Humans, because the three would take each other out.
Zerg-From what ive heard, they and the flood are pretty much the same thing. (sorry, i just don't know enough)
Flood-a parasitic lifeform that infects the central nervous system of any lifeform large enough to serve as a host. If it is too small, such as a jackal or grunt, it is turned into a carrier form, which seeks to find the nearest host and explodes, shooting out flod tissue and infection forms EVERYWHERE. Even one flood cell can infect a host. They are fairly resistant to bullets, as they have no real critical hardpoint to kill, just sink bullets till they die. The more numerous the flood are, the more intelligent they become, as they form a gravemind. They retain all the memories of the host, and can pilot aircraft and use rockets, shotguns, rifles...etc. They begin to alter the enviroment around them once they reach a critical number. As fars as what happens after this, nobody knows, because noone has bothered to let them do it. They can pilot starships, and survive in the vacuum of space. They require no sustenance (it is thought).
Borg-Half machine, half organic, they have extremely advanced technology. They seek perfection and assimilate any race or aggressor. Their tech has advanced to the point of the machine portion almost acting like a virus (nanites?) when infecting. Within moments, the assimilated are fully incorporated and will fight for the borg. However, at leisure, the borg are fitted out with machine compenents such as computer devices (and MUCH more) They also do not require sustenance or air to live, as the machine portion provides the organic component with everything it needs. Their starships are FTL, and they have extremely advanced weaponry. It is likely they could simply bombard any infected planet from orbit. However, it would be a toss up if zerg or flood got onto their ships.
Borg due to better technology and weapons.
Numbers dont matter if you got a nuke.
That's what the Terrans thought, but then the Zerg ended up overpowering the Protoss homeworld of Aiur, and assimilating half of unpretected Terran colonies...
what version of starcraft?
if it's the latest, the zerg would win easyly.
they would roach spam everyone else very quickly and they would just be building their bases.
Humans, because the three would take each other out.
Zerg-From what ive heard, they and the flood are pretty much the same thing. (sorry, i just don't know enough)
Flood-a parasitic lifeform that infects the central nervous system of any lifeform large enough to serve as a host. If it is too small, such as a jackal or grunt, it is turned into a carrier form, which seeks to find the nearest host and explodes, shooting out flod tissue and infection forms EVERYWHERE. Even one flood cell can infect a host. They are fairly resistant to bullets, as they have no real critical hardpoint to kill, just sink bullets till they die. The more numerous the flood are, the more intelligent they become, as they form a gravemind. They retain all the memories of the host, and can pilot aircraft and use rockets, shotguns, rifles...etc. They begin to alter the enviroment around them once they reach a critical number. As fars as what happens after this, nobody knows, because noone has bothered to let them do it. They can pilot starships, and survive in the vacuum of space. They require no sustenance (it is thought).
Borg-Half machine, half organic, they have extremely advanced technology. They seek perfection and assimilate any race or aggressor. Their tech has advanced to the point of the machine portion almost acting like a virus (nanites?) when infecting. Within moments, the assimilated are fully incorporated and will fight for the borg. However, at leisure, the borg are fitted out with machine compenents such as computer devices (and MUCH more) They also do not require sustenance or air to live, as the machine portion provides the organic component with everything it needs. Their starships are FTL, and they have extremely advanced weaponry. It is likely they could simply bombard any infected planet from orbit. However, it would be a toss up if zerg or flood got onto their ships.
In conclusion, Nobody wins.
Edit: what if they banded together?
Banded together?EVERYONE IS SCREWED.
BTW they aren't like the flood. They have more than a couple of forms.
what version of starcraft?
if it's the latest, the zerg would win easyly.
they would roach spam everyone else very quickly and they would just be building their bases.
Nah I'll DT Expand, transition into robotics, get out 5-6 Immortals and win.
People are forgetting that the Flood defeated the Forerunners. The Forerunners could decimate the Borg easily. It is obvious to me that the Flood would win.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Intelligence is not one and the same with knowledge.
They do require a human host. It's just not a biological parasite.
No they don't, they have assimilated thousands of species.
I haven't played much starcraft, but I'd still put my money on the Borg. Once the Borg have assimilated some Zerg, they would aquire their biological uniqueness, giving them a leg up.
I don't know a thing about flood, whoever they are. So, I can't comment on them.
But someone mentioned the replicators from SG-1/atlantis. They would pretty much lay waste on everyone. It was only by blind luck that they got contained in stargate.
Humans, as depicted in TV shows we always win, but realistically, as we are now, all the above races would plow through us like we weren't even here. Earth would be toast within hours.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."
Borg.The Flood don't have any space faring capability. The Borg could easily just stay in orbit and fry the surface of any planet infected by the Flood. Not to mention the fact that the Borg are half robot, and would probably be immune to parasitic attackers.
I don't play Starcraft, so I'm not familiar with the attributes of the Zerg.
The flood have space faring capability. If they get in any ship they will keep growing until they are filling the ship,
Giving them ability to pilot.
