It's the change between seasons. Without new episodes, this thread runs out of topics and things go straight down the tubes. Happened before, it'll happen again.
It's the change between seasons. Without new episodes, this thread runs out of topics and things go straight down the tubes. Happened before, it'll happen again.
Specifically, it's the anticipation of the next season. All Summer we were more or less fine, but recently we've been wavering. It's because people expect new episodes, and without them they don't feel like they have enough to discuss. And/or we're saying "With a whole new season coming up, why worry about keeping the thread up?" We're focused on waiting and what we want from the new episodes.
It'll be better soon enough. Though, in ten days, we'll pass the date that the new season premiered a year ago, and we know that S3 isn't coming out before then.
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If you put Key West in Loch Ness, would it unloch? My DeviantArt
Alright, I think it's time we end this "state of the fandom" discussion. Like I said, we've talked about it before. All it's doing right now is separating the thread into two groups--people participating in the debate, who make incredibly long posts that are hard to scroll past, and people ignoring the debate, who are either not posting or making very short posts not related to the topic at hand (which I think may be considered chatting).
So, for the benefit of all, let's tie it up. Reply to any parts you find it absolutely necessary to talk about, and then stop talking about it. Then we can move on.
To keep this from being metadiscussion, here's a quote of what I said a few posts ago, which has been all but buried:
Allow me to give some insight to why I never post anything when there are large debates: I get the feeling that I can't compete with some else's post, I just get the feeling "why even try? Their post is most likely going to out shine my own." Plus, some times I don't really have anything to say about certain debates, so I rather just stay quiet instead of looking stupid. ALSO, I type soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow; It takes me like 30 to 40 minutes to type up paragraphs of text, not to mention how long it takes for me to think of what I'm going to say (I usually just think as I type).
And that's how I meet your mother- er I mean, that's why I don't take part in most debates.
Ponies have pretty much invaded my school now. Every single day of the first four days someone was wearing a MLP related piece of clothing. For the first two days it was just t-shirts. Then on Thursday somebody I don't even know just showed up wearing this.
Quadren, I think you'll be quite happy to see this.
The one in the purple text. Third result on Google.
spoil'd the image because some people might find the word "F*CK" offensive
I had to check for myself to see if it was true xD And sure enough, it was.
Ya know you're doing something right if the first picture that comes up on Google images is a picture you made (<yea that makes no sense, but you get the point. Sorry slightly asleep xP). Thanks for showing me that, it got my spirits up a bit, though I will say looking back at it I can see some mistakes (mostly with the head); I could go in depth on what's wrong with it, but I don't want to waste my internet breath.
I wish ponies invaded my school.
On thursday I met another brony at my school .....she's a girl (I REFUSE TO CALL THEM PEGISISTERS). There is a downside though: I didn't ask for a name nor did I introduce myself, I have never seen her before, and I don't have her in any of my classes *sigh* you just can't win them all, can ya *puts bag over head* I met her during a pep rally. At my school there is a option to go to it or to go to the cafeteria until the pep rally is over; I generally don't like pep rallies, so I went to the cafeteria with another one of my Brony friends. After the pep rally was over, and they told us we could leave, she looked over an noticed my brony wrist band.
I'm so ashamed of my self because I didn't ask for a name and I didn't tell her mine; the fact that another person likes MLP:FiM and goes to my school, just put me in such an awestruck that my thoughts weren't in the correct social area. Just thinking back at the situation fills me up with regret
It's the change between seasons. Without new episodes, this thread runs out of topics and things go straight down the tubes. Happened before, it'll happen again.
I don't think the thread is down the tubes, it's just slow Nothing really bad is going on here, and generally everyone is open minded, so it's not that bad.
It took me 30 minutes to write this post...... That's how slow I am.
spoil'd the image because some people might find the word "F*CK" offensive
I had to check for myself to see if it was true xD And sure enough, it was.
Ya know you're doing something right if the first picture that comes up on Google images is a picture you made (<yea that makes no sense, but you get the point. Sorry slightly asleep xP). Thanks for showing me that, it got my spirits up a bit, though I will say looking back at it I can see some mistakes (mostly with the head); I could go in depth on what's wrong with it, but I don't want to waste my internet breath.
