airline." - Northernlion
440 damage to the core + a 100 damage explosion! +28 XP!
You're in a massive chamber. Directly across from you stands the prismatic being. To the sides, you see two psionic gateways leading to unknown destinations. The unusual architecture of the area can be used as effective cover.
Homing Missile [$175]: Deals 200 damage and is guaranteed to hit.
Yellow Ray [$125]: Instantly destroys a single enemy, but has a recharge time of two waves. Cannot be used on bosses.
Blue Shell [$120]: Targets the enemy with the highest HP and explodes, dealing your minimum damage to them. Never misses.
Plasma Bolter [$150]: Grants two uses of the Coalition soldier's Plasma Bolt ability.
Concussion Grenade [$120]: Launches all enemies away from a tile with minimal damage, either launching them into the air for high fall damage, or sending them flying.
Ballistics Gel Armor [$130]: Has 200 HP. When active, wearer takes half damage, and the armor takes half of the reduced damage. Halves movement speed.
Invincibility Candy [$200]: Grants you invincibility for 2 turns and increases your damage dealt to nearby enemies by 50% (stacks with Close and Personal).
Steroids [$100]: Increases your max HP by 200 for the rest of the mission. Sets current HP to 20.
Instant Tree Seeds [$100]: Instantly grows a tree that can be used as high cover. Comes with 2 uses.
Medkit [$50]: Use this item when healing to significantly increase the heal's effectiveness.
Smoke grenade [$40]: Create a cloud of smoke, providing 20 evasion to anyone in the smoke.
Glue Gun [$40]: Reduces target's evasion to 0 for 3 turns.
Flashbang [$40]: Stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Distraction Disco Ball [$180]: Distracts multiple enemies and gives them -15 evasion.
Determination Bomb [$50]: Use on an ally to fill them with determination, increasing the damage of their next 2 attacks.
Antigrave [$100]: Revives a KO'd player. Can only be used once per wave.
Reinhardt's Shield [$150]: Deploys a shield that protects you and two allies next to you. Can take 1,000 damage before breaking.
Neuralyzer [$75 x enemies affected]: Puts the team in stealth mode.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90]: Heals all units in a radius. WARNING: Will also heal enemies.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$90]: Throw to spawn a creeper that will explode near the nearest unit. WARNING: Has no sense of friend or foe.
Marker [$150]: Grants two uses of the Enforcer lieutenant's Mark Target ability. Can only have one marked target at a time.
Bribe [$125]: Cause an enemy to join your side for 4 turns.
Wheelbarrow [$60]: Allows you to move things like turrets and cover around. Moving things halves your speed. 3 uses.
Shovel [$50]: A folding shovel that can dig trenches to create low cover. Can also be used to dig an enemy's grave, since it's also an effective weapon. 4 uses.
Restroom [$250]: Has 350 HP. Acts as mid cover. One person at a time can enter the restroom, transferring all damage they take to the restroom and regenerating 15% of their max HP every turn. You automatically exit after a turn. Does not follow between areas.
Handful of MRSA [$50]: Reduces an enemy's damage output by 15%, while increasing the damage they take by 15%. Effect spreads to nearby enemies in a large radius. Lasts 2 turns, and can be reapplied. Enemies will move away from infected, but infected can be pushed toward enemies a short distance.
Robobot Armor [$340]: Has 1.5x the wearer's HP. Allows the wearer to copy an enemy instead of performing a normal action, granting the wearer a unique ability. The ability is lost when the wearer is attacked. Regenerates 7.5% HP per turn (for Robobot armor).
PAMA [$125]: Allows you to take control of an enemy for 3 turns. Can only be used once per mission. Control is lost if submerged in water.
Pogo Hammer [$60]: When held, attacking an enemy will bounce them to another enemy. Doesn't apply when there's only one enemy alive. Has 3 uses.
Arcane Wii Remote [$90]: Teleport a unit to another tile. Cannot be used on yourself.
Portal Pistol [$90]: Create two interconnected portals on the map, allowing you to move through them as if they were adjacent. Allows deployment of two pairs of portals.
Teleport [$75]: Swap locations with another unit. Comes with two uses.
Card Pack [$110]: Draw five cards, each with their own effects.
EFLN [$40]: Can be used to destroy cover or other structures. WARNING: Do not detonate next to friendly structures.
Portable Radar [$75]: Can be used to reveal the next enemy squad, or mark all enemies, reducing their evasion. Comes with 2 uses.
Super Mushroom [$100]: Restores 25% of your HP and increases your damage output by 25% until you take damage.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
"It's most certainly gonna use Sunder next turn! EN GARDE!" I buy Reinhardt's shield and hold it up.
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow:
*arcane barrier appears*
”This will help.”
I shoot at the Elite RCU and reload. I input "P" into the datapad.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
I'm not gonna be able to update the game today because of real life. Sorry about that. There'll be an update tomorrow.
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
Check out my new game, Legends of Aekran!
I fire my Null cannon into whatever is closest to me and most vulnerable, then take cover
You buy Reinhardt's shield and deploy it.
You make yourself harder to hit this turn.
You create a defensive barrier that'll absorb a bit of damage.
You deal
You deal
There are no Bs.
My action: I fire at the cryptarch, but miss.
[Enemy turn]
The prismatic being sunders Gold, dealing
1,000 damage to him. His shield breaks.
The cyber soldier takes a shot at Bacon and misses.
The cryptarch takes a shot at algot, dealing
150 damage and putting a random ability on cooldown.
The RCU deploys his shield and takes a position in front of the cyber soldier, protecting it.
