Joining is the same as in the previous TBWDs, except now you get to mark 5 adjacent regions instead of 1. Do mark one region as your Capital. Your Capital Region also gets a free factory.
Production & Research:
A region produces 1PP per turn, 2PP if it contains a factory. A factory costs 6PP
Researching a Tech costs 10PP and adds 1CP to the specified unit unless it's the first tech of a tree that unlocks a new unit.
Every turn you can spend your PP on producing new units, building new factories or researching new techs.
Units belong to Armies. When you create a new unit, you can assign it to an Army. An Army can have a front line (designate one by drawing a line between adjacent regions (Minimum is 1 region, every 2 Units in an Army increases the amount of regions by 1, to a maximum of 6) that you control). The Units belonging to that army will defend regions designated as a front (those regions don't have to border regions!). If you want to attack using an army, draw arrows FROM the Army's Frontline into neutral/hostile regions. An army can attack as many regions as it has units, but keep in mind that:
- The Regions have to be adjacent to a region designated as a front
- The units are divided evenly along the target regions, so the more regions you attack, the less powerful your attack actually is.
Armies can contain both Air and Ground Units
Fleets function similarly to Armies, except that they can only contain Naval Units (and Air Units, if there are Carriers present.) and travel between Sea Zones instead of Regions. You can create Fleets in uncontested Sea Zones next to regions you control.
Armies that are not in contact with a Nation's Capital by land or sea (If a line can be drawn from the Capital through controlled regions & sea zones to the Army, the unit is in supply) are out of supply and can only defend. Armies that are made entirely out of Paratroopers don't suffer from this. If a Nation loses their capital, units are out of supply if the line can't be drawn to any FACTORIES, but they suffer from a 25% CP penalty instead.
Naval Landings & Paratroopers:
Armies can move into Sea Zones as long as there is no enemy there. Armies attacking from a Sea Zone onto a Land Zone lose 25% CP, unless the Army is made entirely out of Marines
Armies made entirely out of Paratroopers can attack Regions that are two tiles away from their Front Line. They also don't suffer from out-of-supply penalties.
First, The side with the Highest AP is determined. The side that has the highest AP gets Air Superiority, meaning that the CP of any Bomber Squadrons present in their army counts. After that, the CP of both sides is calculated. The side with the lowest CP loses the same percentage of units as the difference between their CP, rounded down.
Doctrines: (Choose one when you join)
Mass Assault Doctrine:
Gain 1CP for every unit in combat MORE than your enemy. You can't gain more than 25% of your original CP
Superior Firepower Doctrine:
Gain 1CP for every unit in combat LESS than your enemy. You can't gain more than 25% of your original CP
Grand Battle Plan Doctrine:
Gain 25% your Army's CP when defending
Mobile Warfare Doctrine:
If a defending enemy loses at least 25% of their units in combat, you also take the regions behind the ones you were attacking. If the enemy loses at least 25% of their units when YOU are defending, take the regions they used to attack you.
Switching Doctrines prevents you from attacking during the turn you change it, and costs 8PP
Non-Aggression pacts:
2 Players at peace with eachother can sign a non-aggression pact.
If one person breaks the non-aggression pact by declaring war on the other, the other person gains +5% CP against the person who broke the pact in all combat against that person the turn it was broken and the turn after that.
Defensive Pacts:
2 Players at peace with eachother can sign a defensive pact. If someone declares war on someone who has a defensive pact with someone else, that person also declares war on that person. But if someone who has a defensive pact with someone declares war on someone else, the defensive pact is broken. It also counts as a non-aggression pact, +5% CP against the person who broke the pact in all combat against that person the turn it was broken and the turn after that.
Region Transfer:
You can transfer a region under your control to ally's control as long as they own a region adjacent to it.
Sea Zones:
Crossing Sea Zones that are either under the control of you or your ally is free, allowing you to move your units across the sea in a turn, but don't forget the damage penalty if you decide to launch a naval invasion! You CAN cross multiple Sea Zones per turn.
Rivers CAN be crossed, but give a 10% CP penalty that functions the same way as a Naval Invasion
Capital City Icon:
Factory Icon:
Army Icon: (The Icon in the Army Token is used to show what army is present in a Region, so you don't accidentally mix up Army 1 with Army 3)
Fleet Icon: (The Icon in the Fleet Token is used to show what army is present in a Region, so you don't accidentally mix up Fleet 1 with Fleet 3)
Don't go for black, it's confusing when you take lands adjacent to out-of-bounds lands, and I can't use the fill tool if you do so, meaning that lands you claim can't be retaken without turning all black into another colour.
