So, I've been wanting to try my hoof at writing, but I don't feel I'm good enough yet to do anything dramatic, so I had an idea. I want to start a series of short stories starring Gigawatt, my OC, called Giga Bites. They'd be very heavily inspired by Dexter's Laboratory and The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron (Secret lab, ridiculous gadgets, the ensuement of calamity, etc.) and would be fairly short, comedic, standalone stories. What do you guys think? Interested?
Depends. Throw in Pinkie Pie and I'm interested.
Also, Dimondium, I see your comment and raise you one comment. By the way, I have no idea how poker works, nor even if that's supposed to be poker.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you put Key West in Loch Ness, would it unloch? My DeviantArt
Twilight, teleport!!!
I should probably have posted this when we were discussing whether Spike would get wings or something. I found it ages ago.
Warning, big picture
That comic made me cry. That hurt me. Oh God, how that comic hurt me.
Huh. New thread I see? What was wrong with the older one?
Completely related brony news...a Brony meme, on membase, got to the latest round and the mods are repeatably trying to get the bronies to 'quit'.
Which reminds me of something, how many times does it take for a hater to just give up?
Alright, guys, who remembers my new Apple family OC that's split down the middle? If not, follow the special instructions at the bottom of this post. Dominic and I have finished the short intro to the fic based on a pony based on some poor apple that probably has no idea what's going on right now. It is not open to the public yet, but you may find it here, with the password being "theMechanist" (don't ask). It's a very short chapter, because it's based on the idea of those short scenes in episodes right before the theme song. Nonetheless, I'd appreciate you guys running through it and telling me if the characters are terribly OoC or I have absolutely no idea how clocks or telegrams work or something. Once I get the go-ahead from all of you, I'll share it with the world. For those who don't know what the hell is going on, simply click on the words "Split Personality" near the top of that page.
Left ya' a comment. And HOH MY GOD IT'S FINALLY DONE. Version 3.0 and final is done! Now it's literally orchestrated-got your rhythm guitar changed to a marimba, the synths to vibraphones and flutes(respectively), drums tuned up just a li'l bit with maraccas and crashes and what not, and the bass got turned to a contrabass. Oh, and the french horns got a little crescendo solo. Enjoy the final version of Smile, Smile, Smile Orchestrated.
Derpy's second chance on life with maybe her name in tact,*according to Hasbro it is). Plus it's gonna be a silent episode like Story of Momo in the Avatar episode "Tales of Ba sing Se", plus she is a legit mail mare. Please Celestia don't be trolling me now!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"To give up in space is too surrender!" -Gene Kranz
Hating on MLP is like hating on Disney movies; they are made for all ages. - Rowsdower
You know, upon reading some of those summaries they sound pretty close to fan-fiction material. I mean, one of them deals with death, and another Lyra and Bonbon's relationship. Think we're being trolled?
Never-the-less a part of me is really wound up in glee if it's true.
Something about the origins of the elements could be nice. It certainly sounds like fictions, but who are we to complain? They actually let us write tons and tons of content about their show. It's bound to happens a one point. How many fics are there out in the wild about Fluttershy transforming into a assertive freak? It happened and nopony complained.
Oh wait. I just noticed that that was deleted. Oh well.
OK. I just checked the MLP wiki. And guess what? I'm fairly sure that Wikipedia was a fake. Ya wanna know why? Copypaste of huge wall of text.