[HP: 495/775] [Minimum damage: 315] [X12 Prism: 2/4] [Secondary: Revolver] [Frag grenade (x1), Present (1)] [Armor: Bone Wheel]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Deep Impact] [Stick and Move] [CQC] [Subdue: Ready] [Bone Roll: Ready]
[HP: 735/1,075] [Armor: 40/100] [Minimum damage: 415] "Desolate Circle of Strife": 3/4] [X21 Javelin: 4/4] [Secondary: "Acid Drain"] [Frag grenade (x1), Dagaz rune (1/1), Incendiary grenade (2/2), X12 Prism, Power Armor] [Armor: Unbreakable Armor]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Deep Impact] [Stick and Move] [CQC] [Run and Gun: Ready] [Danger Close] [Soul Spear: 1/1] [Subdue: Ready] [Extract: 1/1] [Scope] [Extended Mag] [Unbreakable Armor]
[HP: 550/900] [Minimum damage: 405] ["The Salt Snake": 2/3] [Frag grenade (x0), Dry Baby (4/4), Valkyrie (1/3), An Insurmountable Skullfort, Reinforced armor (x2), Touch of Malice] [Armor: "Electric Rage"]
[Agile] [Take Cover!: Ready] [Lightning Reflexes] [Dive Roll: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 825/825] [Armor: 50/50] [Minimum damage: 140] [Lower Case Meteor: 15/15] [Frag grenade (x1), Dry Baby (4/4), Present (1/1), Supercharge (1/1), Heavy rounds] [Armor: Scout Armor]
[Launch Grenade] [Shieldbreaker] [Blast Padding] [Rapid Fire: Ready] [Grapple: Ready] [Subdue: Ready] [10 evasion] [15 dodge] [Dynamite With a Laser Beam: . . . .]
[HP: 460/850] [Minimum damage: 295] [X12 Prism (arcane): 1/4 {low ammo}] [Armor: Reinforced armor] [Frag grenade (x1), Homing missile (1/1), Chaos Card (1/1)]
[Rushdown: 1 turn] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 230/650] [Minimum damage: 330] [X12 Prism: 2/4] [Frag grenade (x1), Null cannon+ (3/4), Arcane Wii Remote (1/1)]
[Build Turret: Ready] [Build Barricade: Ready] [Enhanced Targeting] [Build to Last] [Blast Proof] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 800/800] [Minimum damage: 365] [Heavy Assault Rifle: 2/4] [Frag grenade (x1), Smoke grenade (x1)]
[Hack: Ready] [Smoker] [Sprinter] [Active Control: Ready] [Flush Shot: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 700/700] [Minimum damage: 230] [VMP: 3/3] [Frag grenade (x1), Volatile Plating] [Armor: Electrified Armor]
[Agile] [Take Cover!: Ready] [Lightning Reflexes] [Phantom] [Subdue: Ready] [Scope]
Prismatic being [Aim: 85] [Evasion: 10] [Dodge: 0] [Position: A20] {Weakened abilities for 1 turn}
HP [=============/=======] 4,437/7,000 [Prism Beam: ∞]
[Immune] [Prism Lance: Ready] [Ethereal Rain: Ready] [Refract: Ready] [Prism Storm: 2 turns]
{SUPER} Sunder [|||||||||||||||||||||||||] 0/25
Psionic gate A [objective] {Harder to capture}
Enemy capture progress: 0%
Psionic gate B [objective]
Enemy capture progress: 0%
Enforcer cyber soldier [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 25] [Dodge: 0] [Position: B5]
[HP: 1,000/1,000] [Armor: 100] [Heavy Autocannon: 3/4] [Grenade launcher (x2)]
Cryptarch [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 15] [Dodge: 20] [Position: B15]
[HP: 470/1,100] [Glitch Rifle: 3/4]
[Neural Overload: 3 turns] [Cryptic]
Elite RCU [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 0] [Dodge: 0] [Position: C5] {+25% damage resistance for 2 turns}
[HP: 1,200/1,200] [Shields: 270] [Armor: 200] [Hand Cannon] [Tear gas (x1)]
[Deploy Shield: 3 turns] [Energy Shield]
You're in a massive chamber. Directly across from you stands the prismatic being. To the sides, you see two psionic gateways leading to unknown destinations. The unusual architecture of the area can be used as effective cover.
Map (width: 20):
A| . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . |
B| . . . . I . . . . . . I . . I . . . . . |
C| I I I . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
D| I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
E| I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . |
F| . I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
G| . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . |
H| . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . |
[X] Find a way through the labyrinth
[ ] Destroy the prismatic being
Modifiers: {Total Mayhem}
ka_doink's items [Glue gun]
Encrypted datapad [???????? ?????????: 0%] [A|P|O|?|H|?|O|S|?|S| |V|?|?|?]
Encrypted datapad files {Entry 1, 01/01/48 \ Observations, 01/01/48 \ Dossier: Commander Marshall \ Entry 2, 02/14/48 \ Strange Readings \ Timelines \ The plan}
Money: 845 credits
Heavy SMG [$90]: A stronger SMG. Upgrades all SMG-type weapons.
Scattergun [$120]: A more powerful version of the shotgun. Upgrades all shotgun-type weapons.
Heavy sniper [$120]: A deadlier sniper rifle. Upgrades all sniper rifle-type weapons.
Heavy Machine Gun [$110]: Like an LMG, but heavier. Upgrades all LMG-type weapons.
Heavy DMR [$100]: A stronger marksman weapon. Upgrades all DMR-type weapons.
Heavy battle rifle [$90]: Closer to an LMG. Upgrades all battle rifle-type weapons.
Revolver [$70]: Heavy duty pistol. Revolvers are just better. Upgrades all pistol-type weapons.
Bowie Knife [$75]: Like a knife, but more so. Upgrades all melee weapons.
