My Microsoft tag is Dapper DLnosaur. I'm 30, about to be 31. I haven't ever been able to actually finish a build, but if I join this realm I would likely try to focus on building some kind of megastore, as it's something I've never set out to do before.
Sent you a discord invite.
Hi! Can I join? My discord is Brillie#9482
I would love to join!
My discord is AniSama#9264
Post Script: If no one has replied by tomorrow then I'll change that to my Minecraft username.
(I don't remember it, and I'm having trouble logging in right now.)
Sent fr on discord
Hey I'm 27 and a seasoned builder. I have a friend 26 who would also join with me. We'd love to join if you'd have us add ne on Discord: daBear#0013
Got everyone added
I'd like to join. I'm AingusMcGuyver on bedrock. and onlylies1000 on discord. Thanks.
forgot to mention, I'm 42 and to get to know me, come try out my quest on my world.
I’d like to join!! Kenkan98
Got you both added
Gamertag Sarahlynne or xdark sarahx
discord annaroberts#8954
Gamertag: STU Kebin
I’m interested GT: Pathfinder78184
Interested! Xbox is xxDewmsdayxx
Discord is Dewmsdayxx#0476
Got you both.
Invited placid
My Microsoft tag is Dapper DLnosaur. I'm 30, about to be 31. I haven't ever been able to actually finish a build, but if I join this realm I would likely try to focus on building some kind of megastore, as it's something I've never set out to do before.
Ill get you added in just a minute dapper.