I have an idea for a episode:
´´ The Origin of Harmony ´´
They introduce a new villain, Nocturne, the being of darkness. He wants to engulf Equestria in complete darkness. Twilight and her friends use the Elements of Harmony but it doesn´t work against him. They head to Canterlot Castle to see Princess Celestia and she gives them directions to a ruin outside Canterlot Castle in the forest. They find a temple with a door that has placement to put the Elements in. They put the Elements in slots and the door opens. Inside they find a portal that can be used to travel through time. Twilight sets the portal to 1000 years in the past cause they might get their answers there. Once through the portal they head to Canterlot Castle and they discover there´s no castle there but they do however find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fighting Discord and using the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone. Twilight and the others runs up to the princesses and the princesses are shocked to see them with the Elements of Harmony. And then a voice speaks to them:´´ I´m guessing they found and used my time portal.´´ Then Twilight and the others looked towards the voice and they see Star Swirl the Bearded. Twilight explains that they need to find a way to stop Nocturne. Star Swirl says that he created the Elements of Harmony and that they need to find somepony in their own time that has a connection to a 7th Element of Harmony, he also mentions that he has yet been able to create the 7th Element. They say thank you to Star Swirl and they rush off after they´ve said goodbye to them. While running back to the portal Applejack notice somepony with a yellow mane in a bush but she didn´t have time to think about that. Once back at the portal they go through to their own time and once through they notice that the ruins are falling apart, they manage to get out in the nick of time. Twilight got this idea that the Element must be in Star Swirl the Bearded Wing. On their way back to the castle they run into Derpy and she decides to tag along and help. Once at the castle Princess Celestia welcomes them back but the ponies are in a rush to get to the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing. Once there they start to search for the Element and as Derpy approaches the hourglass it begins to shine. The hourglass transforms into the orb of the 7th Element. Derpy is chosen by the Element but in order to gain the power of the Element she needs to realise what she represents. And Derpy starts saying:´´ I enjoy being around other ponies, I always care for them and I´m always willing to help my friends.´´ And Everypony starts to feel that their hearts are beating in a synchronized way. The Element starts to react and forms into a necklace. Derpy now represents the Element of Friendship. They head to confront Nocturne again and he says:´´ What this again, don´t make me laugh. You still think you can defeat me.´´Everypony says:´´ We don´t think we can defeat you, we know we can defeat you, with the power of friendship.´´ They start to focus on the Elements power and they become golden colored. Nocturn says:´´ So what, you can become gold colored and I´m suppose to get scared.´´ And Everypony yells:´´ Shining Rainbow Sphere!!´´ And a big sphere filled with pure light with colors of the rainbow shoots up in the air and seeks towards Nocturne and hits him. Nocturne yells:´´ How could this happen, how did you gain so much power?!´´ Everypony says: ´´ Our friendship is strong and will always triumph over evil.´´ Nocturne slowly fades away into nothingness and so everything was turned back to normal. They all got rewarded for saving Equestria again. Afterwards Twilight spoke to Princess Celestia about her adventure and that she hopes she gets to meet Star Swirl the Bearded again. And Princess Celestia says:´´ I´m sure you will meet again soon.´´ Twilight says:´´ What are you talking about Princess Celestia.´´ Princess Celestia says:´´ Oh look at the time, I have to head to Manehattan, they have some problems with parasprites, I´ll talk to you later Twilight, bye!´´ Twilight: ???
Fades into black. Insert Credits.
Let me know if this is something that shouldn´t be posted here and feel free to delete this massive wall of text if I´m going against the rules of this Wikipedia. 10 hours ago by A Wikia contributor
So yeah. Probably that guy replaced it. Pretty much the same thing on Wikipedia. Just a description. So either that guy changed it, or someone else thought it would've been funny to. Sorry if that was disappointing... Just wanted to inform you. Source:
In the comments, a few down.
About Heretic Twilight picture posted a few pages ago.
Oh Galileo, Copernico, What a weird place to find a reminder of your theories and how were they persecuted back in your days.
however was expecting to see something like that eventually.
About the new "season".
I think they are tolling with you. When they finally confirm season 3 (If it ever happens) it wil be front page of you friendly pony news monopoly site. EQD.
However i think i cannot care less. By the time is aired i will be probably over with this think....
And a think that was posted in the older thread
Quote from a brony from the older thread »
If the writers would want to do something that has not been done alredy by the bronies the next episode would be about two mormons who are on a mission on Dusseldorf and accidentally find equestria after pressing a button on a Bar bathroom. Only to find that the budhist priest had alredy found it and started a hate war between the ponies of different color
It is not the actual quote but it is as far as i remember it...
Seems illegit. Derpy having her own episode is intense wishful thinking, and the idea that it would be a silent episode is probably just extrapolated from the thought that her voice was the most offensive part. Plus, if we follow the theorem that a straight line can be formed from any two points, according to all evidence we have the third episode of a season is always a turning point, whether introducing a story arc or broadening the concept of the friendship letter. Unless that Seventh Element turns out to be the Element of Ditz, I don't think that's likely.
Then there are the others. The thought of getting an "origin of" anything, again, seems like wishful thinking. The idea of a Seventh Element was already proposed over and over regarding this season's premieres as a deus ex machina to get away from Discord. Nocturne is far too close to Nightmare Moon to really be used in the series, and his description as a "being of darkness" coupled with his immunity to the Elements only makes me think that we're hoping for the badass male antagonist that we didn't get with Discord. Plus, what the hell is Young Canterlot?
