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Thread Latest Post Replies Views
A glitch on Nova Skin >>
by 4ngrytheforuman
0 245
So i just got a new graphics card... >>
by Aquaman1125
27 1,243
Solved is 2.4 Ghz enough for a laptop >>
by ghostjusr
3 817
Videos on My website does not play, Need Help. >>
by pro_gaming
0 4,957
Typing/slashes/instead/of/spaces.../plz/help! >>
by Stacks64
7 706
Overclocking >>
by Whitebear8251
2 2,211
Google, explain... >>
by Stacks64
1 415
Things to NOT do to your computer >>
by Stacks64
11 1,780
How to grant partial SSH Access to customers. >>
by Pristineslayer
1 489
Help needed: I'm getting windows errors just by opening minecraft >>
by Stacks64
3 578
Friend on Linux having trouble on launcher. >>
by TheDerpu0ne
16 3,091
will this laptop run Minecraft? >>
by sofialopes78
20 4,987
Windows 10 - Server Set up Tutorial >>
by Lythrox
1 449
Hardware CPU suddenly overheating when launching Minecraft >>
by Zemeina
1 3,725
Can't connect to irc >>
by Stacks64
0 235
Minecraft is lagging on 5ghz >>
by Mopigames
1 597
Hardware Minecraft keeps setting my monitor from 144hz to 60hz mode >>
by rambler_
1 815
Hardware Will my Laptop run Minecraft smoothly?? Non Minecraft player DAD needs Help!!! >>
by isi2018
9 1,216
Windows 10 - Controller Issues >>
by MidNightGaymer
1 677
Mid tier gaming PC crashes when I play minecraft even though it's not using all resources, overheating my cpu, or lagging at all >>
by lowekeey
2 637
by HeathWoods
1 1,155
Lag source found and it's WEIRD! A lag mystery I'd like to see solved >>
by Bartooliinii
2 668
how do i repair this whatever i did >>
by Ariyomi
1 790
Hardware Cross-platform connectivity issues >>
by Ghotilo
1 5,468
Zu wenig FPS auf Gommehd Server trotz neuer Grafikkarte >>
by NiclM07
2 1,217
WORST screen recorder ever? >>
by IronicMinecraftJokes
2 2,524
Software After Effects CS6 Audio Problem (It's pretty specific) >>
by TheKusari
2 8,129
My mouse cant doubleclick >>
by caspa_iron
15 6,303
Issue seeing custom mobs using Blockbench >>
by Epic_Gamer100
0 2,143
Minecraft help plz >>
by InsaneVipers
1 582