Gauss repeater [$100]: A lightweight, rapid-fire weapon. Good for getting close. Upgrades all SMG-type weapons.
Shard launcher [$120]: A shotgun that fires metal shards. Use with caution. Upgrades all shotgun-type weapons.
Gauss sniper [$120]: Top of the line kinetic force. Extremely deadly. Upgrades all sniper rifle-type weapons.
Minigun [$120]: There's nothing mini about it... Upgrades all LMG-type weapons.
Gauss DMR [$90]: Less than a Gauss sniper, but more than a Gauss rifle. Upgrades all DMR-type weapons.
Gauss Battle Rifle [$90]: High impact, but not as graceful. Upgrades all battle rifle-type weapons.
Shotpistol [$80]: Fires shotgun shells. Good for executing enemies. Upgrades all pistol-type weapons.
Sword [$80]: What is a sword, if not a really long knife? Upgrades all melee weapons.
Chaos Dogma~ [$120]: ~consume enhance replicate consume enhance replicate~ will drown your enemies--
Genesis Chain~ [$120]: SUROS ARI-41 ~insert(SIVA in THIS(current projectile))
Steel Medulla~ [$120]: ~replicate~ devastate your foes ~consume~ Herja ~repeat
Fever and Remedy~ [$120]: Judith-D: ~consumption~ strongly encouraged.
Ether Nova~ [$120]: Thesan FR4: Hasten the ~SIVA replication~
Quantiplasm~ [$120]: Dido-A: Wanderer, your journey will end with ~SIVA
Ex Machina~ [$120]: Eirene: ~If (SIVA) return replicate // else if (!SIVA) run ascension ()~
Sound and Fury~ [$120]: replicate caution replicate overheating replication destabilization imminent~ SUROS.
Extraction probe [$50]: Allows you to perform a neural interface on an enemy, once per mission.
Supercharge [$60]: Greatly increases the damage of one attack, but if the attack is not creative, it'll deal no damage.
Flamethrower [$140]: Deals very high damage and causes burning, but can only hit at close range. Comes with 4 ammo.
Anchor Arms [$80]: Reduces damage taken by 15% when in use. Has a 25% chance to stun, but can only hit at close range. Comes with 8 uses.
The Machina [$160]: Takes one turn to charge up, but pierces all enemies in a line. Comes with 3 ammo.
Null Cannon [$200]: Deals (your minimum damage + 300) damage as arcane damage.
Homing Missile [$175]: Deals 200 damage and is guaranteed to hit.
Yellow Ray [$125]: Instantly destroys a single enemy, but has a recharge time of two waves. Cannot be used on bosses.
Blue Shell [$120]: Targets the enemy with the highest HP and explodes, dealing your minimum damage to them. Never misses.
Plasma Bolter [$150]: Grants two uses of the Coalition soldier's Plasma Bolt ability.
Concussion Grenade [$120]: Launches all enemies away from a tile with minimal damage, either launching them into the air for high fall damage, or sending them flying.
Invincibility Candy [$200]: Grants you invincibility for 2 turns and increases your damage dealt to nearby enemies by 50% (stacks with Close and Personal).
Steroids [$100]: Increases your max HP by 200 for the rest of the mission. Sets current HP to 20.
Instant Tree Seeds [$100]: Instantly grows a tree that can be used as high cover. Comes with 2 uses.
Smoke grenade [$40]: Create a cloud of smoke, providing 20 evasion to anyone in the smoke.
Glue Gun [$40]: Reduces target's evasion to 0 for 3 turns.
Flashbang [$40]: Stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Distraction Disco Ball [$180]: Distracts multiple enemies and gives them -15 evasion.
Determination Bomb [$50]: Use on an ally to fill them with determination, increasing the damage of their next 2 attacks.
Antigrave [$100]: Revives a KO'd player. Can only be used once per wave.
Reinhardt's Shield [$150]: Deploys a shield that protects you and two allies next to you. Can take 1,000 damage before breaking.
Neuralyzer [$75 x enemies affected]: Puts the team in stealth mode.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90]: Heals all units in a radius. WARNING: Will also heal enemies.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$90]: Throw to spawn a creeper that will explode near the nearest unit. WARNING: Has no sense of friend or foe.
Marker [$150]: Grants two uses of the Enforcer lieutenant's Mark Target ability. Can only have one marked target at a time.
Wheelbarrow [$60]: Allows you to move things like turrets and cover around. Moving things halves your speed. 3 uses.
Shovel [$50]: A folding shovel that can dig trenches to create low cover. Can also be used to dig an enemy's grave, since it's also an effective weapon. 4 uses.
Restroom [$250]: Has 350 HP. Acts as mid cover. One person at a time can enter the restroom, transferring all damage they take to the restroom and regenerating 15% of their max HP every turn. You automatically exit after a turn. Does not follow between areas.
Handful of MRSA [$50]: Reduces an enemy's damage output by 15%, while increasing the damage they take by 15%. Effect spreads to nearby enemies in a large radius. Lasts 2 turns, and can be reapplied. Enemies will move away from infected, but infected can be pushed toward enemies a short distance.
Robobot Armor [$340]: Has 1.5x the wearer's HP. Allows the wearer to copy an enemy instead of performing a normal action, granting the wearer a unique ability. The ability is lost when the wearer is attacked. Regenerates 7.5% HP per turn (for Robobot armor).
PAMA [$125]: Allows you to take control of an enemy for 3 turns. Can only be used once per mission. Control is lost if submerged in water.
Pogo Hammer [$60]: When held, attacking an enemy will bounce them to another enemy. Doesn't apply when there's only one enemy alive. Has 3 uses.