Lump that all together with the fact that we didn't get a single whiff of the Season 2 premiere until September, and I think that obvious hoax is obvious.
Still, if I didn't have an open mind, I wouldn't be here. It should be clear that any one of these episodes could mess with the AS fanon of either the Elements of Harmony or the Equestrian Postal Service. As such, we've really got to push to at least get this story halfway finished before all of this potentially happens, so that we can claim grandfathering. I was pushing this anyway, but now it seems more dire.
Edit: And did anyone else notice that the season numbers are listed one, two and three? And that the episode numbers imply more episodes than seasons one and two combined? And that the airdate is listed as Winter, despite the fact that last year's premiere was in September?
Edit2: Yeah, BlowJobtheWeatherman found the proof. Sorry to those that believed it, it actually would've been sort of nice.
And hey, what do you know. Derpy actually did take up the Seventh Element.
Dude. Seriously. That offends me. I was 11, I think when I created this account. I did not get the fact that "BJ" apparently means naughty things to a lot of people. But that's not why I'm offended, that's because my nickname IRL is BJ. Stands for Bob Jacob. First name is Robert. Bob is a nickname for Robert. Nicknameception. I've met other people who's names are BJ. So I'm not alone. My parents didn't mean for this. I didn't. The "theweatherman" part is because my dream job at the time was to be a meteorologist. A Meteorologist is a scientist who studies weather, just in case you didn't know. And me, with my briliant little 11 year old mind/sarcasm, thought no one else would know what a meteorologist was. So I just said "theweatherman". Great choice, eh/sarcasm? So now every once in a while I have to give this wonderful little rant. And I hate it. That's why Hasbro really ticked me off when they choose to remove Derpy's name. I dealt with it, but I was raging on them mentally. I hate it when people choose to think I'm so ignorant so much that I don't get what my name might sound like to their minds at school. On the internet. In public. I'm sorry if I'm not tolerating, but I'm used to giving this rant. And I'm sorry for the sake of humanity that I have to. If they're gonna delete this for being off topic, then that's fine. I just hope you all got to read this. So, if you are, please stop thinking of my username in that way.
Sorry for ranting. And typos. Had to type this on a Nook. Now lets please move on, just don't forget why. When someone insults (man, i'm feeling harsh. Sorry bout' that) my name, I feel the need to explain. Thanks for understanding. You never had any idea anyway. Just needed to pound this into your heads why.
Edit: Mkay. Wow. You wanna know what just happened? I got into a better mood. That, my friends, is why the brony community is amazing. Wanna know what specifically brought me out of that mood? MandoPony's amazing new song. I'm not gonna try to explain it. Again, on a Nook. Have the link.
Bah. Can't link. Stupid thing. Just search MandoPony on Youtube. Click on the newest video. It should be "It All Started With Your Smile"
Who else here feels like this? I know some people can simply pick up and drop out of the fandom on a whim, but I can't. It's left such an impact on me, and I feel like I'm a better persona as result. Though my interest will wane with time, I believe I'll hold a special place in my heart for the community until the day I die.
Who else here feels like this? I know some people can simply pick up and drop out of the fandom on a whim, but I can't. It's left such an impact on me, and i feel like I'm a better persona as result. Though my interest will wane with time, I believe I'll hold a special place in my heart for the community until the day I die.
I've actually told one of my friends (even though he doesn't like MLP) that no matter what, I'd love this series even if it kills me.
This series has honestly made me much, much happier than before I got into it (being emo sucks ._.). Also, despite me being a massive animé fanatic (not sure if I'd consider myself a weeaboo), MLP:FiM actually beats a majority of the anime I really, really like (H20: Footprints in the Sand, Toradora!, Ouran High School Host Club, to name a few).
Well, since you brought it back up, when I suggested to move on, let me try to explain that simply. The whole point is that it is a joke. It's been going on for a very long time now. People are constantly trying to hold back a chuckle when they first hear it. It started on the Roblox forums (Don't judge me.), and of course my name raised a few questions. Then I came here, and this is the last place I used this username. It came up a few times, and I gave them a nice, simple answer. I gave a longer one here because this thread is important to me, and I wanted you to understand. I knew it would come up eventually, and I sorta had a plan for it. And I only wanted to explain once, and hope that this would be the only time I would have to explain. So, the point is, I hate the joke. It's offending to me and it's old. It's not easy when people associate your nickname with sexual acts. Some jokes are offending, so please don't use it. I understand that you didn't know at first. I wouldn't expect you to. That's why I waited for it to come up, and then gave an answer that should've explained everything. So please, just don't ever bring it up again. I hope you don't, cause I have more faith in this community than that.