Glad to see spirits have been raised.
And criticizing your past work is always a good sign. Being able to see your own mistakes is a very useful skill.
I wish ponies invaded my school.
On thursday I met another brony at my school .....she's a girl (I REFUSE TO CALL THEM PEGISISTERS). There is a downside though: I didn't ask for a name nor did I introduce myself, I have never seen her before, and I don't have her in any of my classes *sigh* you just can't win them all, can ya *puts bag over head* I met her during a pep rally. At my school there is a option to go to it or to go to the cafeteria until the pep rally is over; I generally don't like pep rallies, so I went to the cafeteria with another one of my Brony friends. After the pep rally was over, and they told us we could leave, she looked over an noticed my brony wrist band.
I'm so ashamed of my self because I didn't ask for a name and I didn't tell her mine; the fact that another person likes MLP:FiM and goes to my school, just put me in such an awestruck that my thoughts weren't in the correct social area. Just thinking back at the situation fills me up with regret
Yeah... There's currently about 15 bronies at my school (I think. It's just an estimate). I hope to wear one of my two brony shirts next week.
Also, MBM, I have no idea what it is about Utah, but apparently there's a freaking ton of bronies here. I have no idea why, but there just is.
Also, I apologize in advance for this, but...
It is really saddening for me to see this. Just... Complete disregard of one of the most important aspects of writing. Even with about 7 people trying to help (Admittedly a few of them were a bit rude, but still) him, and he just ignores all criticism.
I can't even understand him half the time.
Also, I apologize in advance for this, but...
It is really saddening for me to see this. Just... Complete disregard of one of the most important aspects of writing. Even with about 7 people trying to help (Admittedly a few of them were a bit rude, but still) him, and he just ignores all criticism.
I can't even understand him half the time.
I'm not familiar with their work.
It's always sad to see an author refusing legitimate and correctly-worded criticism though.
Reminds me that I should probably go check up on my own author's latest chapter progress.
Uhm... What is this fascination with my little pony i never understood this, is it that good as a cartoon ? or am i missing something from the big picture ?:S
Short answer, yes, yes it is. I never would have thought I would watch anything like this until I found it by accident, and was instantly hooked. And when something is that good, you want more than is available... and thus the forum discussions, art, comics, video and crossovers of other things you're into. I know it seems weird, and I don't fully understand why I like it, but I seem to be able to forget even the laws of physics whilst watching the show.
Why not watch a few short clips on youtube? Come back and tell us what you thought.
Also, hi thread, I miss you terrrribly. Hopefully I'll be free again by the time S3 starts. Can anyone tell me what kind of notice we will be given? I heard 4 weeks in advance, but I don't know.
Uhm... What is this fascination with my little pony i never understood this, is it that good as a cartoon ? or am i missing something from the big picture ?:S
It actually depends on you. In my opinion, I also never actually liked it until I bumped into the Smosh website talking about. Apparently on one of the topic they were talking about Derpy Hooves, and when I clicked into it, it showed a derp faced pony. They said it was from MLP:FiM, and out of my curiosity, I watched the show, and thought it was pretty good.
But like I said, it depends, some people still don't like the show even after they've watched it.
I've met a couple of "bronies" in my school and they're horrible. Weirdo meme-spouters who can't stop talking about how "it's the greatest show ever and that if you think otherwise you're an idiot". It's like staring into the deepest pits of a fandom and extracting only the worst a community has to offer.
Uhm... What is this fascination with my little pony i never understood this, is it that good as a cartoon ? or am i missing something from the big picture ?:S
In short: no, no it's not (lol, sorry Schlutt). Really, it's all hype. Despite what people may tell you, MLP isn't the best piece of art ever to grace a television screen. It isn't so amazing in and of itself that you literally cannot stop thinking about it in the days between new episodes, it won't regularly make you laugh until your eyes water, you won't cry for the plight of one of the characters once every episode--it's simply not all that great. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have your pick of other shows that are just as good (though, granted, most of the cartoons of similar quality are canceled, with the exception of Gravity Falls).