Arcane Wii Remote [$90]: Teleport a unit to another tile. Cannot be used on yourself.
Portal Pistol [$90]: Create two interconnected portals on the map, allowing you to move through them as if they were adjacent. Allows deployment of two pairs of portals.
Teleport [$75]: Swap locations with another unit. Comes with two uses.
Card Pack [$110]: Draw five cards, each with their own effects.
EFLN [$40]: Can be used to destroy cover or other structures. WARNING: Do not detonate next to friendly structures.
Portable Radar [$75]: Can be used to reveal the next enemy squad, or mark all enemies, reducing their evasion. Comes with 2 uses.
Super Mushroom [$100]: Restores 25% of your HP and increases your damage output by 25% until you take damage.
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
Check out my new game, Legends of Aekran!
I steal some health from Cryptarch, using a weapon of vampiric origin.
"I COULD HAVE DIED!" A giant airship comes over me, dropping me a Switch Axe. "neat. let's do this." I jump on the prismatic being, performing Zero Sum Discharge. "DIE" I explode right off him as the prototype switch axe breaks. "Awwww..."
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow:
I run closer to the Cryptarchs and use my Electrified armor. If possible, I also throw a frag grenade at them and input 'T' into the datapad.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
I input E?
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
You deal
He's immune, so you do it to the cryptarch instead, killing it! +39 XP!
You run up to the cyber soldier and activate your electrified armor, but it evades the attack. You put T into the datapad.
It's immune and you're too far back to melee anything, so you fire at the cyber soldier, dealing
You input E!
A mixup in the timelines causes you to mostly hit the cyber soldier for
310 damage and a
100 damage explosion. However, the prismatic being also takes 1 damage! +20 XP!
My action: I reload and take a shot at the RCU, but miss.
[Enemy turn]
The prismatic being uses Refract, sending Gold, algot, and me into psionic gate B.
The enemies move toward gate B.
The prism storm dissipates.
Cryptarch was killed by Gold and Siege!
[HP: 495/775] [Minimum damage: 315] [X12 Prism: 3/4] [Secondary: Revolver] [Frag grenade (x1), Present (1)] [Armor: Bone Wheel]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Deep Impact] [Stick and Move] [CQC] [Subdue: Ready] [Bone Roll: Ready]
[HP: 735/1,075] [Armor: 40/100] [Minimum damage: 415] "Desolate Circle of Strife": 3/4] [X21 Javelin: 4/4] [Secondary: "Acid Drain"] [Frag grenade (x1), Dagaz rune (1/1), Incendiary grenade (2/2), X12 Prism, Power Armor] [Armor: Unbreakable Armor]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Deep Impact] [Stick and Move] [CQC] [Run and Gun: Ready] [Danger Close] [Soul Spear: 1/1] [Subdue: Ready] [Extract: 1/1] [Scope] [Extended Mag] [Unbreakable Armor]
[HP: 550/900] [Minimum damage: 405] ["The Salt Snake": 2/3] [Frag grenade (x0), Dry Baby (4/4), Valkyrie (1/3), An Insurmountable Skullfort, Reinforced armor (x2), Touch of Malice] [Armor: "Electric Rage"]
[Agile] [Take Cover!: Ready] [Lightning Reflexes] [Dive Roll: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 825/825] [Armor: 50/50] [Minimum damage: 140] [Lower Case Meteor: 15/15] [Frag grenade (x1), Dry Baby (4/4), Present (1/1), Supercharge (1/1), Heavy rounds] [Armor: Scout Armor]
[Launch Grenade] [Shieldbreaker] [Blast Padding] [Rapid Fire: Ready] [Grapple: Ready] [Subdue: Ready] [10 evasion] [15 dodge] [Dynamite With a Laser Beam: . . . .]
[HP: 460/850] [Minimum damage: 295] [X12 Prism (arcane): 3/4] [Armor: Reinforced armor] [Frag grenade (x1), Homing missile (1/1), Chaos Card (1/1)]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 480/650] [Minimum damage: 330] [X12 Prism: 1/4 {low ammo}] [Frag grenade (x1), Null cannon+ (3/4), Arcane Wii Remote (1/1)]
[Build Turret: Ready] [Build Barricade: Ready] [Enhanced Targeting] [Build to Last] [Blast Proof] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 800/800] [Minimum damage: 365] [Heavy Assault Rifle: 2/4] [Frag grenade (x1), Smoke grenade (x1)]
[Hack: Ready] [Smoker] [Sprinter] [Active Control: Ready] [Flush Shot: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 700/700] [Minimum damage: 230] [VMP: 3/3] [Frag grenade (x1), Volatile Plating] [Armor: Electrified Armor]
[Agile] [Take Cover!: Ready] [Lightning Reflexes] [Phantom] [Subdue: Ready] [Scope]
Prismatic being [Aim: 85] [Evasion: 10] [Dodge: 0] [Position: A20]
HP [=============/=======] 4,436/7,000 [Prism Beam: ∞]
[Immune] [Prism Lance: Ready] [Ethereal Rain: Ready] [Refract: 2 turns] [Prism Storm: 1 turn]
{SUPER} Sunder [|||||||||||||||||||||||||] 7/25
Psionic gate A [objective] {Harder to capture}
Enemy capture progress: 0%
Psionic gate B [objective]
Enemy capture progress: 0%
Enforcer cyber soldier [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 25] [Dodge: 0] [Position: D8]
[HP: 545/1,000] [Armor: 60] [Heavy Autocannon: 3/4] [Grenade launcher (x2)]
Elite RCU [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 0] [Dodge: 0] [Position: D9] {+25% damage resistance for 1 turn}
[HP: 1,200/1,200] [Shields: 270] [Armor: 200] [Hand Cannon] [Tear gas (x1)]
[Deploy Shield: 2 turns] [Energy Shield]
Psionic gate B:
Ruin core [objective]
[HP: 1,000/1,000]
Prismatic wraith [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 0] [Dodge: 0] [Position: Gate B]
[HP: 700/700] [Prism Burst: ∞]
Prismatic wraith [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 0] [Dodge: 0] [Position: Gate B]
[HP: 700/700] [Prism Burst: ∞]
Prismatic wraith [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 0] [Dodge: 0] [Position: Gate B]
[HP: 700/700] [Prism Burst: ∞]
You're in a massive chamber. Directly across from you stands the prismatic being. To the sides, you see two psionic gateways leading to unknown destinations. The unusual architecture of the area can be used as effective cover.