Who else here feels like this? I know some people can simply pick up and drop out of the fandom on a whim, but I can't. It's left such an impact on me, and i feel like I'm a better persona as result. Though my interest will wane with time, I believe I'll hold a special place in my heart for the community until the day I die.
I feel the same way. I can't really ever stop playing Roblox. I just don't use the chat, and try to stick with the better game-makers on there, and I don't use the forums there at all anymore. The idea of it is great, it's just the community of it that sucks. Just using it as an example. For MLP, if the show goes on to the 4th or 5th season, and really begins to suck, I'll probably just keep the Season 1 and 2 episodes or any other episodes that were good to show my grandkids (If I ever have any) what I did for entertainment (That'll be a good story to tell.)
How do you think each of the mane 6 would react!
Depends. Throw in Pinkie Pie and I'm interested.
Also, Dimondium, I see your comment and raise you one comment. By the way, I have no idea how poker works, nor even if that's supposed to be poker.
My DeviantArt
RD:Da ****
Read the first one first.
And have Wikipedia. I really don't believe it, cause it's Wikipedia, but it'd be nice.
That comic made me cry. That hurt me. Oh God, how that comic hurt me.
Wait... WHAT? Link please. Right now.
Edit of more stuff:
That team broke up. I don't know what happened.
I'll read it later.
Me gusta.
I've seen that. Not gonna listen to it again. That hurt my ears. Probably just be like "Okay then..." and walk away.
Oh my God I think I'm gonna
Derpy's second chance on life with maybe her name in tact,*according to Hasbro it is). Plus it's gonna be a silent episode like Story of Momo in the Avatar episode "Tales of Ba sing Se", plus she is a legit mail mare. Please Celestia don't be trolling me now!
Hating on MLP is like hating on Disney movies; they are made for all ages. - Rowsdower
Oh ****. EoH origins story?
And a Derpy one? If this is true, so many hngs, heart-attacks, and fan-rages had when the fics explode in our faces.
My DeviantArt, so sexy
A Derpy episode?!?! And it's silent?!?!
I always wanted a silent episode, and with Derpy, EVEN BETTER!
I can't wait!
Oh, and elements of harmony, that's cool too I guess.
Never-the-less a part of me is really wound up in glee if it's true.
My DeviantArt, so sexy
My DeviantArt, so sexy
Well, we all have our own dreams to believe in.
Something about the origins of the elements could be nice. It certainly sounds like fictions, but who are we to complain? They actually let us write tons and tons of content about their show. It's bound to happens a one point. How many fics are there out in the wild about Fluttershy transforming into a assertive freak? It happened and nopony complained.
OK. I just checked the MLP wiki. And guess what? I'm fairly sure that Wikipedia was a fake. Ya wanna know why? Copypaste of huge wall of text.
I have an idea for a episode:
´´ The Origin of Harmony ´´
They introduce a new villain, Nocturne, the being of darkness. He wants to engulf Equestria in complete darkness. Twilight and her friends use the Elements of Harmony but it doesn´t work against him. They head to Canterlot Castle to see Princess Celestia and she gives them directions to a ruin outside Canterlot Castle in the forest. They find a temple with a door that has placement to put the Elements in. They put the Elements in slots and the door opens. Inside they find a portal that can be used to travel through time. Twilight sets the portal to 1000 years in the past cause they might get their answers there. Once through the portal they head to Canterlot Castle and they discover there´s no castle there but they do however find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fighting Discord and using the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone. Twilight and the others runs up to the princesses and the princesses are shocked to see them with the Elements of Harmony. And then a voice speaks to them:´´ I´m guessing they found and used my time portal.´´ Then Twilight and the others looked towards the voice and they see Star Swirl the Bearded. Twilight explains that they need to find a way to stop Nocturne. Star Swirl says that he created the Elements of Harmony and that they need to find somepony in their own time that has a connection to a 7th Element of Harmony, he also mentions that he has yet been able to create the 7th Element. They say thank you to Star Swirl and they rush off after they´ve said goodbye to them. While running back to the portal Applejack notice somepony with a yellow mane in a bush but she didn´t have time to think about that. Once back at the portal they go through to their own time and once through they notice that the ruins are falling apart, they manage to get out in the nick of time. Twilight got this idea that the Element must be in Star Swirl the Bearded Wing. On their way back to the castle they run into Derpy and she decides to tag along and help. Once at the castle Princess Celestia welcomes them back but the ponies are in a rush to get to the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing. Once there they start to search for the Element and as Derpy approaches the hourglass it begins to shine. The hourglass transforms into the orb of the 7th Element. Derpy is chosen by the Element but in order to gain the power of the Element she needs to realise what she represents. And Derpy starts saying:´´ I enjoy being around other ponies, I always care for them and I´m always willing to help my friends.