I, however, am a brony myself. Why? Because the show is good. Not a masterpiece, but still good. But the real reason is that the fan community is even better. The social stigma surrounding men who enjoy a show about colorful ponies has served to draw us all together and produce a tightly-knit, generally friendly, and incredibly creative fandom. And when I say incredibly creative, I mean it: some of this fan art is simply amazing. I hope to grow up to be an author, and I enjoy literature very much, but believe me when I tell you that my four favorite stories of all time are all MLP fanfics. I know, it's a bit hard to believe, but it's true.
Also, the in-show songs are some of the best in the biz, at least in my opinion.
Even if you're not convinced by my meaningless words, there's no reason not to give it a try. 22 minutes, either wasted or spent on something that will become one of your favorite pursuits. Here's a good episode to start with:
If that link doesn't work, please tell me.
And as a bonus, here's one of my favorite pieces of fan art:
I've met a couple of "bronies" in my school and they're horrible. Weirdo meme-spouters who can't stop talking about how "it's the greatest show ever and that if you think otherwise you're an idiot". It's like staring into the deepest pits of a fandom and extracting only the worst a community has to offer.
I guess I should be a bit glad that I don't know many, then. Even the twelve-year-old girl who claims DiscPie is her OTP and is going to dress up as Pinkie for halloween (among several of her friends who are also going to be ponies--and she tried to convince me to be Big Mac and my friend to be Braeburn) is also a Whovian, i.e. she has other interests, and she knows when to stop.
Yeah... There's currently about 15 bronies at my school (I think. It's just an estimate). I hope to wear one of my two brony shirts next week.
Also, MBM, I have no idea what it is about Utah, but apparently there's a freaking ton of bronies here. I have no idea why, but there just is.
There's only 2 bronies at my school, but I think they stopped watching the show and left the fandom, so I'm the only pegasister at my school >.<
Yes. I don't really think you get what "Welcome to the Internet." means. Remember, the internet is international, meaning anyone can access it. "Welcome to the Internet." basically means that while you're here you're going to meet TONS of wierd people, Pedophiles/Stalkers/Creepers/Fandoms for pretty much anything.
But seriously, if you feel that you don't want to be a part of the fandom. Then JUST leave. We're not stopping you. To be honest, for all the things that you've pointed out about the fandom that YOU think is wrong is probably getting on a lot of people's nerves. No one's perfect. No fandom can be perfect. Every person has their faults. No one is the exact same as another person. Everyone likes different things. And everyone is allowed their own opinion, though maybe that person should not express it. Because it may hurt themself or someone else.
Now as I said; If you don't like some parts of this fandom and you feel like leaving for what just a relatively small group of people have done, then leave. We don't want someone constantly pointing out our faults.
Alright, I don't get it. Why is everyone flaming Dominic?! Are you guys that sensitive, that you can't take criticism about bronies as a whole? He's not insulting you. Even if he is, you have the right to ignore it. This inane back-and-forth flame war between him and us every time he returns or leaves is entirely pointless and is doing nothing but proving his point.
Stop telling him to just leave! What good would that do? It's not like he's hurting anyone. It's not like he's sticking around just to troll us. He's right in his observation that some parts of this fandom aren't exactly the kind of thing you'd bring home to momma. So what? Leave it at that. We all have ****ing opinions, so just state them and be done with it. You don't need to continue telling him things that he's been told every ****ing time this was brought up.
And Dom, stop bringing it up all the time. We get it. You don't have to tell us how much you hate the fandom every time someone mentions it. We don't need your life story. Make a comment or a quip, but don't be indignant and don't be spiteful. Everyone involved just needs to stop taking it so seriously.
We're going to end this here. No one add anything else to the argument, please. It's meaningless. Move on.
Okay, let's explain what I meant. I don't feel like his posts offend me, and as I said, everyone likes different things. I meant that instead of posting meaningless posts here and wasting time.
And I find it depressing that he keeps mentioning everything he thinks is wrong.