Map (width: 20):
A| . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . |
B| . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
C| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
D| . . . . . . . I I . . . . . . . . . . . |
E| . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . |
F| . I . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
G| . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . |
H| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
[X] Find a way through the labyrinth
[ ] Destroy the prismatic being
Modifiers: {Total Mayhem}
ka_doink's items [Glue gun]
Encrypted datapad [???????? ?????????: 0%] [A|P|O|T|H|E|O|S|?|S| |V|E|?|?]
Encrypted datapad files {Entry 1, 01/01/48 \ Observations, 01/01/48 \ Dossier: Commander Marshall \ Entry 2, 02/14/48 \ Strange Readings \ Timelines \ The plan}
Money: 845 credits
Heavy SMG [$90]: A stronger SMG. Upgrades all SMG-type weapons.
Scattergun [$120]: A more powerful version of the shotgun. Upgrades all shotgun-type weapons.
Heavy sniper [$120]: A deadlier sniper rifle. Upgrades all sniper rifle-type weapons.
Heavy Machine Gun [$110]: Like an LMG, but heavier. Upgrades all LMG-type weapons.
Heavy DMR [$100]: A stronger marksman weapon. Upgrades all DMR-type weapons.
Heavy battle rifle [$90]: Closer to an LMG. Upgrades all battle rifle-type weapons.
Revolver [$70]: Heavy duty pistol. Revolvers are just better. Upgrades all pistol-type weapons.
Bowie Knife [$75]: Like a knife, but more so. Upgrades all melee weapons.
Gauss repeater [$100]: A lightweight, rapid-fire weapon. Good for getting close. Upgrades all SMG-type weapons.
Shard launcher [$120]: A shotgun that fires metal shards. Use with caution. Upgrades all shotgun-type weapons.
Gauss sniper [$120]: Top of the line kinetic force. Extremely deadly. Upgrades all sniper rifle-type weapons.
Minigun [$120]: There's nothing mini about it... Upgrades all LMG-type weapons.
Gauss DMR [$90]: Less than a Gauss sniper, but more than a Gauss rifle. Upgrades all DMR-type weapons.
Gauss Battle Rifle [$90]: High impact, but not as graceful. Upgrades all battle rifle-type weapons.
Shotpistol [$80]: Fires shotgun shells. Good for executing enemies. Upgrades all pistol-type weapons.
Sword [$80]: What is a sword, if not a really long knife? Upgrades all melee weapons.
Chaos Dogma~ [$120]: ~consume enhance replicate consume enhance replicate~ will drown your enemies--
Genesis Chain~ [$120]: SUROS ARI-41 ~insert(SIVA in THIS(current projectile))
Steel Medulla~ [$120]: ~replicate~ devastate your foes ~consume~ Herja ~repeat
Fever and Remedy~ [$120]: Judith-D: ~consumption~ strongly encouraged.
Ether Nova~ [$120]: Thesan FR4: Hasten the ~SIVA replication~
Quantiplasm~ [$120]: Dido-A: Wanderer, your journey will end with ~SIVA
Ex Machina~ [$120]: Eirene: ~If (SIVA) return replicate // else if (!SIVA) run ascension ()~
Sound and Fury~ [$120]: replicate caution replicate overheating replication destabilization imminent~ SUROS.
Extraction probe [$50]: Allows you to perform a neural interface on an enemy, once per mission.
Supercharge [$60]: Greatly increases the damage of one attack, but if the attack is not creative, it'll deal no damage.
Flamethrower [$140]: Deals very high damage and causes burning, but can only hit at close range. Comes with 4 ammo.
Anchor Arms [$80]: Reduces damage taken by 15% when in use. Has a 25% chance to stun, but can only hit at close range. Comes with 8 uses.
The Machina [$160]: Takes one turn to charge up, but pierces all enemies in a line. Comes with 3 ammo.
Null Cannon [$200]: Deals (your minimum damage + 300) damage as arcane damage.
Homing Missile [$175]: Deals 200 damage and is guaranteed to hit.
Yellow Ray [$125]: Instantly destroys a single enemy, but has a recharge time of two waves. Cannot be used on bosses.
Blue Shell [$120]: Targets the enemy with the highest HP and explodes, dealing your minimum damage to them. Never misses.
Plasma Bolter [$150]: Grants two uses of the Coalition soldier's Plasma Bolt ability.
Concussion Grenade [$120]: Launches all enemies away from a tile with minimal damage, either launching them into the air for high fall damage, or sending them flying.
Invincibility Candy [$200]: Grants you invincibility for 2 turns and increases your damage dealt to nearby enemies by 50% (stacks with Close and Personal).
Steroids [$100]: Increases your max HP by 200 for the rest of the mission. Sets current HP to 20.
Instant Tree Seeds [$100]: Instantly grows a tree that can be used as high cover. Comes with 2 uses.
Smoke grenade [$40]: Create a cloud of smoke, providing 20 evasion to anyone in the smoke.
