As the title suggests, I am looking for an effective way to learn Python. I am a noob programmer, and I have chosen python as my first programming language. I already am aware of the amount of time that will be put into learning this language, and any other language, in the matter. My uncle, who works for Google, has advised me to begin learning with a simple language such as Python, and then move onto Java, a more advanced language.
As of now, I have only watched the 43 videos at TheNewBoston which probably have only taught me the bare minimum of Python. The tutorials may even be good, but I feel as if what Bucky was teaching was too simple. I haven't just watched and forgotten everything, I practiced with what I have learned so far, and I am feeling comfortable.
If these videos are nowhere near enough, can you guys help guide me with what I should do next to further my knowledge? Are there other videos that may teach me more advanced things with this language? I am willing to buy any book that will help me learn more effectively, but my budget is at most $60.
TheNewBoston tutorials have helped wet my feet in programming, but they do not seem to be the most reliable sources. From what I have experienced so far, programming seems like a lot of fun, and I just want to keep learning more.
Besides this, when do you guys think would be an appropriate time to move onto another programming language?
As the title suggests, I am looking for an effective way to learn Python. I am a noob programmer, and I have chosen python as my first programming language. I already am aware of the amount of time that will be put into learning this language, and any other language, in the matter. My uncle, who works for Google, has advised me to begin learning with a simple language such as Python, and then move onto Java, a more advanced language.
If you want to learn Java go learn Java.
Oh and the best way to learn? Code. Code code and then code some more.
As of now, I have only watched the 43 videos at TheNewBoston which probably have only taught me the bare minimum of Python. The tutorials may even be good, but I feel as if what Bucky was teaching was too simple. I haven't just watched and forgotten everything, I practiced with what I have learned so far, and I am feeling comfortable.
TheNewBoston is a terrible website to learn from, that's pretty funny even a novice can recognize that he really isn't teaching you anything. Generally reading is much better than videos. Just start coding something.
TheNewBoston tutorials have helped wet my feet in programming, but they do not seem to be the most reliable sources. From what I have experienced so far, programming seems like a lot of fun, and I just want to keep learning more.
Besides this, when do you guys think would be an appropriate time to move onto another programming language?
See above.
If i'm not giving very much information that's because there isn't much information to give. People have asked me this crap a thousand times and the best way to learn to program is to just go program. It doesn't even matter what it is, if you're writing code and challenging yourself you will learn.
Satharis, I realized that the best way to learn code is to code. Now the thing is, TheNewBoston did a pretty bad job, in my honest opinion, teaching me what I CAN code. I just don't know the power of Python, and don't really have an idea how I can get started. Once again, I am a noob programmer.
Along with what Satharis said, if you want some resources to help you along, I would recommend Learn Python The Hard Way and Invent With Python. You should also bookmark the official documentation so you can look at it whenever necessary. If you have a question about something, Stackoverflow is a good community site where you can ask questions and get answers from (sometimes) professionals in the subject.
Also, thank you so much for all the exercises. I guess that just answered my question on how to execute what I know. I will begin working on invent with python first and then learn python the hard way. Thank you guys so much!
Also, thank you so much for all the exercises. I guess that just answered my question on how to execute what I know. I will begin working on invent with python first and then learn python the hard way. Thank you guys so much!
Tutorials, think of things you can try to make. E.g.: Small games, maybe something to do with files, who knows. Just make sure to start on small projects.
Start small and work into something bigger, just add more and more features to your program. Whenever you get stuck, try to figure it out, then look it up. You might find a better/faster way to do it. So you are challenging yourself and you are learning.
Actually, I don't know about anyone else, but I found Python pretty hard to use...
IMHO, Java and C# are the easiest programming languages I have found, although I haven't tried every programming language XD
Well, it seems like you are special After asking around everywhere, most said that Python would be the easiest and best language to learn as a first. I wish I could learn C# or maybe even C++ without any problem as my first haha.
Also, back to my original post, I have been working with learning python the hard way, which was highly suggested. I just wanted to ask, is it necessary to learn the basics of powershell? I mean I already learned the basics, because the author suggested to do so, but is it really a necessity?
Not wanting to start up another thread for a probably stupid question, I came back here to have it answered. It seems like you all know what you are talking about
So, for these past five days, I have been taking first term finals in school and had to focus on that and leave learning python until I finished.
Anyway, I learned the basics of powershell, and now I am just starting with python itself. My first noob question has arrived! In Learning Python the hard way, exercise 0, the setup, there is something that confuses me. Maybe I already know what the program is, but have never known the name...