Now, I'm not going to talk about this again. /done.
Don't try to defend yourself. Both parties were at fault. If you hadn't given heed to what he said, or at least not taken it personally and responded with a simple "Please stop saying that every chance you get," it would have blown over.
Note that "you" in that last sentence was plural. I don't know and don't care who individually started it.
Alright, I don't get it. Why is everyone flaming Dominic?! Are you guys that sensitive, that you can't take criticism about bronies as a whole? He's not insulting you. Even if he is, you have the right to ignore it. This inane back-and-forth flame war between him and us every time he returns or leaves is entirely pointless and is doing nothing but proving his point.
This is is false. Firstly, unless I missed something, no one flamed Dominic. No one responded to Dominic because of his view on bronies, but it's because he does it all the time. The man is clearly convoluted over the whole thing, and even broadly admits to it. Secondly, did you just defend his right to insult us individually by saying, "you have the right to ignore it"? Really? And you direct your posts towards us for simply responding to Dominic? Why is he allowed to do this, but we can't offer our counter points and perspectives?
Stop telling him to just leave! What good would that do?
Dominic wants to leave, but he also doesn't. honestly, ;eaving would probably be better for him, at least for now. He's already expressed that he wants to, but he keeps coming back for, in his words, "stupid" reasons. I think he's being selfish by putting the excuse for leaving off on us: "They told me to leave!" It's a classic situation, that I've seen many times, where the party can leave a group without feeling guilt over it.
You can't abandon context here. No one simply said, "Then go away, Dominic." Instead, what was generally stated was, "If you don't like the fandom, then leave." This is an entirely legitimate and reasonable post to make. It's like telling someone if they don't like hamburgers, then don't eat the damn hamburger. This is not difficult.
And Dom, stop bringing it up all the time. We get it. You don't have to tell us how much you hate the fandom every time someone mentions it. We don't need your life story. Make a comment or a quip, but don't be indignant and don't be spiteful. Everyone involved just needs to stop taking it so seriously.
Ah. So pretty much what we all said.
It's not a big deal. He makes a post, we respond. It really is that simple.
Anyways, I don't have much to talk about, but I'm finally reading Apotheosis. I'm extremely late to reading it, but so far I like it. I think the highlight of it is the author's representation on Luna's reminiscent as Nightmare Moon. A lot of stories do this, but this one seems to go those extra steps as Luna considers the world if she had won. I find the concept of a lone god, sitting amongst a dark, cold and lonely world as they eventually collapse into their regret and guilt to be very powerful.
Is this thing still going on?
Cause I would like to move on, if that was OK.
Anyways, apparently one of the members of One Direction likes MLP. His name is apparently Niall. Source
This is is false. Firstly, unless I missed something, no one flamed Dominic. No one responded to Dominic because of his view on bronies, but it's because he does it all the time. The man is clearly convoluted over the whole thing, and even broadly admits to it. Secondly, did you just defend his right to insult us individually by saying, "you have the right to ignore it"? Really? And you direct your posts towards us for simply responding to Dominic? Why is he allowed to do this, but we can't offer our counter points and perspectives?
It depends on your definition of flaming. The discussion was getting very, very heated.
And yes, he does it all the time. He shares his opinion whenever the subject is brought up. Everyone else does that, too. He does it a bit too often and a bit too strongly, and I addressed that, but the fault is still partially everyone else's for reacting to it.
You can't abandon context here. No one simply said, "Then go away, Dominic." Instead, what was generally stated was, "If you don't like the fandom, then leave." This is an entirely legitimate and reasonable post to make. It's like telling someone if they don't like hamburgers, then don't eat the damn hamburger. This is not difficult.
Thing is, half of the posts directed at him end with "If you don't like it, leave." He understands. He's even done it several times in the past. You're not making the point to him, and all you're doing is pretty much stressing to him how much you don't want him here. Because really, if you were doing this for his good, you wouldn't be so forceful about it.
Once again, "you" is plural and general, not directed specifically at you, Nerevar.
