So, bedrock player here, I'm having a problem with using a command block to place a lever.
when i type the command:
/setblock 4 58 -1 lever
the lever places upside down one the air block above it instead of placing right side up on the block below it. Ive tried a lot of things that i’m too lazy to list, but can someone help me out?
So, bedrock player here, I'm having a problem with using a command block to place a lever.
when i type the command:
/setblock 4 58 -1 lever
the lever places upside down one the air block above it instead of placing right side up on the block below it. Ive tried a lot of things that i’m too lazy to list, but can someone help me out?
Minecraft Version?
In older Versions add a number
Try different numbers until you find the correct position or take a look at this list:
In newer versions, use lever_direction
The other values are:
east, west, south, north, up_north_south, up_east_west, down_north_south
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