Don't go for black, it's confusing when you take lands adjacent to out-of-bounds lands, and I can't use the fill tool if you do so, meaning that lands you claim can't be retaken without turning all black into another colour.
It's not black, it's a color almost like black.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My avatar is a Nuclear Ender-Creeper in SPAAAAAACE! My RP: An Island
Why 'Fire at Will'? Why not Bob, Joe, or anybody else?
Veni, Vidi, Vici Caelus!
What didya expect, the Spanish Inquisition?
¿Ðïd ♥ ¥ΩÜ ♪ knòw ™ yóu ☺ çæñ ♂ τypε ▲ Ãll † øf ↔ thi§ ± wîτЋ « ÿöüΓ ♫ k€ЏßØα®d?
Before we start, we need to decide how 'populated' the world will be. Aka how many 'NPC' nations. None, a small amount, a normal amount, a lot, or should all of Europe be divided between players & NPC states?
So, version 3 of TBWD, now with more rules!
Joining is the same as in the previous TBWDs, except now you get to mark 5 adjacent regions instead of 1. Do mark one region as your Capital. Your Capital Region also gets a free factory.
Production & Research:
A region produces 1PP per turn, 2PP if it contains a factory. A factory costs 6PP
Researching a Tech costs 10PP and adds 1CP to the specified unit unless it's the first tech of a tree that unlocks a new unit.
Every turn you can spend your PP on producing new units, building new factories or researching new techs.
Units belong to Armies. When you create a new unit, you can assign it to an Army. An Army can have a front line (designate one by drawing a line between adjacent regions (Minimum is 1 region, every 2 Units in an Army increases the amount of regions by 1, to a maximum of 6) that you control). The Units belonging to that army will defend regions designated as a front (those regions don't have to border regions!). If you want to attack using an army, draw arrows FROM the Army's Frontline into neutral/hostile regions. An army can attack as many regions as it has units, but keep in mind that:
- The Regions have to be adjacent to a region designated as a front
- The units are divided evenly along the target regions, so the more regions you attack, the less powerful your attack actually is.
Armies can contain both Air and Ground Units
Fleets function similarly to Armies, except that they can only contain Naval Units (and Air Units, if there are Carriers present.) and travel between Sea Zones instead of Regions. You can create Fleets in uncontested Sea Zones next to regions you control.
Armies that are not in contact with a Nation's Capital by land or sea (If a line can be drawn from the Capital through controlled regions & sea zones to the Army, the unit is in supply) are out of supply and can only defend. Armies that are made entirely out of Paratroopers don't suffer from this. If a Nation loses their capital, units are out of supply if the line can't be drawn to any FACTORIES, but they suffer from a 25% CP penalty instead.
Naval Landings & Paratroopers:
Armies can move into Sea Zones as long as there is no enemy there. Armies attacking from a Sea Zone onto a Land Zone lose 25% CP, unless the Army is made entirely out of Marines
Armies made entirely out of Paratroopers can attack Regions that are two tiles away from their Front Line. They also don't suffer from out-of-supply penalties.
First, The side with the Highest AP is determined. The side that has the highest AP gets Air Superiority, meaning that the CP of any Bomber Squadrons present in their army counts. After that, the CP of both sides is calculated. The side with the lowest CP loses the same percentage of units as the difference between their CP, rounded down.
Doctrines: (Choose one when you join)
Mass Assault Doctrine:
Gain 1CP for every unit in combat MORE than your enemy. You can't gain more than 25% of your original CP
Superior Firepower Doctrine:
Gain 1CP for every unit in combat LESS than your enemy. You can't gain more than 25% of your original CP
Grand Battle Plan Doctrine:
Gain 25% your Army's CP when defending
Mobile Warfare Doctrine:
If a defending enemy loses at least 25% of their units in combat, you also take the regions behind the ones you were attacking. If the enemy loses at least 25% of their units when YOU are defending, take the regions they used to attack you.
Switching Doctrines prevents you from attacking during the turn you change it, and costs 8PP
Non-Aggression pacts:
2 Players at peace with eachother can sign a non-aggression pact.
If one person breaks the non-aggression pact by declaring war on the other, the other person gains +5% CP against the person who broke the pact in all combat against that person the turn it was broken and the turn after that.
Defensive Pacts:
2 Players at peace with eachother can sign a defensive pact. If someone declares war on someone who has a defensive pact with someone else, that person also declares war on that person. But if someone who has a defensive pact with someone declares war on someone else, the defensive pact is broken. It also counts as a non-aggression pact, +5% CP against the person who broke the pact in all combat against that person the turn it was broken and the turn after that.
Region Transfer:
You can transfer a region under your control to ally's control as long as they own a region adjacent to it.