Exactly. So don't think I'm teaming up with him. I think this argument has happened far too many times, both sides understand what the other side is saying and don't care, so there's no point in making it anymore. It's both parties' fault for letting it escalate.
Anyways, I don't have much to talk about, but I'm finally reading Apotheosis. I'm extremely late to reading it, but so far I like it. I think the highlight of it is the author's representation on Luna's reminiscent as Nightmare Moon. A lot of stories do this, but this one seems to go those extra steps as Luna considers the world if she had won. I find the concept of a lone god, sitting amongst a dark, cold and lonely world as they eventually collapse into their regret and guilt to be very powerful.
I thought about looking into that, but got turned off by the Romance tag... when Twilight and Luna seem to be the only major characters. Anyway, I'll take this as a recommendation. It is now at the top of my reading list.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you put Key West in Loch Ness, would it unloch? My DeviantArt
And yes, he does it all the time. He shares his opinion whenever the subject is brought up. Everyone else does that, too. He does it a bit too often and a bit too strongly, and I addressed that, but the fault is still partially everyone else's for reacting to it.
It's not just here that he does it, though. There's actually a fair amount more to this. Dom brings this up for a reason.
Thing is, half of the posts directed at him end with "If you don't like it, leave." He understands. He's even done it several times in the past. You're not making the point to him, and all you're doing is pretty much stressing to him how much you don't want him here. Because really, if you were doing this for his good, you wouldn't be so forceful about it.
Some people have talked to him about it, and I'm sorta trying now. You say that he knows he can leave, which is true, but you're ignoring the problem: He can't. He needs to resolve his perspective of the fandom, because, again, this isn't healthy for him. In actuality, if I hadn't cared about Dominic, I wouldn't have responded at all.
I thought about looking into that, but got turned off by the Romance tag... when Twilight and Luna seem to be the only major characters. Anyway, I'll take this as a recommendation. It is now at the top of my reading list.
Honestly it's one of those 'passive' stories that I'm reading.
The pace isn't fast, but it's faster than I would have liked. It's about 45,000 words or so, and I kinda wish it had been stretched out into something about three times longer. I was just pointing out a piece of the story that I really liked, not so much the story itself. I wouldn't really recommend it -- at least not on the level as the Holy Trinity. (still have not read BP)
It's not just here that he does it, though. There's actually a fair amount more to this. Dom brings this up for a reason.
Some people have talked to him about it, and I'm sorta trying now. You say that he knows he can leave, which is true, but you're ignoring the problem: He can't. He needs to resolve his perspective of the fandom, because, again, this isn't healthy for him. In actuality, if I hadn't cared about Dominic, I wouldn't have responded at all.
If the train of logic is "If he is bothered by something but keeps coming back to it, we should help him out," you might as well convince him to commit suicide. I've been talking to him for quite a while, and he's unhappy with the majority of things in life in general. He's just depressed, and he realizes this. Soon enough he'll be getting therapy for it.
It isn't just that he hates MLP but can't avoid it. That's only one thing.
Honestly it's one of those 'passive' stories that I'm reading.
The pace isn't fast, but it's faster than I would have liked. It's about 45,000 words or so, and I kinda wish it had been stretched out into something about three times longer. I was just pointing out a piece of the story that I really liked, not so much the story itself. I wouldn't really recommend it -- at least not on the level as the Holy Trinity. (still have not read BP)
Currently my "Read Later" list is this, some steampunk story, one where an alt-universe Pinkie who stayed on the rock farm switches minds with the real Pinkie, and a humanized story that attempts to recreate the feel of the show through humans, which I'm mostly reading for the novelty of it. So it's at the top of my list.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you put Key West in Loch Ness, would it unloch? My DeviantArt
It's the change between seasons. Without new episodes, this thread runs out of topics and things go straight down the tubes. Happened before, it'll happen again.
Specifically, it's the anticipation of the next season. All Summer we were more or less fine, but recently we've been wavering. It's because people expect new episodes, and without them they don't feel like they have enough to discuss. And/or we're saying "With a whole new season coming up, why worry about keeping the thread up?" We're focused on waiting and what we want from the new episodes.
