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Hi, recently started a realm. Looking for more EU players for timezone purposes so we can play together
Very small friendly group atm, range from 22-31, we chat on discord
No experience necessary, let me know if you're interested
Helloo. I could be interested in joining your realm.
IGN Temot dna
Discord Temot dna#0771
Hello ! I'd be happy to join realm IGN : BachiCG Discord : BachiCG#9254
Looking for an active realm or community of players to merge realms for a restart project
ubergine ubergine#6207
IGN BBH Jasper
Discord Name ! Jasper#6841
How firm are u on having only players in Europe? Im in the US, if its not a huge deal my username is Cephal 5707, discord is TheOctopus824#9847
Hi I'd be interested in joining.
Discord is crowben2022#9987
Hi, recently started a realm. Looking for more EU players for timezone purposes so we can play together
Very small friendly group atm, range from 22-31, we chat on discord
No experience necessary, let me know if you're interested
Helloo. I could be interested in joining your realm.
IGN Temot dna
Discord Temot dna#0771
Hello ! I'd be happy to join realm
IGN : BachiCG
Discord : BachiCG#9254
Looking for an active realm or community of players to merge realms for a restart project
Helloo. I could be interested in joining your realm.
IGN BBH Jasper
Discord Name ! Jasper#6841
How firm are u on having only players in Europe? Im in the US, if its not a huge deal my username is Cephal 5707, discord is TheOctopus824#9847
Hi I'd be interested in joining.
Discord is crowben2022#9987