Glue Gun [$40]: Reduces target's evasion to 0 for 3 turns.
Flashbang [$40]: Stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Distraction Disco Ball [$180]: Distracts multiple enemies and gives them -15 evasion.
Determination Bomb [$50]: Use on an ally to fill them with determination, increasing the damage of their next 2 attacks.
Antigrave [$100]: Revives a KO'd player. Can only be used once per wave.
Reinhardt's Shield [$150]: Deploys a shield that protects you and two allies next to you. Can take 1,000 damage before breaking.
Neuralyzer [$75 x enemies affected]: Puts the team in stealth mode.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90]: Heals all units in a radius. WARNING: Will also heal enemies.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$90]: Throw to spawn a creeper that will explode near the nearest unit. WARNING: Has no sense of friend or foe.
Marker [$150]: Grants two uses of the Enforcer lieutenant's Mark Target ability. Can only have one marked target at a time.
Wheelbarrow [$60]: Allows you to move things like turrets and cover around. Moving things halves your speed. 3 uses.
Shovel [$50]: A folding shovel that can dig trenches to create low cover. Can also be used to dig an enemy's grave, since it's also an effective weapon. 4 uses.
Restroom [$250]: Has 350 HP. Acts as mid cover. One person at a time can enter the restroom, transferring all damage they take to the restroom and regenerating 15% of their max HP every turn. You automatically exit after a turn. Does not follow between areas.
Handful of MRSA [$50]: Reduces an enemy's damage output by 15%, while increasing the damage they take by 15%. Effect spreads to nearby enemies in a large radius. Lasts 2 turns, and can be reapplied. Enemies will move away from infected, but infected can be pushed toward enemies a short distance.
Robobot Armor [$340]: Has 1.5x the wearer's HP. Allows the wearer to copy an enemy instead of performing a normal action, granting the wearer a unique ability. The ability is lost when the wearer is attacked. Regenerates 7.5% HP per turn (for Robobot armor).
PAMA [$125]: Allows you to take control of an enemy for 3 turns. Can only be used once per mission. Control is lost if submerged in water.
Pogo Hammer [$60]: When held, attacking an enemy will bounce them to another enemy. Doesn't apply when there's only one enemy alive. Has 3 uses.
Arcane Wii Remote [$90]: Teleport a unit to another tile. Cannot be used on yourself.
Portal Pistol [$90]: Create two interconnected portals on the map, allowing you to move through them as if they were adjacent. Allows deployment of two pairs of portals.
Teleport [$75]: Swap locations with another unit. Comes with two uses.
Card Pack [$110]: Draw five cards, each with their own effects.
EFLN [$40]: Can be used to destroy cover or other structures. WARNING: Do not detonate next to friendly structures.
Portable Radar [$75]: Can be used to reveal the next enemy squad, or mark all enemies, reducing their evasion. Comes with 2 uses.
Super Mushroom [$100]: Restores 25% of your HP and increases your damage output by 25% until you take damage.
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
Check out my new game, Legends of Aekran!
I pull out a giant minigun (IT looks like Sasha and may as well be Sasha) and begin firing at the Core. "AHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA! BABYYYYYYS!" Somehow, random babies fall into the core, causing it to implode due to the babies... causing something. I'll leave it to your imagination.
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow:
I throw my frag grenade at the cyber soldier and input I.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
I shoot at a nearby soldier.
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
"We gotta spread the babies out so they're not all on one airline." - Northernlion
You deal
I is correct!
You kill the cyber soldier! +50 XP!
My action: I headbutt the ruin core to finish it off. We get pulled out of the gate, and the boss loses its immunity.
[Enemy turn]
The prismatic being hits Bacon with a prism lance, dealing
400 damage to him, along with a
100 damage explosion.
The RCU fires at Pippin, landing a critical hit that deals
210 damage plus an explosion.
Enforcer cyber soldier was killed by Bacon, algot, and Pippin!
The prismatic being is vulnerable. Attack!
[HP: 495/775] [Minimum damage: 315] [X12 Prism: 3/4] [Secondary: Revolver] [Frag grenade (x1), Present (1)] [Armor: Bone Wheel]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Deep Impact] [Stick and Move] [CQC] [Subdue: Ready] [Bone Roll: Ready]
[HP: 735/1,075] [Armor: 40/100] [Minimum damage: 415] "Desolate Circle of Strife": 2/4] [X21 Javelin: 4/4] [Secondary: "Acid Drain"] [Frag grenade (x1), Dagaz rune (1/1), Incendiary grenade (2/2), X12 Prism, Power Armor] [Armor: Unbreakable Armor]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Deep Impact] [Stick and Move] [CQC] [Run and Gun: Ready] [Danger Close] [Soul Spear: 1/1] [Subdue: Ready] [Extract: 1/1] [Scope] [Extended Mag] [Unbreakable Armor]
[HP: 50/900] [Minimum damage: 405] ["The Salt Snake": 1/3 {low ammo}] [Frag grenade (x0), Dry Baby (4/4), Valkyrie (1/3), An Insurmountable Skullfort, Reinforced armor (x2), Touch of Malice] [Armor: "Electric Rage"]
[Agile] [Take Cover!: Ready] [Lightning Reflexes] [Dive Roll: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 825/825] [Armor: 50/50] [Minimum damage: 140] [Lower Case Meteor: 15/15] [Frag grenade (x1), Dry Baby (4/4), Present (1/1), Supercharge (1/1), Heavy rounds] [Armor: Scout Armor]
[Launch Grenade] [Shieldbreaker] [Blast Padding] [Rapid Fire: Ready] [Grapple: Ready] [Subdue: Ready] [10 evasion] [15 dodge] [Dynamite With a Laser Beam: . . . .]
