is it possible to have them adjacent to each other or do they have to have a gap in between so there's no interference.
i want to have three item frames side-by-side and comparator outputs behind each of them - i can split the signals further apart eventually but right out of the item frame block support they will be touching each other.
is it possible to have them adjacent to each other or do they have to have a gap in between so there's no interference.
i want to have three item frames side-by-side and comparator outputs behind each of them - i can split the signals further apart eventually but right out of the item frame block support they will be touching each other.
hello, anybody ?
You can use the concept of the multiple item separator, making a level of-set, Or you can extend the signal by puting bloks.
thanks for your response, not sure what the last picture means - "extend the signal by putting blocks" ?