´´ And Everypony starts to feel that their hearts are beating in a synchronized way. The Element starts to react and forms into a necklace. Derpy now represents the Element of Friendship. They head to confront Nocturne again and he says:´´ What this again, don´t make me laugh. You still think you can defeat me.´´Everypony says:´´ We don´t think we can defeat you, we know we can defeat you, with the power of friendship.´´ They start to focus on the Elements power and they become golden colored. Nocturn says:´´ So what, you can become gold colored and I´m suppose to get scared.´´ And Everypony yells:´´ Shining Rainbow Sphere!!´´ And a big sphere filled with pure light with colors of the rainbow shoots up in the air and seeks towards Nocturne and hits him. Nocturne yells:´´ How could this happen, how did you gain so much power?!´´ Everypony says: ´´ Our friendship is strong and will always triumph over evil.´´ Nocturne slowly fades away into nothingness and so everything was turned back to normal. They all got rewarded for saving Equestria again. Afterwards Twilight spoke to Princess Celestia about her adventure and that she hopes she gets to meet Star Swirl the Bearded again. And Princess Celestia says:´´ I´m sure you will meet again soon.´´ Twilight says:´´ What are you talking about Princess Celestia.´´ Princess Celestia says:´´ Oh look at the time, I have to head to Manehattan, they have some problems with parasprites, I´ll talk to you later Twilight, bye!´´ Twilight: ???
Fades into black. Insert Credits.
Let me know if this is something that shouldn´t be posted here and feel free to delete this massive wall of text if I´m going against the rules of this Wikipedia.
10 hours ago by A Wikia contributor
So yeah. Probably that guy replaced it. Pretty much the same thing on Wikipedia. Just a description. So either that guy changed it, or someone else thought it would've been funny to. Sorry if that was disappointing... Just wanted to inform you.
In the comments, a few down.
Oh Galileo, Copernico, What a weird place to find a reminder of your theories and how were they persecuted back in your days.
however was expecting to see something like that eventually.
About the new "season".
I think they are tolling with you. When they finally confirm season 3 (If it ever happens) it wil be front page of you friendly pony news
monopolysite. EQD.However i think i cannot care less. By the time is aired i will be probably over with this think....
And a think that was posted in the older thread
It is not the actual quote but it is as far as i remember it...
ihuan in ahuiyacmeh xuchimeh/ zan oc cencah no ihtzin intlacatl/ Nehuatl nictlazohtla/
Seems illegit. Derpy having her own episode is intense wishful thinking, and the idea that it would be a silent episode is probably just extrapolated from the thought that her voice was the most offensive part. Plus, if we follow the theorem that a straight line can be formed from any two points, according to all evidence we have the third episode of a season is always a turning point, whether introducing a story arc or broadening the concept of the friendship letter. Unless that Seventh Element turns out to be the Element of Ditz, I don't think that's likely.
Then there are the others. The thought of getting an "origin of" anything, again, seems like wishful thinking. The idea of a Seventh Element was already proposed over and over regarding this season's premieres as a deus ex machina to get away from Discord. Nocturne is far too close to Nightmare Moon to really be used in the series, and his description as a "being of darkness" coupled with his immunity to the Elements only makes me think that we're hoping for the badass male antagonist that we didn't get with Discord. Plus, what the hell is Young Canterlot?
Lump that all together with the fact that we didn't get a single whiff of the Season 2 premiere until September, and I think that obvious hoax is obvious.
Still, if I didn't have an open mind, I wouldn't be here. It should be clear that any one of these episodes could mess with the AS fanon of either the Elements of Harmony or the Equestrian Postal Service. As such, we've really got to push to at least get this story halfway finished before all of this potentially happens, so that we can claim grandfathering. I was pushing this anyway, but now it seems more dire.
