Spike stole that phoenix away from it's parents, obviously not on purpose but still...
He already touched it, the parents wouldn't have taken it back anyway.
By the way, did anyone else notice that phoenicia are monogamous? That one couple had clearly stayed together from fertilization to hatching. Either that or the hen is a ****, and is already banging someone else even after she had someone else's chicks.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you put Key West in Loch Ness, would it unloch? My DeviantArt
-Omnomnom- ^-^
(The following text was inspired when admiring Pinkie's grace at handling cake)
I hear tell of a woman who lost her arms to the elbows to a landmine when she was very little. While she no longer had those ever-so useful digits at her disposal, it did not stop her from exceeding in writing with graceful lettering with the use of her crippled arms.
It makes me wonder if ponies in general have far more skill with their hooves than we take them for, especially non-unicorns. Seeing as they have longer appendages, along with some handy wrists and elbow joints, one can easily see them performing what we would otherwise assume to be impossible tasks for them.
We see them use their hooves in the show to a seemingly impossible extent; we see pencils and handles being grasped with only one hoof when we would consider it just another perk that are commonplace among cartoons. But do we know for sure if it is simply for the sake of convenience, or if their skill with hooves is proficient enough even at a young age to attempt such feats?
Weee! I got a new phone (It's one of those texting phones. Even though I don't text much.) and got unlimited 3G internet. I forget what you call it. And it's $10 bucks a month. What does that have to do with anything? Well that means I have 24/7 access to this thread. And Youtube. And Fimfiction. And EqD. Wonderfulness, is it not?
Does anyone else really want to move here? Or at least visit, to take your picture with a street sign.
I wonder if anyone there knows about their village's significance (as the first Wikipedia page to show up when searching that term), and whether they appreciate the stroke of luck they've received.
Pageclaim for Brony, Poland.
I'm sorta afraid of Poland (No offense) since they gave Spitfire that voice. You wanna see?
On topic of ponies (I don't care if this was already posted):
Try to figure out which direction the middle Trixie is spinning.
Ponies are taking over everything...
Have a ponified version of the spinning dancer illusion.
Freaking. I remember that. If you practice enough, you can make it seem like she's not going around completely, just rocking back and forth.
So, thoughts on episode.
Lots of continuity in this episode. Fluttershy assertiveness, phoenixes, other stuff I forgot. If there was a Skyrim reference, I wouldn't have caught it (Other than arrow in the knee of course.), since I don't have Skyrim. But I really liked Rarity (Apparently a lot of other people did too.) in this episode, and I don't know why. That last scene with them getting ready to fight was funny to me. Apparently dragons can swim in lava, and it doesn't burn their insides. I also liked the griffons, since we haven't seen a lot of them. And know Twilight/Spike have another pet/companion/assistant/whatever. Pee-wee the phoenix. How wonderful.
Much like how some people (ponies) HAVE to do something at the start of their day or else something might go wrong/they'd be in a depressed mood, would YOUR day go wrong or would YOU be depressed (like me) if you didn't watch MLP:FiM first during Saturdays? *looks at weeks where an episode DIDN'T air in particular*
I'm sorta afraid of Poland (No offense) since they gave Spitfire that voice. You wanna see? //" frameborder="0" autoplay="false" allowfullscreen sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups">
I nearly crapped my pants laughing. Who the hell thinks Spitfire should be voiced by a friggin' guy XD?
Anyways, I made a song for My Little Warzone: Betrayal. Titled it Theme of the Union, would get it recorded and put some picture over it to make it look nicer, but, eh, I don't have the software (unless somepony would like to help me out on that ). You can check it out here: http://eng.musicshak.../song?sn=144420
Hey guys, have my most recent piece of art. I did some more, but I don't like to upload a lot of art at once. I'll upload it later on. (It makes more sense if you read the description.)
Much like how some people (ponies) HAVE to do something at the start of their day or else something might go wrong/they'd be in a depressed mood, would YOUR day go wrong or would YOU be depressed (like me) if you didn't watch MLP:FiM first during Saturdays? *looks at weeks where an episode DIDN'T air in particular*
If not, why or what's your fix, if any?
I find it a bit unsettling for me whenever I have no access to ponies for more than a day. I can stand twenty-four hours without before needing an injection of colors and d'aww. During school days, I always bring a flash drive with all my collected music for those long hours hunched over a computer.
When my laptop died a few weeks ago, I was left completely without access to ponies for almost a week. While I did have several other computers in the house, I had this irrational desire to do anything pony-related solely on the laptop. When it turned out that my laptop was no more, I finally gave in and resumed ponies. It was a relief to be rid of the budding anxiety I experienced at the time.