[HP: 460/850] [Minimum damage: 295] [X12 Prism (arcane): 3/4] [Armor: Reinforced armor] [Frag grenade (x1), Homing missile (1/1), Chaos Card (1/1)]
[Rushdown: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 480/650] [Minimum damage: 330] [X12 Prism: 1/4 {low ammo}] [Frag grenade (x1), Null cannon+ (3/4), Arcane Wii Remote (1/1)]
[Build Turret: Ready] [Build Barricade: Ready] [Enhanced Targeting] [Build to Last] [Blast Proof] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 800/800] [Minimum damage: 365] [Heavy Assault Rifle: 2/4] [Frag grenade (x1), Smoke grenade (x1)]
[Hack: Ready] [Smoker] [Sprinter] [Active Control: Ready] [Flush Shot: Ready] [Subdue: Ready]
[HP: 390/700] [Minimum damage: 230] [VMP: 3/3] [Frag grenade (x0), Volatile Plating] [Armor: Electrified Armor]
[Agile] [Take Cover!: Ready] [Lightning Reflexes] [Phantom] [Subdue: Ready] [Scope]
Prismatic being [Aim: 85] [Evasion: 10] [Dodge: 0] [Position: A20]
HP [=============/=======] 4,436/7,000 [Prism Beam: ∞]
Immune] [Prism Lance: 4 turns] [Ethereal Rain: Ready] [Refract: 1 turn] [Prism Storm: Ready]{SUPER} Sunder [|||||||||||||||||||||||||] 12/25
Psionic gate A [objective] {Harder to capture}
Enemy capture progress: 0%
Psionic gate B [objective]
Enemy capture progress: 0%
Elite RCU [Aim: 75] [Evasion: 0] [Dodge: 0] [Position: D9]
[HP: 1,200/1,200] [Shields: 270] [Armor: 200] [Hand Cannon] [Tear gas (x1)]
[Deploy Shield: 1 turn] [Energy Shield]
You're in a massive chamber. Directly across from you stands the prismatic being. To the sides, you see two psionic gateways leading to unknown destinations. The unusual architecture of the area can be used as effective cover.
Map (width: 20):
A| . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . |
B| . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
C| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
D| . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . I . . |
E| . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I . |
F| . I . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
G| . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . |
H| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
[X] Find a way through the labyrinth
[ ] Destroy the prismatic being
Modifiers: {Total Mayhem}
ka_doink's items [Glue gun]
Encrypted datapad [?i??i??? ?????????: 0%] [A|P|O|T|H|E|O|S|I|S| |V|E|I|?]
Encrypted datapad files {Entry 1, 01/01/48 \ Observations, 01/01/48 \ Dossier: Commander Marshall \ Entry 2, 02/14/48 \ Strange Readings \ Timelines \ The plan}
Money: 845 credits
Heavy SMG [$90]: A stronger SMG. Upgrades all SMG-type weapons.
Scattergun [$120]: A more powerful version of the shotgun. Upgrades all shotgun-type weapons.
Heavy sniper [$120]: A deadlier sniper rifle. Upgrades all sniper rifle-type weapons.
Heavy Machine Gun [$110]: Like an LMG, but heavier. Upgrades all LMG-type weapons.
Heavy DMR [$100]: A stronger marksman weapon. Upgrades all DMR-type weapons.
Heavy battle rifle [$90]: Closer to an LMG. Upgrades all battle rifle-type weapons.
Revolver [$70]: Heavy duty pistol. Revolvers are just better. Upgrades all pistol-type weapons.
Bowie Knife [$75]: Like a knife, but more so. Upgrades all melee weapons.
Gauss repeater [$100]: A lightweight, rapid-fire weapon. Good for getting close. Upgrades all SMG-type weapons.
Shard launcher [$120]: A shotgun that fires metal shards. Use with caution. Upgrades all shotgun-type weapons.
Gauss sniper [$120]: Top of the line kinetic force. Extremely deadly. Upgrades all sniper rifle-type weapons.
Minigun [$120]: There's nothing mini about it... Upgrades all LMG-type weapons.
Gauss DMR [$90]: Less than a Gauss sniper, but more than a Gauss rifle. Upgrades all DMR-type weapons.
Gauss Battle Rifle [$90]: High impact, but not as graceful. Upgrades all battle rifle-type weapons.
Shotpistol [$80]: Fires shotgun shells. Good for executing enemies. Upgrades all pistol-type weapons.
Sword [$80]: What is a sword, if not a really long knife? Upgrades all melee weapons.
Chaos Dogma~ [$120]: ~consume enhance replicate consume enhance replicate~ will drown your enemies--
Genesis Chain~ [$120]: SUROS ARI-41 ~insert(SIVA in THIS(current projectile))
Steel Medulla~ [$120]: ~replicate~ devastate your foes ~consume~ Herja ~repeat
Fever and Remedy~ [$120]: Judith-D: ~consumption~ strongly encouraged.
Ether Nova~ [$120]: Thesan FR4: Hasten the ~SIVA replication~
Quantiplasm~ [$120]: Dido-A: Wanderer, your journey will end with ~SIVA
Ex Machina~ [$120]: Eirene: ~If (SIVA) return replicate // else if (!SIVA) run ascension ()~
Sound and Fury~ [$120]: replicate caution replicate overheating replication destabilization imminent~ SUROS.
Extraction probe [$50]: Allows you to perform a neural interface on an enemy, once per mission.
Supercharge [$60]: Greatly increases the damage of one attack, but if the attack is not creative, it'll deal no damage.
Flamethrower [$140]: Deals very high damage and causes burning, but can only hit at close range. Comes with 4 ammo.