It'll be better soon enough. Though, in ten days, we'll pass the date that the new season premiered a year ago, and we know that S3 isn't coming out before then.
My DeviantArt
Allow me to give some insight to why I never post anything when there are large debates: I get the feeling that I can't compete with some else's post, I just get the feeling "why even try? Their post is most likely going to out shine my own." Plus, some times I don't really have anything to say about certain debates, so I rather just stay quiet instead of looking stupid. ALSO, I type soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow; It takes me like 30 to 40 minutes to type up paragraphs of text, not to mention how long it takes for me to think of what I'm going to say (I usually just think as I type).
And that's how I meet your mother- er I mean, that's why I don't take part in most debates.
I had to check for myself to see if it was true xD And sure enough, it was.
Ya know you're doing something right if the first picture that comes up on Google images is a picture you made (<yea that makes no sense, but you get the point. Sorry slightly asleep xP). Thanks for showing me that, it got my spirits up a bit, though I will say looking back at it I can see some mistakes (mostly with the head); I could go in depth on what's wrong with it, but I don't want to waste my internet breath.
I wish ponies invaded my school.
On thursday I met another brony at my school .....she's a girl (I REFUSE TO CALL THEM PEGISISTERS). There is a downside though: I didn't ask for a name nor did I introduce myself, I have never seen her before, and I don't have her in any of my classes *sigh* you just can't win them all, can ya *puts bag over head* I met her during a pep rally. At my school there is a option to go to it or to go to the cafeteria until the pep rally is over; I generally don't like pep rallies, so I went to the cafeteria with another one of my Brony friends. After the pep rally was over, and they told us we could leave, she looked over an noticed my brony wrist band.
I'm so ashamed of my self because I didn't ask for a name and I didn't tell her mine; the fact that another person likes MLP:FiM and goes to my school, just put me in such an awestruck that my thoughts weren't in the correct social area. Just thinking back at the situation fills me up with regret
I don't think the thread is down the tubes, it's just slow Nothing really bad is going on here, and generally everyone is open minded, so it's not that bad.
It took me 30 minutes to write this post...... That's how slow I am.
And school. Seriously. School has sucked up all my time the past week.
Glad to see spirits have been raised.
And criticizing your past work is always a good sign. Being able to see your own mistakes is a very useful skill.
Yeah... There's currently about 15 bronies at my school (I think. It's just an estimate). I hope to wear one of my two brony shirts next week.
Also, MBM, I have no idea what it is about Utah, but apparently there's a freaking ton of bronies here. I have no idea why, but there just is.
Also, I apologize in advance for this, but...
It is really saddening for me to see this. Just... Complete disregard of one of the most important aspects of writing. Even with about 7 people trying to help (Admittedly a few of them were a bit rude, but still) him, and he just ignores all criticism.
I can't even understand him half the time.
I'm not familiar with their work.
It's always sad to see an author refusing legitimate and correctly-worded criticism though.
Reminds me that I should probably go check up on my own author's latest chapter progress.
Shameless editor-plug: http://www.fimfictio...First-Pony-View
Short answer, yes, yes it is. I never would have thought I would watch anything like this until I found it by accident, and was instantly hooked. And when something is that good, you want more than is available... and thus the forum discussions, art, comics, video and crossovers of other things you're into. I know it seems weird, and I don't fully understand why I like it, but I seem to be able to forget even the laws of physics whilst watching the show.
Why not watch a few short clips on youtube? Come back and tell us what you thought.
Also, hi thread, I miss you terrrribly. Hopefully I'll be free again by the time S3 starts. Can anyone tell me what kind of notice we will be given? I heard 4 weeks in advance, but I don't know.
Relevant art to MBM's topic:
Also a nice Twilight:
Everfree Server - A small & friendly survival build server for older 'Crafters.
It actually depends on you. In my opinion, I also never actually liked it until I bumped into the Smosh website talking about. Apparently on one of the topic they were talking about Derpy Hooves, and when I clicked into it, it showed a derp faced pony. They said it was from MLP:FiM, and out of my curiosity, I watched the show, and thought it was pretty good.
