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Gamer tag:F133Y17
discord F1ZZY16#5247
Both added
Fir3Fox 33
GT: bebifang
Would be a pleasure joining ya'll.
Got you both added.
Looking for community build ideas. Still trying to keep things fresh for everyone.
Sent you friend request but no answer.
Bebi i added you but haven't saw you log in yet. Let me know if not interested and ill remove.
Lil Spaldo
Just to remind this is an 18+ bedrock realm. If interested send me your info.
(in my 40s so over 18)
Will get you added when i get home gavin.
Got you invited gavin
Tapped on letter icon for invite and it disappeared. No realm is in the realm list either. Can u send agaiin?
I saw you online so assume you got it working?
Still looking for long term 18+ players.
AC Dark#4536
Got you added
invite me
invite me
Gamer tag:F133Y17
discord F1ZZY16#5247
Both added
Fir3Fox 33
GT: bebifang
Would be a pleasure joining ya'll.
Got you both added.
Looking for community build ideas. Still trying to keep things fresh for everyone.
Sent you friend request but no answer.
Bebi i added you but haven't saw you log in yet. Let me know if not interested and ill remove.
Lil Spaldo
Just to remind this is an 18+ bedrock realm. If interested send me your info.
(in my 40s so over 18)
Will get you added when i get home gavin.
Got you invited gavin
Tapped on letter icon for invite and it disappeared. No realm is in the realm list either. Can u send agaiin?
I saw you online so assume you got it working?
Still looking for long term 18+ players.
AC Dark#4536
Got you added