That's the old thread yes, but I was referring to one of the pictures someone posted. It was rather tall, if I remember correctly. Had Rainbow Dash peeking over a cloud, lots of charts. I think it was posted somewhere around the 1300's. I'll search though .
OK guys. This is it. Apparently EqD says there are people willing to make a full fan made episode. And the animator has the stuff to do it. I'm not gonna even try to explain. Just look at the EqD article, and the animators work.
Also, on a related note, sometimes I feel like the only person who watches the show on a regular basis, has most of the episodes downloaded in 1080p, and so forth that neither uses a MLP avatar nor is a member of a MLP-oriented community.
Nah, you're not the only one, it's just that we're not very noticable. When we're not incredibly engaged in the community (I frequent the IRC channel for a pony radio station that I like, but that's pretty much all) and we don't have MLP avatars, we're kind of hard to identify as actually being fans of the show. There are actually quite a few of us, though.
If any senator wishes to read this, I suggest a SUSA bill. Stop United States Act. If the internet needs to babysit your lawmaking, Then there's something wrong.
Nah, you're not the only one, it's just that we're not very noticable. When we're not incredibly engaged in the community (I frequent the IRC channel for a pony radio station that I like, but that's pretty much all) and we don't have MLP avatars, we're kind of hard to identify as actually being fans of the show. There are actually quite a few of us, though.
I'd have a pony avatar if my current one got ponified... or do you mean a character from MLP?
Also, I tend to just watch threads like these quietly, but I try to get active in them (provided I actually CAN reply back to a topic that doesn't overwhelm me).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
OK, my full review of Eternal is in the spoiler for those that want to see it. (Warning, looonngg, and literal spoilers)
Ok, first of all, my direct numerical rating: 100000/10.
Seriously, the few imperfections it had just made it more perfect-a subject DH touched on in the story itself!
Characters: Although the character choice is logical, he chose the side characters well also:
Celestia:I don't know why I was expecting a Mary sue at the beginning, aside from most alicorns being Mary sues throughout the fandom. Her flaws are both the most horrifying things ever experienced, yet respectable in intent at the same time. She locked away the sun for a thousand years, and even though she was doing it for the safety of Equestria, she was foolish enough to let it go on for a thousand years, and not look for other solutions.
Twilight Sparkle: Twilight has won my heart along side Luna (later) and Celestia through this fan-fiction. She is the most faithful anything ever to exist, and just amazing 99.999999% of the time. The rest of that time though is her flaws, which just add to her character. Her mask is crippling (I will elaborate later) and it nearly causes both her and Celestia's downfall.
Luna:Luna is immature in her own way, where she doesn't help when she knows what is wrong until it is too late. But during her helpfulness, she nearly dies at least twice, and while doing so, is having two of the most epic mind-battles ever. First, she nearly is killed in TS's mind, one of the coolest scenes ever to exist, and then she uses her nightmare to stop Celestia's Nightmare (Greed)
The Sun: Throughout the story, mainly the last few chapters, I went through an emotional roller-coaster with the Sun. Earlier on I started to hate the Sun for what it was doing to Celestia, but I came to respect it for what it had been through, and its revelation.
The Elements: I am grouping the Elements of Harmony together because that is how it was in the story. Though you don't see much of them, you start to love them even more for what they are willing to do for Twilight, Luna, and Celestia.
Spike:Spike. Good ol' GIANT spike. He was the only one who truly understood why Luna and TS did what they did, and he was the best friend both TS and/or Celestia could have asked for. Especially in the epilogue, Spike became a memorable character by any means.
Discord:Him. HIM!!! Through some contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that Discord started it all. First of all, his first battle with Celestia is what forced her foolishness and her forcing of the Eternal Sun, and his near destruction of TS was that last straw to break her back. I hate HIM with every fiber of my being, even though he appeared as one of the smallest characters in the direct story.