Edit: And did anyone else notice that the season numbers are listed one, two and three? And that the episode numbers imply more episodes than seasons one and two combined? And that the airdate is listed as Winter, despite the fact that last year's premiere was in September?
Edit2: Yeah, BlowJobtheWeatherman found the proof. Sorry to those that believed it, it actually would've been sort of nice.
And hey, what do you know. Derpy actually did take up the Seventh Element.
My DeviantArt
Dude. Seriously. That offends me. I was 11, I think when I created this account. I did not get the fact that "BJ" apparently means naughty things to a lot of people. But that's not why I'm offended, that's because my nickname IRL is BJ. Stands for Bob Jacob. First name is Robert. Bob is a nickname for Robert. Nicknameception. I've met other people who's names are BJ. So I'm not alone. My parents didn't mean for this. I didn't. The "theweatherman" part is because my dream job at the time was to be a meteorologist. A Meteorologist is a scientist who studies weather, just in case you didn't know. And me, with my briliant little 11 year old mind/sarcasm, thought no one else would know what a meteorologist was. So I just said "theweatherman". Great choice, eh/sarcasm? So now every once in a while I have to give this wonderful little rant. And I hate it. That's why Hasbro really ticked me off when they choose to remove Derpy's name. I dealt with it, but I was raging on them mentally. I hate it when people choose to think I'm so ignorant so much that I don't get what my name might sound like to their minds at school. On the internet. In public. I'm sorry if I'm not tolerating, but I'm used to giving this rant. And I'm sorry for the sake of humanity that I have to. If they're gonna delete this for being off topic, then that's fine. I just hope you all got to read this. So, if you are, please stop thinking of my username in that way.
Sorry for ranting. And typos. Had to type this on a Nook. Now lets please move on, just don't forget why. When someone insults (man, i'm feeling harsh. Sorry bout' that) my name, I feel the need to explain. Thanks for understanding. You never had any idea anyway. Just needed to pound this into your heads why.
Edit: Mkay. Wow. You wanna know what just happened? I got into a better mood. That, my friends, is why the brony community is amazing. Wanna know what specifically brought me out of that mood? MandoPony's amazing new song. I'm not gonna try to explain it. Again, on a Nook. Have the link.
Bah. Can't link. Stupid thing. Just search MandoPony on Youtube. Click on the newest video. It should be "It All Started With Your Smile"
Who else here feels like this? I know some people can simply pick up and drop out of the fandom on a whim, but I can't. It's left such an impact on me, and I feel like I'm a better persona as result. Though my interest will wane with time, I believe I'll hold a special place in my heart for the community until the day I die.
I've actually told one of my friends (even though he doesn't like MLP) that no matter what, I'd love this series even if it kills me.
This series has honestly made me much, much happier than before I got into it (being emo sucks ._.). Also, despite me being a massive animé fanatic (not sure if I'd consider myself a weeaboo), MLP:FiM actually beats a majority of the anime I really, really like (H20: Footprints in the Sand, Toradora!, Ouran High School Host Club, to name a few).
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
Well, since you brought it back up, when I suggested to move on, let me try to explain that simply. The whole point is that it is a joke. It's been going on for a very long time now. People are constantly trying to hold back a chuckle when they first hear it. It started on the Roblox forums (Don't judge me.), and of course my name raised a few questions. Then I came here, and this is the last place I used this username. It came up a few times, and I gave them a nice, simple answer. I gave a longer one here because this thread is important to me, and I wanted you to understand. I knew it would come up eventually, and I sorta had a plan for it. And I only wanted to explain once, and hope that this would be the only time I would have to explain. So, the point is, I hate the joke. It's offending to me and it's old. It's not easy when people associate your nickname with sexual acts. Some jokes are offending, so please don't use it. I understand that you didn't know at first. I wouldn't expect you to. That's why I waited for it to come up, and then gave an answer that should've explained everything. So please, just don't ever bring it up again. I hope you don't, cause I have more faith in this community than that.
I feel the same way. I can't really ever stop playing Roblox. I just don't use the chat, and try to stick with the better game-makers on there, and I don't use the forums there at all anymore. The idea of it is great, it's just the community of it that sucks. Just using it as an example. For MLP, if the show goes on to the 4th or 5th season, and really begins to suck, I'll probably just keep the Season 1 and 2 episodes or any other episodes that were good to show my grandkids (If I ever have any) what I did for entertainment (That'll be a good story to tell.)