Anchor Arms [$80]: Reduces damage taken by 15% when in use. Has a 25% chance to stun, but can only hit at close range. Comes with 8 uses.
The Machina [$160]: Takes one turn to charge up, but pierces all enemies in a line. Comes with 3 ammo.
Null Cannon [$200]: Deals (your minimum damage + 300) damage as arcane damage.
Homing Missile [$175]: Deals 200 damage and is guaranteed to hit.
Yellow Ray [$125]: Instantly destroys a single enemy, but has a recharge time of two waves. Cannot be used on bosses.
Blue Shell [$120]: Targets the enemy with the highest HP and explodes, dealing your minimum damage to them. Never misses.
Plasma Bolter [$150]: Grants two uses of the Coalition soldier's Plasma Bolt ability.
Concussion Grenade [$120]: Launches all enemies away from a tile with minimal damage, either launching them into the air for high fall damage, or sending them flying.
Invincibility Candy [$200]: Grants you invincibility for 2 turns and increases your damage dealt to nearby enemies by 50% (stacks with Close and Personal).
Steroids [$100]: Increases your max HP by 200 for the rest of the mission. Sets current HP to 20.
Instant Tree Seeds [$100]: Instantly grows a tree that can be used as high cover. Comes with 2 uses.
Smoke grenade [$40]: Create a cloud of smoke, providing 20 evasion to anyone in the smoke.
Glue Gun [$40]: Reduces target's evasion to 0 for 3 turns.
Flashbang [$40]: Stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Distraction Disco Ball [$180]: Distracts multiple enemies and gives them -15 evasion.
Determination Bomb [$50]: Use on an ally to fill them with determination, increasing the damage of their next 2 attacks.
Antigrave [$100]: Revives a KO'd player. Can only be used once per wave.
Reinhardt's Shield [$150]: Deploys a shield that protects you and two allies next to you. Can take 1,000 damage before breaking.
Neuralyzer [$75 x enemies affected]: Puts the team in stealth mode.
Splash Potion of Healing [$90]: Heals all units in a radius. WARNING: Will also heal enemies.
Creeper Spawn Egg [$90]: Throw to spawn a creeper that will explode near the nearest unit. WARNING: Has no sense of friend or foe.
Marker [$150]: Grants two uses of the Enforcer lieutenant's Mark Target ability. Can only have one marked target at a time.
Wheelbarrow [$60]: Allows you to move things like turrets and cover around. Moving things halves your speed. 3 uses.
Shovel [$50]: A folding shovel that can dig trenches to create low cover. Can also be used to dig an enemy's grave, since it's also an effective weapon. 4 uses.
Restroom [$250]: Has 350 HP. Acts as mid cover. One person at a time can enter the restroom, transferring all damage they take to the restroom and regenerating 15% of their max HP every turn. You automatically exit after a turn. Does not follow between areas.
Handful of MRSA [$50]: Reduces an enemy's damage output by 15%, while increasing the damage they take by 15%. Effect spreads to nearby enemies in a large radius. Lasts 2 turns, and can be reapplied. Enemies will move away from infected, but infected can be pushed toward enemies a short distance.
Robobot Armor [$340]: Has 1.5x the wearer's HP. Allows the wearer to copy an enemy instead of performing a normal action, granting the wearer a unique ability. The ability is lost when the wearer is attacked. Regenerates 7.5% HP per turn (for Robobot armor).
PAMA [$125]: Allows you to take control of an enemy for 3 turns. Can only be used once per mission. Control is lost if submerged in water.
Pogo Hammer [$60]: When held, attacking an enemy will bounce them to another enemy. Doesn't apply when there's only one enemy alive. Has 3 uses.
Arcane Wii Remote [$90]: Teleport a unit to another tile. Cannot be used on yourself.
Portal Pistol [$90]: Create two interconnected portals on the map, allowing you to move through them as if they were adjacent. Allows deployment of two pairs of portals.
Teleport [$75]: Swap locations with another unit. Comes with two uses.
Card Pack [$110]: Draw five cards, each with their own effects.
EFLN [$40]: Can be used to destroy cover or other structures. WARNING: Do not detonate next to friendly structures.
Portable Radar [$75]: Can be used to reveal the next enemy squad, or mark all enemies, reducing their evasion. Comes with 2 uses.
Super Mushroom [$100]: Restores 25% of your HP and increases your damage output by 25% until you take damage.
"Do we want to be the mediocre brimstone boy, or do we want to be the more-than-enough brimstone man?" - Northernlion
Check out my new game, Legends of Aekran!
I Null Cannon the prismatic being
"Ow...not doing too hot right about now...but I can't miss this chance!"
I use the last charge of my Valkyrie on the Prismatic Being.
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!
I use 'Take Cover' and shoot shoot the RCU. I input L.
#FOXESFORMINECRAFT Foxes for Minecraft forum.
I pull out my Killer Wail andddd... epic booyah right at the Prismatic Being. Uh huh. Finished Octo Expansion. Not a biggy.
His world shalt be entered on the day of legends.
Current avatar: Imp from Media Molecule's own Dreams
#TeamRowlet #TeamSun
FF14: Gold Zephzellian World: Zalera
My Characters
Hi! This is me, hello!
Get out! I'm Alice!
Hey! I'm Draco!
Please help my Pokemon grow:
I stare the Prismatic Being down, and tell it "No u." This causes a chunk of the damage I've taken (a lot) to be forcefully applied to the boss.
If you've met TehEpicNinja9001, you've met me. Somehow lost the account's password and email. Maybe I'll try and get it back one day. Or maybe not.
Apparently, if you put these in your signature, people will click them. Help me grow my Pokemon dudes!