But like I said, it depends, some people still don't like the show even after they've watched it.
I've met a couple of "bronies" in my school and they're horrible. Weirdo meme-spouters who can't stop talking about how "it's the greatest show ever and that if you think otherwise you're an idiot". It's like staring into the deepest pits of a fandom and extracting only the worst a community has to offer.
In short: no, no it's not (lol, sorry Schlutt). Really, it's all hype. Despite what people may tell you, MLP isn't the best piece of art ever to grace a television screen. It isn't so amazing in and of itself that you literally cannot stop thinking about it in the days between new episodes, it won't regularly make you laugh until your eyes water, you won't cry for the plight of one of the characters once every episode--it's simply not all that great. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have your pick of other shows that are just as good (though, granted, most of the cartoons of similar quality are canceled, with the exception of Gravity Falls).
I, however, am a brony myself. Why? Because the show is good. Not a masterpiece, but still good. But the real reason is that the fan community is even better. The social stigma surrounding men who enjoy a show about colorful ponies has served to draw us all together and produce a tightly-knit, generally friendly, and incredibly creative fandom. And when I say incredibly creative, I mean it: some of this fan art is simply amazing. I hope to grow up to be an author, and I enjoy literature very much, but believe me when I tell you that my four favorite stories of all time are all MLP fanfics. I know, it's a bit hard to believe, but it's true.
Also, the in-show songs are some of the best in the biz, at least in my opinion.
Even if you're not convinced by my meaningless words, there's no reason not to give it a try. 22 minutes, either wasted or spent on something that will become one of your favorite pursuits. Here's a good episode to start with:
And if the image doesn't work, please tell me.
Her jaw is too square. She looks like a stallion. Otherwise, though, a great pic.
I guess I should be a bit glad that I don't know many, then. Even the twelve-year-old girl who claims DiscPie is her OTP and is going to dress up as Pinkie for halloween (among several of her friends who are also going to be ponies--and she tried to convince me to be Big Mac and my friend to be Braeburn) is also a Whovian, i.e. she has other interests, and she knows when to stop.
I hate it when people are dumb ಠ_ಠ
My DeviantArt
There's only 2 bronies at my school, but I think they stopped watching the show and left the fandom, so I'm the only pegasister at my school >.<
Everypony is awesome!
I know of only two bronies at my school, and I believe one of them graduated last year, so now it's just me and a pegasister AFAIK.
Alright, I don't get it. Why is everyone flaming Dominic?! Are you guys that sensitive, that you can't take criticism about bronies as a whole? He's not insulting you. Even if he is, you have the right to ignore it. This inane back-and-forth flame war between him and us every time he returns or leaves is entirely pointless and is doing nothing but proving his point.
Stop telling him to just leave! What good would that do? It's not like he's hurting anyone. It's not like he's sticking around just to troll us. He's right in his observation that some parts of this fandom aren't exactly the kind of thing you'd bring home to momma. So what? Leave it at that. We all have ****ing opinions, so just state them and be done with it. You don't need to continue telling him things that he's been told every ****ing time this was brought up.
And Dom, stop bringing it up all the time. We get it. You don't have to tell us how much you hate the fandom every time someone mentions it. We don't need your life story. Make a comment or a quip, but don't be indignant and don't be spiteful. Everyone involved just needs to stop taking it so seriously.
We're going to end this here. No one add anything else to the argument, please. It's meaningless. Move on.
Here's an image dump:
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Don't try to defend yourself. Both parties were at fault. If you hadn't given heed to what he said, or at least not taken it personally and responded with a simple "Please stop saying that every chance you get," it would have blown over.
Note that "you" in that last sentence was plural. I don't know and don't care who individually started it.
By the way, apologies are helpful.
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This is is false. Firstly, unless I missed something, no one flamed Dominic. No one responded to Dominic because of his view on bronies, but it's because he does it all the time. The man is clearly convoluted over the whole thing, and even broadly admits to it. Secondly, did you just defend his right to insult us individually by saying, "you have the right to ignore it"? Really? And you direct your posts towards us for simply responding to Dominic? Why is he allowed to do this, but we can't offer our counter points and perspectives?
