Well, for the first time in many (Nightmare) moons, I went to McDonald's. I saw something there that made me give out a silent squee. THEY HAD FREAKIN FIM TOYS!!!
Unfortunately, SoCal assumes things very very quickly, and I was in no mood to be called gay. SO CLOSE!!!
You shouldn't worry about what people think of you! Especially what strangers think.
One time I was on a public bus and some dumbass teens said, "HEY HOMO!" really loud and of course i looked up just to see what was going on and they all started laughing and saying, "ahahaha, you looked you fag!" So I did that stereotypical gay hand-wave thing (not sure exactly how to describe it) and said (with a forced lisp), "Oh! Thanks for noticing cutie! By the way, your hair looks FAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUUUUUS!"
They all went dead silent. It was hilarious.
IDK if they thought I was really serious or what, but so what if they did? I know who I am and people can say false stuff about me all day long if they want, I don't care. Life gets a whole lot easier once you start not caring about what other people think of you.
I have no soul then, as well do not care much for Derpy anymore. Derpy is highly overused, like a badly over used meme now a days. Simple said, I do not care or if at all, care about Derpy anymore.
This is my view and standing by it.
For once we can agree on something. Derpy is beyond overrated, and I think the fandom cares way too much about her.
Hi Everypony.
I just wrote a little bit of my fiction.
It was windy. It was cool. It was beautiful. Roseluck walked along the cobblestone road, her mane fluttering in the wind. She trotted forward, squinting in the wind as her eyes watered from the blustery air. She loved her morning commute to Canterlot, and today was extra lovely. To her, few things were grander than the roaring of wind in her ears as the many scents of the world were brought to her with great eagerness. It was as if the world were trying to show her the beautiful fragrances of the day. Her love of wind made her brisk trot to the Great City marvelous.
Do you think it gets too rant-y? I tend to "Spiderweb" and go off on tangents, and I need some opinions on my writing skills./
I think... that it's perfectly fine. I can't see anything wrong with it. Are you going to write a story or is this just a random snippet you felt like writing?
IDK if they thought I was really serious or what, but so what if they did? I know who I am and people can say false stuff about me all day long if they want, I don't care. Life gets a whole lot easier once you start not caring about what other people think of you..
Such truth here. Life becomes amazing once you abandon the notion that their [assholes, douchebags, jerks] opinions matter in any way.
Yes, there is, I just totally forgot to include it.
Re: My little pony McDonalds Toys:
Funnest part is not implying they are for anybody but yourself. They only had Rarity and Pinkie Pie there though. (that is by the way a friend who got them; he's going for a few complete sets and he's going to send one to me when he get's them)
Also just had another thought on the "first clip/episode you watched" thing. When I first saw it, there were only 7 episodes, and I don't think there were any PMVs or similar reclips of that sort yet. Fanbase was still developing, really.
For me, I was "introduced" to it, ironically, from a google search looking for information on Fallout 3. No joke. One of the links took me to tvtropes, and after browsing that for a while, it linked (in some article) to knowyourmeme; going there, one of the "trending" memes was MLP, and after browsing a few other sections I decided to look at that and see wtf that was about. The page itself had a youtube embed of the first episode, which I watched.
I liked it, which led me to watch the second episode... then the third, than the fourth, than the fifth, until Applebuck Season which at the time was the newest episode, at which point I wanted moar. There was also a stage of self-doubt and confusion about the entire thing.
You guys that are starting later on don't realize how lucky you are to have a veritable base of episodes to watch...
Did I ever show you guys this person who makes Cutie mark pillows on etsy? If not check them out. for $25 you can't go wrong. http://www.etsy.com/...ommission-large
Hum, interesting. However the only pillow I ever would want to buy is not safe enough to link nor post a image/vid here. Well NOT THAT NSFW but enough does not belong here. But ensured it would cost far more then $25 for sure. And it isnt an small pillow, full body and at least 5 to 6 feet tall. and 1-1.5 feet wide.
I wish I could put this in my sig but the image height is too big.
-Gif Snipped-
Well it is quite nice of a Gif, so i took time from drawing here and fixed it. It only took me 3 mins to get it to proper forum specifications and file size. Also Slowed it down to make it look better, it was far to fast before. I could have removed the My Little Brony annoying watermarking.
Well it is quite nice of a Gif, so i took time from drawing here and fixed it. It only took me 3 mins to get it to proper forum specifications and file size. Also Slowed it down to make it look better, it was far to fast before. I could have removed the My Little Brony annoying watermarking.
Made another far better one.
F*** YES! Thanks! My trial of Photoshop ended and I haven't gotten around to torrent... ...I mean purchasing it for real. Thanks for compensating for my laziness!
It is far better slowed down. Quite an improvement!
Solid Sparkle is great. Even JJ made something for her. Edit: Ha, Rowsdower.
I think... that it's perfectly fine. I can't see anything wrong with it. Are you going to write a story or is this just a random snippet you felt like writing?
Such truth here. Life becomes amazing once you abandon the notion that their [assholes, douchebags, jerks] opinions matter in any way.