I nearly crapped my pants laughing. Who the hell thinks Spitfire should be voiced by a friggin' guy XD?
Probably for the same reason Derpy had a voice befitting of a male: Ignorance of the character. For all we know, dubs are achieved through voice actors that likely voice many other characters in movies and shows. So, to save time, they are given lines to say, they say the lines to the best of their ability depending on how much they give a care at the time, and move on to the next script.
I find it a bit unsettling for me whenever I have no access to ponies for more than a day. I can stand twenty-four hours without before needing an injection of colors and d'aww. During school days, I always bring a flash drive with all my collected music for those long hours hunched over a computer.
When my laptop died a few weeks ago, I was left completely without access to ponies for almost a week. While I did have several other computers in the house, I had this irrational desire to do anything pony-related solely on the laptop. When it turned out that my laptop was no more, I finally gave in and resumed ponies. It was a relief to be rid of the budding anxiety I experienced at the time.
I'm sorry, but there's NO way I could last a week without ponies...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
Much like how some people (ponies) HAVE to do something at the start of their day or else something might go wrong/they'd be in a depressed mood, would YOUR day go wrong or would YOU be depressed (like me) if you didn't watch MLP:FiM first during Saturdays? *looks at weeks where an episode DIDN'T air in particular*
If not, why or what's your fix, if any?
Pony Music.
are a few of my favorites. I can't stay in a bad mood after listening to those.
Off topic, I know. Anyvays (V was intentional), I added a little bit to MLW: Betrayal, not sure if I should end on this or not because chapter 5's almost 8,000 words now, anyhow, here it is: http://www.fimfictio...5%3A-Revelation
Actually, they write with their mouths, not with their hooves (which makes sense, as horses have prehensile lips). They haven't done much with their hooves in the series, though they may have made them do a lot more. There's a double amputee out there who can pitch a baseball with his feet.
Much like how some people (ponies) HAVE to do something at the start of their day or else something might go wrong/they'd be in a depressed mood, would YOUR day go wrong or would YOU be depressed (like me) if you didn't watch MLP:FiM first during Saturdays? *looks at weeks where an episode DIDN'T air in particular*
If not, why or what's your fix, if any?
I don't know why people say they need a pony fix. It's ridiculous.
Sometimes on Saturdays that an episode is coming on but I'm not home at the time, I watch the clock until 9:00 (or, more recently, noon) and take note when I start missing the episode. But that's the only thing I do.
I don't know why people say they need a pony fix. It's ridiculous.
To each, their own, but I honestly canNOT go a week, much less a day, without ponies. I'm actually a lot happier whenever I think of the show or anything related to it compared to before I even heard of the series.
Ok does anypony have a direct pdf download link of fallout equestria? because when I try to download it on deviantart the page freezes and refuses to scroll. I need a link soon before my brother gets on.
I is back. But not for long; I won't post as much as before since my IRL life kind of caught up with me. I spent too much time with ponies and not enough with.. well.. everything else. Now everything is back-firing in my face.
A certain somepony should post their final thoughts on a certain excellent fanfiction.
Perfect occasion to use new reaction image:
Wow... It feels like a long time since I last posted here (which is maybe true).
I won't make a huge multiquote post BUT I did read the whole part where you guys talk about Eternal. Yeah. Talk about it again! Don't worry, I won't. Even if this fic is worth all the attention of the world... It's a masterpiece, afterall.
You had to read Eternal to love Twilight? Isn't it clear since the beginning that Twilight is best pony? Yeah, I agree. Eternal changed the way I see both Princesses and Twilight, but only for the good.
The ending feels kind of rush for me too. There was a lot of potential for real sad/bittersweet ending, but he decided to write a more happy one. The story's good nonetheless.
I you want to talk about Eternal, or any other fic, I'm here. I did read a lot between now and the last time I posted. I could make a nice little post with all the reading I did. There are a lot of nice fics among them.
Also I just realized that
By the way, did anyone else notice that phoenicia are monogamous? That one couple had clearly stayed together from fertilization to hatching. Either that or the hen is a ****, and is already banging someone else even after she had someone else's chicks.
My DeviantArt
(The following text was inspired when admiring Pinkie's grace at handling cake)
I hear tell of a woman who lost her arms to the elbows to a landmine when she was very little. While she no longer had those ever-so useful digits at her disposal, it did not stop her from exceeding in writing with graceful lettering with the use of her crippled arms.
It makes me wonder if ponies in general have far more skill with their hooves than we take them for, especially non-unicorns. Seeing as they have longer appendages, along with some handy wrists and elbow joints, one can easily see them performing what we would otherwise assume to be impossible tasks for them.
