I've been trying to use the /locate poi #minecraft:village but it just shows me the coordinates of my bed, cauldron, compost, etc.. i can't figure out how to just locate an actual village. Any ideas?
i would also break those blocks that are considered for villagers and try the command again, but it just tells me that its incorrect or it just wont work.
I've been trying to use the /locate poi #minecraft:village but it just shows me the coordinates of my bed, cauldron, compost, etc.. i can't figure out how to just locate an actual village. Any ideas?
i would also break those blocks that are considered for villagers and try the command again, but it just tells me that its incorrect or it just wont work.
the new locate command system is a little wonky.
that isn't how the locate command works, you need to run: /locate minecraft:village_desert, /locate minecraft:village_plains,
/locate minecraft:village_savanna, /locate minecraft:village_snowy, or /locate minecraft:village_taiga.
I hope this helps
Me too. using locate command returns nothing. No response at all. very annoying.
/locate structure village_plains / village_desert / village_savanna / village_snowy / village_taiga
hope that helps. Minehonza123
Hi all.
The problem is within the WorldGuard plugin, and the locate command is overriding the minecraft locate command.
Simple fix:
type /minecraft:locate biome/structure/poi
I'd the same problem. I figured out that it was a bought world. (the gamerules were changed by the creator).
Maybe the one or another turned them off or is playing a world from someone else,
so just be sure that your commandfeedback is turned on! I play Bedrock btw
/gamerule sendcommandfeedback true
Thank you so much!!!