Sea Zones:
Crossing Sea Zones that are either under the control of you or your ally is free, allowing you to move your units across the sea in a turn, but don't forget the damage penalty if you decide to launch a naval invasion! You CAN cross multiple Sea Zones per turn.
Rivers CAN be crossed, but give a 10% CP penalty that functions the same way as a Naval Invasion
Capital City Icon:
Factory Icon:
Army Icon:
(The Icon in the Army Token is used to show what army is present in a Region, so you don't accidentally mix up Army 1 with Army 3)
Fleet Icon:
(The Icon in the Fleet Token is used to show what army is present in a Region, so you don't accidentally mix up Fleet 1 with Fleet 3)
If I missed anything or something is unclear, do tell me!
Final Version, for real this time.
Nation: Arrakis
Capital: Arrakeen
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost
From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be the blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king
Nation Name: Lanta (Hopefully i get the name right this time xD)
Capitol Name: Handelszentrum (This has a meaning )
The Empire of Chernobyl has been established!
Capital: Pripyat
The Empire of Chernobyl also hates Ninjas
Edit: Changed Colour
*Creator of game*
*Forgot the star*
I didn't
It's just hard to see
because someone
stole the colour I wanted to use.
Name: Kingdom of Xydon
Capitol: Viala
Name: Kingdom of Franco-Nevilo
Flag: To be created.
Capital: La Mortain.
Starter Territories:
Name: New Acatali Realm
Capital: Neo Roma Eterna
My avatar is a Nuclear Ender-Creeper in SPAAAAAACE!
My RP: An Island
Why 'Fire at Will'? Why not Bob, Joe, or anybody else?
Veni, Vidi, Vici Caelus!
What didya expect, the Spanish Inquisition?
¿Ðïd ♥ ¥ΩÜ ♪ knòw ™ yóu ☺ çæñ ♂ τypε ▲ Ãll † øf ↔ thi§ ± wîτЋ « ÿöüΓ ♫ k€ЏßØα®d?
Don't go for black, it's confusing when you take lands adjacent to out-of-bounds lands, and I can't use the fill tool if you do so, meaning that lands you claim can't be retaken without turning all black into another colour.
Go for Roman Red!
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost
From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be the blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king
It's not black, it's a color almost like black.
My avatar is a Nuclear Ender-Creeper in SPAAAAAACE!
My RP: An Island
Why 'Fire at Will'? Why not Bob, Joe, or anybody else?
Veni, Vidi, Vici Caelus!
What didya expect, the Spanish Inquisition?
¿Ðïd ♥ ¥ΩÜ ♪ knòw ™ yóu ☺ çæñ ♂ τypε ▲ Ãll † øf ↔ thi§ ± wîτЋ « ÿöüΓ ♫ k€ЏßØα®d?
It's too close to black to see the difference, please change it or I will change it to pink.
No! Not pink!
My avatar is a Nuclear Ender-Creeper in SPAAAAAACE!
My RP: An Island
Why 'Fire at Will'? Why not Bob, Joe, or anybody else?
Veni, Vidi, Vici Caelus!
What didya expect, the Spanish Inquisition?
¿Ðïd ♥ ¥ΩÜ ♪ knòw ™ yóu ☺ çæñ ♂ τypε ▲ Ãll † øf ↔ thi§ ± wîτЋ « ÿöüΓ ♫ k€ЏßØα®d?
Name: New Republic of the English Isles
Capital: London
"We're back, and this time the whole of Europe will tremble."
i forgot my main account and i should probably contact support for it but i'm a lazy bum so i did nothing instead :\
Before we start, we need to decide how 'populated' the world will be. Aka how many 'NPC' nations. None, a small amount, a normal amount, a lot, or should all of Europe be divided between players & NPC states?
I'd want a smaller amount. None if possible.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost
From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be the blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king
Moderate amount is fine for me, since you could gain territories via diplomacy instead of war if done properly.
Between a small and normal amount. Maybe they could act like City States do in Civ; don't expand but will defend if necessary.
Anyway, my anthem:
My avatar is a Nuclear Ender-Creeper in SPAAAAAACE!
My RP: An Island
Why 'Fire at Will'? Why not Bob, Joe, or anybody else?
Veni, Vidi, Vici Caelus!
What didya expect, the Spanish Inquisition?
¿Ðïd ♥ ¥ΩÜ ♪ knòw ™ yóu ☺ çæñ ♂ τypε ▲ Ãll † øf ↔ thi§ ± wîτЋ « ÿöüΓ ♫ k€ЏßØα®d?
20 mil for now.
Edit: Normal