We see them use their hooves in the show to a seemingly impossible extent; we see pencils and handles being grasped with only one hoof when we would consider it just another perk that are commonplace among cartoons. But do we know for sure if it is simply for the sake of convenience, or if their skill with hooves is proficient enough even at a young age to attempt such feats?
I'm sorta afraid of Poland (No offense) since they gave Spitfire that voice. You wanna see?
Freaking. I remember that. If you practice enough, you can make it seem like she's not going around completely, just rocking back and forth.
So, thoughts on episode.
Much like how some people (ponies) HAVE to do something at the start of their day or else something might go wrong/they'd be in a depressed mood, would YOUR day go wrong or would YOU be depressed (like me) if you didn't watch MLP:FiM first during Saturdays? *looks at weeks where an episode DIDN'T air in particular*
If not, why or what's your fix, if any?
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
I nearly crapped my pants laughing. Who the hell thinks Spitfire should be voiced by a friggin' guy XD?
Anyways, I made a song for My Little Warzone: Betrayal. Titled it Theme of the Union, would get it recorded and put some picture over it to make it look nicer, but, eh, I don't have the software (unless somepony would like to help me out on that ). You can check it out here: http://eng.musicshak.../song?sn=144420
I find it a bit unsettling for me whenever I have no access to ponies for more than a day. I can stand twenty-four hours without before needing an injection of colors and d'aww. During school days, I always bring a flash drive with all my collected music for those long hours hunched over a computer.
When my laptop died a few weeks ago, I was left completely without access to ponies for almost a week. While I did have several other computers in the house, I had this irrational desire to do anything pony-related solely on the laptop. When it turned out that my laptop was no more, I finally gave in and resumed ponies. It was a relief to be rid of the budding anxiety I experienced at the time.
Probably for the same reason Derpy had a voice befitting of a male: Ignorance of the character. For all we know, dubs are achieved through voice actors that likely voice many other characters in movies and shows. So, to save time, they are given lines to say, they say the lines to the best of their ability depending on how much they give a care at the time, and move on to the next script.
Please tell me which in depth exploration of these "Mary Sues" do you like best
I'm sorry, but there's NO way I could last a week without ponies...
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
Actually that's a common misconception. No birds will abandon their young or eggs just because someone touched them.
Pony Music.
are a few of my favorites. I can't stay in a bad mood after listening to those.
And I am happy that one of my favorite ships is being recognized by the show.
Wait what? A chatbar? Like an IRC-kinda thing?
Off topic, I know. Anyvays (V was intentional), I added a little bit to MLW: Betrayal, not sure if I should end on this or not because chapter 5's almost 8,000 words now, anyhow, here it is: http://www.fimfictio...5%3A-Revelation
Actually, they write with their mouths, not with their hooves (which makes sense, as horses have prehensile lips). They haven't done much with their hooves in the series, though they may have made them do a lot more. There's a double amputee out there who can pitch a baseball with his feet.
1. It's griffin. A griffon (pronounced gri-FAWN) is a breed of dog.
2. There were none in this episode, were there?
I don't know why people say they need a pony fix. It's ridiculous.
Sometimes on Saturdays that an episode is coming on but I'm not home at the time, I watch the clock until 9:00 (or, more recently, noon) and take note when I start missing the episode. But that's the only thing I do.
I love stories like this. "I watched it so that I could laugh at how stupid it is, but then I fell in love."
I actually knew that, I just posted it for fun.
My DeviantArt
it's pretty dang good.
Hating on MLP is like hating on Disney movies; they are made for all ages. - Rowsdower
To each, their own, but I honestly canNOT go a week, much less a day, without ponies. I'm actually a lot happier whenever I think of the show or anything related to it compared to before I even heard of the series.
I'm no longer active here since no one else seems to be.
Perfect occasion to use new reaction image:
Wow... It feels like a long time since I last posted here (which is maybe true).
I won't make a huge multiquote post BUT I did read the whole part where you guys talk about Eternal. Yeah. Talk about it again! Don't worry, I won't. Even if this fic is worth all the attention of the world... It's a masterpiece, afterall.
You had to read Eternal to love Twilight? Isn't it clear since the beginning that Twilight is best pony? Yeah, I agree. Eternal changed the way I see both Princesses and Twilight, but only for the good.
The ending feels kind of rush for me too. There was a lot of potential for real sad/bittersweet ending, but he decided to write a more happy one. The story's good nonetheless.
I you want to talk about Eternal, or any other fic, I'm here. I did read a lot between now and the last time I posted. I could make a nice little post with all the reading I did. There are a lot of nice fics among them.
Spike is actually the only one writing with his
handhoofclaw?. Everypony else are writing with their mouth, except unicorns.(wow, this answer feels hollow... I'm sorry.)