Hello there fellow Bronies of MCF and a warm welcome to the brand new MLP thread.
This is a fresh start because of lacklustre rules and chatting going on in the last one.
Lots of rumours and out of context made quotes about me closing this permanently has been false. I first look at a problem, identifying the issue and resolving said issue. In this case I believe the issue to be vague rules and thus I'm clarifying them here.
No NSFW stuff EVER.
Breaches of this will lead to the same rules as those in the Chat Thread.
This thread is for all things MLP FiM related. Not about what you did today at school/work/camp/gym etc. That belongs in the Chat Thread. People caught chatting in here will get a warning for Off Topic. My Little Pony, nothing else.
All global rules apply, naturally.
That means no One Word Posts, no imageposts, no memes, no videoposts, no flaming, trolling, trollcalling, spam etc.
So with that in mind, have fun talking about all things pony. If you wish to discuss the changes here then make a thread, or use a thread if it exists already, in Forum Discussion & Information. Do not discuss it here.
Post #2 will be the container for all relevant FAQs, server details etc. so ownership might change.
Thank you for your patronage and have a nice day now.
The Pastmaster
Well then, let me start things off. Thoughts on the newest episode, guys? Does anyone have an HD link?
No HD link, sorry, but I do have my thoughts:
-Los Pegasus, Baltimare, LAWL!
-Solid Twilight put a smile on mah face.
-Celestia has another troll moment, that was pretty funny.
And so much more, this truly was a good episode.
I'd give it a 9-9.5/10.
Only issue I did have was that I was slightly disappointed. I mean, only a week ago it said that the new episode was going to be about Twilight's never-mentioned-before brother getting married, unless that's next week. I also was kind of sad there was no MGS reference besides Solid Twilight
Well then, let me start things off. Thoughts on the newest episode, guys? Does anyone have an HD link?
The new episode was nice.. I have to say. The only thing I am getting out of this episode is how there is going to be a huge amount of fanfics emerging due to how Las Pegasus and Baltimare are canon.
Ah, how wonderful. So, now there's a 480p version of the episode.
I think I might just have to link. It's not working. I forget how to make it work.
So what do you guys think of there being no Doctor Who/Back to the Future reference? Does the Solid Twilight make up for that?
Me? I think it does, but still, that 8.75 from me is because of there being no Doctor Who reference, even though Doctor Whooves was in there. And I've never played Metal Gear Solid. Oh well. It was still pretty obvious, so it did make up for it somewhat.
Only issue I did have was that I was slightly disappointed. I mean, only a week ago it said that the new episode was going to be about Twilight's never-mentioned-before brother getting married, unless that's next week. I also was kind of sad there was no MGS reference besides Solid Twilight
I think that may have been the finale that was leaked, not this episode.
And since the last topic was locked, would it be okay if I reposted the last images I shared? Because they were on the last page and didn't get much feedback.
(Is this chatting?)
Ah, how wonderful. So, now there's a 480p version of the episode.
I think I might just have to link. It's not working. I forget how to make it work.
So what do you guys think of there being no Doctor Who/Back to the Future reference? Does the Solid Twilight make up for that?
Me? I think it does, but still, that 8.75 from me is because of there being no Doctor Who reference, even though Doctor Whooves was in there. And I've never played Metal Gear Solid. Oh well. It was still pretty obvious, so it did make up for it somewhat.
Edit: YAYZ! My 500th post was my first post on the new thread! Convenient, eh?
Meh, it's okay. I really did like Solid Twilight. But I'm kind of sad there was no Dr. Whooves. I was also hoping there would've been some kind of relation to Back To The Future, like, perhaps a pony equivalent to Doc Brown? Perhaps? It was okay, I hope the next episode is a bit better.
Woohoo first page posts!
And yes, I enjoyed the new episode wholeheartedly.
Expect alot of fanfic writers to go berzerk with all of the new canon materials. Madame Pinkie, Tartarus and cerberus, time travel, Las Pegasus and Baltimare, I can't wait to see what fic writers will do with this.
Did anyone else notice Dr. Whooves laughing at twilight for the whole "time travel" thing, how hypocritical.
I think that may have been the finale that was leaked, not this episode.
And since the last topic was locked, would it be okay if I reposted the last images I shared? Because they were on the last page and didn't get much feedback.
(Is this chatting?)
I think you'll be A-Okay. But in all reality, I have no idea. But I think you'll be safe. They were good too!
Expect alot of fanfic writers to go berzerk with all of the new canon materials. Madame Pinkie, Tartarus and cerberus, time travel, Las Pegasus and Baltimare, I can't wait to see what fic writers will do with this.
Did anyone else notice Dr. Whooves laughing at twilight for the whole "time travel" thing, how hypocritical.
Yeah, I did notice Doctor Whooves laughing... Man. They said they were calling him Doctor Whooves... Oh well. It'll be fine, they didn't really ruin it much.
Edit: Also, I want to apologize to Brady. Sorry for doubting ya!