Yes, it is part of a story, Roseluck in Wonderland. Thanks for the feedback!
And abandoning the notion that what people think you are matters is awesome. People shouldn't judge you based on what you watch. People don't think I'm a hobbit just because I like Lord of the Rings, why should they think I'm gay just because I like MLP?
Yes, there is, I just totally forgot to include it.
Re: My little pony McDonalds Toys:
Funnest part is not implying they are for anybody but yourself. They only had Rarity and Pinkie Pie there though. (that is by the way a friend who got them; he's going for a few complete sets and he's going to send one to me when he get's them)
Also just had another thought on the "first clip/episode you watched" thing. When I first saw it, there were only 7 episodes, and I don't think there were any PMVs or similar reclips of that sort yet. Fanbase was still developing, really.
For me, I was "introduced" to it, ironically, from a google search looking for information on Fallout 3. No joke. One of the links took me to tvtropes, and after browsing that for a while, it linked (in some article) to knowyourmeme; going there, one of the "trending" memes was MLP, and after browsing a few other sections I decided to look at that and see wtf that was about. The page itself had a youtube embed of the first episode, which I watched.
I liked it, which led me to watch the second episode... then the third, than the fourth, than the fifth, until Applebuck Season which at the time was the newest episode, at which point I wanted moar. There was also a stage of self-doubt and confusion about the entire thing.
You guys that are starting later on don't realize how lucky you are to have a veritable base of episodes to watch...
You got Rarity? Lucky, all mine had was Fluttershy and a purple one. Couldn't tell which pony it was. I got Fluttershy, but I might go to a different one to see if they have the best pony. No, pinkie doesn't count as best pony because she's actually an alien. =p
My first bit of briny culture was on the Portal 2 forums, back when we would just post random stuff and speculate on Portal 2. It was the "Pinkie Pie Sphere" video (can't link to it, on an iPad), a picture of Pinkie using giggle at the ghosties on GLaDOs, and a link to the no fear song with a comment that I had assumed to be ironic saying that "REAL men watch FiM and sing along to every single one of Pinkie's songs."
That sparked my curiosity, but I just went on for the next half a year never trying FiM. Various Brony references were made on the SPUF. These in combination with this thread drove me to bronydom.
Well it is quite nice of a Gif, so i took time from drawing here and fixed it. It only took me 3 mins to get it to proper forum specifications and file size. Also Slowed it down to make it look better, it was far to fast before. I could have removed the My Little Brony annoying watermarking.
Made another far better one.
Anyway, anyone else really hoping to see some Half-Life references in MLP? You MGS fans have had you fun. =P
I don't post pony drawing anywhere very often, because they're usually terrible. But other than the legs, I'd say this came out okay!
Also, if anyone has any critique to offer, I'd really, really love to hear it!
I don't post pony drawing anywhere very often, because they're usually terrible. But other than the legs, I'd say this came out okay!
Also, if anyone has any critique to offer, I'd really, really love to hear it!
That is really good, probably better then what I could sketch Discord as. You should never diss your work as crappy/terrible, its how you draw, that makes your art unique. There is no such thing as a Mary Sue artist, never. Even I can say my work isnt what I want it to be, but I do not say it sucks either. In fact, I will keep at it till I reach the level of sastifaction I am happy with. Then it scales up from there, as you learn more and more.
Always be .
Mean time, all out nice Discord. You should get it digitized into vector lines, or color it as is.
I don't post pony drawing anywhere very often, because they're usually terrible. But other than the legs, I'd say this came out okay!
Also, if anyone has any critique to offer, I'd really, really love to hear it!
He's a little, eh...chubby around the waist. But besides that it's pretty good, nice job
I am looking for a t-shirt that shows my bronyism, but doesn't scream ponies. I already have the "20% Cooler" and "Brony" shirts.
I think you should look for shirts that have reference to the show, but aren't obviously related to ponies. Like the wonderbolt shirt that MBM got a while back.
I don't post pony drawing anywhere very often, because they're usually terrible. But other than the legs, I'd say this came out okay!
Also, if anyone has any critique to offer, I'd really, really love to hear it!
First, I would like to say that it is a great drawing. Though, I think the hindlegs need to be the other way, for it to look remotely like he is in a comfortable position.
I'm just getting a little worried that I'm rushing things and I wanted to see what people think of it so far to make sure I can put some more in to fill in the blanks. Yeah, I've skipped over a couple of days here and there but besides that I need to make sure I didn't skip over too much content.
You shouldn't worry about what people think of you! Especially what strangers think.
One time I was on a public bus and some dumbass teens said, "HEY HOMO!" really loud and of course i looked up just to see what was going on and they all started laughing and saying, "ahahaha, you looked you fag!" So I did that stereotypical gay hand-wave thing (not sure exactly how to describe it) and said (with a forced lisp), "Oh! Thanks for noticing cutie! By the way, your hair looks FAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUUUUUS!"
They all went dead silent. It was hilarious.
IDK if they thought I was really serious or what, but so what if they did? I know who I am and people can say false stuff about me all day long if they want, I don't care. Life gets a whole lot easier once you start not caring about what other people think of you.