Story Line: Holy mother of god this story line is epic. I am not using the overly used "pretty good" epic, I am using the true definition of amazing in every way. I was gripped throughout the story, wondering with a billion questions all throughout, and the best part is: They were all answered! From the (quite literally) perfect wedding for the most logical shipment in the fandom, to the night out with Twilight was purely amazing, and the removal of the masks kept me wanting more from that point on. When Luna was in TS's mind, I was completely confused until the 3rd time around, and I recognized the technique, though I don't remember what it's called. I personally call it the "Ground-hog Effect" when it replays the events and fixes them a bit each time. When Luna was in what I can only assume as Limbo in TS's mind, I was scared for her life, and when she "fixed" Twilight, I jumped for joy-literally. It was kinda loud and I nearly woke everyone up in my house :/. When they reached Celestia for the first time, I was heart-broken at her condition, and as they delved into her mind, Each mini-story was mind-boggling in itself. When Celestia was visualizing herself as Twilight's mother, I could not figure out why Twilight was so mad. When she revealed her mother's mental break-down for fear of being nothing in Twilight's life, I was nearly clinically depressed. And when Twilight figured out Celestia's mind and how each scenario was a mask, I audibly gasped, for I suck at literature-analysis, and I only then realized all that was happening. When I saw what happened between Celestia and the Sun, I was in a rage, but through some of my mediocre analysis, I overcame it, respected Celestia more along with the Sun. Celestia's punishment...seriously, I had like 30 different possible endings, usually involving torture or death, but being sent as a mortal pony? Seriously? That is the most genius plot twist ever conceived, and I jumped in joy at the positive outcomes. In the epilogue, I was crying throughout the entire letter to Twilight, because it was nearly better than MLD's letter to Mr. Dad dude. And the fact that she would never receive it just saddened me. Plain and simple. Though the Twilight Star, The Faithful Student that Dawn looked at, at the end, was the coolest thing, along with Celestia keeping her promise. Truly, this is the best story-line ever conceived in any story. Ever.
Writing Style:This part is definitely hard to write. Writing style? Which one? it seems like there are hundreds depending upon each scene. The part that I was bombarded with the most was the REAL emotional roller coaster. DH knew when to insert comedy, and did so when it was the lest expected and amazing. I literally wen to watery eyes to hysterical laughter at one part. Oh, and that was consecutive sentences. And in the intense parts of the story line he used a much more intense writing style that made you worry and made you leaping to the edge of your seat as it all unfolded. AND that ground-hog effect was amazing.
Misc:The Masks:Oh my god, the masks? One of the underlying themes in this story, and one of the coolest in any story I have ever read. The masks were used to symbolize lies and deception to try to keep happiness and peace, and they also show that thorough truthfulness saves friendships and even the most ruined relationships.
There is a lot in there, like walls and walls of text. you have been warned. But if you would, I worked hard on covering everything in the story.
Nah, you're not the only one, it's just that we're not very noticable. When we're not incredibly engaged in the community (I frequent the IRC channel for a pony radio station that I like, but that's pretty much all) and we don't have MLP avatars, we're kind of hard to identify as actually being fans of the show. There are actually quite a few of us, though.
Good points. I did come close to changing my avatar; I was going to change it to this:
Actually, my plan was to have my avatar set to point to a PHP script that returned an image, chosen at random from a group. It sort of worked, but had some issues. I did have a signature bar setup on a few forums I frequent that did the randomization quite well, but then I somehow balls'd up my .htaccess file and it stopped working. Oh well.
On another note, anypony who wants to use that pic as their avatar can go ahead, as well. For the record, it's based on this wallpaper.
on a slightly related note I was thinking of making a new avatar, particularly since I've learned to use photoshop in the meantime, not to mention the one I'm using I've used for about 2-3 years for nearly everything, including profile pics on my own PC.
And to be fair I don't "hide" that I like the show, I just don't usually mention it unless someone else brings it up. I did add a rather elaborate easter egg to my games splash screen related to it.
I've only told my online friends about MLP, about half of them (sadly) being haters. I've yet to tell anyone IRL about me liking MLP though... Not sure how that's gonna turn out, especially since I 1) am really shy, and 2) really don't like talking about my personal life (mostly due to fear of getting picked on/shunned/looked at differently (in a bad way)/etc.)...
I've only told my online friends about MLP, about half of them (sadly) being haters. I've yet to tell anyone IRL about me liking MLP though... Not sure how that's gonna turn out, especially since I 1) am really shy, and 2) really don't like talking about my personal life (mostly due to fear of getting picked on/shunned/looked at differently (in a bad way)/etc.)...
