I was wondering if any of you know much about game coding, how did you guys learn to do code. it I've tried to learn code and memorize it myself but i couldn't.
I first got interested in coding by working on small scripts that were necessary to do certain things in Oblivion's construction set. I later took a college course on C++ to get properly introduced to object-oriented programming (also picked up some useful information like sorting methods.) After learning the basics of object-oriented programming I was able to grasp how to use UnrealScript (for UT2004 modding,) which had previously confounded me.
I have yet to learn how to render graphics, ect. in C++ so that I can make a proper game. My other classes have kept me busy, so I'm not even modding right now.
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Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
I beg to differ. When you are first starting out, yes, it is boring. It's repetitive. It's simple. It's what it has to be to get you to learn it. Once you are 'fluent' in a language though, you are open to so many possibilities. When you know a language you no longer have to worry about the simple things, and you get to run free with it. It's actually quite fun IMHO, but only after you know the basics.
I was wondering if any of you know much about game coding, how did you guys learn to do code. it I've tried to learn code and memorize it myself but i couldn't.
edit: lucky 777 post. :biggrin.gif:
I have yet to learn how to render graphics, ect. in C++ so that I can make a proper game. My other classes have kept me busy, so I'm not even modding right now.
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
I have made 4 video games. I also have a Canadian game design team called "FlashFire Games" I founded it and I am the CEO.
If you need JavaScript help, I'm the guy to call :biggrin.gif:
I beg to differ. When you are first starting out, yes, it is boring. It's repetitive. It's simple. It's what it has to be to get you to learn it. Once you are 'fluent' in a language though, you are open to so many possibilities. When you know a language you no longer have to worry about the simple things, and you get to run free with it. It's actually quite fun IMHO, but only after you know the basics.