Don't know if he's a starter, but Cacturne pretty cool. (My son plays and he tells me a lot about the different Pokemons.)
Do you put milk/cream in your coffee or tea, if you drink them?
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Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
My lower back is a bit sore. I guess I'm getting old. Otherwise, just another day at work.
What is, if you have one, your comfort food of choice?
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Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Crawling around and stuff
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I don't call them superstitions, but that depends on your definition of superstition. I believe in some spiritual things, which others may regard as Superstitious, I suppose.
The Watcher watches the watchmen and watchdogs and everything else; but cannot interfere in any events that they observe and compile.
What should I do when I haven't thought of a question to ask, but just wanted to answer the previous question?
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Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
The ribs. Probably the ribs.
Do you like Litten, think it's meh, or wish it would just crawl into a ditch and die?
#TeamLitten I finally decided!
My avatar is currently a Whisper, Jibanyan and words. Oh, and Buttons's glasses.
Even though I do like Litten, Popplio deserves love too. #PopplioDefenseSquad
Say hello to my latest obsession I will spend hours talking to myself about, AKA Yo-Kai Watch.
Don't know if he's a starter, but Cacturne pretty cool. (My son plays and he tells me a lot about the different Pokemons.)
Do you put milk/cream in your coffee or tea, if you drink them?
Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
Accept no substitute.
So yeah, no.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Not so much creeped out as I am puzzled by the epidemic. I just don't see the fascination.
If you could travel/explore the universe by instantaneous gateway, or warp speed space ship, what would you choose?
Warp speed spaceship.
Do you drink tea?
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
I have actually never had tea before.
What's your least favorite food?
Friendliest wolfshark thing you'll meet. Maybe.
'Tis better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself!
No. Thank the stars above.
If you could hug three fictional characters, who would they be and why?
#TeamLitten I finally decided!
My avatar is currently a Whisper, Jibanyan and words. Oh, and Buttons's glasses.
Even though I do like Litten, Popplio deserves love too. #PopplioDefenseSquad
Say hello to my latest obsession I will spend hours talking to myself about, AKA Yo-Kai Watch.
I googled "how much can steve carry?" and found an old thread here, and consequently found this forum.
How are you this fine day?
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
My lower back is a bit sore. I guess I'm getting old. Otherwise, just another day at work.
What is, if you have one, your comfort food of choice?
Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
I don't call them superstitions, but that depends on your definition of superstition. I believe in some spiritual things, which others may regard as Superstitious, I suppose.
Do you own a Rubik's Cube?
I used to. Then it broke when I slammed it against my desk in frustration.
Do you watch anime?
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
Does Hey Arnold counts?
Dammit fine, the old Yatterman, yes.
Who watches the watchmen?
The watchmen watch the watchdogs.
Can you somehow fit another watch related thingy into the above sentence?
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
The Watcher watches the watchmen and watchdogs and everything else; but cannot interfere in any events that they observe and compile.
What should I do when I haven't thought of a question to ask, but just wanted to answer the previous question?
Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
Click quote, and answer both.
What's the difference between an android and a robot?
Androids are designed to look like humans.
What's your favorite food?
I have a twitter, if you're interested in stalking me.
Maybe with blink dagger.
A beer.
But what do you want?
Bettie Mae Page "Queen of Pinups" April 22, 1923 - Dec. 11, 2008
“We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ” -- Charles Bukowski
You got another beer?
What's your angle?
Around 60 degrees, where AP bounce off my hull and I can still shot like all of my 203s.
What is the terror of death?