Here are the steps :
5. Run your Terminal program. It won't look like much. 6. In your Terminal program, run python.
So, I may have been using the terminal program already, but I am not sure what it is. How can I figure out what my terminal program is? Or better yet, what is a terminal program? Really sorry for the question if it is a stupid one that anyone could figure out..
Alright so following the tutorial, I do not delete the entire variable value for path, but instead just add
;C:/Python2.7 at the end right? And also, I don't put python 2.7, I write 2.7.3?
Well I'd say search for tutorials and code examples yourself. I've had little to no help finding tutorials and things like that. I just think if you want something bad enough you should use your web browsing experience to find things yourself. I've probably spent a good 24-48 hours collectively looking for good tutorials, languages, and help with errors. I guess I just think personal experience with trying and getting frustrated at not being able to find anything gives you a better sense of accomplishment in the end when you hit gold and find some great resources.
Exactly, Once you know how the general idea of the language then you can start coding stuff and if you need to know how to do something, then just google it. No point in learning stuff you may never use. Wasted brain space.
No, learning a language == learning how to code. In fact, I'd rather learn how to code than learn a language, why? Because learning a language is easy, learning how to code is something that you just can't teach yourself. Which is why people go to 4 years of college to learn how to program. I guess they have a ton of wasted brain space, right?
No, learning a language == learning how to code. In fact, I'd rather learn how to code than learn a language, why? Because learning a language is easy, learning how to code is something that you just can't teach yourself. Which is why people go to 4 years of college to learn how to program. I guess they have a ton of wasted brain space, right?
To be fair college tends to barely do anything for people's coding abilities.
The people that know how to program are the ones that do it in their spare time.
As of now, I have only watched the 43 videos at TheNewBoston which probably have only taught me the bare minimum of Python. The tutorials may even be good, but I feel as if what Bucky was teaching was too simple. I haven't just watched and forgotten everything, I practiced with what I have learned so far, and I am feeling comfortable.
If these videos are nowhere near enough, can you guys help guide me with what I should do next to further my knowledge? Are there other videos that may teach me more advanced things with this language? I am willing to buy any book that will help me learn more effectively, but my budget is at most $60.
TheNewBoston tutorials have helped wet my feet in programming, but they do not seem to be the most reliable sources. From what I have experienced so far, programming seems like a lot of fun, and I just want to keep learning more.
Besides this, when do you guys think would be an appropriate time to move onto another programming language?
If you want to learn Java go learn Java.
Oh and the best way to learn? Code. Code code and then code some more.
TheNewBoston is a terrible website to learn from, that's pretty funny even a novice can recognize that he really isn't teaching you anything. Generally reading is much better than videos. Just start coding something.
See above.
If i'm not giving very much information that's because there isn't much information to give. People have asked me this crap a thousand times and the best way to learn to program is to just go program. It doesn't even matter what it is, if you're writing code and challenging yourself you will learn.
Also, thank you so much for all the exercises. I guess that just answered my question on how to execute what I know. I will begin working on invent with python first and then learn python the hard way. Thank you guys so much!
Tutorials, think of things you can try to make. E.g.: Small games, maybe something to do with files, who knows. Just make sure to start on small projects.
Well at least I know someone read what I said.
My bad!
Well, it seems like you are special
Also, back to my original post, I have been working with learning python the hard way, which was highly suggested. I just wanted to ask, is it necessary to learn the basics of powershell? I mean I already learned the basics, because the author suggested to do so, but is it really a necessity?
"Programmers never repeat themselves. They loop."
So, for these past five days, I have been taking first term finals in school and had to focus on that and leave learning python until I finished.
Anyway, I learned the basics of powershell, and now I am just starting with python itself. My first noob question has arrived! In Learning Python the hard way, exercise 0, the setup, there is something that confuses me. Maybe I already know what the program is, but have never known the name...
Here are the steps :
5. Run your Terminal program. It won't look like much.
6. In your Terminal program, run python.
Here is a link, if anything :
So, I may have been using the terminal program already, but I am not sure what it is. How can I figure out what my terminal program is? Or better yet, what is a terminal program? Really sorry for the question if it is a stupid one that anyone could figure out..
;C:/Python2.7 at the end right? And also, I don't put python 2.7, I write 2.7.3?
No, learning a language == learning how to code. In fact, I'd rather learn how to code than learn a language, why? Because learning a language is easy, learning how to code is something that you just can't teach yourself. Which is why people go to 4 years of college to learn how to program. I guess they have a ton of wasted brain space, right?
Thinking about coming a mod to simply not moderate.
To be fair college tends to barely do anything for people's coding abilities.
The people that know how to program are the ones that do it in their spare time.