I have pretty much told anyone that asks. My parents know, most if not all my online friends know. Some are skeptical about it, but less I care really. Through my actions though, 2 of which have been bronified at their own will without my interactions, natural curiosity I guess. An I have no in real life friends, rather not.
Telling is the least part of it, or at most in my case. It is telling and explaining why I need a drawing tablet, when they ask to see my work. My work "Art" consisting of mostly just MLP:FIM drawings and characters... Tis not fun really, since ever day is like this described in the picture in the spoiler.
CHAOS, The type of life I live....
Really need topics here.... I should devise sometime.
It doesn't bother me if my online friends like MLP or not, but I honestly canNOT get myself to tell anyone IRL about me liking it, not even my parents. They're kinda closed-minded. Heck, where I live is practically the center of closed-mindedness.
Well anyway, just so I don't leave this off at a bad note before I go to be--
Zzz... (If only Fluttershy would sing her lullabies like this without the CMC ruining it for her.)
OK, my full review of Eternal is in the spoiler for those that want to see it. (Warning, looonngg, and literal spoilers)
Ok, first of all, my direct numerical rating: 100000/10.
Seriously, the few imperfections it had just made it more perfect-a subject DH touched on in the story itself!
Characters: Although the character choice is logical, he chose the side characters well also:
Celestia:I don't know why I was expecting a Mary sue at the beginning, aside from most alicorns being Mary sues throughout the fandom. Her flaws are both the most horrifying things ever experienced, yet respectable in intent at the same time. She locked away the sun for a thousand years, and even though she was doing it for the safety of Equestria, she was foolish enough to let it go on for a thousand years, and not look for other solutions.
Twilight Sparkle: Twilight has won my heart along side Luna (later) and Celestia through this fan-fiction. She is the most faithful anything ever to exist, and just amazing 99.999999% of the time. The rest of that time though is her flaws, which just add to her character. Her mask is crippling (I will elaborate later) and it nearly causes both her and Celestia's downfall.
Luna:Luna is immature in her own way, where she doesn't help when she knows what is wrong until it is too late. But during her helpfulness, she nearly dies at least twice, and while doing so, is having two of the most epic mind-battles ever. First, she nearly is killed in TS's mind, one of the coolest scenes ever to exist, and then she uses her nightmare to stop Celestia's Nightmare (Greed)
The Sun: Throughout the story, mainly the last few chapters, I went through an emotional roller-coaster with the Sun. Earlier on I started to hate the Sun for what it was doing to Celestia, but I came to respect it for what it had been through, and its revelation.
The Elements: I am grouping the Elements of Harmony together because that is how it was in the story. Though you don't see much of them, you start to love them even more for what they are willing to do for Twilight, Luna, and Celestia.
Spike:Spike. Good ol' GIANT spike. He was the only one who truly understood why Luna and TS did what they did, and he was the best friend both TS and/or Celestia could have asked for. Especially in the epilogue, Spike became a memorable character by any means.
Discord:Him. HIM!!! Through some contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that Discord started it all. First of all, his first battle with Celestia is what forced her foolishness and her forcing of the Eternal Sun, and his near destruction of TS was that last straw to break her back. I hate HIM with every fiber of my being, even though he appeared as one of the smallest characters in the direct story.