Dominic wants to leave, but he also doesn't. honestly, ;eaving would probably be better for him, at least for now. He's already expressed that he wants to, but he keeps coming back for, in his words, "stupid" reasons. I think he's being selfish by putting the excuse for leaving off on us: "They told me to leave!" It's a classic situation, that I've seen many times, where the party can leave a group without feeling guilt over it.
You can't abandon context here. No one simply said, "Then go away, Dominic." Instead, what was generally stated was, "If you don't like the fandom, then leave." This is an entirely legitimate and reasonable post to make. It's like telling someone if they don't like hamburgers, then don't eat the damn hamburger. This is not difficult.
Ah. So pretty much what we all said.
It's not a big deal. He makes a post, we respond. It really is that simple.
Anyways, I don't have much to talk about, but I'm finally reading Apotheosis. I'm extremely late to reading it, but so far I like it. I think the highlight of it is the author's representation on Luna's reminiscent as Nightmare Moon. A lot of stories do this, but this one seems to go those extra steps as Luna considers the world if she had won. I find the concept of a lone god, sitting amongst a dark, cold and lonely world as they eventually collapse into their regret and guilt to be very powerful.
you make me sad.
but an argument is not the same as contradiction.
Cause I would like to move on, if that was OK.
Anyways, apparently one of the members of One Direction likes MLP. His name is apparently Niall.
It depends on your definition of flaming. The discussion was getting very, very heated.
And yes, he does it all the time. He shares his opinion whenever the subject is brought up. Everyone else does that, too. He does it a bit too often and a bit too strongly, and I addressed that, but the fault is still partially everyone else's for reacting to it.
Thing is, half of the posts directed at him end with "If you don't like it, leave." He understands. He's even done it several times in the past. You're not making the point to him, and all you're doing is pretty much stressing to him how much you don't want him here. Because really, if you were doing this for his good, you wouldn't be so forceful about it.
Once again, "you" is plural and general, not directed specifically at you, Nerevar.
Exactly. So don't think I'm teaming up with him. I think this argument has happened far too many times, both sides understand what the other side is saying and don't care, so there's no point in making it anymore. It's both parties' fault for letting it escalate.
Except it got out of hand, and should have been ended long ago.
I thought about looking into that, but got turned off by the Romance tag... when Twilight and Luna seem to be the only major characters. Anyway, I'll take this as a recommendation. It is now at the top of my reading list.
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I got that impression between Dom and Rumble (they have a little history about it), but else-wise it seemed pretty calm and straightforward.
It's not just here that he does it, though. There's actually a fair amount more to this. Dom brings this up for a reason.
Some people have talked to him about it, and I'm sorta trying now. You say that he knows he can leave, which is true, but you're ignoring the problem: He can't. He needs to resolve his perspective of the fandom, because, again, this isn't healthy for him. In actuality, if I hadn't cared about Dominic, I wouldn't have responded at all.
I know.
Honestly it's one of those 'passive' stories that I'm reading.
The pace isn't fast, but it's faster than I would have liked. It's about 45,000 words or so, and I kinda wish it had been stretched out into something about three times longer. I was just pointing out a piece of the story that I really liked, not so much the story itself. I wouldn't really recommend it -- at least not on the level as the Holy Trinity. (still have not read BP)
I'll take your word for it. I didn't read many of the posts from before I logged on yesterday.
If the train of logic is "If he is bothered by something but keeps coming back to it, we should help him out," you might as well convince him to commit suicide. I've been talking to him for quite a while, and he's unhappy with the majority of things in life in general. He's just depressed, and he realizes this. Soon enough he'll be getting therapy for it.
It isn't just that he hates MLP but can't avoid it. That's only one thing.
Currently my "Read Later" list is this, some steampunk story, one where an alt-universe Pinkie who stayed on the rock farm switches minds with the real Pinkie, and a humanized story that attempts to recreate the feel of the show through humans, which I'm mostly reading for the novelty of it. So it's at the top of my list.
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