Seems to me like the replicators and borg are similar enough that they might join forces, at least temporarily. I can tell you right now, the Goa'uld don't stand a chance. I think the flood would dominate the zerg because of their ability to infect dead foes. So if it came down to flood and zerg versus replicators and borg, I think the replicators and borg would win. The flood can't infect replicators or borg, but the borg could assimilate flood or zerg. (Borg are controlled by their electronics. If their organic parts were infected, the parasite would only have partial control of the body and would be useless as a soldier.) Once the flood assimilated the zerg, and the borg assimilated the flood with the help of the replicators, I think the replicators would turn on the borg and win out overall. Just my thoughts.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This enlightening post brought to you courtesy of a serious overabundance of free time.
The Borg would be on the bottom of my list.
I've never played Starcraft so I don't know the Zerg's abilities.
My vote would be the flood. They infect dead bodies and can keep infecting the same bodies over and over again, so all they need to remain a competitor in this Battle of the Evils is a single flood spore to survive and they can keep coming back time and time again, with or without a Gravemind.
Zerg-From what ive heard, they and the flood are pretty much the same thing. (sorry, i just don't know enough)
Flood-a parasitic lifeform that infects the central nervous system of any lifeform large enough to serve as a host. If it is too small, such as a jackal or grunt, it is turned into a carrier form, which seeks to find the nearest host and explodes, shooting out flod tissue and infection forms EVERYWHERE. Even one flood cell can infect a host. They are fairly resistant to bullets, as they have no real critical hardpoint to kill, just sink bullets till they die. The more numerous the flood are, the more intelligent they become, as they form a gravemind. They retain all the memories of the host, and can pilot aircraft and use rockets, shotguns, rifles...etc. They begin to alter the enviroment around them once they reach a critical number. As fars as what happens after this, nobody knows, because noone has bothered to let them do it. They can pilot starships, and survive in the vacuum of space. They require no sustenance (it is thought).
Borg-Half machine, half organic, they have extremely advanced technology. They seek perfection and assimilate any race or aggressor. Their tech has advanced to the point of the machine portion almost acting like a virus (nanites?) when infecting. Within moments, the assimilated are fully incorporated and will fight for the borg. However, at leisure, the borg are fitted out with machine compenents such as computer devices (and MUCH more) They also do not require sustenance or air to live, as the machine portion provides the organic component with everything it needs. Their starships are FTL, and they have extremely advanced weaponry. It is likely they could simply bombard any infected planet from orbit. However, it would be a toss up if zerg or flood got onto their ships.
In conclusion, Nobody wins.
Edit: what if they banded together?
That's what the Terrans thought, but then the Zerg ended up overpowering the Protoss homeworld of Aiur, and assimilating half of unpretected Terran colonies...
This thread needs a poll.
if it's the latest, the zerg would win easyly.
they would roach spam everyone else very quickly and they would just be building their bases.
Banded together?EVERYONE IS SCREWED.
BTW they aren't like the flood. They have more than a couple of forms.
It gets a result.
This. None shall defeat the Tyranids, even if their not a choice!
Plus the Zerg aren't limited to finding hosts, they can spawn their own army.
Nah I'll DT Expand, transition into robotics, get out 5-6 Immortals and win.
The Borg don't use parasites.
They do require a human host. It's just not a biological parasite.
No they don't, they have assimilated thousands of species.
I haven't played much starcraft, but I'd still put my money on the Borg. Once the Borg have assimilated some Zerg, they would aquire their biological uniqueness, giving them a leg up.
I don't know a thing about flood, whoever they are. So, I can't comment on them.
But someone mentioned the replicators from SG-1/atlantis. They would pretty much lay waste on everyone. It was only by blind luck that they got contained in stargate.
Humans, as depicted in TV shows we always win, but realistically, as we are now, all the above races would plow through us like we weren't even here. Earth would be toast within hours.
The flood have space faring capability. If they get in any ship they will keep growing until they are filling the ship,
Giving them ability to pilot.
although i prefer terran as they have nukes...
Seems to me like the replicators and borg are similar enough that they might join forces, at least temporarily. I can tell you right now, the Goa'uld don't stand a chance. I think the flood would dominate the zerg because of their ability to infect dead foes. So if it came down to flood and zerg versus replicators and borg, I think the replicators and borg would win. The flood can't infect replicators or borg, but the borg could assimilate flood or zerg. (Borg are controlled by their electronics. If their organic parts were infected, the parasite would only have partial control of the body and would be useless as a soldier.) Once the flood assimilated the zerg, and the borg assimilated the flood with the help of the replicators, I think the replicators would turn on the borg and win out overall. Just my thoughts.
so zerg
I've never played Starcraft so I don't know the Zerg's abilities.
My vote would be the flood. They infect dead bodies and can keep infecting the same bodies over and over again, so all they need to remain a competitor in this Battle of the Evils is a single flood spore to survive and they can keep coming back time and time again, with or without a Gravemind.