Story Line: Holy mother of god this story line is epic. I am not using the overly used "pretty good" epic, I am using the true definition of amazing in every way. I was gripped throughout the story, wondering with a billion questions all throughout, and the best part is: They were all answered! From the (quite literally) perfect wedding for the most logical shipment in the fandom, to the night out with Twilight was purely amazing, and the removal of the masks kept me wanting more from that point on. When Luna was in TS's mind, I was completely confused until the 3rd time around, and I recognized the technique, though I don't remember what it's called. I personally call it the "Ground-hog Effect" when it replays the events and fixes them a bit each time. When Luna was in what I can only assume as Limbo in TS's mind, I was scared for her life, and when she "fixed" Twilight, I jumped for joy-literally. It was kinda loud and I nearly woke everyone up in my house :/. When they reached Celestia for the first time, I was heart-broken at her condition, and as they delved into her mind, Each mini-story was mind-boggling in itself. When Celestia was visualizing herself as Twilight's mother, I could not figure out why Twilight was so mad. When she revealed her mother's mental break-down for fear of being nothing in Twilight's life, I was nearly clinically depressed. And when Twilight figured out Celestia's mind and how each scenario was a mask, I audibly gasped, for I suck at literature-analysis, and I only then realized all that was happening. When I saw what happened between Celestia and the Sun, I was in a rage, but through some of my mediocre analysis, I overcame it, respected Celestia more along with the Sun. Celestia's punishment...seriously, I had like 30 different possible endings, usually involving torture or death, but being sent as a mortal pony? Seriously? That is the most genius plot twist ever conceived, and I jumped in joy at the positive outcomes. In the epilogue, I was crying throughout the entire letter to Twilight, because it was nearly better than MLD's letter to Mr. Dad dude. And the fact that she would never receive it just saddened me. Plain and simple. Though the Twilight Star, The Faithful Student that Dawn looked at, at the end, was the coolest thing, along with Celestia keeping her promise. Truly, this is the best story-line ever conceived in any story. Ever.
Writing Style:This part is definitely hard to write. Writing style? Which one? it seems like there are hundreds depending upon each scene. The part that I was bombarded with the most was the REAL emotional roller coaster. DH knew when to insert comedy, and did so when it was the lest expected and amazing. I literally wen to watery eyes to hysterical laughter at one part. Oh, and that was consecutive sentences. And in the intense parts of the story line he used a much more intense writing style that made you worry and made you leaping to the edge of your seat as it all unfolded. AND that ground-hog effect was amazing.
Misc:The Masks:Oh my god, the masks? One of the underlying themes in this story, and one of the coolest in any story I have ever read. The masks were used to symbolize lies and deception to try to keep happiness and peace, and they also show that thorough truthfulness saves friendships and even the most ruined relationships.
There is a lot in there, like walls and walls of text. you have been warned. But if you would, I worked hard on covering everything in the story.
/command not recognized. Try /help or /? for help.
The more it goes, the more I'm proud and happy to have share this fiction with you guys in the first place. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as mostly everypony did. Eternal is maybe - if not already, the best fiction related to MLP ever.
As for me, I've read his other fiction yesterday after my work shift.
The Wayward Knight is written during the 30years war with Discord in the past, before NMM. I've read it yesterday and Sweet Celestia this is awesome. Luna's characterization is simply marvelous. Celestia's too. I mean, he's doing an amazing job so far with The Wayward Knight. And you know what? Each dialog is written in an old English Shakespeare would be proud of. Every. Single. Dialog. In old English. He did it wonderfully. It gives a sense of...respect...authority? to both sisters. I mean, wow. Not only he's writing truly epic fictions, but he's writing it in a way nopony ever did, or at least not at this level. Go read it, you'll see what I'm talking about. It's totally worth the time you'll spend on it.
I'm not discussing about the story today, so no spoiler for my part, because I'm probably the only one who have read it right now. It would be useless to spoil things right now but trust me when I say it's as amazing as Eternal. You wanted to know about the sisters past in Eternal? What happened before NMM?
If so, then Enjoy.
If somepony did read The Wayward Knight, I would be pleased to talk about it with you, even though I won't be online for a long 14hours. Be sure I'll answer tonight, though.
i wish equstria online was out now so we can play it, olso i hope steam picks it up then we woldnt need to make an entirly new account
page clamed for androids
That may have a collection of issues due to copyright. But, I guess they could by-pass that and offer it free. That could be in the realm of free-use then. I think.
God speed on finding it
Yep. I expected the exact same.
Still as awesome as when you showed me.
Ugh I need this "Harmony" shirt thing. It's really cool.
What am I doing here? I should be reading The Wayward Knight!
*open fimfiction*
Ooo, that is quite good to say. I am unsure how you manage to come up with such scenes, but guess its a unique ability.
That was quality.
My DeviantArt, so sexy
Sarolveldruk suggested the mountain background while I was working on it, if that helps.
Nah, you're not the only one, it's just that we're not very noticable. When we're not incredibly engaged in the community (I frequent the IRC channel for a pony radio station that I like, but that's pretty much all) and we don't have MLP avatars, we're kind of hard to identify as actually being fans of the show. There are actually quite a few of us, though.