I'd ask her what her next big project is.
More Solid Twilight.
I love the raw expression on her face. It's like she's seen some truly terrible events.
For once we can agree on something. Derpy is beyond overrated, and I think the fandom cares way too much about her.
I think... that it's perfectly fine. I can't see anything wrong with it. Are you going to write a story or is this just a random snippet you felt like writing?
Such truth here. Life becomes amazing once you abandon the notion that their [assholes, douchebags, jerks] opinions matter in any way.
Yes, there is, I just totally forgot to include it.
Re: My little pony McDonalds Toys:
Funnest part is not implying they are for anybody but yourself. They only had Rarity and Pinkie Pie there though. (that is by the way a friend who got them; he's going for a few complete sets and he's going to send one to me when he get's them)
Also just had another thought on the "first clip/episode you watched" thing. When I first saw it, there were only 7 episodes, and I don't think there were any PMVs or similar reclips of that sort yet. Fanbase was still developing, really.
For me, I was "introduced" to it, ironically, from a google search looking for information on Fallout 3. No joke. One of the links took me to tvtropes, and after browsing that for a while, it linked (in some article) to knowyourmeme; going there, one of the "trending" memes was MLP, and after browsing a few other sections I decided to look at that and see wtf that was about. The page itself had a youtube embed of the first episode, which I watched.
I liked it, which led me to watch the second episode... then the third, than the fourth, than the fifth, until Applebuck Season which at the time was the newest episode, at which point I wanted moar. There was also a stage of self-doubt and confusion about the entire thing.
You guys that are starting later on don't realize how lucky you are to have a veritable base of episodes to watch...
More where that came from.
Hating on MLP is like hating on Disney movies; they are made for all ages. - Rowsdower
Hum, interesting. However the only pillow I ever would want to buy is not safe enough to link nor post a image/vid here. Well NOT THAT NSFW but enough does not belong here. But ensured it would cost far more then $25 for sure. And it isnt an small pillow, full body and at least 5 to 6 feet tall. and 1-1.5 feet wide.
Well it is quite nice of a Gif, so i took time from drawing here and fixed it. It only took me 3 mins to get it to proper forum specifications and file size. Also Slowed it down to make it look better, it was far to fast before. I could have removed the My Little Brony annoying watermarking.
Made another far better one.
F*** YES! Thanks! My trial of Photoshop ended and I haven't gotten around to torrent... ...I mean purchasing it for real. Thanks for compensating for my laziness!
It is far better slowed down. Quite an improvement!
This is awesome.
If I wasn't satisfied with my hipster-head-bobbing Twilight Sparkle, I would make this my avatar.
Good job
Have some more Solid Sparkle as a reward:
*sigh*, looks like I'm gonna be fetching my PS2 out of the garage today...
Yes, it is part of a story, Roseluck in Wonderland. Thanks for the feedback!
And abandoning the notion that what people think you are matters is awesome. People shouldn't judge you based on what you watch. People don't think I'm a hobbit just because I like Lord of the Rings, why should they think I'm gay just because I like MLP?
You got Rarity? Lucky, all mine had was Fluttershy and a purple one. Couldn't tell which pony it was. I got Fluttershy, but I might go to a different one to see if they have the best pony. No, pinkie doesn't count as best pony because she's actually an alien. =p
My first bit of briny culture was on the Portal 2 forums, back when we would just post random stuff and speculate on Portal 2. It was the "Pinkie Pie Sphere" video (can't link to it, on an iPad), a picture of Pinkie using giggle at the ghosties on GLaDOs, and a link to the no fear song with a comment that I had assumed to be ironic saying that "REAL men watch FiM and sing along to every single one of Pinkie's songs."
That sparked my curiosity, but I just went on for the next half a year never trying FiM. Various Brony references were made on the SPUF. These in combination with this thread drove me to bronydom.
Anyway, anyone else really hoping to see some Half-Life references in MLP? You MGS fans have had you fun. =P
See y'all
Also, if anyone has any critique to offer, I'd really, really love to hear it!
That is really good, probably better then what I could sketch Discord as. You should never diss your work as crappy/terrible, its how you draw, that makes your art unique. There is no such thing as a Mary Sue artist, never. Even I can say my work isnt what I want it to be, but I do not say it sucks either. In fact, I will keep at it till I reach the level of sastifaction I am happy with. Then it scales up from there, as you learn more and more.
Always be .
Mean time, all out nice Discord. You should get it digitized into vector lines, or color it as is.
He's a little, eh...chubby around the waist. But besides that it's pretty good, nice job
I think you should look for shirts that have reference to the show, but aren't obviously related to ponies. Like the wonderbolt shirt that MBM got a while back.
First, I would like to say that it is a great drawing. Though, I think the hindlegs need to be the other way, for it to look remotely like he is in a comfortable position.
I need some opinions for it, you can check it out here: http://www.fimfictio...5%3A-Revelation
I'm just getting a little worried that I'm rushing things and I wanted to see what people think of it so far to make sure I can put some more in to fill in the blanks. Yeah, I've skipped over a couple of days here and there but besides that I need to make sure I didn't skip over too much content.