Not going to say any spoilers but the new episode to me was meh. There wasnt that many funny parts to me and I dont know wasnt as good as it could of been I guess.
This is a fresh start because of lacklustre rules and chatting going on in the last one.
Lots of rumours and out of context made quotes about me closing this permanently has been false. I first look at a problem, identifying the issue and resolving said issue. In this case I believe the issue to be vague rules and thus I'm clarifying them here.
So with that in mind, have fun talking about all things pony.
Post #2 will be the container for all relevant FAQs, server details etc. so ownership might change.
Thank you for your patronage and have a nice day now.
The Pastmaster
Venit, quessit, induravit.
There is a Minecraft server for all our regular posters to play on and share their alikes: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Family Server
Links of Interest
FlutterRage = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/FlutterRage.gif?t=1307936073
HostageFlutter = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Hostage.gif?t=1307936074
SqueeDash = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Squee.gif?t=1307936075
Alcohol = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Alcohol.gif?t=1308001816
WHYWUBWOO = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/WHYWUBWOO.gif?t=1308001816
BarfSpike = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Barf.gif?t=1308001818
Eyup = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/EYUP.gif?t=1308001820
DoIt = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/DoIt.gif?t=1308001818
Gasp = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Gasp.gif?t=1308001821
Insane = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Insane.gif?t=1308001821
Facehoof = http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc465/CrazyGamer6/Facehoof-2.gif?t=1308001820
If you would like to see more information here, please don't hesitate and pass me a PM! Thanks brADyHD for some content.
Edit: Gentlemen, don't forget to use spoilers for some information.
The new episode was good, but a lot of missed opportunities. HD link will be on EQD later, I'm sure. Also: FIRST PAGE. WOOP.
Another thing, Past, could you maybe link the old thread/ OP from the old thread? Please? PINKIE PLEASE? *Bats eyelashes*
No HD link, sorry, but I do have my thoughts:
-Los Pegasus, Baltimare, LAWL!
-Solid Twilight put a smile on mah face.
-Celestia has another troll moment, that was pretty funny.
And so much more, this truly was a good episode.
I'd give it a 9-9.5/10.
Only issue I did have was that I was slightly disappointed. I mean, only a week ago it said that the new episode was going to be about Twilight's never-mentioned-before brother getting married, unless that's next week. I also was kind of sad there was no MGS reference besides Solid Twilight
You should probably take NEREVAR's advice and use spoilers.
Venit, quessit, induravit.
I believe so. It feels like just yesterday we were watching the last episode of Season One, it confuses me sometimes, too.
I think I might just have to link. It's not working. I forget how to make it work.
So what do you guys think of there being no Doctor Who/Back to the Future reference? Does the Solid Twilight make up for that?
Me? I think it does, but still, that 8.75 from me is because of there being no Doctor Who reference, even though Doctor Whooves was in there. And I've never played Metal Gear Solid.
Edit: Also, there's a new episode announcement. Called MMMystery on the Friendship Express. Have the Zap2it link.
Edit: YAYZ! My 500th post was my first post on the new thread! Convenient, eh?
I think that may have been the finale that was leaked, not this episode.
And since the last topic was locked, would it be okay if I reposted the last images I shared? Because they were on the last page and didn't get much feedback.
(Is this chatting?)
Meh, it's okay. I really did like Solid Twilight. But I'm kind of sad there was no Dr. Whooves. I was also hoping there would've been some kind of relation to Back To The Future, like, perhaps a pony equivalent to Doc Brown? Perhaps? It was okay, I hope the next episode is a bit better.
And yes, I enjoyed the new episode wholeheartedly.
Did anyone else notice Dr. Whooves laughing at twilight for the whole "time travel" thing, how hypocritical.
Reposting best ponydub comic ever for redundancy.
I think you'll be A-Okay. But in all reality, I have no idea. But I think you'll be safe. They were good too!
Spoilers, mate. I'm sorta lagging from that.
Yeah, I did notice Doctor Whooves laughing... Man. They said they were calling him Doctor Whooves... Oh well. It'll be fine, they didn't really ruin it much.
Edit: Also, I want to apologize to Brady. Sorry for doubting ya!
Twilicious comic.
Also, if you're looking for an awesome remix of a pony song, take a gander at this one.
Ohhh! So do you click the unlink button to do it? OK, that makes sense if it works now.
This one is a tracing of one of my older ponies, done in GIMP.
This one my sister asked me to draw. She decided everything (blonde/yellow/goldish hair, alicorn, jewel Cutie Mark) I just drew it.
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
And this one is my OC which I colored in by hand.
I didn't have anything to base these off of, as I have lost all my references. Oh well
Anyway, feedback is welcome, whether it's positive or negative.
Oh, and what was the website that had links to all the HD episodes? Equestria Daily? Could someone link that please?
Have the embed video! Derp. It's not working again. Yes, it's still processing, so just wait for another minute or two!WEATHERMAN!
I moustache you a question...