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Have you logged in yet calf? Havent saw you yet?
discord: Caderk29 #6761
Caderk i invited and sent discord invite.
Still accepting adult players. We have a very nice spawn town and plan this as a long term world.
Age: 23
GT: iSweekTTV
Discord: iSweek#0001
NylonNeonLeon is my gamertag, and NylonNeonLeon#2125 is my discord!
My gamertag is LuvLavTTV
My Discord is LuvLavTTV#4079
Still looking for a few more players to replace older players that arent very active now.
burnt orphan778
discord is juicebox#3145
Posted my GT and Discord above about a week ago..
Age: 23 unless I’m too old lolol
Got both you added. And request sent on dc
I didn’t recognize the discord name so I declined it but now that I know it’s you if you want to add me again
Think i got you reinvited.
Hi I’m 18, getting back into Minecraft after ~1 year break. Used to be really into building and wasn’t that good, but definitely want to learn and get better. I really hope I can join.
PSN: kohaku_river2
Minecraft ID: FiftiethRoom567
Discord: BeefStu302#6727
Thank you!
Added you on dc will add to game in a few
Still accepting a few more adult players.
Very nice active group going right now. Have room for a few more.
my gamertag- Spderman12403
Cant find you spderman...salty i got you invited.
Have you logged in yet calf? Havent saw you yet?
discord: Caderk29 #6761
Caderk i invited and sent discord invite.
Still accepting adult players. We have a very nice spawn town and plan this as a long term world.
Age: 23
GT: iSweekTTV
Discord: iSweek#0001
NylonNeonLeon is my gamertag, and NylonNeonLeon#2125 is my discord!
My gamertag is LuvLavTTV
My Discord is LuvLavTTV#4079
Still looking for a few more players to replace older players that arent very active now.
burnt orphan778
discord is juicebox#3145
Posted my GT and Discord above about a week ago..
GT: iSweekTTV
Discord: iSweek#0001
Age: 23 unless I’m too old lolol
Got both you added. And request sent on dc
I didn’t recognize the discord name so I declined it but now that I know it’s you if you want to add me again
Think i got you reinvited.
Hi I’m 18, getting back into Minecraft after ~1 year break. Used to be really into building and wasn’t that good, but definitely want to learn and get better. I really hope I can join.
PSN: kohaku_river2
Minecraft ID: FiftiethRoom567
Discord: BeefStu302#6727
Thank you!
Added you on dc will add to game in a few
Still accepting a few more adult players.
Very nice active group going right now. Have room for a few more.
my gamertag- Spderman12403
Cant find you spderman...salty i got you invited.