-Addons chosen to improve quality of life to ease the grind for adult players with limited play time and improved options for building and detail.
-Addons include Essentials, furniture, bosses+, Hikers friend, better jukeboxes and spark portals.
-Afreshed textures and animations
-No stealing, PvP, greifing, generally annoying or disrespectful behavior.
-Voice chat is preferred but not required at all times besides when new players are first joining to go over basic information.
-No set build locations, if you see another build or players base build outside of render distance unless you have asked for permission. If planning a large build mark out a perimeter.
-When still new to the realm stay out of other players bases unless invited in to lessen unnecessary accusations due to lack of trust in new players.
-No duplication glitches or other exploits that could negatively affect others gameplay.
-Large redstone devices, large groupings of mobs/entities or anything that causes lag must be placed isolated from your main base so they can be completely unloaded when not in use. Mobs/pet limit per base area is 10.
-It is expected for players to be mindful of their Entity usage. Overuse of Entities in one location will cause lag for the whole realm and require changes. If you are unsure of what an Entity is refer to "tips to reduce lag" or DM Vinny.
-Players are not permitted to AFK between 4pm and 10pm eastern US to keep spots open for active players.
-Square world border extending 15000 in all directions from zero zero. You may travel outside this limit but the world is reset periodically past the border. This also applies to the Nether extending 2000 from zero zero. The End is also periodically reset.
-It is required for all players to join the "Realm Stories" in the pause menu and remain a member of the discord.
Please have patience as we add people one at a time.
-Addons chosen to improve quality of life to ease the grind for adult players with limited play time and improved options for building and detail.
-Addons include Essentials, furniture, bosses+, Hikers friend, better jukeboxes and spark portals.
-Afreshed textures and animations
-No stealing, PvP, greifing, generally annoying or disrespectful behavior.
-Voice chat is preferred but not required at all times besides when new players are first joining to go over basic information.
-No set build locations, if you see another build or players base build outside of render distance unless you have asked for permission. If planning a large build mark out a perimeter.
-When still new to the realm stay out of other players bases unless invited in to lessen unnecessary accusations due to lack of trust in new players.
-No duplication glitches or other exploits that could negatively affect others gameplay.
-Large redstone devices, large groupings of mobs/entities or anything that causes lag must be placed isolated from your main base so they can be completely unloaded when not in use. Mobs/pet limit per base area is 10.
-It is expected for players to be mindful of their Entity usage. Overuse of Entities in one location will cause lag for the whole realm and require changes. If you are unsure of what an Entity is refer to "tips to reduce lag" or DM Vinny.
-Players are not permitted to AFK between 4pm and 10pm eastern US to keep spots open for active players.
-Square world border extending 15000 in all directions from zero zero. You may travel outside this limit but the world is reset periodically past the border. This also applies to the Nether extending 2000 from zero zero. The End is also periodically reset.
-It is required for all players to join the "Realm Stories" in the pause menu and remain a member of the discord.
Please have patience as we add people one at a time.