I'd have a pony avatar if my current one got ponified... or do you mean a character from MLP?
Also, I tend to just watch threads like these quietly, but I try to get active in them (provided I actually CAN reply back to a topic that doesn't overwhelm me).
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
Seriously, the few imperfections it had just made it more perfect-a subject DH touched on in the story itself!
Characters: Although the character choice is logical, he chose the side characters well also:
Celestia:I don't know why I was expecting a Mary sue at the beginning, aside from most alicorns being Mary sues throughout the fandom. Her flaws are both the most horrifying things ever experienced, yet respectable in intent at the same time. She locked away the sun for a thousand years, and even though she was doing it for the safety of Equestria, she was foolish enough to let it go on for a thousand years, and not look for other solutions.
Twilight Sparkle: Twilight has won my heart along side Luna (later) and Celestia through this fan-fiction. She is the most faithful anything ever to exist, and just amazing 99.999999% of the time. The rest of that time though is her flaws, which just add to her character. Her mask is crippling (I will elaborate later) and it nearly causes both her and Celestia's downfall.
Luna:Luna is immature in her own way, where she doesn't help when she knows what is wrong until it is too late. But during her helpfulness, she nearly dies at least twice, and while doing so, is having two of the most epic mind-battles ever. First, she nearly is killed in TS's mind, one of the coolest scenes ever to exist, and then she uses her nightmare to stop Celestia's Nightmare (Greed)
The Sun: Throughout the story, mainly the last few chapters, I went through an emotional roller-coaster with the Sun. Earlier on I started to hate the Sun for what it was doing to Celestia, but I came to respect it for what it had been through, and its revelation.
The Elements: I am grouping the Elements of Harmony together because that is how it was in the story. Though you don't see much of them, you start to love them even more for what they are willing to do for Twilight, Luna, and Celestia.
Spike:Spike. Good ol' GIANT spike. He was the only one who truly understood why Luna and TS did what they did, and he was the best friend both TS and/or Celestia could have asked for. Especially in the epilogue, Spike became a memorable character by any means.
Discord:Him. HIM!!! Through some contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that Discord started it all. First of all, his first battle with Celestia is what forced her foolishness and her forcing of the Eternal Sun, and his near destruction of TS was that last straw to break her back. I hate HIM with every fiber of my being, even though he appeared as one of the smallest characters in the direct story.
Story Line: Holy mother of god this story line is epic. I am not using the overly used "pretty good" epic, I am using the true definition of amazing in every way. I was gripped throughout the story, wondering with a billion questions all throughout, and the best part is: They were all answered! From the (quite literally) perfect wedding for the most logical shipment in the fandom, to the night out with Twilight was purely amazing, and the removal of the masks kept me wanting more from that point on. When Luna was in TS's mind, I was completely confused until the 3rd time around, and I recognized the technique, though I don't remember what it's called. I personally call it the "Ground-hog Effect" when it replays the events and fixes them a bit each time. When Luna was in what I can only assume as Limbo in TS's mind, I was scared for her life, and when she "fixed" Twilight, I jumped for joy-literally. It was kinda loud and I nearly woke everyone up in my house :/. When they reached Celestia for the first time, I was heart-broken at her condition, and as they delved into her mind, Each mini-story was mind-boggling in itself. When Celestia was visualizing herself as Twilight's mother, I could not figure out why Twilight was so mad. When she revealed her mother's mental break-down for fear of being nothing in Twilight's life, I was nearly clinically depressed. And when Twilight figured out Celestia's mind and how each scenario was a mask, I audibly gasped, for I suck at literature-analysis, and I only then realized all that was happening. When I saw what happened between Celestia and the Sun, I was in a rage, but through some of my mediocre analysis, I overcame it, respected Celestia more along with the Sun. Celestia's punishment...seriously, I had like 30 different possible endings, usually involving torture or death, but being sent as a mortal pony? Seriously? That is the most genius plot twist ever conceived, and I jumped in joy at the positive outcomes. In the epilogue, I was crying throughout the entire letter to Twilight, because it was nearly better than MLD's letter to Mr. Dad dude. And the fact that she would never receive it just saddened me. Plain and simple. Though the Twilight Star, The Faithful Student that Dawn looked at, at the end, was the coolest thing, along with Celestia keeping her promise. Truly, this is the best story-line ever conceived in any story. Ever.
