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Quote from Velocity999 I be climbing in yo' windows, snatching yo' sheep up! Surely there are other from Wales in this sub-forum?
Quote from Velocity999 What I posted was my connection in my father's house. The internet her in my mum's is way better, I might post it if I can be bothered. Where in Wales do you live?
Quote from DarkDimensionX http://www.speedtest.../1857882965.png Mine works but its not great. My ping is extremely high for some reason.
Quote from alondite1010 Wow, what do you pay for yours? It'd seem like you get higher for the big city compared to mine in suburbs Philly.
Quote from Buy4matt http://www.speedtest.../1857925816.png I win.
Quote from eftj I always wanted to go top that! Have fun, and do a speed test whilst you are there!
Quote from CentrallyProcessed Do want.
Quote from Huntlocker 8AM in the morning and most people are asleep
Hello, Welsh too.
Internet does suck in the UK especially in Wales where it is a lot more rural.
In the North, middle bit.
Sadly this is my works speed test... My home is 2MB/s (20mbps) download and only ~250KB/s (1mbps)upload
Mine works but its not great. My ping is extremely high for some reason.
Peak hours right now, it's 9PM
Wow, what do you pay for yours? It'd seem like you get higher for the big city compared to mine in suburbs Philly.
Im not sure how much we pay for it. We do not live in San Francisco, we live about an hour and a half away.
We pay for 15/5... Thats like 80 bucks too... Yeah rural monopolies!
Is ping good or bad?
Server: ~1300 mi
I will do :3 (unless my computer crashes or something)
First test at The Gathering. More to come
It's in the middle of the day here in Norway, everybody just came here (and are doing speedtests) so I expect better results in the night.
thats me