i have a tree grid and want players to be able to click a button to automatically add a selection to their clipboard so they can paste it else where.
Either using command blocks (dont think its possible) or world edit, i know you can type //schem load "name" with world edit then the player could type //paste but i was wondering if there was a way for the player to just press a button and the //schem load "name" command would automatically add the schem to their clipboard.
You should be able to do this. Are you Bedrock edition? How far away do you need to be able to paste this?
For Bedrock edition:
I would tag the player with their own clipboard value (depending on how many players and how many are doing this at the same time this could get tedious)
Say we tagged 1 player with /tag @p add clip1
At each button I would have an impulse command block that does something like
This command would test for which player is in the area based on which clipboard you assign to them. Then it's up to you to find a location to clone to. From that location you will clone to where ever the player decides for you to clone.
Here is what im trying to achieve...
i have a tree grid and want players to be able to click a button to automatically add a selection to their clipboard so they can paste it else where.
Either using command blocks (dont think its possible) or world edit, i know you can type //schem load "name" with world edit then the player could type //paste but i was wondering if there was a way for the player to just press a button and the //schem load "name" command would automatically add the schem to their clipboard.
You should be able to do this. Are you Bedrock edition? How far away do you need to be able to paste this?
For Bedrock edition:
I would tag the player with their own clipboard value (depending on how many players and how many are doing this at the same time this could get tedious)
Say we tagged 1 player with /tag @p add clip1
At each button I would have an impulse command block that does something like
/execute @e[tag=clip1,x=~,y=~,z=~,r=3] ~~~ clone ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
This command would test for which player is in the area based on which clipboard you assign to them. Then it's up to you to find a location to clone to. From that location you will clone to where ever the player decides for you to clone.