Writing Style:This part is definitely hard to write. Writing style? Which one? it seems like there are hundreds depending upon each scene. The part that I was bombarded with the most was the REAL emotional roller coaster. DH knew when to insert comedy, and did so when it was the lest expected and amazing. I literally wen to watery eyes to hysterical laughter at one part. Oh, and that was consecutive sentences. And in the intense parts of the story line he used a much more intense writing style that made you worry and made you leaping to the edge of your seat as it all unfolded. AND that ground-hog effect was amazing.
Misc:The Masks:Oh my god, the masks? One of the underlying themes in this story, and one of the coolest in any story I have ever read. The masks were used to symbolize lies and deception to try to keep happiness and peace, and they also show that thorough truthfulness saves friendships and even the most ruined relationships.
There is a lot in there, like walls and walls of text. you have been warned. But if you would, I worked hard on covering everything in the story.
Good points. I did come close to changing my avatar; I was going to change it to this:
Actually, my plan was to have my avatar set to point to a PHP script that returned an image, chosen at random from a group. It sort of worked, but had some issues. I did have a signature bar setup on a few forums I frequent that did the randomization quite well, but then I somehow balls'd up my .htaccess file and it stopped working. Oh well.
On another note, anypony who wants to use that pic as their avatar can go ahead, as well. For the record, it's based on this wallpaper.
on a slightly related note I was thinking of making a new avatar, particularly since I've learned to use photoshop in the meantime, not to mention the one I'm using I've used for about 2-3 years for nearly everything, including profile pics on my own PC.
And to be fair I don't "hide" that I like the show, I just don't usually mention it unless someone else brings it up. I did add a rather elaborate easter egg to my games splash screen related to it.
obviously i dont go under the same alias everywhere on the internet.
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
I have pretty much told anyone that asks. My parents know, most if not all my online friends know. Some are skeptical about it, but less I care really. Through my actions though, 2 of which have been bronified at their own will without my interactions, natural curiosity I guess. An I have no in real life friends, rather not.
Telling is the least part of it, or at most in my case. It is telling and explaining why I need a drawing tablet, when they ask to see my work. My work "Art" consisting of mostly just MLP:FIM drawings and characters... Tis not fun really, since ever day is like this described in the picture in the spoiler.
CHAOS, The type of life I live....
Really need topics here.... I should devise sometime.
Well anyway, just so I don't leave this off at a bad note before I go to be--
Zzz... (If only Fluttershy would sing her lullabies like this without the CMC ruining it for her.)
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
/command not recognized. Try /help or /? for help.
The more it goes, the more I'm proud and happy to have share this fiction with you guys in the first place. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as mostly everypony did. Eternal is maybe - if not already, the best fiction related to MLP ever.
As for me, I've read his other fiction yesterday after my work shift.
The Wayward Knight is written during the 30years war with Discord in the past, before NMM. I've read it yesterday and Sweet Celestia this is awesome. Luna's characterization is simply marvelous. Celestia's too. I mean, he's doing an amazing job so far with The Wayward Knight. And you know what? Each dialog is written in an old English Shakespeare would be proud of. Every. Single. Dialog. In old English. He did it wonderfully. It gives a sense of...respect...authority? to both sisters. I mean, wow. Not only he's writing truly epic fictions, but he's writing it in a way nopony ever did, or at least not at this level. Go read it, you'll see what I'm talking about. It's totally worth the time you'll spend on it.
I'm not discussing about the story today, so no spoiler for my part, because I'm probably the only one who have read it right now. It would be useless to spoil things right now but trust me when I say it's as amazing as Eternal. You wanted to know about the sisters past in Eternal? What happened before NMM?
If so, then Enjoy.
If somepony did read The Wayward Knight, I would be pleased to talk about it with you, even though I won't be online for a long 14hours. Be sure I'll answer tonight, though.
page clamed for androids
well i wold but i cant draw worth crap
That may have a collection of issues due to copyright. But, I guess they could by-pass that and offer it free. That could be in the realm of free-use then. I think.
My DeviantArt, so sexy